Rocky Balboa on PSP

Make sure you remember the words to "Eye of the Tiger," because Ubisoft has announced a new Rocky Balboa game to be released shortly after the upcoming movie with the same name (release date: December 22nd).

The PSP game's story will be based on the plot of Rocky Balboa (2006). Our hero, the once widely loved boxer, is now retired and his beloved Adrian has passed away. His only son has become too busy for him, so Rocky is now walking down the lonely road of a "has been." When a computer simulation declares him the winner in a match against the current champ, Mason "The Line" Dixon, Balboa decides to enter the ring one last time.

With a PSP you'll be able to fight right along side the champ in his new movie. Just remember not to bring your little screen with you to the big screen - we're pretty sure they'll kick you out of the theater for that.

December 13, 2006