25 Useful Super-Powers


You know you’ve got it when: You go all see-through, obviously.

Made famous by: Sue Storm ( Fantastic Four ), Sebastian Caine ( Hollow Man ), Violet Parr ( The Incredibles ), Harry Potter

How would you use your power? Handy if you wanted to spy on your boss, or perhaps prank the school bully without them knowing (Harry Potter style). Or you could simply become hide-and-seek world champion.

Disadvantages: Invisibility’s all very well but if you’re not quiet and agile as well, don’t bother. Plus if you practise it too much, you might just get stuck that way permanently.

Verdict: Fun, but the novelty would soon wear off and you might end up giving someone a heart attack when you re-appear.

Superhuman Strength

You know you’ve got it when: You can pick up a car or play catch with a television.

Made famous by: Superman, Mr Incredible, Thor, Wolverine/ Colossus/ Juggernaut/ Sabretooth ( X-Men ), Bane ( Batman ), Hancock.

How would you use your power?
There'd be no need to call the AA if your car breaks down, you could help your neighbours move house (or just move their house), and the fear of being mugged would be a thing of the past.

Disadvantages: Don’t lose your temper: You-break-it-you-buy-it! Plus people will be nagging you to come round and help shift furniture all the time.

Verdict: You’re an all-round handy man.


You know you’ve got it when: The ground is further away than it used to be.

Made famous by: Storm ( X-Men ), G-Girl ( My Super-Ex Girlfriend ), Hancock, Blade, Superman and Supergirl.

How would you use your power?
Traffic jams will be a thing of the past for you. You can help save someone’s life or get a cat out of a tree. Just think of the money you’d save on plane tickets!

Disadvantages: Make sure you check the flight path before travel – you don’t want to cause an air accident. Plus if you suffer from a fear of heights or travel sickness, then this might not be the superpower for you.

Verdict: The commute would be a lot more fun (but you might need to employ your own personal air traffic controller).


You know you’ve got it when: You take copying someone’s look to the extreme.

Made famous by: Mystique ( X-Men )

How would you use your power ? It'd be pretty cool to spend the day in someone else's shoes, just to see what it’s like and how they roll. It’s also a great way to spy or get a secret out of someone.

Disadvantages: It’s not the most honest of powers, and identity theft could land you in prison. Plus you have to keep up the pretence at all times, especially when you’re surrounded by people you’re supposed to know. Make sure you do your homework.

Verdict: Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery, but you need to know your limits.

Super Speed

You know you’ve got it when: You can run a mile in seconds.

Made famous by: Superman, Dash Parr ( The Incredibles ), vampires ( Twilight )

How would you use your power? Scoring that bucket list place in the Guinness Book of World Records! Getting all your chores done and dusted in the blink of an eye! Never missing that train again!

Disadvantages: It’s well known that if you want to do something right you should take your time. Plus running at such speed creates a serious risk of accidents, and your gob's likely to become a bug trap.

Verdict: Take a leaf out of Clark Kent’s book and become a journalist or a writer. Stick to speed-writing, it’s safer.

Super Senses

You know you’ve got it when: You hear someone at the door before the dog does.

Made famous by: Spiderman, Daredevil, Superman, Catwoman.

How would you use your power? Stronger senses, better balance: you could take up acrobatics or join Cirque du Soleil. You could chuck your glasses straight in the bin, too.

Disadvantages: Getting enough sleep would be a concern, what with your highly-attuned senses picking up all the creeks and bangs in your house. And let's not even think about rambunctious neighbours...

Verdict: You’ll become more alert, observant and vigilant, but you’d probably trade it all in for a good night's kip.

Telepathy/ Mind Control

You know you’ve got it when: You're the only one who responds to someone thinking out loud (literally).

Made famous by: Professor Xavier/ Jean Grey ( X-Men ), Jedis, Edward Cullen ( Twilight ).

How would you use your power? The possibilities are frankly endless. Probably the most useful when you want someone to forget something embarrassing you did or shift attention away from the fact that it's your turn to pay for the drinks down the pub.

Disadvantages: There’s the moral dilemma that comes with raiding someone's private thoughts, and you could hear something you really didn't want to. Plus, we'd imagine it might give you awful migraines.

Verdict: The kind of power that should only be used under controlled conditions. An off-switch would be nice too...


You know you’ve got it when: Passing the salt is a lot less effort.

Made famous by: Jean Grey ( X-Men ), Sylar ( Heroes ), Dr Manhattan ( Watchmen ), Carrie, Matilda.

How would you use your power? You’re snuggled very comfortably into the sofa, but the remote is at the other end of the room. A little brain activity and the object you desire flies smoothly through the air and into your hands. You don’t have to move a muscle.

Disadvantages: Obesity is likely to be a common side effect.

Verdict: Really cool power, but make sure you go to the gym and eat healthily. Nobody likes a slob.


You know you’ve got it when: When you think of Egypt and suddenly you're on top of a pyramid.

