After Burner guns it toward PSP

After Burner, the classic Sega arcade shooter, will be returning on PSP in new title After Burner: Black Falcon, it was announced today.

In development by Planet Moon Studios, the developer responsible for mentally unhinged third-person shooters MDK, Giants: Citizen Kabuto and, more recently, Infected on PSP, Black Falcon adds a single-player storyline, jet customization, and multiplayer modes to the classic fly-fast-and-shoot-everything After Burner formula.

We're not surprised to see After Burner coming back but we are surprised by the developer - earlier in the year, Sega announced a deal with PC flight sim developer Totally Games to create a PSP arcade remake. Exactly what that game is, we still don't know. But After Burner is in capable hands with Planet Moon, even if we'd rather they were doing a new, splattery Alien Syndrome (we hope you're listening, Sega).

October 10, 2006