New Katamari games coming?

A trio of trademark applications have appeared in Japan rekindling hope that the Katamari series may make a return. For last month developer Namco Bandai registered three new names: Beautiful Katamari Damacy, Katamari Damacy Tres Bien and Katamari Damacy-kun.

And while our hopes have been raised again, the names can't be taken as proof of the existence of new games because applications can also cover potential TV shows, movies, fluffy dolls, sweets and just about anything else.

Above: If the Prince of Space doesn't make you smile, check your pulse because you might turn out to be a zombie.

As for other evidence of the series returning, well that looks pretty scarce, too. Recently the games' creator threatened to stop working on games, Namco itself said the series was over and each time we visit the oldofficial Katamari websitewe still see the Prince of Space waving his goodbye, and it still brings a glistening salty tear to our collective eyes.

But hope lives eternal and as soon as our continued digging brings up any more news, we'll make sure you are the first to know.

November 10, 2006