50 Greatest Will Ferrell Moments
Ferrell's funniest

Foamy Latte
From: Zoolander (2001)
The Moment: Ferrell's Mugatu is delivered a foamy latte (and it should be understood here that a foamy latte makes him all bloaty and farty).
The Magic: The key moment here is when, once he's spat out his latte, he shares a look with his faithful helper Todd, and they almost talk with their eyes. The back-and-forth flirting with their facial expressions is just a sight to behold.

Caffeine Rage
From: Kicking And Screaming (2005)
The Moment: The wait at the coffee shop is just too much for Phil Weston to take, and he ends up getting barred from the place.
The Magic: After only recently discovering caffeine, the idea of having to queue is just too much. Enraged and shouty, he even tries to justify his anger with a 'frequent drinker' card, only to pull out a video rental card in a moment of utter failure.

New Born Infant Jesus
From: Talladega Nights: The Ballad Of Ricky Bobby (2006)
The Moment: Ricky Bobby and Cal Naughton Jr. have a discussion about how to best remember Jesus Christ.
The Magic: Ferrell and John C. Reilly riff off each other with beautiful aplomb. Ferrell closes it off with the brilliant line, "Dear 8 pounds 6 ounces... new born infant jesus, don't even know a word yet."

Not Even If There's A Fire
From: Step Brothers (2008)
The Moment: On his way to move in with his new stepfather, Brennan Huff asks his mum about the man's credentials.
The Magic: Despite Mary Steenburgen giving Ferrell's Huff a run-down on her new husband's impeccable character, including a doctorate from a top American college, he still refuses to call him dad, not even if there's a fire. This is Ferrell putting his stroppy man-child act to great work up against the fantastic Steenburgen.

My Humps
From: Blades Of Glory (2007)
The Moment: Jimmy MacElroy doesn't understand Chazz Michael Michaels choice of song to skate to, the song in question being 'My Humps' by The Black Eyed Peas
The Magic: Ferrell delivers his lines and sings the song whilst he's having a speed-walk on a treadmill. However, it's his arrogance that really makes this scene stand out, and well as his eager sell of the songs provocative qualities.

Ruining The Dark Knight
Dark Knight Spoilers with Will Ferrell and John C. Reilly - Extended Edition
From: Funny Or Die 's Dark Knight Spoilers with Will Ferrell and John C. Reilly
The Moment: Ferrell and Reilly, while promoting Step Brothers , decide to spoil the end of The Dark Knight .
The Magic: This was released just before Step Brothers opened... which was the weekend after the unstoppable The Dark Knight .
The improvisation between the two of them is great and their laughter is infectious, as are their vocal gymnastics. The madness continues until they suggest is Jack Nicholson returning, breaking character and saying, "Remember me, from the first movie?" Watch it above. Now.

You Know I Don't Speak Spanish
From: Anchorman: The Legend Of Ron Burgundy (2004)
The Moment: Ron Burgundy returns home and has a chat with his faithful dog, Baxter.
The Magic: Will Ferrell's news anchor comes home to speak to his multi-lingual dog (as you do), but it's not even the foreign lingo that's the killer here. That'd be Baxter eating an entire wheel of cheese. Burgundy doesn't even get mad, he's just impressed. Well, we'd like to see Uggie chow that down.

Blow Boat People
Will Ferrell Answers Internet Questions
From: On Funny Or Die , Ferrell answers internet questions.
The Moment: Will Ferrell reads out some tweets sent in to him, but discovers the unfiltered Qs aren't all so favourable.
The Magic: Ferrell starts the video as a normal question/answer session and soon discovers that all of the messages sent him to him are generally about how he sucks... well, you can image what.
All the way through, Ferrell is ever the professional and never loses his temper.

What If It Were Made Of Barbecue Spare Ribs?
From: Saturday Night Live
The Moment: Harry Caray presents his series about space, a highlight being the skit featuring Jeff Goldblum.
The Magic: His head-shaking, slow delivery and crazy questions just get more and more out of control. All the while, the legendary Goldblum just keeps a poker-straight face.
The skit's really onto a winner when Caray asks Goldblum if he would eat the moon if it was made of spare ribs...

