Features archive
June 2011
303 articles
- June 30
- June 29
- SHORT STORY Unathi Battles The Black Hairballs by Lauren Beukes
- Love GTA, Heavy Rain and Resident Evil? Well Deadly Premonition is better than all of them. Here's why
- TalkRadar UK Episode 95: Grumpy old men
- 30 Killer Movie Assassinations
- The SFX Summer Of SF Reading begins now
- Game music of the day: Wizards & Warriors III
- June 28
- June 27
- June 26
- June 25
- June 24
- Download of the Week: Even more shady goings on for Cole Phelps to shed light on in L.A. Noire's latest case
- 14 important life lessons we can learn from video games
- The Evolution Of Rose Byrne
- GamesRadar E3 2011 Awards: Most Artsy-Fartsy
- E3 2011 Award: Most Likely to Consume Our Lives
- GamesRadar E3 2011 Special Award: Most Tasteless New Game
- Zelda: Ocarina of Stupidity
- Green Lantern: Rise of the Manhunters video: Full Access Playthrough
- Ocarina of Time video: Ganon's Castle FAP
- June 23
- Appreciation Section: Sonic the Hedgehog
- 28 of the most favourite video game trees ever
- Shadows of the Damned: Suda51 likes British sitcoms, thinks most publishers don't understand how to make horror
- TalkRadar UK 94 - Tree-mendous
- Sonic the Hedgehog: The incredible secrets left on the cutting room floor
- Panel Bashing: Is This It?
- 32 Greatest Jim Henson Creatures
- 30 Greatest Hand Drawn Movie Posters
- GamesRadar E3 2011 Awards: Best New Game We Know Nothing About
- GamesRadar E3 2011 Awards: Worst First Impression
- GamesRadar E3 2011 Special Award: Best Game for Masochists
- E3 2011: The last Kinect preview you’ll ever need
- June 22
- Comic Heroes Issue 7
- BLOG Come to Alt.Fiction
- Torchwood gets a Q...
- So how powerful is the Wii U exactly? Let's look at all the evidence
- 12 Exclusive Taxi Driver On-Set Pics
- The Story Behind Bridesmaids
- The 8 worst moments in Duke Nukem Forever
- GamesRadar E3 2011 Awards: Most Satisfying Gore
- GamesRadar E3 2011 Awards: Guiltiest Pleasure
- GamesRadar E3 2011 Awards: Best Trailer
- June 21
- 5 ways that video games have most heinously lied to us about hackers and hacking
- Dick Tracy 2: 18 Possible Plots
- BLOG Cancelled shows and their cliff-hanger endings
- GamesRadar E3 2011 Awards: Most Graphics
- GamesRadar E3 2011 Awards: Coolest Character Reinvention
- GamesRadar E3 2011 Special Award: Best Response To Fan Feedback
- 30 Greatest Movie Fistfights
- First image of Robin in Batman: Arkham City revealed
- UFO Online preview – never heard of it? You need to
- Pokemon Monday 46 - Bloodsport
- June 20
- June 19
- June 18
- E3 2011: Saints Row: The Third hands-on preview
- Ocarina of Time video: Spirit Temple FAP
- TalkRadar 158 - Duke stain
- E3 2011: Need for Speed: The Run hands-on preview
- The Sims 3 Generations expansion review
- E3 2011: Ace Combat: Assault Horizon hands on – it’s not aiming at specks anymore
- E3 2011: Check vs Mate preview – because what chess is really missing is the chance to stab something
- E3 2011: Gamma World: Alpha Mutation – it’s about time someone licensed this awesomely wacky RPG
- E3 2011: Raven’s Cry preview – Oh, Sid Meier’s Pirates, where have you been?
- E3 2011: Raiderz – probably the best-looking free MMO ever created
- E3 2011: Blackwater preview – Kinect-based shooter redefines the term “firearm”
- E3 2011: Scivelation preview – what on Earth is a Scivelation?
- E3 2011: Serious Sam: Double D preview—creativity meets mindless violence
- BLOG TV shows gone before their time (that aren't Firefly)
- E3 2011: Crusader Kings II hands-on preview – war is the easy part. Running the rest of the country is hard
- E3 2011: Rocksmith hands-on preview – finally, a guitar game that uses any real guitar
- E3 2011: End of Nations hands-on preview – RTS becomes MMO
- E3 2011: King Arthur 2: The Role-playing Wargame – that’s really what it’s called
- Carrier Command: Gaea Mission preview – Strategy? FPS? Vehicular action? Yes.
