50 Most Insane Movie Party Moments
You can never party too hard...

200 Cigarettes (1999)
The Movie Party: It’s New Years Eve 1981 and Monica (Martha Plimpton) throws a big bash to see in the new year, but only one of her buddies shows up.
The Insane Moment: Devastated that scores of people haven’t turned up, Monica drinks herself into a stupor and passes out. It’s only the next morning amidst the litter of drunken bodies and numerous Polaroids she realises her idol Elvis Costello was there. Gosh darnit.
Why You Shouldn’t Try It: Leaving your party unmanned and susceptible to crashers might not mean Dave Grohl will show up. Most likely a load of year sevens with a crate of Malibu.

10 Things I Hate About You (1999)
The Movie Party: A party for the students of Padua High held by Bogie Lowenstein. Starts out as a chess meet, but soon erupts into a house filled with rampant, drunken teens.
The Insane Moment: The rebellious Kat (Julia Stiles) drinks a gallon of liquor, jumps on a table, busts out some unprecedented dance moves before knocking herself out with a chandelier and boking all over the dreamiest chap in school.
Why You Shouldn't Try It: You might not bounce back as swiftly as Stiles’ does with her charming, vomit-mouthed one liner.

The Ice Storm (1997)
The Movie Party: It’s 1972. It’s winter and there’s an ice storm set to hit. Perfect time for a neighbourhood party for the residents of Connecticut suburb, New Canaan.
The Insane Moment: Ensuring the party goes out with a bang, the sedentary couples prove there’s mayhem amidst the mundane by playing swinger favourite: the car key game.
You know, the one where the men pop their car keys into a bowl and the women pull out a set at random. Then they shag.
Why You Shouldn’t Try It: Your hopes for bagging the dapperest chap at the ball could be dashed when you seductively grab the keys of a beat up Austin Allegra belonging to the saggy octogenarian over the road.

Whos Afraid Of Virginia Woolf? (1966)
The Movie Party: Unhappily married couple, college professor George (Richard Burton) and his alcoholic wife Martha (Elizabeth Taylor) squabble their way through an evening of drinking and sniping with new professor, Nick (George Segal) and his wife Honey (Sandy Dennis.)
The Insane Moment: Martha gets her own back on her husband (well, technically the lawn) by getting carnal with the young professor. While George watches.
Why You Shouldn’t Try It: Unless you fully advertise your gathering as a wife-swapping party, avoid getting beaten senseless by a cuckolded husband by steering clear of drunken women.

13 Going On 30 (2004)
The Movie Party: The 13th birthday of one Jenna Rink, which sadly is ruined by the conniving popular girls who play a horrible practical joke on the poor lass.
The Insane Moment: Jenna makes a wish to be “30, flirty and thriving” then turns into Jennifer Garner.
Why You Shouldn’t Try It: Not everyone can look forward to a future wherein they’ll look like Mrs. Affleck.

Birthday Girl (2001)
The Movie Party: A birthday party for Nadia (Nicole Kidman), recently-purchased Russian mail order bride of John (Ben Chaplin), which is rudely interrupted by a pair of Nad’s guests...
The Insane Moment: When Nadia’s ‘friends’ pile in, take her hostage and force her new hubby to rob the bank he works at.
Why You Shouldn’t Try It: When your new spouse displays signs of having suspicious friendships with utter loons then it’s best to ignore their suggestions. Particularly about theft.

Easy Money (1983)
The Movie Party: A children’s birthday bash, attended by beer-guzzling, pot-smoking child photographer Monty Capuletti (Rodney Dangerfield.)
The Insane Moment: His sidekick puppet, Bobby Bunny, lets slip a few carrots onto the kids table. And by carrots we mean joints. Doobies. Spliffs.
Why You Shouldn’t Try It: You’ll have to fight a tiny person hopped up on E numbers to retrieve them. Not worth it.

