The complete Pokemon Go Pokedex and candy need to evolve everything
Here's every Pokemon Go Pokedex entry to help you catch 'em all

We've got the full Pokemon Go Pokedex here, as it currently stands, with Pokemon from Gens 1-8 available right now. Over the years the game has continued to add and expand its roster. It's almost closing in on the main Pokemon games in the series although there are still some gaps in the selections from Gens 4-8. That's changing though with more being added each year.
Then there's Gen 9, due to launch in late 2022 with Pokemon Scarlet and Violet , which will see even more pokemon arriving Go likely over the course of 2023. That's a little way off obviously. So our Pokemon Go Pokedex list currently contains every 'mon added to the game, including how to evolve the ones you can.
Don't forget that some of these Pokemon are only found in certain regions so check out our Pokemon Go Regionals guide for all of the details of that, and which Pokemon are found in other parts of the world.
From the Kanto region to Galar, here’s the full Pokemon Go Pokedex - so far. Use the links on the side to jump to any section you want.
Pokemon Go Pokedex Gen 1 - Kanto Pokemon
1. Bulbasaur (25 candy to evolve)
2. Ivysaur (100 candy to evolve)
3. Venusaur
4. Charmander (25 candy to evolve)
5. Charmeleon (100 candy to evolve)
6. Charizard
7. Squirtle (25 candy to evolve)
8. Wartortle (100 candy to evolve)
9. Blastoise
10. Caterpie (12 candy to evolve)
11. Metapod (50 candy to evolve)
12. Butterfree
13. Weedle (12 candy to evolve)
14. Kakuna (50 candy to evolve)
15. Beedrill
16. Pidgey (12 candy to evolve)
17. Pidgeotto (50 candy to evolve)
18. Pidgeot
19. Rattata (25 candy to evolve)
20. Raticate
21. Spearow (50 candy to evolve)
22. Fearow
23. Ekans (50 candy to evolve)
24. Arbok
25. Pikachu (50 candy to evolve)
26. Raichu
27. Sandshrew (50 candy to evolve)
28. Sandslash
29. Nidoran female (25 candy to evolve)
30. Nidorina (100 candy to evolve)
31. Nidoqueen
32. Nidoran male (25 candy to evolve)
33. Nidorino (100 candy to evolve)
34. Nikoking
35. Clefairy (50 candy to evolve)
36. Clefable
37. Vulpix (50 candy to evolve)
38. Ninetales
39. Jigglypuff (50 candy to evolve)
40. Wigglytuff
41. Zubat (50 candy to evolve)
42. Golbat
43. Oddish (25 candy to evolve)
44. Gloom (100 candy to evolve)
45. Vileplume
46. Paras (50 candy to evolve)
47. Parasect
48. Venonat (50 candy to evolve)
49. Venomoth
50. Diglett (50 candy to evolve)
51. Dugtrio
52. Meowth (50 candy to evolve)
53. Persian
54. Psyduck (50 candy to evolve)
55. Golduck
56. Mankey (50 candy to evolve)
57. Primeape
58. Growlithe (50 candy to evolve)
59. Arcanine
60. Poliwag (25 candy to evolve)
61. Poliwhirl (100 candy to evolve)
62. Poliwrath
63. Abra (25 candy to evolve)
64. Kadabra (100 candy or trade to evolve)
65. Alakazam
66. Machop (25 candy to evolve)
67. Machoke (100 candy or trade to evolve)
68. Machamp
69. Bellsprout (25 candy to evolve)
70. Weepinbell (100 candy to evolve)
71. Victreebel
72. Tentacool (50 candy to evolve)
73. Tentacruel
74. Geodude (25 candy to evolve)
75. Graveler (100 candy or trade to evolve)
76. Golem
77. Ponyta (50 candy to evolve)
78. Rapidash
79. Slowpoke (50 candy to evolve)
80. Slowbro
81. Magnemite (50 candy to evolve)
82. Magneton
83. Farfetch'd
84. Doduo (50 candy to evolve)
85. Dodrio
