All content archive
April 2013
500 articles
- April 30
- Arrow 1.20 "Home Invasion" REVIEW
- Don't Starve review
- Continuum 2.02 "Split Second" REVIEW
- Exclusive: Die Hard 6 gets a screenwriter and a title
- Doctor Who: New Executive Producer Announced
- Game & Wario ends Nintendo Wii U drought with reduced price
- PS3 shooter Dust 514 launching in May
- New action-packed trailer for Pacific Rim: watch now
- Rumour: Tiger Woods PGA Tour 15 canned
- Far Cry 3 Blood Dragon review
- Far Cry 3 Blood Dragon VHS and TV locations
- GUEST BLOG The Fictional Man
- Grand Theft Auto V new trailers right here
- Zeno Clash 2 review
- SFX: The A-Z Of Star Trek On Sale Now
- Respawns first game rumoured to be Xbox exclusive
- Soul Sacrifice review
- Deadly Premonition: The Directors Cut review
- 50 Dumbest Decisions In Movie History
- Star Trek Picture Puzzle Answers
- Game Of Thrones 3.05 Kissed By Fire REVIEW
- Grimm 2.15 "Mr Sandman" REVIEW
- April 29
- Supernatural 8.20 "Pac-Man Fever" REVIEW
- RadarPlays - F-Zero
- Iron Man 3 review: "Funny, twisty and thrilling"
- Batman: Arkham Origins won't star Kevin Conroy
- Touch 2.11 "Accused" REVIEW
- The Top 7... Most ludicrously awesome laser guns
- Michael Bay updates on Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles and Transformers 4
- Da Vinci's Demons Episode 3 "The Prisoner" Preview
- The Reluctant Fundamentalist review
- New mode in Company of Heroes 2 is formidable, not for babies
- Our Children review
- Final trailer for Fast & Furious 6: watch now
- Three clips from Only God Forgives: watch now
- UK Chart: Dead Island Riptide debuts at No.1
- Iron Man 3: 50 Best Moments
- Once Upon A Time 2.04 "The Crocodile" REVIEW
- April 28
- April 27
- When pizza and gaming collide
- Want to bludgeon your friends with a golf club on a huge boat? Play The Ship!
- Porcelain: Animated Graphic Novel Trailer
- Tickets available for the Arthur C Clarke Award this year
- Gemma Arterton calls Byzantium 'a female version of Interview With The Vampire'
- Revolution 1.14 "The Night The Lights Went Out In Georgia" REVIEW
- The CW Gives The Originals The Green Light, Renews Beauty And The Beast
- Da Vinci's Demons 1.02 "The Serpent" REVIEW
- NBC Renews Grimm And Revolution For New Seasons
- Star Trek audio log and research item locations
- April 26
- Star Trek review
- Save Up To 45% On Cover Price With An SFX Subscription
- 8 celebrity roles that are impossible to take seriously
- SFX235 Preview: Brian K Vaughan On Under The Dome
- RadarPlays - Revenge of the Sunfish
- A Hijacking review
- Next Mass Effect recruits ex-Amalur leads
- Mud review
- Zack Snyder talks raw flying style in Man Of Steel
- Journey To Italy review
- Everybody Has A Plan review
- 21 & Over review
- I'm So Excited review
- Gimme The Loot review
- Three new character posters for Star Trek Into Darkness
- Where have all the survival horror games gone?
- New poster for Pacific Rim
- Wii U Virtual Console live in US, launches in UK this Saturday
- Major Wii U system update released
- Has Sam Fisher discovered the fountain of youth?
- The Best, Worst & Funniest Iron Man Cosplay
- Marvel Phase 2 - The Complete Guide
- April 25
- Dead Island Riptide Competition
- Joss Whedon teases new characters for Avengers 2
- Monsters University unveils a new trailer: watch now
- Is Nintendo admitting it cant hang with the competition?
- Iron Man 3 Interview: Shane Black Answers YOUR Questions
- Radar Reacts: No Nintendo press conference at E3 2013
- Black Ops 2 Uprising pack out May 16 on PC, PS3
- COMPETITION: Win An iPad Mini With Hemlock Grove & Sci-Fi London
- Report: EA lays off up to 10 percent of employees
- J.J. Abrams compares Star Trek and Star Wars
- SFX's Instant Guide To Zombies On Sale Now!