Beetlejuice (1988)
The Movie Party: A dinner party held by Delia Deetz (Catherine O’Hara) for potential investors and a pair of art dealers in the hopes of securing an exhibition for her sculptures in New York.
The Insane Moment: The two ghosts haunting the house, Barbara and Adam possess the guests, forcing them to dance and mime to Harry Belafonte’s Banana Boat Song.
Why You Shouldn’t Try It: Not everyone can see the funny side of being treated like a human marionette.

Animal House (1978)
The Movie Party: TOGA! TOGA! TOGA! Yes, it’s a toga party organised by the Deltas, a rag-tag bunch of misfit frat brothers.
The Insane Moment: The frat’s resident Lothario Otter (Tim Matheson) invites the dean’s wife, and the two go at it.
Why You Shouldn’t Try It: Getting kicked out of college for diddlin’ the dean’s wife would be a killer anecdote, but might prove problematic when asked at job interviews why you failed to complete university.

Night Shift (1982)
The Movie Party: Party animal Billy Blaze (Michael Keaton) throws a party for a local fraternity in the hopes of joining, which, is questionable as it’s held in a morgue.
He does even the score by inviting a ton of hookers, though.
The Insane Moment: Morgue attendant Chuck (Henry Winkler), determined to put a stop to the fun seeks to sober up the partiers by showing them the effects of rigor mortis. Yanking open a body drawer, out pop a couple in the throes of passion. In a morgue.
Why You Shouldn’t Do It: Ewwww, making the beast with two backs in a corpse’s bed sorta kills the romance.

Wedding Crashers (2005)
The Movie Party: Serial wedding crashers John (Owen Wilson) and Jeremy (Vince Vaughn) are roped into attending a family dinner party held by the U.S. Secretary of the Treasury William Cleary (Christopher Walken) after infiltrating his daughter’s wedding.
The Insane Moment: Cleary’s daughter, Gloria (Isla Fisher), obsessed with Jeremy and desperate to please, gives him hand relief underneath the dinner table.
Why You Shouldn’t Try It: Trying to maintain a deceptive ruse mid-climax is a tough skill to combat.

Iron Man 2 (2010)
The Movie Party: Tony Stark (Robert Downey Jr) celebrates another year on the planet with a larger-than-life birthday bash at his clifftop mansion.
The Insane Moment: Stark glugs a little too heartily from the bottle, hops into his Iron Man suit, goads War Machine (Don Cheadle) and the two fight it out ’til his living room bursts into flame.
Why You Shouldn’t Try It: Stark’s got the cashola for a rebuild, the rest of us? Eh, not so much.

Uncle Buck (1989)
The Movie Party: With his parents out of town, the birthday party of Miles Russell (Macaulay Culkin) lies solely at the feet of his badass bum uncle, Buck (John Candy) who’s on hand to ensure the clown Miles’s mom hired arrives on time...
The Insane Moment: Buck punches the clown smack in the nose after he casually turns up late, reeking of booze.
Why You Shouldn’t Try It: Can’t think of a reason why NOT to punch a drunk clown, really.

The Switch (2010)
The Movie Party: Tired of waiting for Mr Right to come along, Kassie (Jennifer Aniston) decides to start a family on her own with an insemination party in spite of red flag waving from her best mate Wally (Jason Bateman.)
The Insane Moment: When Wally drunkenly knocks over the sperm donor’s cup of swimmers and instead of ‘fessing up... refills it with his own.
Why You Shouldn’t Try It: Man oh man, where to begin...

Bachelorette (2012)
The Movie Party: The night before her wedding Becky (Rebel Wilson) and her closest gals, Regan (Kirsten Dunst), Katie (Isla Fisher) and Gena (Lizzy Caplan) celebrate her upcoming nuptials by having a quiet night in her hotel suite.
The Insane Moment: Moments after a horrendous incident with a male stripper, the three sidekicks snort a septum-eroding amount of coke giving Katie a gushing nosebleed down the front of Becky’s torn wedding dress. Yeah, she was wearing that at the time.
Why You Shouldn’t Try It: Reserve this classy example of friendship if assisting said friend in making a Carrie-inspired Halloween costume.

