50 Greatest Fight Scenes Of 2013
Pow! Thwack! Oof! SPOILERS!

Carded - Now You See Me
The Fight Scene: Despite the film itself being a letdown, this scene stands out as Dave Franco's magician goes up against Mark Ruffalo.
Weapons of choice? Well Franco's got some magic gizmos that explode in flames when they're flung…
Wince When: Franco starts flinging cards. AGH PAPER CUTS!

Machete Time - Riddick
The Fight Scene: Even though he's chained up, Riddick (Vin Diesel) proves he's a force to be reckoned with when he gets hold of a machete. With his foot. Who needs hands, eh?
Wince When: Riddick kicks the machete through the air and slices his opponent's head clean off. Hello, brain matter…

Zombie Carnage - Warm Bodies
The Fight Scene: While raiding a pharmacy for supplies, Julie (Teresa Palmer) and her boyfriend Perry (Dave Franco) are ambushed by zombies - among them our groaning anti-hero R (Nicholas Hoult).
It gets messy and includes a brilliant version of 'Missing You' by John Waite…
Wince When: Perry shoots R, so R kills him and eats his brains…

Teen Tantrum - What Richard Did
The Fight Scene: Richard (Jack Reynor) gets into a fight with another teenager at a drunken house party, and it all comes to a sickening head in the driveway.
Wince When: The boy Richard fights hits the ground and his head cracks against the ground…

Contain This - Welcome To The Punch
The Fight Scene: It all comes to a head in the titular yard, where Max (James McAvoy) is forced to team up with bad guy Jacob (Mark Strong) to bring down even badder guy Thomas (David Morrissey).
Wince When: Max is beaten to within an inch of his life. This guy really deserves a pay rise…

Queen Down - Epic
The Fight Scene: The ceremony in which Queen Tara (Beyoncé Knowles) has to choose an heir to the throne is ambushed by evil Boggans.
As they storm the lake where the ceremony's taking place, Ronin (Colin Farrell) attempts to whisk the queen to safety.
Wince When: Queen Tara is shot with an arrow and dies. Sadface.

Typing - Populaire
The Fight Scene: Type-writing competition contestant Rose Pamphyle (Déborah François) makes it all the way to the grand finale, where she goes up against the queen of typing.
Cue a feverish type-off that will have you sweating buckets.
Wince When: It all seems to go wrong for Rose. Can she get things back on track?

Park Bench - The Iceman
The Fight Scene: Not a massive stand-off, but a suitably brutal confrontation between 'Iceman' Richard Kuklinski (Michael Shannon) and fellow killer Robert Pronge (Chris Evans).
Talking in the park, Richard's paranoia seems to be getting the better of him when he starts suspecting Robert of harming his family. Which is when Robert reaches into his jacket…
Wince When: Richard whips out a gun and shoots Robert point-blank range in the chest.

Break-Up - Behind The Candelabra
The Fight Scene: Having been seduced into working for Liberace (Michael Douglas), Scott (Matt Damon) has fallen for him hook, line and sinker.
But when the relationship starts to go off the boil, Liberace suggest they start to see other people, which prompts a coked-up Scott to go off the rails.
Wince When: Scott has an epic rant at Liberace…

They're Angry - The Hangover Part III
The Fight Scene: The guys fall prey to crazy chickens that seem to want to eat their brains.
Seriously, what's scarier than man-eating chickens? "What the fuck is wrong with those chickens?" demands Phil (Bradley Cooper). "They're angry, all I feed them is cocaine," explains Leslie (Ken Jeong).
Wince When: Leslie starts firing his gun at the chickens, despite the fact that they're attached to a human.

Shootout - Dead Man Down
The Fight Scene : Victor (Colin Farrell) gets caught up in a gunfight that also involves criminal Alphonse Hoyt (Terrence Howard).
Bullets fly, people die, and it doesn't look good for either of them…
Wince When: Victor gets hit in the stomach.

