Medal of Honor: Frontline Cheats

Medal of Honor: Frontline Cheats

  • PS2 | Submitted by GamesRadar

    Various Codes

    In the passwords option, type in the code HABRDASHR. This will make enemies have weird heads.
    Unlock FMV's
    At the Enigma machine type these in

    Level Cheats
    ORANGUTAN = unlocks Mission 2 of 6 (A Storm in the Port)
    CHIMP = Unlocks mission 4 of 6
    BABOON = unlocks Mission 3 of 6 (Neddle in a Haystack)
    LEMUR = unlocks Mission 5 of 6 (Rolling Thunder)
    GORILLA = unlocks Mission 6 of 6 (The Horten's Nest)
    Note: Type the names into the enigma machine to make the codes work.

  • PS2 | Submitted by Shiatsu

    Achilles Head Mode

    To unlock the bonus type GLASSJAW in the Enigma Machine. This effect allows head shots only to kill the enemy.

  • PS2 | Submitted by Shiatsu

    Snipe with Any Weapon

    Type LONGSHOT in the Enigma Machine, to activate the cheat which enables you to snipe zoom with most weapons.

  • PS2 | Submitted by Shiatsu

    Rubber Grenades

    At the Enigma machine type BOING

  • PS2 | Submitted by GamesRadar

    Silver Bullet Mode (One Shot Kills)

    From the main menu, go to options, then go to passwords. Type in WHATYOUGET. Green lights will flash if you did it right. Exit passwords, then go to bonus and turn on silver bullet. Enable or disable the code with the 'bonus' option under the Enigma machine

  • PS2 | Submitted by GamesRadar

    Get Invincibility

    After pausing the game press Square, L1, Circle, R1, Triangle, L2, Select, R2

  • PS2 | Submitted by GamesRadar

    Get Unlimited Ammo

    After pausing the game press Circle, L2, Square, L1, Select, R2, Triangle, Select

  • PS2 | Submitted by GamesRadar

    Skip Mission and Get Gold

    From the main menu, go to options, then go to passwords. Type in MONKEY. Enable or disable the code with the 'bonus' option under the Enigma machine

  • PS2 | Submitted by CLouditto

    Super Nazi

    Type in URTHEMAN at the password screen to get super strong nazis

  • PS2 | Submitted by Fresco 30

    Invisible Enemies

    Type WHERERU on the enigma machine then go to bonus and turn on the code that says Invisible Enemies.

  • PS2 | Submitted by GamesRadar

    Finish Previous Mission with Gold Star

    At the Enigma machine type TIMEWARP

  • PS2 | Submitted by Laguna

    Photon Rockets

    At the Enigma type TPMOHTON. The lights will flash green to confirm correct entry.

  • PS2 | Submitted by GamesRadar

    Unlock Everything

    Enter DAWOIKS into the password type writer to unlock all cheats, all levels, all extra movies and have gold medal on all levels

  • Xbox | Submitted by GamesRadar

    Finish Previous Mission With Gold Star &

    Go to the Enigma machine and put in Salmon for a code. A green light will signal correct entry. Now go to Bonus under the Enigma machine to toggle cheat on/off. Keep entering Salmon over and over to unlock the next level and so on.

  • GameCube | Submitted by Jacob .D.

    Enigma Machine Codes

    The enigma machine in the option's menu

    BALLOWAX: all bonuses and medals
    SUPERSHOT: all guns zoom
    BOUNCE: bouncy gernade
    REFLECTOR: bullets dont cause damage
    MADHATTER: enemies wear hats
    HEADSUP: enemies can only be killed by headshots
    HIDENSEEK: invisible enemies
    SEAGULL: skip to the next level
    BIG BOOMER: MOHton torpedo
    FLAWLESS: one shot deaths
    SILVERSHOT: one shot kills
    EAGLE: unlock level 2 mission 1
    HAWK: unlock level 3 mission 1
    PARROT: unlock level 4 mission 1
    DOVE: unlock level 5 mission 1
    TOUCAN: unlock level 6 mission 1

  • GameCube | Submitted by Jacob

    Shield From Enemy Fire

    Pause the game

    Pause the game and press B, B, R, L, Y, X.

