Army of Two Cheats
Army of Two FAQs
Army of Two FAQ (Xbox 360)
Submitted by Jonathan Frisby [RaNdOmSePhIrOtH]
Army of Two Easter Eggs
PS3, Xbox 360 | Submitted by Mr McFartfartReference To Angels and Demons
At the end of mission three, Salem and Rios are arguing about Rios's thoughts about there being an information leak in the government. Salem mocks him by saying it's probably the Illumnity, the main enemy in the novel Angels and Demons by Dan Brown.
PS3, Xbox 360 | Submitted by Gunnar C. SorensenMGS2 Easter Egg
The Achievement "Fission Mailed" is a reference to MGS2 when the screen flashed Fission Mailed instead of Mission Failed at random times at the end of the game in MGS2.
Xbox 360 | Submitted by d3mon soldierEA TV
Find a TV that shows the hurricane on the screen. In the bottom left corner, it will show EA TV.
Xbox 360 | Submitted by SpazMetal Gear Solid Reference
On the MSG-90 sniper rifle, there is a barrel type listed as "MGS Sniper-Wulf". A spinoff of the Metal Gear Solid boss, "Sniper Wolf"
Army of Two Hints
PS3, Xbox 360 | Submitted by The EndReally Frickin Easy Way To Kill Armored Enemies
Just purchase a shotgun. The shotgun will knock him down with one shot. You can either finish him there or when he starts to get up, you can shoot him in the unarmored section of his back. Piece of cake!
PS3, Xbox 360 | Submitted by whaddafuxxxuppKilling Armoured Gunners Without Stealth
If you encounter an armored opponent, the Aggro Training tells you that one person holds the position, while the other tries their best not to get seen by the opponent to shoot them from behind. Now, the easy and fast way to do it is to shoot him with any gun, in the head. Soon, he will either die, or fall to the floor, not injured, but defenseless. That is when you shoot at him wherever. WARNING!!! This process is to be done as quickly as possible, or he will get up and shoot at you if you are close enough. So basically, your strongest weapon against the armored opponents, can be the worst weapons.
Xbox 360 | Submitted by Born2drift105-Xbox LiveAggro Achievement
For the achievement where you must have your aggro full for one minute. Find a turret get on it make sure theres a enemy somewhere and starting shooting where the are without hitting them keep shooting and don't stop or else it goes down but this will get you that achievement.
Xbox 360 | Submitted by PsychoCypherBriefcase Locations
Below are the locations of all fourteen intel briefcases in the game. Please keep in mind that they can only be collected one time, so if you've collected a briefcase, it won't appear again on a subsequent playthrough. On the flipside, however, if you didn't collect them on your first playthrough, they'll be there on subsequent playthroughs until you do.
1.) Look behind the initial M-11 missile you encounter. There's a small path going uphill near it. That's where this intel briefcase is.
2.) Kill the first heavy armor guard you encounter (there will be a cutscene), and search the platform area nearby. The briefcase is on top of a short set of stairs at the back end of the platform.
3.) In the area adjacent to Brian Hick's cell, you will find this briefcase.
1.) Right before climbing up the ladder in order to take out Ali Youseff's Helicopter, grab the briefcase at the bottom of the ladder.
2.) After calling in the air-strike on a nearby bunker, seek out a large tent near the dividing wall. The briefcase should be against the wall near the tent.
3.) Right before you meet Ali Youseff, there are some metal platforms with armed guards on it. Kill all of the enemies, and then climb up the steps to the platform's second level. Climb another ladder to a third level, where the briefcase is located.
Aircraft Carrier
1.) After landing on the ship's main deck, run to the right of the control tower. The briefcase is nearby.
2.) When you enter the hangar to use one of the parked planes to blow through a door, seek out some missiles. Look behind them, as they obscure the location of this briefcase.
3.) After setting the missiles to blow up the ship in the final hangar, look around to find a sort of makeshift basketball court. Behind the farthest basket is this briefcase.
1.) After arriving at the dam, head towards the first control tower. Across the dam is a similar control tower, where the briefcase is located.
