Street Fighter IV producer struggling to get DLC approved for consoles

Street Fighter IV producer Yoshinori Ono recently revealed plants to propose that the extra arcade fighters for the arcade version of Super Street Fighter IV be brought over to consoles as DLC. Unfortunately, it seems that Capcom isn’t ready to introduce the two new arcade characters, Yun and Yang, to the Xbox 360 and PS3 versions of the game.

“I couldn’t get approval from [upper level staff], but I’ll continue [the] proposal!’ said Ono via Twitter. “I got approval from my boss, Keiji Inafune, but I can’t [get] it from [upper level staff].”

Yun and Yang first appeared in Street Fighter III. The twin fighters are playable characters in the arcade version of Super Street Fighter IV. But for now, it seems that that their migration to the console versions of the game has been put on hold.

Oct 11, 2010


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