Knitting ninja Hannah Simpson, who created all of these woollen wonders:
"The start of my knitting madness.
"This is my 'desert island film' in that if I were stranded on a desert island, i could recite the whole thing like a radio play, including sound effects, music and credits."

Han Solo
"Other girls might want to marry Han, but I want to be him.
"I also want to marry him.
"I'm not sure what that says about me and, come to think of it, I don't care. Just remember kids - Han shot first."

Dr Logan & Bub
"The original is a classic. Sometimes I put the soundtrack on and leave the front door open while I'm doing the washing up, just for thrills.
"The best part of the so-called remake is when Ving Rhames eats his own eyes, I know exactly how he felt."

"Ash stood half finished on my mantelpiece for the best part of a year while I worked out the logistics of knitting a tiny chainsaw.
"4000 attempts later, he was finished. When I sold him, I cried all the way to the Post Office."

Freddy Krueger
"I had a hard time trying to make Freddy Krueger look menacing.
"Then I realised it was never going to happen because Freddy Krueger is a funny idiot and to misrepresent this would be a smirch on my artistic integrity. So, voila!"

"I'm not the Hellboy fan, my boyfriend is.
"After I made this, Mike Mignola's wife emailed me and asked me to make one for their collection.
"In return, he sent a Hellboy sketch which I look at every day and think, 'Did that actually happen?'".

The Joker
"My favourite film character of 2008.
"If I ever go insane I will be sure to do it properly, like this guy."

Michael Myers
"You just don't get murderers like Michael Myers any more.
"He never runs, just marches briskly at a determined pace.
"This film has every cliche in the book, but that's OK, because the book was based on this film."

"The first horror film I watched since I was a kid that actually scared me.
"Likewise, the first knitted figure I made that was truly creepy.
"She fell off the shelf one night and for a second I thought she was crawling towards me.
"I sold her shortly afterwards."

Ed, Shaun & Liz
"When I heard they were making this film, I sat outside the Odeon for 18 months so I could be first in.
"Then I watched it 200 times in a row."
"Well, no. But I was excited and I do love it."
"If I ever meet Simon Pegg I will give him a big kiss on the lips, wife or no wife."
See more of Hannah's knitted figures on her blog page here .
You can also visit her shop and give her money.