Black Ops Cold War Zombies Easter egg walkthrough

black ops cold war zombies easter egg
(Image credit: Activision)

Here's how to complete Black Ops Cold War Zombies Die Maschine Easter egg if you don't want to spend hours trying to work it all out yourself. Like all Zombie Easter eggs there's a lot of steps and things to do that you'll never work out by random experimentation. Black Ops Cold War hasn't really made any changes to that set up and expects you to travel through dimensions, use a things like decontamination machines, obtain and upgrade very specific weapon, and more in the Die Maschine Easter egg, So, to help you work it all out and save time, here is a step-by-step guide to completing the Black Ops Cold War Zombies Easter egg.

Check out our Black Ops Cold War Zombies guide for general tips and tricks in the mode.

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How to start the Black Ops Cold War Zombies Easter Egg 

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(Image credit: Activision)

To start the Black Ops Cold War Zombies Easter Egg, play like you normally would and grab the part to create the Pack-a-Punch machine. In the meantime, we recommend getting as many points as you can, which can be done by using the knife instead of an actual weapon with bullets. Once you are ready to turn on the power, make sure you leave one or two zombies alive to make your life easier. 

Then, turn on the power, and head through the Anomaly to get to the Dark Aether. Then, make your way upstairs to the crash site and purchase the nearby shotgun. Shoot the fuse box right next to the teleporter and grab the fuse. Then, play like you normally would until you’ve got the Pack-a-Punch machine running. 

Acquire the D.I.E. Shockwave Wonder Weapon

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(Image credit: Activision)

One the next round begins, get the Megaton boss to follow you out to the tree with the fungus/mushroom on it that leads to Quick Revive from the main area. Get the Megaton to shoot its radiation at the fungus, and it’ll light up purple. 

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(Image credit: Activision)

Kill the creature as well as the two that are created after it splits. Grab the key from one of the bosses after it splits, and take it to the weapon’s lab above the Deadshot Daiquiri perk machine. Place it in the machine and it’ll give you the  D.I.E. Remote Control.

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(Image credit: Activision)

Take it to the living room of the Nacht der Untoten area by the spawn and place your remote through the hole to activate a trap. Lead zombies in front of it and it’ll take them out. After around 30ish kills or so, you can discharge, which will open the door revealing the D.I.E. Shockwave Wonder Weapon. Make sure to clear the zombies out before trying to grab the Wonder Weapon because you can easily get trapped in the room and overrun. 

D.I.E. Cryo-Emitter and Nova-5 upgrade

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(Image credit: Activision)

After you get the D.I.E. Shockwave Wonder Weapon, run upstairs to the upper level of Nacht der Untoten and shoot the little box that’s sitting on the roof. It will fall down by the mushroom tree from before. Then, go up to the Mezzanine area in the Nacht der Untoten section, above the door you can unlock to grab a vial. You’ll need to suck it with your Wonder Weapon. 

From here, run over to the mushroom tree, place the container below it and leave it for now. You’ll come back to retrieve it once it’s full. Then run back to the room with Deadshot Daiquiri and place the canister on the Cleaning Unit. 

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(Image credit: Activision)

You’ll need a Plaguehound to emit its radiation right by it so it fills. Wait until the Plaguehounds spawn and lead one to this location, then take it out to get its radiation to fill the canister. 

After that, grab the canister and head back up to the outside area by the plane and you’ll be able to place it on a weapon crate. Make sure you melee the box to acquire the Nova-5 upgrade part. 

Then, run back to the mushroom tree to grab the mutated fungus from the container. After this, run down to the room with the Speed Cola perk machine and interact with the box close by on the ground. It will give you the Cryo -Emitter upgrade. 

Gathering the parts to construct Aetherscope

The next step is to gather the Aetherscope parts after you’ve traveled through the Anomaly to the Dark Aether. They are scattered around in fixed locations and are outlined with yellow to make them easier to see. They don’t all spawn at once and you must grab one before the next will appear.

One shows up on the wing of the crash site in the main area outside, another by the outside stairs in the spawn, and the third in the center room, across from the Pack-a-Punch machine by a teleporter. 