Bridesmaids (2010)
The Movie Party: Bride-to-be Lilian (Maya Rudolph) and desperate bestie Helen (Rose Byrne) hold one of the most glamourous bridal shower parties known to man.
The Insane Moment: Gutted over Helen taking her place by Lilian’s side, Annie (Kristen Wiig) undergoes a meltdown.
In a rabid frenzy, she destroys the party, tearing apart a gigantic heart-shaped cookie, emptying the chocolate fountain by hand, all the while screaming about her personal woes.
Why You Shouldn’t Try It: People say the quickest way to ruin a friendship is sex. They’re wrong, this is.

Party Monster (2003)
The Movie Party: The New York city Club Kids heady hootenanny of drink, drugs and designer togs takes to the streets. Well, to the back of a lorry in a car park.
The Insane Moment: Christina Superstar (Marilyn Manson) tripping her knockers off behind the wheel, moves the lorry about a centimetre through a helium-giggled struggle to operate the clutch in 6 inch wedges.
Why You Shouldn’t Try It: No one will pay attention when you offer to be the designated driver again.

Old School (2003)
The Movie Party: Old college pals Mitch (Luke Wilson), Frank (Will Ferrell) and Bernard (Vince Vaughn) throw a frat-style party dubbed “Mitch-a-palooza.” Attracting a glut of college kids, the buddies revert back to their glory days, in particular Frank’s “Frank The Tank” persona...
The Insane Moment: Failing to rouse enthusiasm for a mass streak, Frank charges on anyway, taking to the streets in his birthday suit right until his wife, out for a drive recognises his distinctive buttocks.
Why You Shouldn’t Try It: Frank was lucky that his spouse came along when she did. Be warned, tackle to the wind is also referred to as indecent exposure.

The Sixth Sense (1999)
The Movie Party: Pint-sized ghost whisperer Cole Sear (Haley Joel Osment) attends the birthday party of school bully Tommy Tommisimo.
The Insane Moment: A cruel prank turns into a violent hallucination for Cole when Tommy and his cohorts lock him in the cellar. Attacked by an evil spirit, his anguished cries for help are utterly terrifying.
Why You Shouldn’t Try It: You’ll be the one left holding a mop and bucket to clean up the pee.

Ted (2012)
The Movie Party: Foul-mouthed teddy bear, Ted (Seth MacFarlane) hosts a down-n-dirty house party, successfully luring his best buddy John (Mark Wahlberg) over with the promise of babes, booze and Flash Gordon himself, Sam Jones.
The Insane Moment: Out of his tree on coke, Ted replicates the infamous knife-between-the-fingers scene from Aliens with far less grace than Bishop.
He slams the knife into the back of the guy’s hand.
Why You Shouldn’t Try It: Ted himself says it all: “Well, you never should have trusted me. I'm on drugs.”

The Perfect Host (2010)
The Movie Party: A dinner party held for the acquaintances of high society chappie Warwick Wilson (David Hyde Pierce). Low-life thief John (Clayne Crawford) gains entry into his home by pretending to be a friend of one of Warwick’s party guests.
The Insane Moment: John wakes tied to a chair after being drugged by Warwick while the party is in full swing... only to discover that none of the guests are real and his host is absolutely off his rocker.
Why You Shouldn’t Try It: Probably not the safest thing to drug a home intruder, they tend to get a bit testy. Better off calling the police and letting them handle it.

Die Hard (1988)
The Movie Party: A Christmas party held by the Nakatomi corporation at their headquarters. Twelve armed terrorists led by Hans Gruber (Alan Rickman) storm the place, holding the partygoers hostage.
The Insane Moment: Luckily, off-duty cop John McClane (Bruce Willis) is on hand to alert the police of the chaos inside. By throwing the dead body of one of Gruber’s henchmen onto a cop car from 30 storeys high. Welcome to the party, pal.
Why You Shouldn’t Do It: A quick 999 call ought to do it.