  • GameCube | Submitted by Jacob .D.


    pause the game

    Pause the game and press B, L, B, R, Y, L, X, DOWN.

  • Xbox | Submitted by GamesRadar

    Get Paintball FMV

    Go to the Enigma machine and put in Cotobreath for a code. A green light will signal correct entry. Now go to Bonus under the Enigma machine to toggle cheat on/off

  • Xbox | Submitted by GamesRadar

    Get Bullet Shield

    Go to the Enigma machine and put in Nohitsforyou for a code. A green light will signal correct entry. Now go to Bonus under the Enigma machine to toggle cheat on/off

  • Xbox | Submitted by GamesRadar

    Get Rolling Thunder Mission 5

    Go to the Enigma machine and put in Trout for a code. A green light will signal correct entry. Now go to Bonus under the Enigma machine to toggle cheat on/off

  • Xbox | Submitted by GamesRadar

    Get Needle in a Haystack Mission 3

    Go to the Enigma machine and put in Sturgeon for a code. A green light will signal correct entry. Now go to Bonus under the Enigma machine to toggle cheat on/off

  • Xbox | Submitted by GamesRadar

    Get Sniper Mode for All Weapons

    Go to the Enigma machine and put in Longview for a code. A green light will signal correct entry.

  • Xbox | Submitted by GamesRadar

    Get Animation Reel

    Go to the Enigma machine and put in Flipbook for a code. A green light will signal correct entry. Now go to Bonus under the Enigma machine to toggle cheat on/off

  • Xbox | Submitted by GamesRadar

    Get Several Bridges Too far Mission 4

    Go to the Enigma machine and put in Pike for a code. A green light will signal correct entry. Now go to Bonus under the Enigma machine to toggle cheat on/off

  • Xbox | Submitted by GamesRadar

    Get A Storm in the Port Mission 2

    Go to the Enigma machine and put in Bass for a code. A green light will signal correct entry. Now go to Bonus under the Enigma machine to toggle cheat on/off

  • Xbox | Submitted by GamesRadar

    Be Invincible

    To get invincibility simply got to the game you are playing, pause it and press X, L, B, R, Back, Y, X (R and L are toggle buttons on top of controller) also game should unpause by itself if typed in correctly

  • Xbox | Submitted by GamesRadar

    Use Any Code

    Go to the Enigma machine and put in Enchilada for a code. A green light will signal correct entry. Now go to Bonus under the Enigma machine to toggle any cheat on/off

  • PS2 | Submitted by GamesRadar

    Bullet Shield

    In the passwords menu, type in the code BULLETZAP and you will have a bullet shield. NOTE: this will not protect you from explosions or punches. It only protects you from bullets.

  • Xbox | Submitted by GamesRadar

    Get Horten's Nest Mission 6

    Go to the Enigma machine and put in CATFISH for a code. A green light will signal correct entry. Now go to Bonus under the Enigma machine to toggle cheat on/off

Medal of Honor: Frontline Hints

  • PS2 | Submitted by poop

    Breaking Boxes without Bullets

    Go to a box that's not stacked. Push B and you will hit the box with your gun, breaking it. Some boxes may have bullets or healing items in them.

  • GameCube | Submitted by poop

    Breaking Boxes without Bullets

    Go to a box that's not stacked. Push B and you will hit the box with your gun, breaking it. Some boxes may have bullets or healing items in them.

  • GameCube | Submitted by GamesRadar

    Gold Medal Hint

    To get a gold medal at the end of a level have 75% or more health and kill 95% or more of the enemy.

