Call of Duty 4: Fresh footage

Thursday 21 June 2007
If you were wondering, the new Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare footage has nothing at all to do with WWII. It takes you through avery intense minuteon a modern-looking battlefield - and we do mean battlefield. It's clear that there is more than the typical "you and your squad vs the entire evil army" gameplay.

Instead of just your squad pushing the battle forward, there is a feeling of combat happening all around, soldiers fighting off in the distance, commands being yelled back and forth and even a helicopter gets shot down overhead, crashing into the water.

Although the video is packed full of fancy looking gameplay, the moment that really got our adrenalin pumping comes after a soldier tells everyone to turn on nightvision and the gun sights become visible, bright green lasers. The player runs into a building and peers out the window to a whole new section of the battlefield, and you see literally dozens of lasers scouring the landscape. Pretty.

Instead of just your squad pushing the battle forward, there is a feeling of combat happening all around, soldiers fighting off in the distance, commands being yelled back and forth and even a helicopter gets shot down overhead, crashing into the water.

Although the video is packed full of fancy looking gameplay, the moment that really got our adrenalin pumping comes after a soldier tells everyone to turn on nightvision and the gun sights become visible, bright green lasers. The player runs into a building and peers out the window to a whole new section of the battlefield, and you see literally dozens of lasers scouring the landscape. Pretty.