The Birds (1963)
The Movie Party: Youngster Cathy Brenner (Veronica Cartwright)’s birthday party, replete with balloons, blindfolds and err...birds.
The Insane Moment: An entire fleet of mental seagulls hell bent on human flesh betwixt their beaks descend upon the party.
Why You Shouldn’t Try It: A couple of swans at a wedding, yes. This? Not unless you want a gaggle of gull-pecked kiddies on your hands.

A Nightmare On Elm Street 2: Freddys Revenge (1985)
The Movie Party: Lisa (Kim Myers), whose boyfriend is currently going through a psychotic break, decides to throw a good old fashioned pool party. How thoughtful.
The Insane Moment: Freddy, that most inconsiderate of party crashers, proceeds to slice his way through Lisa’s friends before setting the pool on fire and lobbing some poor lad through a barbecue.
Why You Shouldn’t Try It: Lobbing folks onto the barbie is not going to win you any popularity contests.

Weird Science (1985)
The Movie Party: Computer-generated babe Lisa (Kelly LeBrock) hosts the bash for Gary (Anthony Michael Hall) and Wyatt (Ilan Mitchell-Smith) to raise their reputation from that of unpopular dweeboids to cool cats.
The Insane Moment: Trying to impress school jocks Ian and Max, the boys pledge to rustle up another smokin’ Lisa for them. Unfortunately, the wires are snaffled up to a copy of Time magazine with a ballistic missile on the cover. Which then springs from beneath the foundations, busting through the houselike Japanese knotweed.
Why You Shouldn’t Try It: It’s probably best sticking to concocting vile drinks than creating warheads.

21 And Over (2013)
The Movie Party: That most rite of all passages: the 21st birthday celebration. Over the course of an evening, Jeff Chang (Justin Chon) and his two buddies, Casey (Skylar Astin) and Miller (Miles Teller), hit the bars and get messier than kids at a chocolate fountain.
The Insane Moment: Out of his mind on a skullful of the devil’s sauce, Jeff climbs atop a bar, drops his trews and pees over the patrons.
Why You Shouldn’t Try It: Most bartenders aren’t keen for you to urinate on their customers. Similarly, most people in general don’t like being peed on by strangers. Avoid, or, expect to wake up in hospital with broken phalanges.

The House On Haunted Hill (1999)
The Movie Party: Wealthy amusement park owner Steven Price (Geoffrey Rush) hosts a birthday party for his wife Evelyn (Famke Janssen.)
Five strangers turn up, with no sign of any of the invited guests, but what the hell, Price welcomes them in with the promise of $1 million dollars if they can survive the night...
The Insane Moment: When the guests realise they are one-by-one being hideously butchered by ghosts. Price certainly didn’t put that on the invite.
Why You Shouldn’t Try It: Murder mystery parties are still all the rage, however, they don’t often feature actual murders.

Superbad (2007)
The Movie Party: High schoolers Seth (Jonah Hill) and Evan (Michael Cera), while attempting to get a ride to popular gal Jules’ party, wind up at their driver’s party with a distinctly more adult flavour. And drug dealers.
The Insane Moment: Finally hoping to have scored, Seth grinds his way around the dancefloor with a bona fide hottie, only to realise... her crimson tide all over his pant leg.
Why You Shouldn't Try It: Granted, if you’re out at Halloween then you could get away with it. Other than that it’s straight home with the Persil.

Spring Breakers (2012)
The Movie Party: The traditional notch in every young American’s road to adulthood. Getting ratted for a week on spring break is a trifle difficile for Candy (Vanessa Hudgens), Faith (Selena Gomez), Brit (Ashley Benson) and Cotty (Rachel Korine). These gals ain’t got no money, or ride, or it would seem an iota of common sense between them...
The Insane Moment: Three of the gals kitted out in ski masks and wielding squirt guns rob a local diner and its patrons to fund their week-long trip.
Why You Shouldn’t Try It: If you’ve even the teeniest weeniest conscience you’d feel a bit guilty next time you pop in for a hangover fry up.