86. Seel (50 candy to evolve)
87. Dewgong
88. Grimer (50 candy to evolve)
89. Muk
90. Shellder (50 candy to evolve)
91. Cloyster
92. Gastly (25 candy to evolve)
93. Haunter (100 candy or trade to evolve)
94. Gengar
95. Onix
96. Drowzee (50 candy to evolve)
97. Hypno
98. Krabby (50 candy to evolve)
99. Kingler
100. Voltorb (50 candy to evolve)
101. Electrode
102. Eggecute (50 candy to evolve)
103. Exeggutor
104. Cubone (50 candy to evolve)
105. Marowak
106. Hitmonlee
107. Hitmonchan
108. Lickitung
109. Koffing (50 candy to evolve)
110. Weezing
111. Rhyhorn (50 candy to evolve)
112. Rhydon
113. Chansey
114. Tangela
115. Kangaskhan
116. Horsea (50 candy to evolve)
117. Seadra
118. Goldeen (50 candy to evolve)
119. Seaking
120. Staryu (50 candy to evolve)
121. Starmie
122. Mr. Mime
123. Scyther
124. Jynx
125. Electabuzz
126. Magma
127. Pinsir
128. Tauros
129. Magikarp (400 candy to evolve)
130. Gyarados
131. Lapras
132. Ditto
133. Eevee (25 candy to evolve)
134. Vaporeon
135. Jolteon
136. Flareon
137. Porygon
138. Omanyte (50 candy to evolve)
139. Omastar
140. Kabuto (50 candy to evolve)
141. Kabutops
142. Aerodactyl
143. Snorlax
144. Articuno
145. Zapdos
146. Moltres
147. Dratini (25 candy to evolve)
148. Dragonair (100 candy to evolve)
149. Dragonite
150. Mewtwo
151. Mew
Pokemon Go Pokedex Gen 2 - Johto Pokemon
In Gen 2, 100 new Pokemon were added to the Pokemon Go Pokedex. Some of the Pokemon from the Johto region, like Scizor and Steelix, are evolutions from the Kanto region. Johto also introduced “baby” Pokemon, which are ‘mon that are pre-evolutions of other Pokemon but can evolve into Pokemon that have already been introduced.
However, the biggest addition from the Gen 2 games was the implementation of the Dark and Steel-type. Both types changed the game and are parts of some of the most popular Pokemon in the franchise.
Here’s the full Pokemon Go Gen 2 list:
152. Chikorita (25 candy to evolve)
153. Bayleef (100 candy to evolve)
154. Meganium
155. Cyndaquil (25 candy to evolve)
156. Quilava (100 candy to evolve)
157. Typhlosion
158. Totodile (25 candy to evolve)
159. Croconaw (100 candy to evolve)
160. Feraligatr
161. Sentret (25 candy to evolve)
162. Furret
163. Hoothoot (50 candy to evolve)
164. Noctowl
165. Ledyba (25 candy to evolve)
166. Ledian
167. Spinarak (50 candy to evolve)
168. Ariados
169. Crobat (evolves using 100 Zubat candies on Golbat)
170. Chinchou (50 candy to evolve)
171. Lanturn
172. Pichu (25 candy to evolve)
173. Cleffa (25 candy to evolve)
174. Igglybuff (25 candy to evolve)
175. Togepi (50 candy to evolve)
176. Togetic
177. Natu (50 candy to evolve)
178. Xatu
179. Mareep (25 candy to evolve)
180. Flaaffy (100 candy to evolve)
181. Ampharos
182. Bellossom (evolves using 100 Oddish candy and a Sun Stone from Gloom)
183. Marill (25 candy to evolve)
184. Azumarill
185. Sudowoodo
186. Politoed (Use 100 Poliwag candy and a King's Rock on Poliwhirl)
187. Hoppip (25 candy to evolve)
188. Skiploom (100 candy to evolve)
189. Jumpluff
190. Aipom
191. Sunkern (50 candy and a Sun Stone to evolve)
192. Sunflora
193. Yanma
194. Wooper (50 candy to evolve)
195. Quagsire
196. Espeon (evolve from Eevee)
197. Umbreon (evolve from Eevee)
198. Murkrow
199. Slowking (evolve using King's Rock and 50 Slowpoke candy from Slowpoke)
200. Misdreavus
201. Unown
202. Wobboffet
203. Girafarig
