Centipede 3D Cheats

Centipede 3D Cheats

  • PC | Submitted by GamesRadar

    Cheat mode

    Type one of the following codes during game play and press [Enter] to activate the corresponding cheat function.
    Effect Code
    Toggle God mode wimp
    Unlimited lives getalife
    Level skip goto
    Toggle flight mode fly
    Create a nearby Centipede pede
    Automatic movement and firing until player assumes control robot
    Normal game speed normal
    Slightly slower game speed slow
    Slower game speed sloww
    Very slow game speed slowww
    Extremely slow game speed slowwww
    Return to Windows dload
    Display diagnostic codes on screen diags
    Screen modes showz
    Toggle collision boxes around objects boxes
    Toggle time codes times
    Clear caches clearc
    Generate report files report
    Purge message purge
    Unknown dumpcoords
    Unknown happytrails
    Unknown spots