GamesRadar guides: Black Ops Intel and cheats, Assassin's Creed Brotherhood guides

December isn’t just physically cold, its game release schedule is pretty chilly as well. With the major studios having squeezed out most of their collective 2010 load, we’re left with only a few choice corn nuggets to remove from the brown. It’s a good thing October and November we’re so packed to the brim with good stuff that you can spend the rest of the year burning through the pile of early holiday presents you got yourself. So enjoy even more guides for Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood, Call of Duty: Black Ops and Fallout: New Vegas. I've linked to each game's cheats and hints page as well, where you can find a plethora of user generated help like FAQs, Easter eggs and much more.

Call of Duty: Black Ops

So I’ve developed a great strategy that involves randomly chucking grenades around in the Nuketown map, choosing the Hardline perk and spamming the RC-XD killstreak every 5 seconds. I also make sure to spec dual wielded Mac-10s with rapid fire so that I spit out 4 million bullets every .003 seconds and have to constantly reload. I’m not very good at Black Ops. If you’d like some useful information, I recommend you check out our Black Ops intel location guide and the cheatspage for Black Ops, featuring all our hints, tips and user FAQS.

Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood

Even elite Assassin’s involved in global Illuminati conspiracies need help every now and then, and while CheatPlanet can’t help you figure out Assassin’s Creed’s increasingly labyrinthian plot, we can help you find out of the way baubles and trinkets:

Brotherhood treasure maps guide

Brotherhood treasure maps guide

Flags and Feathers guide

Brotherhood clusters and 2012 artifacts guide

Sons of Romulus Lairs Guide

Assassin’s Creed: Brotherhood cheats hints and FAQS

Fallout: New Vegas

Just because you live in a horrible desolate wasteland doesn’t mean you can’t have a little fun. So team up with your mutated friends and cold, unfeeling robot companions and raise a little heck as you desperately struggle to survive.

New Vegas Character Build guide

Fallout: New Vegas snowglobe guide

Fallout: New Vegas Companion guide

Fallout: New Vegas Cheats Hints and FAQS

As usual, we’ve got more on the way for next week, including a Halo: Reach maps guide for the new Noble map pack and some more Call of Duty: Black Ops multiplayer hints and guides, so make sure to check back then. Have a good weekend!

Dec 3, 2010

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