204. Pineco (50 candy to evolve)
205. Forretress
206. Dunsparce
207. Gligar
208. Steelix (use Metal Coat and 50 Onix candy to evolve from Onix)
209. Snubbull (50 candy to evolve)
210. Granbull
211. Qwilfish
212. Scizor (use Metal Coat and 50 Scyther candy to evolve from Scyther)
213. Shuckle
214. Heracross
215. Sneasel
216. Teddiursa (50 candy to evolve)
217. Ursaring
218. Slugma (50 candy to evolve)
219. Magcargo
220. Swinub (50 candy to evolve)
221. Piloswine
222. Corsola
223. Remoraid (50 candy to evolve)
224. Octillery
225. Delibird
226. Mantine
227. Skarmory
228. Houndour (50 candy to evolve)
229. Houndoom
230. Kingdra (use Dragon Scale and 100 Horsea candy to evolve from Seadra)
231. Phanpy (50 candy to evolve)
232. Donphan
233. Porygon (use Up-grade and 50 Porygon candy to evolve from Porygon)
234. Stantler
235. Smeargle
236. Tyrogue (25 candy to evolve into Hitmonchan, Hitmonlee or Hitmontop)
237. Hitmontop
238. Smoochum (25 candy to evolve)
239. Elekid (25 candy to evolve)
240. Magby (25 candy to evolve)
241. Miltank
242. Blissey
243. Raikou
244. Entei
245. Suicune
246. Larvitar (25 candy to evolve)
247. Pupitar (100 candy to evolve)
248. Tyranitar
249. Lugia
250. Ho-Oh
251. Celebi
Pokemon Go Pokedex Gen 3 - Hoenn Pokemon
Gen 3 gave trainers more Pokemon and some of the most powerful Legendaries in the franchise. However, not all Gen 3 Pokemon have been released, namely Kecleon.
Here’s every Gen 3 Pokemon in Pokemon Go including their evolution methods and how much candy evolutions take.
252. Treecko (25 candy to evolve)
253. Grovyle (100 candy to evolve)
254. Sceptile
255. Torchic (25 candy to evolve)
256. Combusken (100 candy to evolve)
257. Blaziken
258. Mudkip (25 candy to evolve)
259. Marshtomp (100 candy to evolve)
260. Swampert
261. Poochyena (50 candy to evolve)
262. Mightyena
263. Zigzagoon (50 candy to evolve)
264. Linoone
265. Wurmple (25 candy to evolve into Cascoon or Silcoon)
266. Silcoon (50 candy to evolve)
267. Beautifly
268. Cascoon (50 candy to evolve)
269. Dustox
270. Lotad (25 candy to evolve)
271. Lombre (100 candy to evolve)
272. Ludicolo
273. Seedot (25 candy to evolve)
274. Nuzleaf (100 candy to evolve)
275. Shiftry
276. Taillow (50 candy to evolve)
277. Swellow
278. Wingull (50 candy to evolve)
279. Pelipper
280. Ralts (25 candy to evolve)
281. Kirlia (100 candy to evolve)
282. Gardevoir
283. Surskit (25 candy to evolve)
284. Masquerain
285. Shroomish (50 candy to evolve)
286. Breloom
287. Slakoth (25 candy to evolve)
288. Vigoroth (100 candy to evolve)
289. Slaking
290. Nincada (50 candy to evolve)
291. Ninjask
292. Shedinja
293. Whismur (25 candy to evolve)
294. Loudred (100 candy to evolve)
295. Exploud
296. Makuhita (50 candy to evolve)
297. Hariyama
298. Azurill (25 candy to evolve to Marill)
299. Nosepass
300. Skitty (50 candy to evolve)
301. Delcatty
302. Sableye
303. Mawile
304. Aron (25 candy to evolve)
305. Lairon (100 candy to evolve)
306. Aggron
307. Meditite
308. Medicham
309. Electrike (50 candy to evolve)
310. Manectric
311. Plusle
312. Minun
313. Volbeat
314. Illumise
315. Roselia
316. Gulpin (50 candy to evolve)
317. Swalot
318. Carvanha
319. Sharpedo
320. Wailmer (400 candy to evolve)
321. Wailord
322. Numel (50 candy to evolve)
323. Camerupt
324. Torkoal
325. Spoink (50 candy to evolve)
326. Grumpig
327. Spinda
328. Trapinch (25 candy to evolve)