2.) After you arrive at the village and co-op snipe some enemies, choose to take the rightmost path. When you come across the first house you can enter, do so, climbing to the second floor to find this briefcase.
3.) When you arrive at the factory, don't enter it immediately. Instead, search around and behind the factory to find this briefcase.
1.) Once you've opened the gates to the luggage area, you'll need to head to the control room. There's a smaller office near the control room where this briefcase is located.
2.) When you're on the third floor of the SSC Tower and must operate a lift, ignore the lift and run to the far end of the third floor, where the final of the fourteen briefcases is located.
Army of Two Cheats
PS3 | Submitted by mr daveGod Mode
[Triangle], [Triangle], X, X, L2, R2, R1, R2, [Circle], [Square] - Unlimited Life and Ammo)
Xbox 360 | Submitted by kreyzEasy Two Eyes Achievement
In the Aircraft Carrier mission.
Near the start of the level, you need to disable jets that are on the runway of the carrier. When you get to the first set of jets, a helicopter will come to the right of you, activate co-op snipe mode, and shoot the people while they are still in the helicopter, this is very convenient because there are about 5 people in the helicopter. After that, you should get the "Two Eyes are Better Than One" Achievement.
Xbox 360 | Submitted by KreyzEasy Acheivement
The Achievement "field medic" has you heal your partner 25 times. In the part of the Miami level when you have to find the breaker for the monorail (the part when you are on the hovercraft), there are wires in the water that lead you to the breaker needed to turn on the monorail, have a friend walk into the wires, the electricity will automatically shut off and you can heal them. Keep on turning the power on while the other player stands on the wires and you will have the Achievement in no time.
Army of Two Unlockables
Xbox 360 | Submitted by Money N Da BAGS, II JaKe 94 IIThe Six Secret Achievements
You get the 6 secret achievements by doing co-op campaign. 1st and 2nd level are worth 30 points and the other 4 are worth 15 each.
Secret Achievement 1. (30)
Complete Mission 1 (Somalia) On The Difficulty Of Contractor Of Higher.
Secret Achievement 2. (30)
Complete Mission 2 (Afghanistan) On The Difficulty Of Contractor Of Higher.
Secret Achievement 3. (15)
Complete Mission 3 (Iraq) On The Difficulty Of Contractor Of Higher.
Secret Achievement 4. (15)
Complete Mission 4 (Aircraft Carrier)On The Difficulty Of Contractor Of Higher.
Secret Achievement 5. (15)
Complete Mission 5 (China) On The Difficulty Of Contractor Of Higher.
Secret Achievement 6. (15)
Complete Mission 6 (Miami) On The Difficulty Of Contractor Of Higher.
Xbox 360 | Submitted by Jake H CokerTwo Super Easy Achievements
Okay, so I've been wondering why people are having such a problem getting the Fear is the Mind Killer and the Field Medic achievements. So this should make it very simple. While in the training session you'll be behind a block shooting at the guy in the turret. Just don't stop shooting at him. After 1 minute, you'll have the Fear is the Mind Killer achievement. Then get you and your partner alone. All you have to do for the Field Medic achievement, is to shoot him down and revive him 25 times. I've tried both and they're very easy to do.
Xbox 360 | Submitted by Sgt. Samuel the StoutDownloadable Content Achievements
Barrel SSC Challenger (25) - Destroy 500 barrels in ranked SSC Challenge matches
SSC Challenge Marksman (25) - Achieve 75% accuracy at the conclusion of a ranked three round SSC Challenge match
SSC Challenge Win (25) - Win a ranked SSC Challenge match
True SSC Challenger (25) - Win every stage of a ranked three round SSC Challenge match
PS3, Xbox 360 | Submitted by ZumanibeProfessional Difficulty
Professional Difficulty
Beat the game once on Recruit or Contractor
PS3, Xbox 360 | Submitted by ZumanibeAll Primary Weapons
All Primary Weapons
Beat the game on the Recruit difficulty
All Secondary Weapons
Beat the game on Professional
All Special Weapons
Beat the game on Professional
Xbox 360 | Submitted by Snop CatAchievements
Alright, Who Wants Some? (20)
Kill 250 enemies total using SMGs.