Flat Fight - Parker
The Fight Scene : Parker (Jason Statham) goes up against hitman Kroll (Daniel Bernhardt) in a Palm Beach apartment.
It's a fight that leaves pretty much nothing in the flat unbroken. Also includes eye-watering knife-through-hand moment.
Wince When: Parker ends up in the shower, wrapped in the shower curtain and fighting for his life.

Row - Filth
The Fight Scene: Bruce (James McAvoy) reaches an all-time low when he has a row with Amanda (Imogen Poots) and comes THIS close to hitting her. Luckily, he manages to stop himself before getting that far.
Wince When: "You sicken me," Amanda spits, digging the proverbial knife in a little deeper.

Fluffy! - Despicable Me 2
The Fight Scene: Gru (voiced by Steve Carell) goes up against El Macho (Benjamin Bratt), who takes a mutagen that transforms him into a ferocious beast.
A giant, purple, fluffy, ferocious beast. Sadly, Gru's out of the antidote, but he DOES have a freeze ray…
Wince When: Gru tazers El Macho with a lipstick gadget…

Love Hurts - Much Ado About Nothing
The Fight Scene: The course of love never did run smooth, and that's certainly true in Joss Whedon's Shakespeare adaptation, in which sparks fly between Beatrice (Amy Acker) and Benedick (Alexis Denisof).
Things reach boiling point when Beatrice demands that Benedick kill Claudio (Fran Kranz) to prove his love for her.
Wince When: The pair's fight takes them up a flight of stairs…

Toxic Dip - The East
The Fight Scene: Izzy (Ellen Page) and the rest of the gang target their latest evil-doer, who just so happens to be Izzy's father, the head of a company that has been dumping toxic waste into a waterway.
Izzy's plan? Force her father to take a swim in the toxic water, thereby condemning him to death.
Wince When: Izzy's father finally admits defeat and douses himself in the water…

Car Fight - The Heat
The Fight Scene: Detective Shannon Mullins (Melissa McCarthy) flies into a rage, beating up a parked police car.
As you do.
Wince When: Mullins just won't stop beating on the car. Poor car.

Escape - Captain Phillips
The Fight Scene: The tension's cranked higher and higher at the mid-point of Paul Greengrass' true-life thriller when the crew of the Maersk Alabama attempt to trade Muse (Barkhad Abdi) for Phillips (Tom Hanks).
But it all goes a bit wrong and guns are fired before Phillips is wrestled into the lifeboat along with the pirates…
Wince When: The lifeboat crashes into the ocean and you're pretty sure Phillips is done for.

Just Axe - This Is The End
The Fight Scene: "I'm not fucking around!"
Armed with an axe, Emma Watson attempts to steal the guys' supplies before making away with them into the night. Mostly because, thanks to a misunderstanding, she thinks they want to rape her…
Wince When: Seth Rogen gets whacked in the face with the butt of the axe. Hermione means business…

Snow Fighting - Deadfall
The Fight Scene: Addison (Eric Bana) finally goes fist-to-fist with Jay (Charlie Hunnam) in the final moments of this chilly thriller.
Locking antlers out in the snow, they beat each other silly before Addison's sister Liza (Olivia Wilde) begs Jay not to shoot Addison…
Wince When: Liza shoots Addison instead. Seeya, bro…

Oh Sandy - Identity Thief
The Fight Scene: "We're gonna have a little chat," says Sandy (Jason Bateman), confronting identity thief Diana (Melissa McCarthy) in her home. "We can do it the hard way, or the easy way."
Needless to say, Diana chooses the hard way (despite what she says) and the pair end up trashing her living room.
Wince When: Sandy flings a toastie maker and Diana winds up chewing carpet.