Risky Business (1983)
The Movie Party: While his parents are away, Joel (Tom Cruise) accidentally dumps his dad’s Porsche into Lake Michigan. Along with his prostitute friend Lana (Rebecca DeMornay) they hold a soiree at his parent’s pad to raise funds for the repairs.
The Insane Moment: Trying to score cool points, Joel turns his house into a brothel, which summons the arrival of an angry pimp who cleans his house of its entire contents.
Why You Shouldn't Try It: Your Mum’s always been fond of the Chesterfield. Be a shame for a pimp to have it. Especially one she doesn't know.

The Convent (2000)
The Movie Party: A bunch of high schoolers take their regular Friday night shenanigans to a local abandoned convent. That’s going to end well.
Most Insane Moment: When a troupe of dim-witted satanists holed up in the building succeed in raising an evil spirit... turning the kids into murderous zombie nuns.
Why You Shouldn’t Try It: ‘Cause those zombie nuns are murderous. Did we fail to mention that?

The Slumber Party Massacre (1982)
The Movie Party: Sorority girls in films holding parties are nigh-on guaranteed for a light impaling or spot of bludgeoning. The gals of Slumber Party Massacre? Couldn’t give a monkeys.
The Insane Moment: One of the sisters opens the fridge, grabs a brewski and continues on with her conversation. Completely oblivious to the corpse of one of her friends in the fridge.
Why You Shouldn’t Try It: Hiding as a dead body in the fridge is one way to ensure you never get laid at a party.

The Hangover 2 (2011)
The Movie Party: Hapless Stu (Ed Helms) is getting married, so The Wolfpack take to Bangkok for his bachelor bash and as per, they wake up with hazy memories of the previous night...
The Insane Moment: In their attempts to track down Stu’s soon-to-be brother-in-law, Stu, Phil (Bradley Cooper) and Alan (Zach Galifianakis) wind up at a strip joint where a helpful worker assists in their quest.
And then it’s revealed she is actually a he. And he had sex with Stu the night before, much to his horror.
Why You Shouldn’t Try It: That’s one anecdote you definitely don’t want your best man bringing up.

Trick R Treat (2007)
The Movie Party: It’s October 31st. So, as good a time as any for four girlfriends to dress provocatively without being branded as harlots. Their bonfire bash to commemorate Halloween is held in the safety of the local woods.
The Insane Moment: The women morph into werewolves and kill their dates.
Why You Shouldn’t Try It: You probs won’t get invited to the prom.

Signs (2002)
The Movie Party: A seven-year old Brazilian boy’s birthday celebration, complete with jelly, ice cream and guests with big googly-eyes.
The Insane Moment: An alien turns up unannounced and meanders about in the background looking creepy.
Why You Shouldn’t Try It: Having to deal with an angry parent who’s in turn having to deal with a houseful of crying, terrified children, that’s why.

Boogie Nights (1997)
The Movie Party: Porn king Jack Horner (Burt Reynolds)’s annual New Year’s Eve bash for the dedicated cast and crew of his skin flicks.
The Insane Moment: Sick of watching his wife continue to flaunt her cheating openly in public, assistant director Little Bill (William H. Macy) shoots her and the guy she’s bonking before turning it on himself.
Why You Shouldn’t Try It: Bit of a buzzkill move, that. What with it being New Year.

The Last Supper (1995)
The Movie Party: A gang of young liberals host weekly dinner parties, each time inviting a guest with opposing views to spice up the table talk.
The Insane Moment: Not keen on the spiel from their neo-nazi guest (Bill Paxton), they murder him.
Why You Shouldn’t Do It: The old maxim "variety is the spice of life" sums this one up nicely.