- The Best Joss Whedon Movie Moments
- EA reportedly closing Partners label
- 9 unfinished video game stories (and how we'd finish them)
- John Noble On Playing Brainiac in Superman Unbound
- Steve Coogan On His Own Films
- Del Toro To Bring Monster Manga To HBO
- Bryan Singer confirms Bishop and Warpath for X-Men: Days of Future Past
- Rayman Legends release date moved forward
- Lost Planet 3 - Developer demo
- NO SHOW! Nintendo not having an E3 2013 press conference
- Far Cry 3: Blood Dragon open-world video
- April 24
- Matthew McConaughey On The Making Of Mud
- Call of Duty: Black Ops 2 mob of the dead guide and walkthrough
- PlayStation 4's launch lineup 'stronger than any prior PS hardware'
- RadarPlays - Catherine
- Is Wii U doomed? A little context shows a brighter future
- Bringing back Uncle
- The disgusting truth about levels inside of creatures
- 6 games that are secretly BioShock: Infinite prequels
- Monaco: Whats Yours Is Mine review
- RadarPlays - Surgeon Simulator 2013 (Steam version)
- Ben Kingsley: Career In Four Minutes
- Acheesements that belong in Pizza Huts Xbox 360 app
- Game Of Thrones & Continuum Ratings News
- Wii U Virtual Console launch games confirmed for US
- The Expendables 3 gets a director
- XCOM shooter has evolved - new reveal incoming
- Nintendo misses annual profit and hardware sales targets
- The Vampire Diaries 4.19 "Pictures Of You" REVIEW
- Defiance 1.02 "Down In The Ground Where The Dead Men Go" REVIEW
- RadarPlays - Star Trek
- RadarPlays - Pizza Hut Xbox 360 app
- Arena of Heroes wants to be your LoL and DotA companion
- April 23
- Star Trek Into Darkness releases seven new character banners
- Demonicon is now more Mass Effect, less Left 4 Dead
- New Darksiders owner would like to work with former devs
- Does Ruben Fleischer know whos directing Justice League?
- Who owns THQ's properties?
- Sacred Citadel review
- First Star Trek Into Darkness clip: watch now
- Watch the first Thor: The Dark World Trailer
- Poker Night at the Inventory 2 out tomorrow on Xbox Live
- Continuum 2.01 "Second Chances" REVIEW
- Gaming's red shirts
- EXCLUSIVE: Alice Eve Star Trek Into Darkness Interview
- The 13 Biggest nitpicks of BioShock Infinite
- Da Vinci's Demons Episode 2 "The Serpent" Preview
- Beauty And The Beast 1.18 "Heart Of Darkness" REVIEW
- Michael Shannon talks Man Of Steel: the CGI suit and Goyer's script
- Ratchet & Clank movie coming in 2015
- Being Human USA 3.08 Your Body Is A Condemned Wonderland REVIEW
- 30 Damsels In Distress Who Kick Ass
- First look at Storm in X-Men: Days Of Future Past
- New Lionhead Studios boss is an MMO veteran
- Assassin's Creed 3 DLC released on Wii U
- Thor The Dark World Trailer: 10 Questions Raised
- April 22
- Darksiders, Red Faction, MX vs. ATV rights bought by Nordic Games
- RadarPlays - The Legend of Zelda
- Dead Island Riptide collectibles
- How eSports is shaping the future of gaming
- Zelda concert series adds Baltimore, Grand Rapids
- EarthBound's return means Nintendo cares about you again
- Homeworld franchise bought by Borderlands dev Gearbox
- Metal Gear Solid: The Legacy Collection confirmed
- Once Upon A Time 2.03 "The Lady Of The Lake" REVIEW
- Grand Theft Auto V video preaches Epsilonism
- Thor: The Dark World releases a pair of new images
- Top 7... Most disturbing things about the Zelda universe
- Hayley Atwell keen on Tomb Raider reboot
- Dead Man Down review
- Call of Juarez : Gunslinger preview - News and details
- All Stars review
- The Eye Of The Storm review
- Chimpanzee review
- Inside issue 18 of Comic Heroes magazine!