Toilet Brawl - The World's End
The Fight Scene: Gary (Simon Pegg) is attacked in a pub toilet by a teenager, which leads to one heck of a fast-paced scrap involving Gary and his mates.
Then Gary knocks the teenager's head clean off…
Wince When: The blue stuff starts unexpectedly spraying across the bathroom floor. WHAT ARE THESE THINGS?!

Gunned Down - Spring Breakers
The Fight Scene: Brit (Ashley Benson) and Candy (Vanessa Hudgens) storm the home of gangster Big Arch (wearing only bikinis and balaclavas, naturally).
When Alien (James Franco) is promptly shot and killed, they continue their rampage, gunning down anybody in their path.
Wince When: Alien gets a bullet to the brain.

Cloister Combat - Jack The Giant Slayer
The Fight Scene: It's dawn, which can only mean one thing - the giants are going to come clambering down the beanstalk and attack Cloister. Which they do in true Lord Of The Rings fashion, squishing tiny humans under their giant feet.
Meanwhile, inside Cloister, Jack (Nicholas Hoult) and Isabelle (Eleanor Tomlinson) fight for their lives.
Wince When: Any time somebody gets squished.

Unchained - Django Unchained
The Fight Scene: Captured and defeated, Django (Jamie Foxx) is being carted off to a mine by bounty hunters (among them a cameoing Quentin Tarantino).
When he convinces them to uncuff him, though, Django quickly despatches them in bloody fashion. The bomb bit's the cherry on the cake.
Wince When: Tarantino tries his hand at an Australian accent. It's a miracle the scene survived it…

Mercenary vs Max - Elysium
The Fight Scene: Mercenary Kruger (Sharlto Copley) has been repaired after having his face blown up, and now he's on the rampage, going after a dying Max Da Costa (Matt Damon) on Elysium.
Their final fight takes place just outside Elysium's data centre, and all bets are off…
Wince When: Spider (Wagner Moura) gets caught in the middle of the fight and has a knife shoved through his hand.

In The Arena - Hunger Games: Catching Fire
The Fight Scene: Katniss (Jennifer Lawrence) and her fellow tributes discover that the arena is actually a giant clock, and head to the central cornucopia for a reprieve.
Except they meet other murderous tributes there and are forced to fight as the gamemakers spin the cornucopia to confuse things further still…
Wince When: Katniss clings on for dear life as the cornucopia spins faster and faster, threatening to toss our heroine into the toiling waters…

Prison - Pain & Gain
The Fight Scene: "Saving all God's creatures was my special mission," says convict Paul Doyle (Dwayne Johnson) as he takes down two beefy guys in the prison yard who have been preying on smaller prisoners.
There's no stopping this one.
Wince When: Paul's caught in a headlock, prompting him to seize a rusty weight and bash it into his attacker's skull.

Catfight - Fast & Furious 6
The Fight Scene: Letty (Michelle Rodriguez) tussles with Riley (Gina Carano) in a London underground station.
And when we say 'tussle', we mean fight as dirty as you'd expect any guy to fight - there's head-butting and elbow-throwing galore.
Wince When: Riley gets Letty in an arm lock, then tries to cut off her air supply with her thigh…

Concrete Pain - Only God Forgives
The Fight Scene: Everything goes slow-mo. Julian (Ryan Gosling) loosens his tie. Puts his fists up.
And it's ON as he goes bare-knuckle with Chang (Vithaya Pansringarm), fighting at Julian's boxing spot.
Wince When: Julian. Just. Keeps. Getting. Smacked. In. The. Face.