- E3 MVG 2011 Selection: Hitman Absolution interview
- June 17
- 18 DC Characters That Should Be Movies
- Download of the Week: Midnight Club: L.A. Complete Edition is now less than a speeding ticket and far safer
- NEW AUTHOR: Elspeth Cooper
- E3 MVG 2011 Selection: Assassin’s Creed Revelations interview
- F1 2011 preview – it's okay to be niche when you're this hardcore
- E3 2011: Ruin preview – Dungeon crawling at home and on the go
- E3 2011 – Combat Wings: The Great Battles of WWII preview
- 20 Lamest Movie Vampires
- Best & Worst: Mel Gibson
- E3 MVG 2011 Selection: Halo Anniversary interview
- Ninja Gaiden 3 preview – somehow they’ve added even more blood than before
- E3 2011: Star Wars: The Old Republic second look – you really should be bananas about this game
- E3 2011: UFC Undisputed 3 – first impressions
- E3 2011: Disney Universe preview – LittleBigMagicKingdom would have been too obvious
- E3 2011: Inversion hands-on preview – Gravity is for suckers
- E3 2011: The War of the Worlds preview – whatever you expect, it’s not what you expect
- E3 2011: Resident Evil: Revelations preview – Jill and Chris’ possibly excellent retro adventure
- E3 2011: Sesame Street: Once Upon a Monster preview – stop acting your age
- E3 2011: Warhammer 40,000: Kill Team hands-on preview
- E3 2011: Jurassic Park preview – putting the action back into adventure games
- E3 2011: Star Trek preview – finally, videogame proof that Kirk and Spock are badasses
- E3 2011: Tera hands-on preview – real-time combat meets real world government
- E3 2011: Metro: Last Light preview – bleak, melancholy, and erupting with gunfire
- E3 2011: PixelJunk SideScroller hands-on preview
- E3 2011: Hitman: Absolution – bald, beautiful, and tearing Chicago a new one
- E3 2011: The Darkness II preview – The other Dark Knight returns
- June 16
- E3 2011: Tropico 4 preview – volcanoes, assassinations, and oil spills. Welcome to paradise
- E3 2011: Rusty Hearts – Castle Crashers meets Devil May Cry? We’ll play that
- E3 2011: The Cursed Crusade preview
- E3 2011: NCAA Football 12 preview – Madden’s little brother still comes to play
- If game developers quit the business and became shopkeepers instead
- 30 Most Controversial Movie Stars
- The Evolution Of Melissa George
- E3 2011: Bastion second look preview – a beautiful must-play action RPG
- The biggest news you missed from E3 2011
- Ocarina of Time video: Shadow Temple FAP
- E3 2011: Pro Evolution Soccer 2012 preview
- E3 2011: Dust 514 preview
- E3 2011: Ms. Splosion Man hands-on preview – This lady is the bomb
- E3 2011: Harvest Moon: The Tale of Two Towns – its crops vs critters in the latest adorable farm sim
- E3 2011: Blades of Time hands-on preview
- E3 2011: Blacklight Retribution - like any other multiplayer FPS, only…freer
- E3 2011: Two Worlds 2: Pirates of the Flying Fortress preview – now with added zombie strippers
- Wipeout 2048 hands-on preview – the best-controlling Wipeout yet
- E3 2011: Risen 2: Dark Waters – Die Hard meets an open-world pirate RPG … seriously
- E3 2011: Captain America: Super Soldier hands-on preview – Steve Rogers borrows Batman’s moves
- E3 2011: NBA 2K12 – the true chosen one is already training for next season
- E3 2011: Bodycount preview – Can this destruction-minded shooter bullseye the Call of Duty crowd?
- E3 2011: Madden 12 preview – prettier than ever, in that “giant men colliding in the mud” kind of way
- E3 2011: Aliens: Colonial Marines preview
- E3 2011: Deus Ex: Human Revolution hands-on preview – there's more than one way to skin a robot
- E3 2011: Lord of the Rings: War in the North second look: Why aren’t there more co-op RPGs?
- E3 2011: The Gunstringer hands-on preview
- E3 2011: Frogger 3DS preview – strange but true, this looks awesome
- E3 2011: Pet Zombies hands-on preview – undead Nintendogs, anyone?