- First official images from The Amazing Spider-Man 2
- Win DK Superman Books With Comic Heroes Magazine
- The 50 best Iron Man moments
- SimCity going offline ahead of major update tonight
- UK Chart: Injustice Gods Among Us topples BioShock
- RadarPlays - Dead Island: Riptide
- Dead Island Riptide review
- April 21
- April 20
- April 19
- Incredible poster for Thor: The Dark World
- Henry Cavill stands tall in new Man Of Steel image
- The Name Of The Doctor
- RadarPlays - Kung Fu Rider
- Dishonored review
- World of Tanks pays players to change passwords after breach
- NBA 2K13 predicts the NBA Playoffs 2013
- The Ultimate Evil Dead Fan
- TONIGHT! Da Vinci's Demons "The Hanged Man" Preview UPDATED!
- Deadlands by Lily Herne REVIEW
- Iron Man 3: Director Shane Black Interview
- Retro games are starting to feel REALLY old
- James Gunn talks Guardians Of The Galaxy
- BioShock Infinite, Xbox 360 lead US sales in March
- April 18
- Evil Dead II: Bruce Campbell Interview
- Harrison Ford refuses to discuss Star Wars rumours on Jimmy Kimmel
- Exclusive Life Of Pi concept art featurette: watch now
- Papo & Yo review (PC)
- Two stylish new trailers for Only God Forgives: watch now
- Watch the Zombieland TV show trailer
- Classic games lost in limbo (that we hope make it out)
- Next game from Resident Evil creator reveal tomorrow
- Defiance review
- Cannes 2013 line-up announced
- Animal Crossing: New Leaf preview - New screens and details
- Donkey Kong Country Returns 3D preview - New screens and details
- BLOG Star Wars Book Of Sith review
- Cool new poster for Only God Forgives
- BLOG A Game Of Plotting
- 50 Weirdest Movie Fan Fiction Stories
- New trailer for The Lone Ranger: watch now
- Evil Dead: Jane Levy Interview
- Da Vinci's Demons Awarded Second Season Already!
- April 17
- Lost Girl 3.13 "Those Who Wander" REVIEW
- The Legend of Nintendo: A Link to the Past
- 8 difficult games that would greatly benefit from an Easy mode
- RadarPlays - Dead Island
- First poster for 300: Rise Of An Empire
- Earthbound coming to Wii U Virtual Console
- Aaron Eckhart: Social Media Interview
- BLOG Legacy Comics Needs New Home
- Monsters University reveals sorority and fraternity artwork
- Mario & Luigi & More in 3DS Nintendo Direct round-up
- Bethesda teases new game with mysterious videos
- Scarecrow review
- The Look Of Love review
- The Lords Of Salem review
- White Elephant review
- Wii U system updates coming next week
- Bryan Singer teases Iceman's return in X-Men: Days Of Future Past
- Game & Wario - New minigames shown off in fresh screens
- European Commission doubts need for UK games tax relief
- The Best Star Wars Episode VII Fan Art, Posters & Trailers
- 50 Goriest Movie Moments
- 10 Best Moments In The New Man Of Steel Trailer
- Defiance 1.01 "Pilot" REVIEW
- The Vampire Diaries 4.18 "American Gothic" REVIEW
- Final Star Trek Into Darkness trailer lands: watch now
- April 16
- ShootMania Storm review
- New Man of Steel pictures showcase Zod's crew
- What's your happiest gaming moment?
- SPONSORED: Looking ahead to RuneScape 3
- Age of Wushu Gift Pack Giveaway
- Soul Sacrifice preview - get excited then play it yourself now
- Need for Speed dev Criterion working on non-racing game
- First TV spot for Pacific Rim: watch now
- The ABCs Of Death review
- Bernie review
- In The Fog review
- Doctor Who "Hide": Writer Neil Cross Interviewed
- INTERVIEW Judge Dredd Megazine
- What do you think will be revealed at tomorrow's Nintendo Direct?
- Anthony Mackie talks Captain America: The Winter Soldier
- Game Of Thrones 3.03 Walk Of Punishment REVIEW
- Shin Megami Tensei: Devil Summoner: Soul Hackers review
- RadarPlays - Injustice: Gods Among Us
- Injustice: Gods Among Us review
- Injustice: Gods Among Us alternate costumes
- Respawn trademarks Titan
- Ryan Gosling vs Bradley Cooper: FIGHT!
