Jurassic Park: Operation Genesis Cheats
Jurassic Park: Operation Genesis FAQs
Submitted by Kris
Jurassic Park: Operation Genesis Cheats
PC | Submitted by AlpharaptorSite B
To unlock Site B you have to beat all of the missions, it's cool because you make the dinosaurs and watch them run wild on your little island paradise.
Xbox | Submitted by GamesRadarGet More $10,000
During gameplay press L + Up, L + Down
Xbox | Submitted by GamesRadarCrash Safari Car
HOLD L + R and press Up, Down, Up, Down several times
Xbox | Submitted by GamesRadarMake Your Money $0
During gameplay Press L + R, Down
Xbox | Submitted by GamesRadarRestock Market
Press L + R + Down
Xbox | Submitted by GamesRadarMake Mission Super Hard
During gameplay press R, Right, Right, Right, Right, R
Xbox | Submitted by GamesRadarNo Twisters (PAL Version Only)
During gameplay press Left, Right, L, R
Xbox | Submitted by GamesRadarGet heat Wave
During gameplay press R + Down, R + Down
PS2 | Submitted by GamesRadarNo Twisters (PAL Version Only)
During gameplay press Left, Right, L1, R1
PS2 | Submitted by GamesRadarTwister on the Island
During gameplay press Left, Up, Right, Down, L1 + R1
PS2 | Submitted by GamesRadarStormy Weather
During gameplay press R1, R1, L1, R1, Down, Up, Down
PS2 | Submitted by GamesRadarIsla Muerta
During gameplay press R1, R1, L1, Left
PS2 | Submitted by GamesRadarKill all Dinos (PAL Version Only)
During gameplay press L1, R1, Down, R1, L1
PS2 | Submitted by GamesRadarMake Mission Super Hard
During gameplay press R1, Right, Right, Right, Right, R1
PS2 | Submitted by GamesRadarGet More $10,000
During gameplay press L1 + Up, L1 + Down
PS2 | Submitted by GamesRadarNo Sick Dinos
During gameplay HOLD L1 + R1 and press Up several times
PS2 | Submitted by GamesRadarKill All Tourists
During gameplay HOLD R1 and press Right, Left, Right, Left, Right
PS2 | Submitted by GamesRadarMake Your Money $0
During gameplay Press L1 + R1, Down
PS2 | Submitted by GamesRadarRestock Market
Press L1 + R1 + Down
PC | Submitted by GamesRadarHow to impress Dino nerds
Dino nerds are the hardest visitors to impress. A good way to impress them is using Dinosaurs from the same time period (AKA late cretaceous)that are mixed (Herbivores & Carnivore).They may also get a kick out of Carnivore taking down a Herbivore.
If you don't have any dinosaurs from the same time period,use Dinosaurs from the same place of discovery.(AKA Arizona or China)
PC | Submitted by Greg EdgeChange Game Data Change Game Data
Find the file "constant.ini" in your game "Data" folder. Use a text editor such as Notepad to change the settings below. Note: You should back up the file before making any changes.
Game time:
Find the following lines
Changing the values will alter how long it takes for a month/week/day to pass.
More dinos:
Find the line
MaxDinoPopulation = 60
Change this to allow for more dinos in your park.
More people:
Find the line
ParkMaxPopulationCap = 100
Change this to allow for more people in your park.
More money:
Find the line
ParkStartPlayerMoney = 60000
Change this for more starting money.
Higher entry fee:
Find the line
ParkMaxEntryFee = 5000
Change this to increase the maximum you can charge for park entry.
PC | Submitted by Snake_WranglerMultiple cheats
Note: The following codes require the left square bracket "[" and right square bracket "]" keys to be pressed. A comma "," indicates that the previous key should be released before pressing the next key. A plus "+" indicates that two keys should be presses simultaneously. Note: Do not select anything before entering a code. The codes will not work with an item selected:
Press [ + Up, [ + Down during game play. $10,000 will be added to your finances.
Press [, Right, Right, [, ], Down during game play. $250,000 will be added to your finances
Press [, [, [, Left, Left, Left during game play. All carnivores will become stressed.
Press ], Up, ], Right, [, Down during game play. This will set all excavated dinosaur DNA to 100%.
Press Down(3), Left, Right, [, Down, Up during game play. Everything will be researched.
Press ], Right, Right, Right, Right, ] during game play. All missions, exercises, and Site B will be unlocked
Press ] + Down, ] + Down during game play. A heat wave will occur.
Press [, Left, Left, ], ], Right during game play. Your fences will have high security.