Made famous by: Doctor Manhattan ( Watchmen ), Nightcrawler ( X-Men 2 ), Hiro Nakamura ( Heroes ), David Rice ( Jumper )

How would you use your power? You can go anywhere you want: stand on Lady Liberty’s torch, sit on top of the Eiffel tower, or watch the sunset from the Grand Canyon. If you’re feeling cheeky, you could teleport in and out of nightclubs, cinemas and gigs without paying.

Disadvantages: Cover your tracks, the government are going to be extremely keen to tap your ability.

Verdict: All the culture/richness of the world is at your fingertips, but try not to steal too much. Nobody likes a thief.

Power Absorbtion

You know you’ve got it when: Hanging around with the X-Men is like being a kid in a candy store.

Made famous by:
Rogue/ Mystique ( X-Men ), Peter Petrelli ( Heroes )

How would you use your power? In the pursuit of having lots of fun. You can have any skill you want and when you get bored just let go and try someone else. The world of superpowers is your oyster.

Disadvantages: You're always borrowing powers from other people, so you'd need to have some pretty powerful friends.

Verdict: You could live a pretty varied super-life if you moved in the right crowds. You're basically a parasite though.

Regenerative Power

You know you’ve got it when: Plasters? What are plasters?

Made famous by: Wolverine/ Sabretooth ( X-Men ), Claire Bennet ( Heroes ), Deadpool

How would you use your power? A future in extreme sports beckons.

Disadvantage: You still feel pain, so don't go getting too carried away.

Verdict: Use with caution, although it would be nice to live life with a permanent safety barrier.

Super-Stretching Abilities

You know you’ve got it when: You're basically a human Cheesestring.

Made famous by: Elastigirl ( The Incredibles ), Mr Fantastic ( Fantastic Four ).

How would you use your power? Your stretchy skin could get you out of many a tricky situation: you could adapt your physique into a sailing vessel, a parachute or a humongous catapult. But really, we'd probably mostly use this for laughs.

Disadvantages: You'll probably attract stares and comments in the street. And be careful not to overdo it, lest you end up the wrong size/shape permanently.

Verdict: A pleasingly versatile power, if not the most glamourous.

Hulking Out

You know you’ve got it when: Your moodswings result in the destruction of small cities.

Made famous by: Bruce Banner ( The Hulk ), LXG 's Jekyll.

How would you use your power? You’re a lean, mean fighting machine and you could kick ass anytime you want. Bonus.

Disadvantages: If you lose your temper or have a sudden mood swing over the tiniest little problem, you literally turn into a monster. Not one for those inclined towards stress.

Verdict: It's uncontrollable, unpredictable and highly dangerous. We want.

Hulking Out

You know you’ve got it when: Your moodswings result in the destruction of small cities.

Made famous by: Bruce Banner ( The Hulk ), LXG 's Jekyll.

How would you use your power? You’re a lean, mean fighting machine and you could kick ass anytime you want. Bonus.

Disadvantages: If you lose your temper or have a sudden mood swing over the tiniest little problem, you literally turn into a monster. Not one for those inclined towards stress.

Verdict: It's uncontrollable, unpredictable and highly dangerous. We want.

Object Manipulation

You know you’ve got it when: You can manipulate man-made objects.

Made famous by: Magneto/ Jubilee/ Gambit ( X-Men ).

How would you use your power? Similar to telekinesis really, but the real difference here is the artistry. Imagine the sculptures you could churn out, or the pizzazz with which you could win poker games.

Disadvantages: You're likely to only be able to manipulate a certain kind of object, so compared to telekinesis your power is a little limited.

Verdict: Depends on what you can move. Moving metal like Magneto is very neat; flinging playing cards around could quickly grow boring.

Element manipulation

You know you've got it when: You can manipulate wind, earth, fire, water

Made famous by: The Human Torch ( Fantastic Four ), Storm/ Havok/ Pyro/ Iceman ( X-Men ), Frozone, Jack Jack ( The Incredibles ), Thor, Avatars ( The Last Airbender )

How would you use your power?
Wet bank holiday weekends will become a distant memory, you’ll never need to buy matches, and your can of beer will always be perfectly chilled. Nice.

Disadvantages: The long term environmental impacts have yet to be ascertained.

Verdict: Showstoppingly cool, but make sure you practise beforehand. Oh, and one of those mini fire-extinguishers wouldn't go amiss.

Impenetrable Armour

You know you’ve got it when: You can protect yourself with some blingin' armour.

Made famous by: Colossus/ Emma Frost ( X-Men ), Sandman ( Spider-Man 3 )

How would you use your power? Essentially you are indestructible, able to withstand any pressure, pain or weight thrown at you: you can do whatever you want.

You're not immortal, and so you're still susceptible to pain and fear when in your natural human state. You'd also have to face a long line in diamond puns.

Verdict: The lack of permanence could actually be a bonus, so you could slip in and out of your super-tough armour. Get ready for the 'diamond geezer' jibes though...


You know you’ve got it when: Bullets are little more than a nuisance.

Made famous by: Superman, Supergirl, The Thing ( Fantastic Four ), Wolverine's adamantium-coated skeleton ( X-Men ), Blade

How would you use your power? Technically this makes you immortal as you will never feel pain or be damaged. Bring it!