- HOT TOPIC: 3D (See Your Name In SFX!)
- April 15
- Wesley Snipes on for Expendables 3?
- RadarPlays - Justice League Task Force
- The Top 7 Video game sidekicks we hated
- Scary Movie 5 review
- EA shuts down SimCity social, other Facebook games
- Supernatural 8.19 Taxi Driver REVIEW
- EXCLUSIVE - Benedict Cumberbatch Star Trek Into Darkness Interview
- Being Human USA 3.07 One Is Silver And The Other Pagan REVIEW
- Once Upon A Time 2.02 "We Are Both" REVIEW
- State of Decay out in June with new trailer
- Hyperdimension Neptunia Victory review
- Revolution 1.13 "The Song Remains the Same" REVIEW
- No more Skyrim DLC as team moves on to next project
- "Player choice is everything" - Q&A with Fallout creator Brian Fargo
- XCOM shooter promotional content redacted
- Patrick Stewart appears in new X-Men: Days Of Future Past image
- Why I hate completion percentages in games
- General Zod steals the show in new Man Of Steel viral video: watch now
- EA layoffs hit Ireland
- UK Chart: BioShock Infinite holds off Tomb Raider
- 50 Greatest Action Movie Moments
- April 14
- April 13
- April 12
- Civilization V: Brave New World info and screens demonstrate new features
- The Wolverine international poster has no shortage of blades
- RadarPlays - Sonic.exe
- Top 20 Greatest Sci-Fi & Fantasy TV Show Finales*
- RadioRadar podcast 034: Bats off to you
- Dead Island Riptide weapons guide and blueprint locations
- BioShock Infinite DLC - Seven stories we want to see
- Shane Black talks about his 'romance' with Robert Downey Jr.
- Saints Row developer lost money on recent Red Factions
- The 50 most important games of all time
- OFT investigating free games over child concerns
- Promised Land review
- Evil Dead review
- Olympus Has Fallen review
- Rebellion review
- Me And You review
- Love Is All You Need review
- Warner Bros president updates on DC Comics' future movies, says Christopher Nolan won't produce Justice League
- Gaming's unluckiest, doomed scientists
- Prequel to The Shining gets a name and a writer
- Fuck For Forest review
- Halle Berry talks X-Men: Days Of Future Past
- Two new images from The Hunger Games: Catching Fire
- Ex-Walking Dead Showrunner Mazzara In Talks To Write The Shining Prequel
- Total Film Magazine - Issue 206
- April 11
- Total Film Godzilla Terms & Conditions
- The truth about Kingdom Hearts 3
- Marvel vs. DC - Which has the best games?
- Being Human USA 3.06 Whats Blood Got To Do With It? REVIEW
- Tales of Xillia out August 6 in U.S., August 9 in Europe
- BLOG The 3D Treks Back
- BLOG Age Of Ultron Book 4 review
- BLOG Age Of Ultron Book 3 review
- EA Montreal hit with second round of layoffs
- Global PC shipments declining rapidly, report claims
- GRID 2 multiplayer: GamesRadar vs Codemasters
- Resident Evil Revelations season pass spotted
- New Elysium Pictures
- BLOG Zomblogalypse The Movie
- Ryse and new Forza rumored for Xbox 720 launch
- Video game characters' school report cards
- Far Cry 3: Blood Dragon - First look at the 1980s throwback
- Flashback remake coming in 2014
- Cloudberry Kingdom - Hands-on the downloadable platformer
- Papo & Yo devs new game will be breaking the rules
- Syfy Renews Being Human, Announces New Ron Moore & Bryan Fuller Series And More
- INTERVIEW Solaris Rising 2
- 30 Worst Movie Cameos
- Slant Six Games confirms temporary layoffs
- Star Trek Into Darkness crashes IMAX box-office
- Quantic Dream hiring for multiplayer programmer
- April 10
- RadarPlays - Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance Jetstream DLC
- PokeRadar podcast 005 Mewthree attacks?