Crash Site Aetherscope part

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(Image credit: Activision)

Stairs by spawn Aetherscope part

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(Image credit: Activision)

Teleporter in Particle Accelerator Aetherscope part

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(Image credit: Activision)

For best results, we recommend leaving one zombie alive before traversing through the Anomaly to try and find the parts.Remember, you do have a limited time while in the Dark Aether, but you can continue to return as many times as you’d like. 

Once you’ve got all three parts, head to the workbench beneath the Pack-a-Punch to craft the Aetherscope. 

Obtain password to Doctor Vogel's computer

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(Image credit: Activision)

After you’ve done so, head through the Anomaly in the Speed Cola perk room and it’ll send you into the other dimension once more. Then, head into the office in the same room on the second floor and grab the diary on the desk. 

Go back downstairs and hand it to Doctor Vogel, who is standing in the corner. After he’s done talking, he’ll reappear in the room with the trials, so hand him the diary, and then he’ll reappear a final time right in front of the workbench beneath the Pack-a-Punch machine. Give him the diary one more time, and listen to his dialogue.

Then, when you return from the Dark Aether, head into the office where you found the diary and interact with the computer. You’ll now be able to enter the password, which will activate the vessel in the room with Speed Cola. 

From here, you need to shoot each of the vessel's four arms with the corresponding D.I.E. Shockwave Wonder Weapon upgrade. You should have Nova-5 and the Cryo-Emitter upgrade at this point, so hit both of those and get ready for the next two upgrades. 

D.I.E. Thermophasic upgrade

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(Image credit: Activision)

Next, you need to head out to the area with the mushroom tree and you’ll see another Anomaly and a truck with a box on top of it. Interact with the box and then traverse through the portal. Once you spawn in, go down to the Deadshot Daiquiri room and interact with the plasma cutter. This will open up a box containing the D.I.E Thermophasic upgrade, so head back to reality and grab it from the truck mentioned above. Run back to the vessel in the Speed Cola room and shoot the next arm. At this point, you’ll only have one left!

D.I.E. Electrobolt upgrade

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(Image credit: Activision)

After that, you should go to the floor just below the Pack-a-Punch where the workbench is located and you’ll see another Anomaly behind the stairs. When you arrive in the Dark Aether, you’ll need to suck three crystals (make sure you’ve got the Shockwave equipped), which all spawn in fixed locations. However, after you suck each crystal, you need to return to the lower section of the Particle Accelerator room and shoot the box containing the upgrade. It’s found in the corner, by the fence along the wall, to the right of the workbench. 

The first crystal is to the left of the Jugger-nog machine, the second one is on the right side of the section with Speed Revive, and the final one is on the second floor of the Nacht der Untoten section on the roof, in the area closest to the crash site. All of the crystals are bright yellow/orange and are pretty easy to see.

Crystal next to Jugger-Nog

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(Image credit: Activision)

Crystal in pond area with Quick Revive

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(Image credit: Activision)

Crystal above Nacht der Untoten bedroom

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(Image credit: Activision)

Remember, you must shoot the box mentioned above each time you suck a crystal and you must shoot it one at a time. You can’t just grab all three and shoot the box three times, sadly. Once you’ve shot the box in the Particle Accelerator room a third time, it’ll open in the real world, giving you the D.I.E Electrobolt upgrade.

After you’ve collected it, run over to the vessel in the Speed Cola room and shoot the final arm with the correct upgrade to get to the next section. 

Install the Decontamination Agent and cleanse the subject

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(Image credit: Activision)

The next step is to head into the Dark Aether again, and you’ll find the Anomaly just outside the Speed Cola room that leads to the Pack-a-Punch area. Then, go into the Speed Cola room and head to the second floor where you’ll see another Anomaly you can interact with. It’ll say “reveal the spectral reflection.” This will trigger a scene where one of the characters will be holding a blue orb known as the Decontamination Agent. 

After it plays out and you return to reality, you’ll find a Dark Aether Wrench on the ground right where the two characters were, so pick it up. Take the wrench all the way to the spawn and make sure you have a semtex grenade on you. If you don’t, you can craft one from the crafting station. Go to the tank in the spawn area and bang on it three times with the wrench. 