  • GameCube, PS2, Xbox | Submitted by insomniak

    Gold Medal on "A Chance Meeting"

    When you go down the outdoor hallway to the train at the beginning of the level - it's easier if you kill most of the enemies before you do this - go around the train and next to the last train car (the one with the machine gun on it). There will be a lever. Pull it, and the train car will move up the tracks so that you can jump onto it. When you man the machine gun, a lot of enemies will come out. Kill all of them, then kill all of the other enemies (while still keeping your health above 75%). Now you will get the gold medal.

  • PS2, Xbox | Submitted by COYOTE

    Last Mission (Without Cheating)

    If you're stuck on that wierd guy who's name is unpronounceable, use the cool sniper rifle you get against those people that you kill in the beginning. If you can't shoot well with that gun just use the BAR. So that means you have to save your bazooka ammo for this guy, not his wimpy disciples around him.

  • PS2, Xbox | Submitted by Jessy Rodgers

    Defeat Tanks

    To the defeat a tank, first kill all of the Germans around it. Move to the tank, back up two or three steps, and lightly throw a grenade. Then run like crazy away from it.

  • PS2, Xbox | Submitted by Joshua Aviet

    Get a Machine Gun on Mission 5 Lvl 2

    Go forward until you see a white road. Go right, then run and whack the German. Go up the ladder and whack the first German you see with your gun (note: there will be around four Germans in the bunker). Then pick up his gun, and you should have a machine gun.

  • PS2, Xbox | Submitted by Steve Boechler

    Bridge Trick

    Go to the bridge level. When you get to the bridge, climb it, then get to one of the guys. Touch him and he will jump down, then you climb down the ladder. Look next to the burnt truck below and you will see that he is laying on a board. Then keep shooting him in the head to get your head shots up a whole lot.

  • GameCube | Submitted by COYOTE

    Last Mission (Without Cheating)

    Go forward until you see a white road. Go right, then run and whack the German. Go up the ladder and whack the first German you see with your gun (note: there will be around four Germans in the bunker). Then pick up his gun, and you should have a machine gun.

  • Xbox | Submitted by GamesRadar

    Gold Medal Hint

    To get gold at the end of a level have 75% or more health and kill 95% or more of the enemy.

  • PS2 | Submitted by GamesRadar

    How to End Operation Market Place

    Once you have the can of kerosene you must go to the end of the level after completing all tasks. You will see an old lady and a gate that sort of looks like a castle. On the right there is a windmill. To create the distraction and end the level, go behind the wind mill. There will be a haystack. Walk up to the haystack and when you see text on the top of the screen, press the action button (square) and the haystack will ignite. Then walk in front of the gate with your favorite weapon and when it opens go melee on all Nazis. When they are all dead the level will be completed. Happy gaming!!!

  • GameCube, Xbox | Submitted by GamesRadar

    How to End Operation Marketplace

    Once you have the can of kerosene you must go to the end of the level after completing all tasks. You will see an old lady and a gate that sort of looks like a castle. On the right there is a windmill. To create the distraction and end the level, go behind the wind mill. There will be a haystack. Walk up to the haystack and when you see text on the top of the screen, press the action button (square) and the haystack will ignite. Then walk in front of the gate with your favorite weapon and when it opens go melee on all Nazis. When they are all dead the level will be completed. Happy gaming!!!

  • GameCube, PS2, Xbox | Submitted by sam duffield

    Exploding Bridge

    On the mission Operation Repunzel, when you come to a room with a bridge in the middle and lots of Nazi flags, there is a bloke standing at a microphone. Shoot the flag behind him with the shotgun and he shoots the bridge.

  • GameCube, PS2, Xbox | Submitted by DarkLordSigma

    Get Thompson SMG on First Level

    On the first level, after the cinematic sequence (where your boat gets blown up and you get tossed into the water), run all the way to the left of the beach (where there is a barbed wire fence). Walk around the water's edge here to find a Thompson Submachine Gun with 100 rounds. Hold onto this weapon for the next part of the level where you must infiltrate the machine gun nest; it's very devastating at close range.