- Rayman Legends delay means 30 more levels, new bosses
- Lost Girl 3.12 "Hail, Hale" REVIEW
- RadarPlays - Batman: Arkham Asylum
- The 25 most insidious booby traps (and their victims' last moments)
- Dota 2 play surpasses League of Legends in the West, report says
- Iron Man 3 Competition: Win A Chance To Chat With Kevin Feige & Shane Black
- BioShock Infinite's interesting parallels to BioShock
- Oblivion review
- Day-one DLC makes sense, Bethesda VP says
- BattleBlock Theater Livestream @3pm PST
- 10 Best Movie / Videogame Crossover Moments
- BBC And Intel Release New Doctor Who Minigame
- SimCity dated for Mac, has cross-platform support
- Dane DeHaan talks The Amazing Spider-Man 2
- The First Law novels by Joe Abercrombie in comic form!
- Being Human USA Interview: Sam Witwer On Playing Vampire Aidan
- 50 Coolest Movie Loners
- Edgar Wright reveals hes directed one shot in major summer movie
- Max Landis talks Chronicle 2
- GamesRadar Photoshop Mash-up #2 - Games meet... Clothes
- Video: BioShock as a 1994 PC game... and more retrofied classics
- SPONSORED: The World Of Defiance - Win a PlayStation 3
- Watch The First 10 Minutes Of Evil Dead 2 Documentary Swallowed Souls
- April 9
- New DLC costumes hit Naruto Shippuden: Ultimate Ninja Storm 3
- Mark Gatiss Talks The Return Of The Ice Warriors
- Video game locations only an idiot would live in
- See the first feature-length episode of Defiance before it airs!
- Gaming's best forms of transport (that would likely kill you)
- Lost Planet 3 pushed back to August
- Theorem review
- The Gatekeepers review
- Game Of Thrones 3.02 Dark Wings, Dark Words REVIEW
- Simon Killer review
- Flying Blind review
- First Position review
- First images and logo from 300: Rise Of An Empire
- The Last of Us dev diary focuses on world building
- Neill Blomkamp talks Halo movie
- Brain Training 3DS delayed in Europe
- Guacamelee! review
- 30 Most Adorable Ryan Gosling Moments
- Exclusive: Matt Damon goes sci-fi badass in the Elysium Trailer
- Evil Dead tops US box-office
- Sniper: Ghost Warrior 2 review
- April 8
- RadarPlays - Slender: The Arrival
- RadarPlays - Super Return of the Jedi
- Michael Douglas and Matt Damon star in the full trailer for Behind The Candelabra
- Marvel To Release 700 Free #1 Issues
- Square Enix reveals Tomb Raider's missed sales potential
- The Making Of Da Vincis Demons To Air This Friday
- BioShock Infinite 'closer' Rod Fergusson leaves Irrational Games
- How to build a better boss fight
- US Blakes 7 Remake Set For Syfy With Bond Director On Board
- The Top 7... Best LucasArts games
- Avatar sequels will feature underwater performance capture
- Rumored Next Xbox reveal pushed to May
- Being Human USA 3.05 Get Outta My Dreams, Get Into My Mouth REVIEW
- Chris Hemsworth revs up in the Rush trailer: watch now
- Revolution 1.12 "Ghosts" REVIEW
- Touch 2.10 "Two Of A Kind" REVIEW
- Your favourite game developers... before they were famous
- Far Cry 3 Blood Dragon details, May release listed
- Bryan Singer teases new concept art for Beast
- UK Chart: BioShock Infinite holds top spot
- 50 Best Movie Spoof Moments
- The Walking Dead 3.16 "Welcome To The Tombs" REVIEW
- April 7
- April 6
- INTERVIEW Wolfhound Century
- Being Human USA: Meaghan Rath On Playing Ghost Sally
- Why you might as well play Pandoras Tower
- BLOG Porcelain: A Gothic Fairy Tale GRAPHIC NOVEL REVIEW
- BLOG Five Seasons. No Movie
- Doctor Who 50th Anniversary Special Will Not Feature Christopher Eccleston
- Tomb Raider art: 33 of the best pieces we've seen
- Vanessa Hudgens talks Spring Breakers
- Once Upon A Time Interviews
- April 5
- Arrow 1.19 "Unfinished Business" review
- Gaming's best #teamboneless characters
- Everything we saw at GDC 2013
- Supernatural 8.18 "Freaks And Geeks" REVIEW
- RadarPlays - Try Not to Fart
- Aliens: Colonial Marines Wii U version canceled
- RadarPlays - Defiance
- Interview: Saoirse Ronan On Byzantium and The Host
- Project X Zone gets June 25 release date in U.S.