Hansel Is So Hot Right Now
From: Zoolander (2001)
The Moment: It happens a few times throughout the film: whenever Mugatu witnesses Owen Wilson's Hansel, he can't help but tell everyone how hot he is.
The Magic: It's really the first moment of brilliance we get to see from Ferrell's Mugatu and it just keeps coming back. It's hard to pin-point why it's so good, but it just is.
The delivery, facial expressions, it's just exactly how you might imagine a top designer to pick out his favourite models (if said designer was played by Will Ferrell, of course).

Two Dragons
From: Starsky And Hutch (2004)
The Moment: Ben Stiller and Owen Wilson's Starsky and Hutch need the help of Big Earl, even if the only way he'll help them involves performing their best dragon impressions.
The Magic: Ferrell, sat there in a hair-net, demands the pair of them to act like dragons. His prison-honed sexual prowess is both scary and a little bit intriguing.
Special credit goes to Stiller and Wilson, who actually deliver two pretty convincing dragons.

I Didn't Want Salmon
From: Step Brothers (2008)
The Moment: Brennan Huff blows his top about the wedding catering when he finds that they put salmon on the menu.
The Magic: Will Ferrell throwing a strop, turning the full man-child persona up to 11... it doesn't get much better than this. The key moment is when Ferrell slams down his plate and walks out, yelling "This wedding is horseshit".

Very Badly Burnt
From: Austin Powers: International Man Of Mystery (1997)
The Moment: Mustafa just won't die when he is thrown into a pit of fire as punishment for his failure to freeze and re-animate Mr Bigglesworth properly.
The Magic: When Dr Evil sends Mustafa to his fiery doom, there's a moment of silence before he pipes up again and yells that he's still alive, but very badly burnt...

From: Elf (2003)
The Moment: When Buddy finds out that Santa is coming to New York City, he just can't hold in his excitement.
The Magic: "SANTA! OH MY GOD! SANTA HERE?! I KNOW HIM! I KNOW HIM!" - You know the scene and don't even pretend you don't. And stop trying to hide that grin.

Shake And Bake
From: Talladega Nights: The Ballad Of Ricky Bobby (2006)
The Moment: Ricky Bobby and Cal Naughton Jr. have their own catchphrase, "shake and bake", but it just doesn't translate well to Sacha Baron Cohen's Jean Girard.
The Magic: Baron Cohen plays it relatively straight as Ferrell's Bobby and John C. Reilly's Cal Naughton Jr. yell "shake and bake" over and over.
It may not have the intimidating, wind-up effect that they're looking for, but they enjoy shouting it all the same, and so do we.

From: The Other Guys (2010)
The Moment: He's on the first case he's been assigned to since the two star detectives died and in a race against time, Allen Gamble slams his foot down on accelerator and yells "America" at the top of his voice.
The Magic: It's Will Ferrell flooring a Prius whilst yelling 'America' at the top of his lungs and then driving over a dead body. It can't not be good.

From: Wedding Crashers (2005)
The Moment: It's a killer cameo as Owen Wilson's John Beckwith finally meets Chazz Reinhold, the man who invented wedding crashing.
The Magic: This is Ferrell on fine form. He plays a man who poses as a legend while still living with his mum, and he has taken wedding crashing to a new depraved low with funeral crashing.
The Hugh Hefner wannabe, complete with silk dressing gown, just blows half the film out of the water with this brief appearance.

This House Is A Prison
From: Step Brothers (2008)
The Moment: It begins with Dale Doback and Brennan Huff having a disagreement over a drumset. What follows is an epic fight through the house and into the garden, which has one shouting "rape" and the other wielding a bicycle.
The Magic: Everything about the fight, the lead-up to it and the fallout is just genius. This is Ferrell and Reilly in their comedy element, yelling and screaming.
The justification of "I honestly thought he was going to rape me" goes down as one of the greatest (read, most shameless) excuses for a fight between two spoilt brats.

Yo No Se
From: Casa De Mi Padre (2012)
The Moment: Armando Alvarez breaks out into a campfire sing-song, called 'Yo No Se' (which translates as 'I don't know').
The Magic: It's the subtitles here that really bring home the bacon. Nothing in the video itself would suggest that it's a comedy song until the subtitles show. "Why does the turtle move so slow?" "I don't know".
Ferrell even breaks out a trumpet solo in the video. it's no jazz flute, but it's close.

