Astounding! It's the GamesRadar UK Podcast Question Box

Welcome to the GamesRadar UK Podcast Question Box, our bi-weekly regular receptacle for all of your ponderances and musings. If you have a question or a comment or an observation or a declaration of love/hate to direct at any or all members of the GRUK team, this is the place do to it. We will then answer/respond to as many of them as possible on next week's GamesRadar UK Podcast.

Here's a picture of the GRUK Podcast Question Box™. It's exciting, but will become even more exciting once it's full of your stuff:

What should you ask? Feel free to ask anything you want that's game-related (or even completely not game-related if you fancy). Potential hot topics of discussion for you to consider: news and announcements from this year's Gamescom, whether a fat plumber is better than a fast hedgehog, new releases like Sleeping Dogs and Darksiders II and 3DS XL... ask us about any of that stuff.

So yes. Questions. Put yours in our box via the comments below. Then feel free to peruse our treasury of previous aural delights by way of our archive of ye olde past GamesRadar UK podcasts. They're old, but by God, are they sexy. And don't forget there's an all-new podcast from the US brethren in the shape of RadioRadar to check out as well. Ears have never had it so good.