Uber-Smackdown - Kick-Ass 2
The Fight Scene : The comic-book sequel comes careering to a blow-out of a finale in which Kick-Ass (Aaron Taylor-Johnson) and his comrades lay siege to Motherfucker's (Christopher Mintz-Plasse) lair.
Cue one epic fight scene in which director Jeff Wadlow doesn't pull any punches - and neither do our heroes.
Wince When: Mother Russia (Olga Kurkulina) lays the smackdown on Hit-Girl (Chloe Grace Moretz), and for once it looks like the latter's really in trouble…

Alley Fight - Hummingbird
The Fight Scene: Joseph Smith (Jason Statham) single-handedly tackles two guys in an alleyway, even though he's unarmed.
Kicking one goon in the goolies, he then proceeds to pummel them both with his fists before whipping out a spoon. "Tell me, or I'll kill you with this spoon…"
Wince When: One of the guys gets his arm broken…

Airborne - World War Z
The Fight Scene: Gerry (Brad Pitt) catches a plane to the World Health Organisation, but there's a stowaway zombie on board, which attacks its surrounding passengers. Needless to say, chaos ensues…
Wince When: Gerry hurls a grenade into the amassed zombie horde, which blows them all to smithereens - and puts a massive hole in the side of the plane…

Head Lopping - Byzantium
The Fight Scene: Exotic dancer Clara (Gemma Arterton) is chased through the streets of London by a scary man who, it seems, pretty much wants her dead.
Clara turns things around, though, when she reaches her flat, where she grabs a wire and slices off her attacker's head in one swift movement. Cos she's actually a vampire…
Wince When: The head comes off. That's gotta hurt.

Face-off - Olympus Has Fallen
The Fight Scene: Banning (Gerard Butler) finally comes face-to-face with terrorist Kang (Rick Yune) in the bowels of the White House, where they go fist-to-fist.
Meanwhile, a mortally-wounded President (Aaron Eckhart) watches on…
Wince When: Banning stabs Kang in the head with a knife, just as he promised.

Stand-Off - The Place Beyond The Pines
The Fight Scene: Luke (Ryan Gosling) attempts to rob a bank on his own, but messes up spectacularly and ends up being chased by the cops - which includes Avery (Bradley Cooper).
Trapped in a house, Luke's pursued by Avery, who shoots him, causing Luke to fall from a second-floor window.
Wince When: Luke hits the pavement and makes a bloody splat like no other.

Red Rain - Evil Dead
The Fight Scene: A depossessed Mia (Jane Levy) is the last one standing come the final act of this horror reboot, and now she has to go up against pure evil as embodied by the 'Abomination'.
With blood rain falling, she runs at first before finally turning to confront her demons…
Wince When: Mia buries a chainsaw in the Abomination, sawing it clean in half. Bye-bye demon.

Train Time - The Wolverine
The Fight Scene: Having survived an attack at a funeral, Wolverine (Hugh Jackman) goes up against yet more Yakuza gangsters, who attack him on a bullet train on its way out of Tokyo.
Wince When: Wolverine ends up clinging to the roof of the train, dodging low structures that threaten to knock him off completely.

Barrels - The Hobbit: The Desolation Of Smaug
The Fight Scene: Just about every single one of the film's sprawling cast are involved in a second act skirmish in which all 13 dwarves - plus Bilbo (Martin Freeman) - are being swept along in rapids (riding in Elven barrels) while fending off killer Orcs.
Wince When: Legolas (Orlando Bloom) buries an arrow in one Orc's head…

Robots Vs Monsters - Pacific Rim
The Fight Scene: Two category four Kaijus emerge from the portal in the Pacific Ocean, prompting Jaegers Striker Eureka, Crimson Typhoon and Cherno Alpha to go out to fight them.
When things don't quite go as planned, Raleigh (Charlie Hunnam) and Mako (Rinko Kikuchi) are deployed…
Wince When: Herc (Max Martini) breaks his arm during a skirmish with the Kaiju known as Leatherback.

Spock vs Khan - Star Trek Into Darkness
The Fight Scene : Kirk (Chris Pine) is dead (or so we think) and Khan (Benedict Cumberbatch) is back on Earth, but Spock's (Zachary Quinto) not having any of it.
Beaming down to San Francisco, he confronts Khan on a moving vehicle and eventually brings him down with a little help from Uhura (Zoe Saldana).
Wince When: Spock tries out the Vulcan nerve pinch, which looks like it REALLY hurts.

