15 Films To See This Bank Holiday Weekend
Make the most of the last long weekend till Christmas

The Dark Knight Rises
Five weeks after its release, The Dark Knight Rises is still the best film in cinemas. Watch it on the biggest screen you can.

The Imposter
A beautifully crafted documentary that wrong foots the audience at every turn. By the end, you won't know what to believe.

Moonrise Kingdom
Whimsical Wes Anderson returns on top of his game, with the loveliest film you're likely to see this weekend.

Mark Wahlberg and his filthy, funny, furry friend are still raking it in at the box office. Not one to take the kids to.

The Muppets
Jason Segal and his funny, furry friends are still playing on the big screen despite already being out on DVD. One to take the kids to.

Take This Waltz
Michelle Williams and Seth Rogen play a couple on the rocks in Sarah Polley's Blue Valentine -esque second feature.

Searching For Sugar Man
Another mysterious documentary, this one about a long-forgotten Detroit singer-songwriter who's rock-star famous in South Africa.

The Amazing Spider-Man
The second best superhero movie out at the moment isn’t perfect, but its wins outweigh its wobbles.

Magic Mike
Who doesn't want to see Matthew McConaughey as a bongo-playing male stripper?

Shadow Dancer
Political thriller from Man On Wire director James Marsh, starring the ever-reliable Andrea Riseborough.

Ridley Scott's sci-fi blockbuster is still hanging around. Catch it on the big screen while you can.

The Bourne Legacy
Jeremy Renner capably inherits Matt Damon’s mantle as another secret agent who finds himself at odds with his shadowy superiors.

The Dictator
Crude, gut-busting gags come aplenty, with a sprinkling of satire, as Sacha Baron Cohen delivers his latest outrageous character.

Pixar’s 13th feature might fall short, but it's still head and hair-covered shoulders above most of its CG competitors.

Horror fans in the London area are spoilt for for choice this weekend as FrightFest takes up residence at the Empire Leicester Square. Highlights of the programme include Total Film's sponsored film Berberian Sound Studio and the Total Film Icon on-stage interview with Dario Argento .
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