Poy Poy 2 Cheats

Poy Poy 2 Cheats

  • PS1 | Submitted by Koh.L.H,HEAT

    Park stage survival tips

    There is a huge stone in the middle of park stage which can be transform into dinosaur.If the stone transform into a t-rex or a flying dinosaur, simply just hold down x,to make character will bend down and the t-rex or the flying dinosaur will not be able to hurt you.

  • PS1 | Submitted by Omar

    Survive From the Sand

    you want to survive from the quicksand just do the following. If you fell inthe quicksand or if someone threw you down keep tapping L1+L2+R1+R2 and you will jump out of the quicksand unless if it's to late.

  • PS1 | Submitted by Koh.L.H,HEAT

    To play as Sanpey

    Complete poy poy cup and beat the last king.If you defeat the last king, Sanpey will be unlock and you will get a new glove kown as "Emperor".