Bug Hunt - Wreck-It Ralph
The Fight Scene: Ralph (voiced by John C. Reilly) finds himself trapped in videogame Hero Duty and gets swept up into an all-out sci-fi bug hunt.
Wince When: Ralph's gun is eaten by a giant alien bug, which then turns the firearm on Ralph.
Needless to say, he scarpers pretty sharpish.

Showdown - The Last Stand
The Fight Scene: Sheriff Ray Owens (Arnold Schwarzenegger) clears out the centre of his sleepy Arizona town just in time for a massive smackdown with Thomas Burrell (Peter Stormare) and his mercenaries.
It's good to have Arnie back in the driving seat…
Wince When: One of the bad guys blows up in spectacularly gory fashion…

Sledgehammer - You're Next
The Fight Scene: Erin (Sharni Vinson) proves she's no shy, retiring wallflower when a masked psycho busts through a window wielding a sledgehammer.
Instead of screaming and getting bludgeoned to death, though, Erin quickly turns the tables on her would-be attacker.
Wince When: Erin first kicks her attacker in the groin before going to town on his skull with a kitchen implement…

Ninja Knockout - GI Joe: Retaliation
The Fight Scene: In this action sequel's finest bit of thrill-giving, Snake Eyes (Ray Park) and Jinx (Elodie Yung) go up against ninjas in the Himalayas.
As if dodging their blows wasn't deadly enough, they're also attempting to transport an unconscious Storm Shadow in a bag. Tricky…
Wince When: Ninjas plummet to their deaths.

Universe Hopping - Thor: The Dark World
The Fight Scene: Malekith (Christopher Eccleston) has landed his ship in Greenwich, where Thor (Chris Hemsworth), Jane (Natalie Portman) and Darcy (Kat Dennings) fight his soldiers while falling victim to the numerous portals between worlds that have opened up…
Wince When: It doesn't look good for Darcy as she emerges from a portal right into the path of Malekith's soldiers…

Scare Games - Monsters University
The Fight Scene: The Oozma Kappa fraternity - which includes Mike (Billy Crystal) - enter the first competition of the Scare Games, in which they have to race other fraternities while dodging hordes of dangerous urchins that lie in their path.
Wince When: Monsters are skewered by the urchins and have gross allergic reactions…

Iron Men - Iron Man 3
The Fight Scene: The final showdown between Killian (Guy Pearce) and Tony Stark (Robert Downey Jr) at a damaged oil tanker, where Iron Man and Iron Patriot (Don Cheadle) attempt to save the President with a little help from Iron Man's remote-controlled suits.
Wince When: Pepper Potts (Gwyneth Paltrow) plummets from a rig and seems to fall to her death…

Pub Fight - The World's End
The Fight Scene: The film's centrepiece fight scene in the Guy Shepherd pub, where the buddies realise that Oliver (Martin Freeman) has been replaced by a robot, then fight a thrashing mass of the 'bots.
Wince When: Gary just can't seem to get a sip of his pint, instead having to dodge and deal out blows… Frustrating.

Superman Vs Zod - Man Of Steel
The Fight Scene: Superman (Henry Cavill) and Zod (Michael Shannon) engage in the super-scrap to end all super-scraps, smashing their way through Metropolis and raining shards of glass and broken buildings down onto the streets below.
Wince When: Superman finally puts Zod - and us - out of our misery by putting a neck-snapping finishing move on the evil ET.
Josh Winning has worn a lot of hats over the years. Contributing Editor at Total Film, writer for SFX, and senior film writer at the Radio Times. Josh has also penned a novel about mysteries and monsters, is the co-host of a movie podcast, and has a library of pretty phenomenal stories from visiting some of the biggest TV and film sets in the world. He would also like you to know that he "lives for cat videos..." Don't we all, Josh. Don't we all.