- E3 2011: Serious Sam 3: BFE hands-on preview – old-school mayhem with 16-player co-op
- June 15
- TalkRadar UK Episode 93 - Back to basics
- E3 2011: GamesRadar’s E3 photo diary
- E3 2011: Ghost Recon Online hands-on preview – Tom Clancy goes free to play
- E3 2011: ARMA III preview – bigger and more realistic than before
- E3 2011: Trine 2 hands-on preview
- E3 2011: Earth Defense Force: Insect Armageddon hands-on preview – campy, over the top action
- E3 2011: Trenched hands on preview – the manliest mech shooter ever tower defended
- E3 2011: Driver: San Francisco hands-on preview - leave your car without ever leaving the car
- E3 2011: House of the Dead: Overkill Extended Cut – hands-on preview
- E3 2011: Neverwinter preview – play the game, then build your own D&D epic
- E3 2011: Insanely Twisted Shadow Planet preview – like Super Metroid in a UFO with degrees in art and physics
- E3 2011: Rock of Ages preview – Marble Madness meets Monty Python, and tower defense will never be the same
- E3 2011: Sword of the Stars II: Lords of Winter preview
- E3 2011: SSX hands-on preview – Don’t worry, this is still the SSX you love
- E3 2011: Anarchy Reigns – hands-on with bizarre brawler
- E3 2011: Metal Gear Solid: Snake Eater 3D preview - will this slithery PS2 port be worth biting into?
- E3 2011: White Knight Chronicles II latest impressions
- E3 2011: Nano Assault hands-on preview
- E3 2011: Warhammer 40K: Space Marine preview – don’t call it Gears of Warhammer
- June 14
- E3 2011: Prey 2 preview – an open world, Blade Runner-meets-Mirror’s Edge sci-fi shooter. Sure, why not?
- Noah Wyle interview
- 18 Villains For Green Lantern 2
- The Top 7... Cringeworthy moments from the E3 2011 press conferences
- E3 2011: Doctor Lautrec & the Forgotten Knights hands-on preview
- E3 2011: Call of Juarez: The Cartel hands-on preview
- E3 2011: Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning – God of War’s combat in Oblivion’s world
- E3 2011: Star Wars: The Old Republic preview
- E3 2011: Brothers in Arms: Furious 4 first-look preview – wanna play Inglourious Basterds?
- E3 2011: Sniper: Ghost Warrior 2 preview
- E3 2011: Rise of Nightmares hands-on preview
- E3 2011: Orcs Must Die! hands-on preview
- E3 2011: Shinobi hands-on preview – it’s back, and it’s about damn time
- E3 2011: Street Fighter III: Third Strike Online Edition preview
- E3 2011: El Shaddai: Ascension of the Metatron hands-on preview – lush art meets lunatic design
- E3 2011: Resident Evil: Operation Raccoon City preview – like Left 4 Dead with spec-ops soldiers
- June 13
- June 11
- E3 2011: Luigi's Mansion 2 hands-on preview
- Top 33 SF Hitchcocks
- E3 2011: Sly Cooper: Thieves in Time preview
- E3 2011: Rayman Origins hands-on preview - hand-drawn gorgeousness Disney himself would appreciate
- E3 2011: Assassin's Creed: Revelations hands-on preview
- E3 2011: Starhawk preview – why just join the army when you can build your own?
- E3 2011: Dark Souls hands-on preview – bleak, brutal, melancholy, and a must-play
- E3 2011: BloodRayne: Betrayal hands-on
- E3 2011: Binary Domain preview
- E3 2011: Final Fantasy XIII-2 – More exploration, more choices, more Moogles
- E3 2011: Ghost Recon: Future Soldier hands-on preview
- Spider-Man - OLD
- E3 2011: Crush3D preview – quite possibly the perfect 3D puzzle platformer
- E3 2011: Otomedius Excellent hands-on preview
- June 10
- The 10 sexiest photos from E3 2011
- GamesRadar's E3 adventure now playing in the mostly astonishing Musical Screenshot Gallery
- E3 2011: The 26 new game announcements that make this year's show better than you think
- 18 Awesome Red Band Trailers
- E3 2011: NeverDead – hands-on, limbs everywhere
- E3 2011: ModNation Racers hands-on preview
- E3 2011: Twisted Metal’s idea of a puzzle involves mechs, men, and meat grinders
- Sam Ashurst's House Of Horror: Slashers, cannibals and awful werewolves
- 30 Greatest Indiana Jones Moments
- E3 2011: Papo & Yo – hands-on with impressive indie
- E3 2011: Ratchet and Clank: All 4 One hands-on preview
- E3 MVG 2011 Selection: Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword interview
- E3 MVG 2011 Selection: Saints Row: The Third interview
- E3 2011: Uncharted 3: Drake’s Deception preview
- E3 2011: From Dust hands on preview – a fantastic, minimalist god sim
- Wii U: hands-on with Nintendo's new touch-screen controller
- E3 2011: Far Cry 3 first-look preview
- E3 MVG 2011 Selection: BioShock: Infinite interview
- E3 2011: Rage – hands-on Dead City gameplay
- Journey hands-on preview
- E3 2011: X-Men Destiny preview – can customizable super powers make this a first class mutant mash-up?