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(Image credit: Activision)

Once you do, the hatch will open and a zombie will appear. Kill the zombie and then throw the semtex grenade right at the hatch to get the tank to shoot a nearby tree. Following the shot from the tank, run to the tree over by the crash site to collect the Decontamination Agent that just dropped, (kill the dogs that spawn first) and deliver it to the containment unit from before - right next to the two characters you saw in the Dark Aether.

The final portion of this step is to get another Megaton to spawn and kill its first form. Then, lead the two split creatures into the vessel in the Speed Cola room. Beneath the vessel is a blue circle they need to stand on, which will suck them up into the machine. Once both have been sucked up, go into the computer room on the second floor of the Speed Cola area and interact with the computer. 

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(Image credit: Ch0pper)

Doing so will turn the two creatures into a man named Orlov and once it does, follow the man into the bigger room. At this point, several Plaguehounds will spawn, so take them out and go over to the living room of Nacht der Untoten where you’ll see another Anomaly. After you’ve gone through the Dark Aether, run over to the corner of Nacht der Untoten right by the handgun on the wall to reveal another Anomaly. Interact with it and Orlov will spawn with a picture of his family.

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(Image credit: Activision)

After the cutscene, you’ll need to pick up the photo from the table and be ready to face the boss. Do keep in mind that once you collect the photo, you’ll be sent to the boss fight, so make sure you’re prepared with everything you need before you do that. Grab all the perks, upgrades, and any other items/weapons you think will be useful for the final fight.

Black Ops Cold War Zombies Easter egg boss fight

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(Image credit: Activision)

After you’ve collected the photo, you’ll spawn in the Particle Accelerator room where Orlov will give a speech. When his speech is over, the fight will commence and it consists of you protecting Orlov as he attacks three machines in this room. 

Keep in mind, Orlov can die during this process, so make sure you’re protecting him to the best of your ability. A great tactic is to poison the area around him with your Nova-5 Wonder Weapon upgrade, which will keep the enemies that try to attack him at bay.

Remember to cover him as he migrates to each of the three locations in this area and don’t forget to keep shooting your poison around him to keep enemies off. Make sure you run around the area so you don’t get overrun by zombies and keep returning to him to make sure he’s okay.

This part is really tough, due to the sheer number of zombies that spawn. You’ll get lots of regular zombies, Plaguehounds, and the Megaton bosses, which all deal devastating attacks, so try to keep your distance while firing away with whatever you have. We highly recommend running laps around the arena while stopping to replenish your shields often. After Olav deactivates the third machine on the bottom floor, the room will turn white and you’ll be ready for exfil.

Black Ops Cold War zombies Easter egg Exfil

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(Image credit: Activision)

If you’ve made it this far, you’re ready for exfil. At this point, a timer of 1:30 will appear and you’ll need to head to the exfil area right next to the Quick Revive perk machine at the pond area. There are many routes you can take, but the quickest is to go through the room with Deadshot Daiquiri (make sure you drop down), through the tunnel, and out towards the crash site, then past the mushroom tree, to exfil. 

Along the way, you’ll see blue energy emitting from the ground, as well as a horde of zombies. For best results, make sure you’ve got Cymbal Monkey, decoys, and any other items that will help keep zombies away. A minute and a half doesn’t sound like much, but it’s plenty of time to reach the exfil area. Just take your time and pay attention to the blue energy along the way and you’ll be fine. Once you reach the exfil area, regardless of if you killed all the zombies, you’ll complete the mission and the Easter Egg for Die Maschine!

Joseph Yaden

Joseph loves Nintendo and horror games. With the Nintendo Switch, he's ready to get spooky anytime, anywhere. He specializes in covering Call of Duty: Warzone and action RPGs like Dark Souls, so you can bet he's looking forward to Elden Ring, the brainchild of George RR Martin and Hidetaka Miyazaki. You can find Joseph's work at GamesRadar, Digital Trends, Inverse, and PLAY Magazine. When he's not writing about video games he can usually be found petting his cats and listening to some Progressive Metal. He thinks Meshuggah is tight.

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