Beast with Two Fronts (20)
Kill 50 enemies total in Back-to-Back.
Big Boom! Big Bada Boom! (20)
Kill 25 enemies total using RPGs.
Boots on the Ground (10)
Finish playing a versus ranked match.
Dead Man's Hand (20)
Kill 150 enemies total using Handguns.
Elite PMC (50)
Complete all missions as a Professional.
Fear is The Mind Killer (45)
Spend 1 minute straight at full Aggro.
Field Medic (30)
Drag and heal your partner 25 times.
Fission Mailed (20)
Kill 25 Martyrs by shooting the Bomb Packs on their chests.
Flip You. Flip You For Real (20)
Kill 50 enemies total using the Melee Attack.
If I Were a Rich Man (40)Earn one million dollars in total over the course of campaign mode.
If It Bleeds, We Can Kill It (30)
Kill 25 Heavy Armor enemies.
L'Abattoir (30)
Kill 100 enemies while in the power mode of Overkill.
Man of Many Masks (50)
Purchase every mask variant.
My Kind of Case! (40)
Collect all of the information cases in the entire game.
My Virtual Friend (35)
Complete all missions with the Partner AI.
One Gun is Enough (35)
Win a ranked match without purchasing any additional weapons.
One Shot. One Kill. (20)
Kill 100 enemies total using Sniper Rifles.
Out of Debt (15)
Heal your partner for the first time. Training does not count.
Retirement Savings Plan (40)
Earn one billion dollars in total in ranked matches.
Running Man (30)
Kill 75 enemies while in the stealth mode of Overkill.
Say Hello to my Little Friends (45)
Purchase the MP7, M134, DAO-X Protecta, MGL MK-X, and the M107 Light Fifty.
Seven-six-two Millimeter (20)
Kill 250 enemies total using Assault Rifles.
Spray and Pray (20)
Kill 250 enemies total using Machine Guns.
Starting a Riot (30)
Kill 50 enemies total in Co-op Riot Shield.
Stonewall (30)
Kill 30 enemies using the Riot Shield melee attack
Surviving The Game (25)
Complete a ranked match without ever needing to be revived.
The Devil's in the Details (20)
Complete 20 minor objectives in a ranked match.
This is my Boom Stick! (20)
Kill 250 enemies total using Shotguns.
Two Eyes are Better Than One (35)
Kill 5 enemies total using Co-op Snipe.
Weapon Specialist (15)
Purchase 3 weapons.
Army of Two Glitches
PS3, Xbox 360 | Submitted by kreyzFloating Guns
In the Aircraft Carrier mission.
sometimes when you kill people before they have a chance to exit the helicopters, their guns will be suspended in midair!
Xbox 360 | Submitted by Karim F. (^_^)Easy Weapons Achievment
First you go through the training until you hit the part were Rios or Salem gets sniped and you have to drag and heal them (it's only training you won't die). While he's down two guards will come continuously, so you can kill them over and over again and get the achievements for every weapon.
Xbox 360 | Submitted by XxDrayenXxEasy Cash in China
This cheat would be very easy if you have already beaten the game (recommended). Before you even start campaign you must do the following: First instead of starting a new campaign go to select map and choose the level China. In the beginning of this level there is an objective that you must destroy the convoy as it goes over the bridge, kill the soldiers and go down to the part of the map where you destroy it. After you kill the convoy you are awarded $30,000. Once you get the money run back down to your hovercraft and wait until the characters finish the other dialog about the bounty on your head. When they finish pause the game and press quit game. Then repeat these steps until you get the money that you desire.
NOTE: you may have to change difficulties from time to time when you want to play the level.
Xbox 360 | Submitted by hellpassEasy Money
After you beat the game, go back to the main menu, load last checkpoint. After you kill Clyde again you will be awarded another $20,000.
You can repeat this process as many times as you want to and keep getting that $20,000. It is also possible to kill those enemies that are around Clyde with guns that have a achievements for them, SMGs, RPGs, Snipers, Handguns, etc...
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