- Nicole Kidman lined up for Anchorman 2 cameo
- BAFTA Shorts review
- The War Of The Worlds - Alive On Stage! review
- Carmine Infantino 1925 - 2013
- In defence of grey and brown in video games
- Doctor Who "The Rings Of Akhaten": Writer Neil Cross Interview
- Small Apartments review
- The Expatriate review
- King Of The Travellers review
- Pee-Wee Herman Actor Joins Once Upon A Time In Wonderland
- What's this secret message in BioShock Infinite?
- April 4
- Who's that character?
- Losing your voice - 10 characters that changed actors
- Remember Me trailer spotlights enemies
- Black Ops 2 DLC pits Hollywood mobsters against zombies
- What generation of gamer are you?
- Lego Marvel Super Heroes - 10 things you need to know
- GamesRadar Photoshop Mash-up #1 - Games meet... Food [UPDATED]
- Arthur C Clarke Award 2013 Shortlist Announced
- New World War Z poster brings the carnage
- Wii U sales jump in the UK and Japan
- The Host vs Twilight: FIGHT!
- April 3
- LucasArts closed, Star Wars: 1313 cancelled - Radar Reacts
- Spanish Horror Director Jess Franco Dies
- RadarPlays - Pure
- Fringe: Answering The Unanswered: An SFX#234 Preview
- A Personal Statement From Iain M Banks
- Aliens: Colonial Marines trailers found misleading by UK agency
- Beauty And The Beast 1.17 "Partners In Crime" REVIEW
- The Host (2013) review
- GameStop CEO: next Xbox a very hot, compelling device
- Misfits Series 5 Will Be The Last
- Robert Redford discusses Captain America role
- Doom 4 development targeted for next-gen, report says
- Deus Ex improvements exclusive to Wii U version - first trailer
- NCAA Football 14 preview - Hands-on the new physics engine
- SFX 234 On Sale Now!
- Exclusive Dead Man Down Poster
- Is free-to-play still pay-to-win?
- BattleBlock Theater review
- Marvel Phase 2 Footage & Concept Art Blowout
- Primeval: New World 1.13 The Sound Of Thunder (Part Two) REVIEW
- Square Enix cuts staff from LA office
- April 2
- Arrow 1.18 "Salvation" REVIEW
- The Zygons Return For Doctor Who 50th Anniversary
- Pixar confirm Finding Nemo sequel 'Finding Dory'
- Bioshock Infinite: 8 lessons it can teach all other sequels
- Doctor Who 7.07 "The Rings Of Akhaten" Spoiler-Free Preview
- BLOG Captain Canuck Calls Out For Fan Funding Support And For His Clothes Back
- Olympus Has Fallen: free preview screenings!
- History of Grand Theft Auto box art
- Lily Collins stars in new trailer for The Mortal Instruments: watch now
- New red-band trailer for This Is The End
- The Walking Dead US Finale Watched By A Phenomenal 12.4 Million Viewers (NO SPOILERS)
- 50 Greatest Scene Stealing Performances
- UK Chart: BioShock Infinite is new No.1
- Doctor Who "The Rings Of Akhaten" Image Gallery
- Game Of Thrones 3.01 Valar Dohaeris REVIEW
- Lost Girl 3.11 "Adventures In Fae-bysitting" REVIEW
- The best gaming April Fools Day pranks of 2013
- April 1
- RadarPlays - Streets of Rage 3
- RadioRadar podcast 032: Total Eclipse of the Snake
- The games of April 2013
- Top 7... Best movie games you probably never played
- Far Cry 3: Blood Dragon teaser site is only part prank
- Total War: Arena is a MOBA with historical revisions
- Joseph Kosinski talks third TRON film
- A To Z Of Evil Dead
- 50 Worst Movie Toys
- In The Flesh 1.03 REVIEW