From: The Goods: Live Hard, Sell Hard (2009)
The Moment: Falling through the air to his death with only sex toys instead of a parachute, Ferrell appears in another amazing cameo as McDermott, Don Ready's teacher and father figure.
The Magic: The cheapness of the effects only adds to how funny it is, as Ferrell grabs a dildo out of the air to cushion his fall.
Everything about the scene is just too weird/stupid for words, from being dressed as Abraham Lincoln, to freefalling through the air with rubber penises.

You Speak American?
From: Casa De Mi Padre (2012)
The Moment: The moment at the end of the trailer (above), with the able assistance of Nick Offerman, is a sight to behold. Will Ferrell plays Armando Alvarez, in a Mexican-soap-opera-style film. Oh, and the entire film is spoken in Spanish as well.
The Magic: Will Ferrell. Speaking Spanish. In a Spanish soap opera. If you need more reasons, you should probably take a long hard look at yourself.

Desk Pop
From: The Other Guys (2010)
The Moment: Allen Gamble doesn't really fit in with the rest of the office. He'd rather be filing reports than being on the beat. But when the others tell him to shoot his gun at his desk, after some persuading, he does it.
The Magic: Ferrell is reining it in for the most part during The Other Guys , playing the quiet klutz rather than the loud idiot. But shooting his gun at his desk is too exciting for him to miss. Mark Wahlberg's Terry Hoitz isn't best pleased by it though.
And to be fair, who hasn't since dreamed of doing a desk pop to burst the tedium of a boring Tuesday afternoon.

Milk Was A Bad Choice
From: Anchorman: The Legend Of Ron Burgundy (2005)
The Moment: During a sunny day, when Ron Burgundy is down and out, he sees his fellow news team. It doesn't go down well, and he makes a very severe discovery about his choice of beverage.
The Magic: Will Ferrell uttering the words 'Milk was a bad choice' are up there with Neil Armstrong's 'One small step for man speech' in terms of cultural significance. That's how good it is.

Ergo, Concordently, Vis-A-Vis
From: MTV Movie Awards 2003
The Moment: The Architect from The Matrix Reloaded gets the Will Ferrell treatment as he takes Neo down a notch with some well-placed put-downs.
The Magic: Not only is it a great impression of The Architect, it's also an onslaught of funny. Highlights include Ferrell calling Neo, "Captain Sassypants" and explaining what the Matrix is with a whole bunch of nonsense words.
It's almost too close to being the real Architect.

Playground Battle
From: Step Brothers (2008)
The Moment: During the credits, Huff and Doback take revenge on the children who beat them up earlier in the film.
The Magic: It starts with Ferrell and Reilly landing in a school playground in a helicopter, before Reilly spins on a roundabout punching kids and Ferrell uses a child as a human punchbag on a spring rider.
The killer is a John Woo-esque spinning kick, complete with flying doves.

Very Badly Injured
From: Austin Powers: The Spy Who Shagged Me (1999)
The Moment: Mustafa once again just won't die when he falls of a cliff-face, during an interrogation by Powers and Felicity Shagwell.
The Magic: Ferrell brings the same brilliance as in the first film; it's the familiarity of a great gag, done well.

Glass Case Of Emotion
From: Anchorman: The Legend Of Ron Burgundy (2004)
The Moment: When the legendary anchorman, Ron Burgundy, loses his dog Baxter, nothing can stop his tears and screams from flowing.
The Magic: It's another of Ferrell's most quoted lines, and it's deep too. The phone box is the glass case and it's filling up with emotion. Powerful, heart-wrenching and powerful, again.

The Thong Song
From: Saturday Night Live
The Moment: Robert Goulet delivers us his rap compilation album, with such hits as Sisqo's 'The Thong Song' and Notorious B.I.G's 'Big Poppa'.
The Magic: Ferrell's dulcet tones beautifully accentuate the subtle lyrics of 'The Thong Song', as he leans out of a top-down Cadillac.