Disadvantages: Pretty cool gift, but you could end up being very lonely. You’ll be different to other people, so you can never know what it's like to take a risk and feel human.

Verdict: Might make you feel like an outcast, but who cares? Did you not hear that you're indestructible?!

Animal Transformation

You know you’ve got it when: Hairballs are an all-too-real problem.

Made famous by: Dracula, Catwoman, Toad/ Sabretooth ( X-Men ), Sirius Black/ Rita Skeeter/ Peter Petirgrew/ James Potter/ Remus Lupin/ Professor McGonagall ( Harry Potter ), Blade, Jacob Black ( Twilight ), The Wolfman.

How would you use your power: It'd be pretty hard to resist the temptation to turn into cat: sleep most of the day, play with the occasional bit of yarn, just generally chill...

Disadvantages: You may not be in full control of your power (lycanthropes in particular). There's also the danger of getting stuck that way – look at Peter Pettigrew – which could be more than a little infuriating.

Verdict: Fun, but make sure someone knows what you are. Your cat-form could have some difficulty persuading your friends of its identity.

Heat-Ray Vision

You know you’ve got it when: If looks could kill... you'd probably notice quite quickly.

Made famous by: Cyclops ( X-Men ), Superman.

How would you use your power?
As well as the obvious combat capabilities, there's always the option of being able to burn through walls. If you could control your power well enough, you'd have a neat way of lighting cigarettes.

Disadvantages: You could hurt someone you care about, as it's nearly always hormone related. Without the proper precautions this is a dangerous power, and you’d probably need to wear special glasses permanently like Cyclops, so you may end up rocking the Bono look...

Verdict: Dangerous. You’re a walking fire hazard, but you do look damn cool...

X-Ray Vision

You know you’ve got it when: It's not just embarrassing presentations that result in you picturing everyone in their underwear.

Made famous by: Superman

How would you use your power? You could help save a life with this gift. Imagine all the time saved when you know immediately if someone needs medical attention or not. We definitely wouldn't use it to peek under people's clothes, no sir!

Disadvantages: Don't go getting any delusions of grandeur - this doesnt make you a doctor. Plus, make sure you don't stare too hard: this power could bring out the perv in you...

Verdict: It's a moral minefield, but that's a risk we'd be willing to take for this underrated gem.

Natural Physical Mutation

You know you’ve got it when: You start noticing body parts that weren't there before.

Made famous by: Angel/ Angel Salvadore/ Kid Omega/ Beast ( X-Men )

How would you use your power? Each power is unique. Wings would be insanely cool (flight, again), but we could do without webbed feet or Robin Williams-esque body hair.

Disadvantages: How on earth do you find clothes that fit? A seriously good (and understanding) tailor would be essential. Your personal grooming budget would also go through the roof.

Verdict: Expensive, but celebrate your individuality. There's always the circus...


You know you’ve got it when: Doors just seem too mainstream.

Made famous by: Kitty Pryde ( X-Men: The Last Stand )

How would you use your power? Casper is your middle name – you’ll always be able to take the shortest route between two points. Equally you won't have to use the stairs as you can sink through the floor to the room below. Perfect for speedy getaways.

Disadvantages: It'd be hard to find friends who could keep up with you. And a life of crime would look pretty tempting....

Verdict: Suprisingly useful, with limited drawbacks.

Time Bending/ Freezing

You know you’ve got it when: You do everything in your own sweet, physics-defying time.

Made famous by: Hiro Nakamura ( Heroes ), Piper Halliwell ( Charmed ), Neo ( The Matrix )

How could you use your power? The possibilities are close to limitless. You could get things done in super-efficient real-time, impose a nap-break whenever you felt like it, and you'd need never get in trouble again. And you could always, y'know, do something good and save someone's life or whatever.

Disadvantages: When you freeze time, everything stops. So it’s not like you could bunk off work and go to Disneyland for the day – none of the rides would work.

Verdict: This has got to be one of the most tempting ones out there...


You know you’ve got it when: All those zeroes on the end of your bank balance are a bit of a giveaway.

Made famous by: Bruce Wayne, Britt Reid, Tony Stark and Lex Luthor.

How would you use your power?
Ok so it's not technically a superpower, but that doesn't mean you can't buy one. If you want to become a superhero though, having lots of money is the best way to start – who need physical powers when you have the cool car and gadgets…Right Batman?

You still can't buy happiness, and with great wealth comes great responsibility.

Verdict: Being rich is great.


You know you've got it when: It's fairly self-evident when you're a deity.

Made famous by: Thor, God (Bruce Almighty)

How would you use your power? It'd be difficult knowing where to start, the sheer scale of your dimension-crossing power would be pretty overwhelming

Disadvantages: It's a one man job.

Verdict: It's the ultimate super power, but it'd probably be a too much pressure for us. We'd opt for a more instantly-gratifying gift...

So, what super-power would you choose for yourself then? Let us know below!

Jack Shepherd
Freelance Journalist

Jack Shepherd is the former Senior Entertainment Editor of GamesRadar. Jack used to work at The Independent as a general culture writer before specializing in TV and film for the likes of GR+, Total Film, SFX, and others. You can now find Jack working as a freelance journalist and editor.

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