  • Xbox | Submitted by GamesRadar

    Medals Awarded

    D-Day mission: Army Distinguished Service Medal.
    Storm In The Port mission: Army Commendation Medal
    Needle In A Haystack mission: Soldiers Medal
    Several Bridges Too Far mission: Dutch WWII Commemorative Cross
    Rolling Thunder mission: Legion of Merit - Complete
    The Horten's Nest mission: Distinguished Service Flying Cross

  • GameCube | Submitted by Jessy Rodgers

    Defeat Tanks

    To the defeat a tank, first kill all of the Germans around it. Move to the tank, back up two or three steps, and lightly throw a grenade. Then run like crazy away from it.

  • GameCube | Submitted by Joshua Aviet

    Get a Machine Gun on Mission 5 Lvl 2

    Go forward until you see a white road. Go right, then run and whack the German. Go up the ladder and whack the first German you see with your gun (note: there will be around four Germans in the bunker). Then pick up his gun, and you should have a machine gun.

  • GameCube | Submitted by Steve Boechler

    Bridge Trick

    Go to the bridge level. When you get to the bridge, climb it, then get to one of the guys. Touch him and he will jump down, then you climb down the ladder. Look next to the burnt truck below and you will see that he is laying on a board. Then keep shooting him in the head to get your head shots up a whole lot.

  • GameCube | Submitted by GamesRadar

    Gold Medal Hints

    To get a gold medal at the end of a level have 75% or more health and kill 95% or more of the enemy.

  • GameCube | Submitted by poop

    Breaking Boxes without Using Bullets

    Go to a box that's not stacked. Push B and you will hit the box with your gun, breaking it. Some boxes may have bullets or healing items in them.

  • GameCube | Submitted by GamesRadar

    Understand the Germans

    Turn on subtitles in the options menu to translate the German's speech.

  • GameCube | Submitted by GamesRadar

    Medals Awarded

    Finish game with gold in every mission: EA LA Medal of Valor
    D-Day Mission: Army Distinguished Service Medal
    Storm in the Port Mission: Army Commendation Medal
    Needle in a Haystack Mission: Soldier's Medal
    Several Bridges Too Far Mission: Dutch WWII Commemorative Cross
    Rolling Thunder Mission: Legion of Merit - Complete
    The Horten's Next Mission: Distinguished Service Flying Cross

  • Xbox | Submitted by Idontknow-justkidding.

    Funny Nazis and Other Strategies

    *Ok, just shoot those pigs on the foot and they will jump up'n down. Then get real close and club'em!!
    *Does aiming the MGun bother you? Just look for the tracers - it's kinda hard to find, I know, and it's only really good at medium to long ranges.
    *Maps may seem huge - but not large enough to keep you away from re-tracing your steps(expept on D-Day Storming the Breech- I only got as far as level 2.3!), so use this to your huge advantage in level 2.1. Use the left over medicines on the parts before the Panzer on the bridge part.

  • PS2 | Submitted by GamesRadar

    Automatic Gold Star

    In this game there are many classic weapons to use. For this cheat to work you must have the sniper rifle and the cheat for unlimited life and ammo also found on this page. If you have these, go around the level using aim (r2), shooting all enemies in the head. At the end of the level it will tell you how you did. Where it says: torso, head, left arm, left leg, etc. you must have all head shots and it will count a lot toward most of your score (gold star, bronze star, etc.). If you did this and have all head shots 80% of the time you will have a gold star

  • PS2 | Submitted by Mason

    Operation Repunzel: Suicidal Nazi

    There is a Nazi soldier practicing a speech in a hall where you find the map behind the painting. Instead of going around on the top, go downstairs and run up to him. He will automatically fall back and die without a single shot. The only downside is that you cannot get a gold star for this mission if this is done.

