65 things that look like Pac-Man

Wakka wakka
Pac-Man wasn't always the smiling, winking, fully limbed fellow you see above. In his 80s golden years, Pac was nothing more than three quarters of a circle and one black eye--easily replicated in seconds on any computer paint program.
But because of that simple design, Pac-Man can be spotted everywhere. Whether there's a clan of Pac-People waiting to rise up or "those darn video games!" really have tainted our eyes, the pellet-popping maze man can be seen in the most unlikely locations. Here's the proof.
Note: These images have been gathered through Google Image Search and Flickr. If a picture you have taken has been included here and you wish for it to be removed, email us and we'll happily do so. Another version of this story appeared in November 2010.

Put that tongue away!

The beast with two Pacs.

Yuck. See a dentist right now!

What do you see in the clouds?

You are what you eat.

"Ssshhh, I'm on the fern!"

A school of Pac-fish.

Quick - a power pellet! And is that cannibalism on the left?

The Pac-Men of the pond are very sociable creatures.

Apparently this is a "Lipstick Tree." "Spiky thing" seems more appropriate.

A popping balloon, or a desperately hungry blue Pac-Man?

This couple is blissfully unaware of the perilous Pac-bridge above.

Food with a face indeed.

You won't find the answer in the bottom of a glass. Only Pac-Man.

Pac-Man was hiding under the kids' pool!

A Pac-lantern to light your way through the maze.

The morning after.

Mind the paintwork.

This one's really more of a Pac-clump.

Hmmm... maybe more like a Space Worm?

A rather one-sided conversation for Pac-shroom.

Nice disguise, Pac-stump, but we can see you.

This rock's a grumpy old (Pac)man.

A teething aid for Pac-baby.

Stone Age Pac-Man.

This one's even got eyes. Looks a bit like Nightmare Before Christmas' Oogie Boogie too.

The marvelous Pac-falls.

Once you see it, this picture's never the same again.

No! Not the Arndale Centre!

This Pac-man's bitten off a little more than he can chew.

Cyber-Pac Systems model 101.

No Pac-shoes, no Pac-shirt, no entry.

This one comes from the watering system, apparently.

This shot has a yellow one!

This fountain must be a tribute.

The gardener's joke, maybe?

Deliberate, but utterly brilliant.

The one on the right looks hung over.

It's not a trick of the light - it's the design.

Mecha Pac-Man and Pac-son.

Hung out to dry...

A leftover box with an obvious homage.

A very clever picture.


This one's more like the newer Pac-Man.

A lolli-Pac.

He made the mistake of looking away...

Once you see it...

After his '80s heyday, Pac-Man went through a crisis, going dumpster diving for food.

Want to live in a real ghost house?

Better known as the "Pac-Man-ymnasium."

A delicious Pac-scoop.

Lolli-Pac goes out on the town.

That's a damn fine Pac-Man impression, sir. Wait - come back!

No, not the crocodile clip - the pistachio on the left.

Very clever. And just as creepy rightside up.

Open wide...

Pac-court is going after a very small Power Pellet.

Seen on a train in Japan.

Does Ms. Pac-Man know what you're up to?

There are loads of fruit pics like this out there, so we're only showing one.

Well done, gentlemen.


Oh no - they're rebelling!

And finally... Cat-Man.

Tune in next time - same Pac-time, same Pac-channel!
Remember: These images have been gathered through Google Image Search and Flickr. If a picture you have taken has been included here and you wish for it to be removed, email us and we'll happily do so. In the meantime, good luck not seeing Pac-Men for the rest of your day.
Pac-Man has now become a Super Smash man. Check out our Super Smash Brothers for 3DS review to see how he stacks up. And for the Pac's latest solo outing, check out our Pac-Man and the Ghostly Adventures 2 review.
Justin was a GamesRadar staffer for 10 years but is now a freelancer, musician and videographer. He's big on retro, Sega and racing games (especially retro Sega racing games) and currently also writes for Play Magazine, Traxion.gg, PC Gamer and TopTenReviews, as well as running his own YouTube channel. Having learned to love all platforms equally after Sega left the hardware industry (sniff), his favourite games include Christmas NiGHTS into Dreams, Zelda BotW, Sea of Thieves, Sega Rally Championship and Treasure Island Dizzy.