The Campaign
From: The Campaign (2012) trailer
The Moment: The trailer itself in all its glory, featuring Zach Galifianakis's Marty Huggins going up against Ferrell's Cam Brady for a North Carolina political seat.
The Magic: Most of the trailer is looking to be grade-A gold, but it's not until the final moments that we get a truly gasp inducing belly laugh.
Ferrell and Galifianakis fight over who gets to hold a baby for a photo-op, and as Ferrell goes to punch Galifianakis, he misses and... well, let's say it wouldn't go down too well with Mumsnet .

From: The Other Guys (2010)
The Moment: It's revealed to the audience that, while studying at college, Allen Gamble would schedule paid dates with his (girl)friends and take a percentage. Terry Hoitz claims that's being a pimp, Gamble begs to differ. Who are we to judge?
The Magic: As a montage reveals more and more girls being added to Ferrell's line-up, and he stars to accessorise with gold teeth and a flick-knife, his 'Not a pimp' argument starts to look increasingly hollow.

Where Did You Get A Hand-Grenade?
From: Anchorman: The Legend Of Ron Burgundy (2004)
The Moment: The Channel 4 news team are only going to buy new suits, but when Brick Tamland takes them the wrong way, they come across their rival news teams and commence a blood fest.
The Magic: Ferrell is the lynchpin holding all of the madness together, with the de-brief being the highlight, as Burgundy explains to Brick that he may be wanted for a trident-based murder.

Horse Help
From: Casa De Mi Padre (2012)
The Moment: Armando Alvarez invites the beautiful Sonia to go for a horse ride with him. The first hurdle is getting on the horse though.
The Magic: Genesis Rodriguez goes to get on her horse and it's up to the gentlemanly Ferrell to help her out. The funnyman has a history of great comedic chemistry with his leading ladies (Veronica Corningstone, we're looking at you), and this is no different.
The communications fall through and, after much hesitation, she's left lying face-down on the horse's saddle as Ferrell walks off sheepishly.

The Legend Continues
From: Anchorman 2 (AKA, The Legend Continues ) trailer
The Moment: The teaser trailer was released, and thousands, maybe even millions of jeans were creamed as we got our first taste of the sequel to Anchorman .
The Magic: Just seeing the return of legendary anchorman, Ron Burgundy and his Channel 4 news team is enough, and it looks as though Steve Carell's Brick Tamland is going to be a highlight again.

So Many Activities
From: Step Brothers (2008)
The Moment: Huff and Doback want to make bunk-beds so they have plenty of room to do their activities, but it all goes horribly wrong.
The Magic: It's all about the childishness of the request, and the hyperactivity with which it's carried out: from asking, to building to the inevitable fall-out that occurs when the bunk-beds collapse.

The Confession Machine
From: Funny Or Die 's Good Cop, Baby Cop
The Moment: Pearl is a mean and fearsome cop who doesn't play nice and she always gets her confession. Always.
The Magic: Adam McKay's (director of Anchorman , Step Brothers and long-time collaborator with Will Ferrell) daughter takes on Ferrell and wins. To be fair, we'd crumble under that interrogation.

Help Me Tom Cruise
From: Talladega Nights: The Ballad Of Ricky Bobby (2006)
The Moment: Ricky Bobby thinks he's on fire after an horrendous car crash. He's running around, he's in his underwear, and he's yelling to all of the gods... including Tom Cruise.
The Magic: This contains all of the key Ferrell ingredients: a lack of clothing, uncontrollable yelling, a good deal of nonsense, and, of course, his trusty sidekick John C. Reilly.

Sky Rockets In Flight
From: Anchorman: The Legend Of Ron Burgundy (2004)
The Moment: The Channel 4 news-team don't quite understand the concept of love, and it's up to Ron Burgundy to explain through the medium of song. Specifically, in the form of Afternoon Delight.
The Magic: The way Ferrell slowly breaks into the song and the rest of the team joins in is beautiful, and it ends almost as quickly and smoothly as it begins. Plus, it's just a lovely song in general. See also, Arrested Development .

Job Interviews
From: Step Brothers (2008)
The Moment: Brennan Huff and Dale Doback have both managed to secure a number of job interviews, which they attend together. In tuxedoes.
The Magic: It's probably pretty useful viewing as interview preparation, a handy guide on how not to do things.
The two of them walking in and telling an entire office in slow-mo that they're here to "fuck shit up" is just the greatest.