Night Of The Demons (1988)
The Movie Party: A group of high school seniors gather in an abandoned mortuary for a Halloween party hosted by local rebel, Angela (Amelia Kinkade.)
Her genius idea to conduct a seance in a mortuary stirs up a horde of demons who possess and/or horribly kill the kids.
The Insane Moment: A recently-possessed Suzanne (‘80s horror queen Linnea Quigley) utterly baffled by her demonic denigration, proceeds to cover her face and chest in bright pink lipstick. Then inserts the lipstick into her left nipple.
All the way in. Lipstick in the breast, folks.
Why You Shouldn’t Do It: You’ll only end up with a sore nip that’s very, very pink. Make it fun and get a willing party to do it for you!

Get Him To The Greek (2010)
The Movie Party: Talent scout Aaron (Jonah Hill)’s mission to retrieve rock god Aldous Snow (Russell Brand) from London and deliver him to the Greek Theater in LA for a show turns into a days-long substance binge.
Most Insane Moment: Aldous delivers a shot of adrenaline straight into Aaron’s heart after he smokes a “Jeffrey”; a mishmash doobie consisting of weed, opium, heroin, crushed-up ecstasy,morphine, Clorox and a "bit of Angel dust."
Why You Shouldn’t Try It: Not everybody has their own drug-addled musician around who knows how to handle a bad trip so calmly.

The Shining (1980)
The Movie Party: The annual July 4th Ball at the Overlook Hotel, which at the time of the event is only occupied by the winter caretaker (Jack Nicholson) and his family. Still, doesn’t stop a bunch of ghosts from turning up and putting on their best razzle dazzle.
The Insane Moment: Caretaker Jack is accosted in a hallway by a ghost-man with a vertical axe wound to the head who raises his glass to a “great party”, all the while bearing a sinister smile.
Why You Shouldn't Try It: Party crashers are bad enough at the best of times, what with nosing the brie and such, but hosting a bunch of ghosts with head traumas? You’ll be out of paracetamol and clean linens faster than you can say “boo!”

American Pie (1999)
The Movie Party: A standard weeknight party at Stifler’s house provides a suitable environment for four teens desperate to lose their virginity; Jim (Jason Biggs), Kevin (Thomas Ian Nicholas), Oz (Chris Klein) and Finch (Eddie Kay Thomas).
The Insane Moment: Stifler chugs down a beer, failing to realise it’s full of his buddy Kevin’s swimmers. Eww.
Why You Shouldn't Try It: You’d be swallowing the love juice of your friend. Need we say more?

Nowhere (1997)
The Movie Party: An all-night smorgasbord of typical teen defiance hosted by the mysterious Jujyfruit. In attendance: wannabe filmmaker Dark (James Duval) the cute-but-quiet Montgomery (Nathan Bexton) on whom he’s crushing and the entire fleet of the school’s weird and wonderful students.
The Insane Moment: Finally hooking up after avoiding their attraction to one another, Dark and Montgomery cuddle up in bed.
Then Montgomery explodes into a giant cockroach-like alien.
Why You Shouldn’t Try It: Morphing into an alien and leaving your soulmate behind is your perogative, if that’s what you really want, but lumbering them with all that bloody drycleaning? Not cool, dude.

Bachelor Party (1984)
The Movie Party: On the eve of his wedding, bus driver Rick Gassko (Tom Hanks) embarks on a crazed bachelor party thrown by his buddies which culminates in an orgy-fuelled climax in a hotel room.
The Insane Moment: A donkey keen on experiencing a more hedonistic lifestyle, pops quaaludes and snorts cocaine before popping his clogs.
Why You Shouldn’t Try It: ‘Cause how you gonna explain THAT to the cops?

Project X (2012)
The Movie Party: The high school party to end all parties orchestrated by Costa (Oliver Cooper) and J.B. (Jonathan Daniel Brown) in honour of their friend Thomas (Thomas Mann) for his birthday.
What starts as a small gathering of “no more than 50”, soon gets posted on Craiglist and the whole freekin’ town shows up...
The Insane Moment: The whole party qualifies as insane, purely for its bacchanalian abandon and neighbourhood-apocalyptic ending.
Specifics include one decidedly unlucky dwarf getting locked in an oven, escaping and junkpunching every guy in the vicinity before pushing Thomas’s Dad’s car into the pool and of course a batshit crazy drug-dealer on a vengeance mission who sets the entire street alight with a flame thrower.
Why You Shouldn’t Try It: It'll be the last party you ever throw.

