Transformers Graffiti Art
Brilliantly chunky versions of Optimus Prime and Bumblebee take on Starscream and Megatron on an alley wall in Denver, Colorado.

"Wanna see a magic trick?"
Note that the artist is using a teeny Travel Etch-A-Sketch - which makes this Joker pic even more impressive. The best we've ever managed is a gurning smiley face and a little house with smoke coming out of the chimney.

Not A Toy
One in an ongoing series of mini Star Wars scenarios cooked up by Scottish art and photo lady Waihey. This one features Lego figures as baby Stormtroopers, and is therefore the best.

Twinkle Twinkle, Little Bat
At first glance, a smart piece of Dark Knight promo art. On closer inspection, a beautifully framed and skilfully captured photograph of an actual bat flying over the Botanical Gardens in Sydney.

Clean Bill
Uma Thurman-inspired Kill Bill pose created, as the caption of Argentinian photographer Eduardo Morcillo explains, "Because somebody has to clean all that blood from the floor."

Spidey Spun
Spidey photographed relaxing in Taiwan's capital Taipei during a promotion for Spider-Man 3 in 2007. We've checked - and the Flickr account isn't registered to a Mr. P. Parker.

Comic-Book (Photo)Shop
Smart use of lighting and computer trickery transform digital artist Aaron Nace into Frank Miller’s loveably indestructible Sin City lug Marv.

"Thank you. Come again!"
In the 2007 build-up to the release of The Simpsons Movie, selected 7-11 shops across the US were given a three-fingered yellow makeover and rebranded as Kwik-E-Marts. That’s good Squishee!

Mrs Wallace
This woman's son painstakingly recreated Mia Wallace and Vince Vega’s burger-and-shake Pulp Fiction flirting, then described his mum as looking "mean and ugly". We disagree.

The Real Blade Runner
Aside from a flying car and a clutch of oxygen masks, not much separates this shot of Tokyo’s blaring neon from Ridley Scott's rain-streaked future Los Angeles.

Worshipping False Idols
Great art (and by ‘great art’ we mean ‘throwaway test of your new camera’s Macro feature’) never comes without a sacrifice. In this case, the sacrifice was C-3P0, decapitated in order to double as the golden idol recovered at the start of Raiders Of The Lost Ark.

"Play with us..."
Aside from substituting his paints for the souls of innocents mixed with the tears of lost children, it’s difficult to see how artist Pieter Dirkx could have made his portrait of the twins from The Shining any creepier.

"Viddy well, brother!"
When he’s not painting scary pictures of The Shining, Pieter Dirkx holidays to cult film locations and takes pictures of them with matching angles. You’ve gotta have a hobby, right?

Chipper Cakes
No character actors were hurt during the making of this sweet-treat. The ironic thing about this amazing Fargo-inspired wood-chipper confection is that it’s comprised entirely of vegan ingredients.

"I'm not even supposed to be here today!"
The Quick Stop location of Kevin Smith’s smartmouthed indie debut Clerks has become a mini-Mecca for hipster cineastes visiting New Jersey. Smith was working dayshifts in the shop during filming and, with zero budget for sets, it appears on film exactly as in real life.

God's Lonely Fan
A tourist snap of stencilled Taxi Driver graffiti in Taiwan. Similar silhouettes of Travis Bickle show up all over the net, but the scene-riffing colours and dotted design flourish mark this out from the crowd.

"She's dead! Wrapped in plastic!"
The haunting Lynchian image of murdered prom queen Laura Palmer recreated with a Blythe doll. A logical choice, given that Twin Peaks’ cast of shoes-and-bobby-socks ingénues bears a chilling resemblance to the super-kitsch failed fashion figurines.

His Town...
The view made famous by Woody Allen’s Manhattan: the Queensboro Bridge stretching out over the East River from Sutton Place on the Upper East Side. Note the slanting handrail – most other snappers look for the now-gone bench and take their pics from the wrong place, but this is the genuine article.

Ben's Temptation
Elegant recreation of the poster-image seduction scene from The Graduate. Not pictured: the insane reasoning behind Benjamin’s decision to ditch his gorgeous older lover Mrs Robinson for the bland and pouty Elaine.

Montoya Magic
A cute tribute to one of the most quoted lines in recent cinema. It may be a riff on an already-established Princess Bride fan t-shirt, and if you’ve never heard of Inigo Montoya it means nothing, but just check those cheekbones!

Edward Wolverine-Hands
Arty snapper HaSH recreates his subject as Jackman's jagged mutant. Either that, or it's just a shot of his mate who actually has magic spikes growing out of his fists.
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Flickr.com Sources:
Transformers Graffiti Art
Joker Etch-A-Sketch
Lego Stormtroopers
Sydney Zoo Batman Bat
Kill Bill Brush
Spidey in Taiwan
Sin City Photoshop
Mrs Wallace
The Real Blade Runner
C-3PO Decapitated
Clockwork Orange Underpass
Shining Girls
Fargo Cake
Clerks Quick-Stop
Taxi Driver Stencil
Laura Palmer Doll
Manhattan Bridge-View
Graduate Seduction
Princess Bride
Wolverine Hands