Rocky Mountain Trophy Hunter Cheats

Rocky Mountain Trophy Hunter Cheats

  • PC | Submitted by GamesRadar

    Cheat Codes

    *Enter codes at the main menu screen.
    BGBULLWINKLE: grants only moose.
    BGELKABONG: grants only elk.
    BGHORNS: grants only sheep.
    BGNOAH: doubles the number of animals.
    BGSTEROIDS: grants maximum sized animals.
    BGYOGI: grants only bear.
    Enter codes at the map view screen.
    BGSHOW: shows all animals in map view.
    BGTRACK: instantly transports hunter to chosen location.
    BGURINE: attracts animals to hunter.
    BGVAMPIRE: shows blood trails in map view.
    *Enter codes at the hunt view screen.
    BGBARBEQUE: grants rocket launcher.
    BGSNIPER: toggles weapon wobble.
    BGWEATHER: toggles weather effects.
    BGPREDATOR : Infared Vision