Hannibal (2001)
The Movie Party: Hannibal Lecter (Anthony Hopkins)’s 4th of July dinner party held at the home of Justice Department official, Paul Krendler (Ray Liotta) with special guest of honour Clarice Starling (Julianne Moore.)
The Insane Moment: Hannibal surgically removes part of Krendler’s prefrontal cortex then feeds it to him.
Why You Shouldn’t Try It: You could be dealing with a pesky vegetarian.

Very Bad Things (1998)
The Movie Party: A sleazy stag weekender for Fisher (Jon Favreau.) Orchestrated by his best buddies, Moore (Leland Orser), Boyd (Christian Slater), Adam (Daniel Stern) and Michael (Jeremy Piven), it blasts off in traditionally debauched style in a Las Vegas hotel room with drugs, booze and girls.
The Insane Moment: An obliterated Michael takes the hooker into the bathroom for some one on one. In the midst of their heated rendezvous, he impales her head on a coat hook killing her instantly.
Why You Shouldn't Try It: Try explaining that to your wife when she comes to pick you up from the slammer.

Frankenhooker (1985)
The Movie Party: Mad scientist Jeffrey (James Lorinz), intent on bringing his dead fiancee back to life, devises up a unique batch of crack cocaine designed to assist him in finding the required body parts.
Alas an impromptu affair gets kickstarted when a group of hookers stumble upon the Doc’s special drug and party the night away.
The Insane Moment: One-by-one all of the prostitutes explode after hoovering up Jeffie’s crack.
Why You Shouldn’t Try It: Because then you’ll have the dismembered corpses of a dozen hookers on your hands. All over 'em, literally.

Clerks II (2006)
The Movie Party: Fast food foulmouth Randal (Jeff Anderson) hires Kinky Kelly and the Sexy Stud - a one-woman one-donkey sex act to kickstart his best friend Dante (Brian Hallorann)’s farewell soiree with a bang.
The Insane Moment: Randal, Dante, Jay, Silent Bob and Elias are gob-smacked when, expecting a smokin’ hot mama to emerge... realise Kelly is the donkey and the sexy stud is her beefcake handler.
Why You Shouldn’t Try It: Strippers are fine for this sort of occasion. And far less likely to get you fined for animal cruelty.

Society (1992)
The Movie Party: Poor Bill (Billy Warlock), always feeling like he never fits in. Well, he was right when he walks in on a ‘society’ bash for the high falutin’ friends of Dr. Cleveland.
The Insane Moment: The whole neighbourhood are all engaged in a spot of ‘shunting.’
Which as we all know is the act wherein people strip down to make the beast with two backs, and begin merging with one another, sucking nourishment from the still-twitching corpses of the poor.
Why You Shouldn’t Try It: ‘Cause it’s friggin repugnant!

Jacobs Ladder (1992)
The Movie Party: Vietnam vet Jacob (Tim Robbins) suffering from a series of hallucinations heads with his girlfriend (Elizabeth Pena) to a good old time New York-style house party.
The Insane Moment: A nightmare-made-real appears before Jacob when the dancing mass of partygoers transform into hellish ghouls.
Worst of all, a satanic serpent starts doing his girlfriend Jezzie right in the middle of the dancefloor before driving a pointy white phallus through her mouth.
Why You Shouldn’t Try It: You’d be buggered for an alibi after an entire room of partiers just witnessed your duplicitous encounter on the dance floor.
Gem Seddon is GamesRadar+'s west coast Entertainment News Reporter, working to keep all of you updated on all of the latest and greatest movies and shows on streaming platforms like Netflix and Amazon Prime. Outside of entertainment journalism, Gem can frequently be found writing about the alternative health and wellness industry, and obsessing over all things Aliens and Terminator on Twitter.