Xbox | Submitted by GamesRadarUpset Carnivores
During gameplay press L, L, L, Left, Left, Left
Xbox | Submitted by GamesRadarNo Twisters
During gameplay Hold L + R and press Left, Right. Release L + R, then press L + R
Xbox | Submitted by GamesRadarKill All Tourists
During gameplay HOLD R and press Right, Left, Right, Left, Right
Xbox | Submitted by GamesRadarKill all Dinos (PAL Version Only)
During gameplay press L, R, Down, R, L
Xbox | Submitted by GamesRadarKill All Tourists (PAL version only)
During gameplay press Left, Right, Left, Right, R
Xbox | Submitted by GamesRadarIsla Muerta
During gameplay press R, R, L, Left
Xbox | Submitted by GamesRadarNo Sick Dinos
During gameplay HOLD L + R and press Up several times
PS2 | Submitted by GamesRadarNo Sick Dinos (PAL version only)
During gameplay press Up, Up, R1, L1, Up, up several times
PS2 | Submitted by GamesRadarCrash Safari Car
HOLD L1 + R1 and press Up, Down, Up, Down several times
PS2 | Submitted by GamesRadarMake Your Money $0 (PAL Version only)
During gameplay Press L1, R1, L1, R1, Down, Down
PS2 | Submitted by GamesRadarCarnivores
During gameplay press L1, L1, L1, Left, Left, Left
PS2 | Submitted by GamesRadarNo Twisters
During gameplay Hold L1 + R1 and press Left, Right. Release L1 + R1, then press L1 + R1
PS2 | Submitted by GamesRadarKill All Tourists (PAL version only)
During gameplay press Left, Right, Left, Right, R1
PS2 | Submitted by GamesRadarGet heat Wave
During gameplay press R1 + Down, R1 + Down
Jurassic Park: Operation Genesis Hints
Xbox | Submitted by XboxGiant Velociraptor
First make a large cage. You need to use a High Security Wall. Then put a hatchery in it, and hatch first one Brontosaurus, then one Tyrannosaurus, and finally five Velociraptors. Order a helicopter to sedate the Brontosaurus. The Tyrannosaurus will ea it. Then sedate two of the Velociraptors and the Tyrannosaurus. The three remaining Velociraptors will eat the Tyrannosaurus, and then eat the two sleeping Velociraptors.
Afterwards, place a car ride through the gate. (That's why the gate has to be large.)
The Velociraptors will stop the ride and crush it, before eating the visitors inside.
Wait until the Velociraptors get hungry. They will then resort to cannibalism and eat each other until there is one left. Place a Carnivore Feeder inside the cage and give the Velociraptor a cow. After eating it, the Velociraptor grow until it is about the size of a View Platform. It will easily break trough the High Security Wall and start a panic. It will also walk around your park and eat all the other dinosaurs. Very dangerous, but extremely cool!!!
Xbox | Submitted by someoneZombie T-Rexs
First, you must unlock Site-B at the main menu by doing the missions. Go to site-b. Make the island any way you want. Choose the area where you get t-rex. Hatch a t-rex and have it die.(the fastest way to kill it is to put a dinosaur that will attack it, such as triceratops) When it dies, lock on to it by pressing the A button. It will eventually disappear. When it does, a message says, cheat activated and it will name an unlocked island. hatch another t-rex and it will look like nothing but bones and rotten flesh.
Xbox | Submitted by AlpharaptorSite B
To unlock Site B you have to beat all of the missions, it's cool because you make the dinosaurs and watch them run wild on your little island paradise.
Xbox | Submitted by GamesRadarHow to impress Dino nerds
Dino nerds are the hardest visitors to impress. A good way to impress them is using Dinosaurs from the same time period (AKA late cretaceous)that are mixed (Herbivores & Carnivore).They may also get a kick out of Carnivore taking down a Herbivore.
If you don't have any dinosaurs from the same time period,use Dinosaurs from the same place of discovery.(AKA Arizona or China)
PS2 | Submitted by Joseph PinonHow To Get A Lot of 5star Dinosaurs
When you start out you need to make your island with no trees no mountains and only some rivers then you should get the t-rex and some others then you want to build your park and make your t-rexs' DNA 100% and make your t-rex enclosure close to where visitors can visit to increase your parks popularity then when you get stars from your parks popularity then get the spinosaurus then when you choose the dig sight where the spinosaurus was you will also receive the 5star dinosaur brachiosaurus then make those dinosaurus DNA to 100% and build their enclosures to where people can have easy access to see the dinosaurs then that should increase your parks popularity then pick the dig sight where the velicorapter is located the repeat the same steps I told you to do before to get the raptor. GOOD LUCK!!
Jurassic Park: Operation Genesis Unlockables
PS2 | Submitted by AlpharaptorSite B
To unlock Site B you have to beat all of the missions, it's cool because you make the dinosaurs and watch them run wild on your little island paradise.
PS2 | Submitted by Tash DeaconFossil Hunting Unlocks
Ok, If you ever get the chance to unlock a digging site, Check your Dinopedia first. Locate your favorite Dinosaur and memorize the location is says. Then, go onto the Fossil Hunt screen and find that site. When you have, choose to unlock it, using the button instructed in the corner of the screen. If you have only one digging team, Buy another one. If you have a few, then move one or more into the new digging site you will be able to access from that point on.
PS2 | Submitted by Shaun763Get Surfari Track
You need a Park Star Rating of 6 stars to have your first Safari ride
PS2 | Submitted by GamesRadarHow to impress Dino nerds
Dino nerds are the hardest visitors to impress. A good way to impress them is using Dinosaurs from the same time period (AKA late cretaceous)that are mixed (Herbivores & Carnivore).They may also get a kick out of Carnivore taking down a Herbivore.
If you don't have any dinosaurs from the same time period,use Dinosaurs from the same place of discovery.(AKA Arizona or China)
PS2 | Submitted by ryanTOP TIP
To get a great park split you park into 3 bits, one for your parks buildings, two for your carnivores and three for you herbivores. This way your carnivores can't eat your little herbivores.
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