Hearts of Iron Cheats

Hearts of Iron Cheats

  • PC | Submitted by greg

    More Event Numbers

    Use with event code above
    1000 - Sabotage Research
    1001 - Random leader loyalty down 4
    1002 - 200 more supply resources
    1003 - plus 100 Manpower
    1006 - IC plus 6
    1007 - plus 30 Manpower
    1008 - Dissent plus 3 Supply -350
    1009 - Dissent -3
    1010 - IC -1
    1014 - Choose Dissent plus 1 or -1
    1015 - Choose Dissent plus 1 or -1 but a politician dies
    1020 - Land fort -1
    1030 - Cost fort -1
    1040 - Steal technology
    1050 - Commander assassinated
    1060 - Commander defect
    1080 - Commander executed
    1090 - Dissent plus 5
    1100 - Minister dies
    1110 - War entry plus 5
    1140 - Four ministers die, Dissent -10
    2000 - War entry for France plus 10 and for UK plus 5
    2100 - Choose join Germany or Germany annexes Austria or Dissent -40
    2200 - Choose join Axis or Dissent -25 or trigger event
    2300 - Join the Axis, Dissent -30
    2400 - Germany Claims Memmel event
    2500 - Dissent -5 -> Facism 20
    2600 - Choose claim some provinces or the Russian/German pact
    2700 - War against Soviets and Soviets claims terretory
    2800 - Vichy France event (you lose a lot of leaders if not playing as France)
    3100 - Spanish Civil War
    3200 - Finnish Winter War event. Choose give in to Russian demands or declare war on Soviets
    3300 - Sweden intervention in the Finnish Winter War
    3400 - Spanish Civil War intervention
    3500 - Italy Claiming Albania event
    3600 - Invite Poland to enter alliance with the allies
    3700 - Lend Lease Act
    3800 - US oil embargo oil -10000
    3900 - Give Iceland and Greenland to the US
    4000 - Japan get bases in Vichy
    4100 - Dissent -30
    4500 - Put Pressure On Siam event
    5000 - Oil from Romania (Oil plus 1500)

  • PC | Submitted by greg

    Free and One Day Built Units Hack

    Ok this is not exactly a cheat but a hack instead. But with this hack u can have free units of any kind and it only takes one day to build. U start by going into the hearts of Iron main game file then u go to the file named "db" then u go into the file called units. In there is a list of every unit in the game. In every file of the units is the stats of them. But the only stats u can change are cost, build time, and manpower.
    If u try to change any of the others it will cause your game to crash and be unplayable.
    And there u have it. U can build as many units u want without waiting course u still will need supplies.

  • PC | Submitted by greg

    Various Cheats

    During gameplay press F12 to bring up the console then enter a code below:
    rubber - Get rubber
    coal - Get coal
    steel - Get steel
    manpower - More men
    oil - Get oil
    supplies - 500 supplies
    escorts - more escorts
    nuke - 1 nuke
    war - everyone wants war
    nowar - AI doesn't want war
    di - Diplomatic influence set to 500
    nolimit - troop building limits gone
    norevolts - AI revolt toggle
    nofog - Fog of war toggle
    handsoff - Auto event pause toggle
    difrules - Invincibility toggle
    fullcontrol - control all nations toggle
    showid - province ID toggle
    event 1013 - More industrial capacity
    transports - More transports
    event 1150 - your goverment is replaced
    event 1016 - use to change your politics (axis/comintern/allies)
    event 1017 - use to change your politics (axis/comintern/allies)
    event 1018 - use to change your politics (axis/comintern/allies)
    event 1005 - your dissent will decrease by 5
    event 1120 - your country wants war
    event 1011 - steal science from other nation
    event 1110 - increase war support by 5
    event 1004 - +100 manpower
    event 1012 - auto develops a tech.
    event 2024 - truce with Russia(discontent agree= -50% disagree= +15%)
    event 2011 - you get Czechoslovakia (before Germany have take it)
    event 2001 - you get Austria (before Germany take it)