Download of the Week: Space Invaders: Infinity Gene on PSN at 50% off

Thought you were sick of all these raved-up retro remakes? Think Geometry Wars has a lot to answer for? Already played Space Invaders Extreme, Taito's previous remake? Well none of that matters. Space Invaders: Infinity Gene is still going to kick you up the arse so hard that you'll be choking on your own pelvis two minutes after you start playing it. And right now it's going for 50% off on the EU PSN. You have no excuses.

Where Space Invaders Extreme was a prettied-up version of the original game with a few new scoring features, weapons, and some meaty-beaty tunes, Infinity Gene is Space Invaders finally taking back the genre it invented and evolving it in every direction at the same time. It's Space Invaders by way of Rez by way of Star Fox by way of Ikaruga by way of Tempest by way of Wipeout. It changes its looks, sounds, rules, perspective and gameplay style like some kind of schizophrenic old raver on a final, death-or-glory speed binge, but unlike said burnt-out old crusty, Space Invaders: Infinity Gene has years-worth of brand new life, vitality and vibrancy in it.

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The Orange Box| Steam| %26pound;14:99/$19:99
Wondering what all the Portal 2 fuss is about? Well get the first one, along with the entire Half-Life 2 saga and Team Fortress 2 for the price of a cheap t-shirt. If you miss out on this, you are a disgrace.

The Fancy Pants Adventures|XBLA/PSN |800 MSP/%26pound;7:99/$9:99
New this week, the XBLA/PSN version of the classic line-drawn, physics-drivenFlashplatformers is a storming blend of N, Sonic and Mirror's Edge. New levels and new multiplayer make it well worth a look.

April22nd, 2011