- E3 MVG 2011 Selection: Dark Souls interview
- E3 MVG 2011 Selection: Tomb Raider interview
- The US Official Xbox Magazine's top games of E3: Day Three Edition
- E3 MVG 2011 Selection: Deus Ex: Human Revolution interview
- E3 2011: WWE '12 – hands-on with the rebooted wrassler
- E3 MVG 2011 Selection: Uncharted 3 interview
- June 9
- E3 2011: Forza 4 shows GT5 how to make the most of the Top Gear license
- 30 Movies That'll Never Be Remade
- PC Gamer editor's E3 pick of the day – a serious choice
- E3 2011: Silent Hill: Downpour hands-on preview
- E3 MVG 2011: The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim interview
- E3 MVG 2011: Rage interview
- 50 Hilarious Bootleg Movie Posters
- E3 2011: Mass Effect 3 first live demo
- E3 MVG 2011: Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning interview
- E3 2011: Super Mario 3D hands-on preview
- E3 MVG 2011 Selection: Modern Warfare 3 interview
- E3 MVG 2011 Selection: Gears of War 3 interview
- E3 MVG 2011 Selection: Mass Effect 3 interview
- PlayStation: The Official Magazine's favorite undiscovered games of E3 2011
- The US Official Xbox Magazine's top games of E3's first two days
- June 8
- E3 2011: What Miyamoto didn't tell you about the Game Boy Color Zelda download
- E3 2011: Why the Wii U is definitely the perfect games console, and why it's also definitely an utter disaster
- TalkRadar UK episode 92 - Best and worst of the E3 conferences
- GamesRadar UK's totally at E3 interviews: the very important studio manager
- The Evolution Of Jackie Chan
- E3 MVG 2011 Selection: Prototype 2 interview
- E3 2011 - Prototype 2 preview
- Come by the Future booth at E3, and you could win a car!
- E3 2011: Editor impressions of the Sony press conference
- E3 2011 - Skylanders: Spyro's Adventure first-look preview
- E3 2011: The Wii U hardware info you need to know
- June 7
- Nintendo E3 2011 press conference live stream
- E3 2011: Why Microsoft's press conference showed that it may have much bigger problems than Kinect
- PURE GOLDER The Beautiful Game
- FIFA 12 hands-on: Our impressions after playing 26 games
- E3 2011: Editor impressions of the Microsoft press conference
- E3 2011: The Sony Press Conference – Everything you need to know
- E3 2011: Modern Warfare 3 keeps destroying the world
- Sony E3 2011 press conference live stream
- The Story Behind Kung Fu Panda 2
- E3 2011: Halo 4 inbound Holiday 2012
- E3 2011: The Microsoft press conference - Everything you need to know
- June 6
- June 5
- June 4
- June 3
- BLOG Opening The Stormhouse
- GUEST BLOG The Broader State Of SF
- NEW AUTHOR: Simon Morden
- First Tomb Raider trailer destroys something beautiful... Lara Croft
- 18 Awesome Movie Proms
- Sam Ashurst's House Of Horror: Zombie cops, mutant warthogs and deadly orcs
- The Evolution Of Eva Mendes
- Reality Fighters – hands-on preview
- E3 2011: Lord of the Rings: War in the North – hands-on preview
- E3 2011: NGP blowout! Hands on with every NGP game in Sony's booth
- E3 2011: Uncharted: Golden Abyss – hands-on preview with the NGP’s hottest game
- Ocarina of Time video: Fire Temple FAP
- Five years later: the biggest news from E3 2006
- E3 2011: Batman: Arkham City - hands-on with the Bat AND the Cat
- 3DS eShop – full details revealed
- June 2
- June 1
- TalkRadar UK Episode 91 - Pre-E3 Special
- BLOG List Of Cool Things I Will Probably Never Do
- BLOG Standing Up For Sci-Fi
- BLOG Pieces In Play: Catching Up With Game of Thrones
- Torchwood: Miracle Day Russell T Davies Interview
- BLOG The Bitter End
- 30 Awesome Movie Jobs That Don't Exist
- 10 co-op games that actually require cooperation
- Ocarina of Time video: Forest Temple FAP