Dissing Your Dog
From: Saturday Night Live
The Moment: Dissing your dog, Dale Sturtevant teaches you how to train your dog with sarcastic put-downs.
The Magic: From jumping on the furniture to fussy eating habits, Ferrell wins it by keeping a straight face while dishing out doggy advice.

Skate Chase
From: Blades Of Glory (2007)
The Moment: Chazz Michael Michaels manages to escape after being held captive by Stranz Van Waldenberg and what follows is a chase on ice-skates down a frozen river and into a lobby.
The Magic: Ever tried walking on dry land with ice-skates on? Now imagine Wills Ferrell and Arnett doing it. Gold.

You Got A Dart In Your Neck
From: Old School (2003)
The Moment: Frank manages to fire a very strong tranquiliser dart directly into his own neck, wrecking a child's birthday party in the process.
The Magic: The slow-motion sound editing just adds to the funny, as Ferrell starts to get drowsy and refuses to heed a mulleted Seann William Scott's advice, ruining the infant revellers' day.

Bear Fight
From: Semi-Pro (2008)
The Moment: Jackie Moon fights a live bear.
The Magic: It's Will Ferrell fighting a bear. Punching a bear in the face. Coming at it with crazy fists. What more do you want?

Did We Just Become Best Friends?
From: Step Brothers (2008)
The Moment: Up until this moment, Huff and Doback have been at each others throats, fighting. They soon realise they're more alike than they first thought.
The Magic: "Favourite non-pornographic magazine to masturbate to?" " Good Housekeeping ."

What Is Love?
From: Saturday Night Live
The Moment: Will Ferrell, Chris Kattan and Jim Carrey's head-bopping Butabi brothers take to the town to the tune of 'What Is Love' by Haddaway.
The Magic: There's a number of skits featuring Kattan and Ferrell as the Butabi brothers, but this one has the added boost of Carrey. You'll never listen to the track with a straight face again.

Lion Vs Tuna
From: The Other Guys (2010)
The Moment: Terry Hoitz tries to take Allen Gamble down a notch by calling him a tuna and calling himself a lion. Promising he'd swim out and eat the tuna, he doesn't quite predict how the situation would play out...
The Magic: Ferrell's monologue about how, as a tuna, he would be able to defeat a lion is amazing, and a truly frightening thought for the future of evolution. Give this guy his own nature documentary.

We're Going Streaking
From: Old School (2003)
The Moment: Frank the Tank makes a valiant return, as he has too much to drink and goes streaking.
The Magic: Witness Ferrell's incredible transformation from the timid husband to the wild party animal, in a dramatic switch that's akin to a Jekyll and Hyde for our time. Don't say this guy doesn't have range.

I'll Kill You Leonard Nimoy
From: Step Brothers (2008)
The Moment: Both Huff and Doback go sleep-walking and trash the kitchen, throwing cups, drinking dry coffee and generally making a mess.
The Magic: It's hard to pick a favourite moment, with the girly chatter that Reilly and Ferrell have and the wanton home destruction, but it's got to the scene's pay-off line.
As Mary Steenburgen wakes the two of them, Ferrell blurts out an unconscious desire to do harm to a certain Star Trek actor...

More Cowbell
From: Saturday Night Live
The Moment: Christopher Walken's Bruce Dickinson is in the studio with Blue Oyster Cult, recording 'Don't Fear The Reaper'. He has a fever, and the prescription is for more cowbell.
The Magic: The real magic comes from Jimmy Fallon, who just can't stop laughing throughout as Ferrell's stomach-baring drummer continues to argue with the lead singer.

I Love Scotch
From: Anchorman: The Legend Of Ron Burgundy (2004)
The Moment: In the opening scenes, Ron Burgundy is introduced to the audience as being so dapper he makes Frank Sinatra look like a hobo, as he proceeds to warm up for the news.
The Magic: The scene is gold from start to finish, as we get acquainted with one of the funniest characters of recent times. Welcome to the world, Papa Burgundy.

The Landlord
From: Funny Or Die 's The Landlord
The Moment: We get to meet Will Ferrell's landlord, the ruthless child alcoholic, Pearl.
The Magic: Pearl appears here as Ferrell's landlord in the video that kicked off Funny Or Die and at the moment of writing has just over 79 million views. 79 million people is magic enough.