  • Xbox | Submitted by GamesRadar

    Understand Germans

    Turn on subtitles in the options menu to translate the German's

  • Xbox | Submitted by Michael Karlov

    D-Day Gold Medal Hint

    In the 2nd part of mission D-Day (into the breach) u might think that there is no way to get the "GOLD" medal! But actually it is quite easy.
    When u clear the machine gun place in the beginning don't go up! Simply take the gun and shoot all the guys u see!
    After complete the mission and in the end you'll see written "Medal Awarded!"
    P.S The medal will be the "Army Distinguished Medal"

  • PS2 | Submitted by Mason


    Enter the options menu and turn on the subtitles. This will allow you to know what the Germans are saying.

Medal of Honor: Frontline Glitches

  • GameCube, PS2, Xbox | Submitted by Mason

    Suicidal Nazi

    There is a Nazi soldier practicing a speech in a hall where you find the map behind the painting. Instead of going around on the top, go downstairs and run up to him. He will automatically fall back and die without a single shot. The only downside is that you cannot get a gold star for this mission if this is done.

  • Xbox | Submitted by copey

    Free Walking

    In the Bridge level, when you are about to finish, when you have to kill the guys in the aircraft gun bunker

    Once you are inside, go up to the floor under the gun floor. There is a place where you can see out. Put your back to it and shoot your silenced pistol at the stairs while moving backwards. You should now be outside of the bunker and "You may now roam around the country". Well not really, but you still get to walk freely. The way to get back on the real part is: go over to the road block on the side closest to the water. You might have to work it a little bit in order to get back on.

  • GameCube | Submitted by Jaocb

    Re-appearing Panzerschreck Squad

    In the third combat zone of Arnhem Knights, after clearing the area of enemies, walk around the mounted machine gun, up against the wall. If you are in the correct place, when you turn around the area will be repopulated with enemies, as though you had never entered.

Medal of Honor: Frontline Easter Eggs

  • GameCube, Xbox | Submitted by Isaac

    On Track: UFO

    When you get outside to Sturmgeist's train, look up and to the right. You will see a UFO flying in the air. If you look closely, it has the Nazi symbol, and colors on it.

  • PS2 | Submitted by Isaac

    On Track: UFO

    When you get outside to Sturmgeist's train, look up and to the right. You will see a UFO flying in the air. If you look closely, it has the Nazi symbol and colors on it.

  • PS2, Xbox | Submitted by GamesRadar

    Secret in the Golden Lion

    When you get to the Golden Lion in Needle in a Haystack tip the piano player but don't go upstairs. Go behind the bar wall where the bartender stands, then go to the door thatthe guards stand next to, then press sqaure. The guard will tap dance and the guy who shouts out 'drink over here' will go bananas.

  • GameCube | Submitted by GamesRadar

    Secret in the Golden Lion

    When you get the Golden Lion in Needle in a Haystack, tip the piano player but don't go upstairs. Go behind the bar walls where the bartender stands, then go to the door that the gaurds stand next to, then press square. The gaurd will tap dance and the guy who shouts out 'drink over here' will go bananas.

Medal of Honor: Frontline Unlockables

  • PS2, Xbox | Submitted by Mason

    Secret Medal

    Successfully complete the game with a Gold Star in every mission to receive the EA LA Medal of Valor.

  • GameCube | Submitted by Anonymous

    New Things

    Beat the game four times and get a new person and new levels.

  • GameCube | Submitted by Jaocb

    EA LA Medal of Valor

    Complete the game with a gold medal in every mission to obtain the EA LA Medal of Valor.

  • PS2 | Submitted by GamesRadar

    All Weapons

    You have to beat the game twice. If you beat it four times you can get a new person and new weapons and new levels. You can get the car by beating the game seven times without dying. Go to load settings if you saved it. It will give you every code in the game.