329. Vibrava (100 candy to evolve)
330. Flygon
331. Cacnea (50 candy to evolve)
332. Cacturne
333. Swablu (400 candy to evolve)
334. Altaria
335. Zangoose
336. Seviper
337. Lunatone
338. Solrock
339. Barboach (50 candy to evolve)
340. Whiscash
341. Corphish (50 candy to evolve)
342. Crawdaunt
343. Baltoy (50 candy to evolve)
344. Claydol
345. Lileep (50 candy to evolve)
346. Cradily
347. Anorith (50 candy to evolve)
348. Armaldo
349. Feebas (100 candy and 20km walking to evolve)
350. Milotic
351. Castform
352. Kecleon - NOT YET RELEASED
353. Shuppet (50 candy to evolve)
354. Banette
355. Duskull (50 candy to evolve)
356. Dusclops
357. Tropius
358. Chimecho
359. Absol
360. Wynaut (25 candy to evolve into Wobbuffet)
361. Snorunt (50 candy to evolve)
362. Glalie
363. Spheal (25 candy to evolve)
364. Sealeo (100 candy to evolve)
365. Walrein
366. Clamperl (50 candy to evolve into Huntail or Gorebyss)
367. Huntail
368. Gorebyss
369. Relicanth
370. Luvdisc
371. Bagon (25 candy to evolve)
372. Shelgon (100 candy to evolve)
373. Salamence
374. Beldum (25 candy to evolve)
375. Metang (100 candy to evolve)
376. Metagross
377. Regirock
378. Regice
379. Registeel
380. Latias
381. Latios
382. Kyogre
383. Groudon
384. Rayquaza
385. Jirachi
386. Deoxys
Pokemon Go Pokedex Gen 4 - Sinnoh Pokemon
A big part of the Sinnoh region was the addition of evolutions of past Pokemon. To get those evolutions, trainers will need a new item called the Pokemon Go Sinnoh Stone which you can learn about at that link.
It’s also the region with the most Legendary Pokemon, so there are plenty of carry-overs from past generations that trainers can enjoy. We've got the complete list of Pokemon in Gen 4 below.
387. Turtwig (25 candy to evolve)
388. Grotle (100 candy to evolve)
389. Torterra
390. Chimchar (25 candy to evolve)
391. Monferno (100 candy to evolve)
392. Infernape
393. Piplup (25 candy to evolve)
394. Prinplup (100 candy to evolve)
395. Empoleon
396. Starly (25 candy to evolve)
397. Staravia (100 candy to evolve)
398. Staraptor
399. Bidoof (50 candy to evolve)
400. Bibarel
401. Kricketot (50 candy to evolve)
402. Kricketune
403. Shinx (25 candy to evolve)
404. Luxio (100 candy to evolve)
405. Luxray
406. Budew (25 candy to evolve into Roselia)
407. Roserade (evolves from Roselia with 100 candy and a Sinnoh Stone)
408. Cranidos (50 candy to evolve)
409. Rampardos
410. Shieldon (50 candy to evolve)
411. Bastiodon
412. Burmy (50 candy to evolve)
413. Wormadam (evolves from female Burmy)
414. Mothim (evolves from male Burmy)
415. Combee (50 candy to evolve a female Combee)
416. Vespiqueen
417. Pachirisu
418. Buizel (50 candy to evolve)
419. Floatzel
420. Cherubi (50 candy to evolve)
421. Cherrim
422. Shellos (50 candy to evolve)
423. Gastrodon
424. Ambipom (evolves from Aipom with 100 candy and a Sinnoh Stone)
425. Drifloon (50 candy to evolve)
426. Drifblim
427. Buneary (50 candy to evolve)
428. Lopunny
429. Mismaguis (evolves from Misdreavus with 100 candy and a Sinnoh Stone)
430. Honchkrow (evolves from Murkrow with 100 candy and a Sinnoh Stone)
431. Glameow (50 candy to evolve)
432. Purugly
433. Chingling (50 candy to evolve into Chimecho)
434. Stunky (50 candy to evolve)
435. Skuntank
436. Bronzor (50 candy to evolve)
437. Bronzong
438. Bonsly (50 candy and walk 15km as Buddy to evolve into Sudowoodo)
439. Mime Jr. (50 candy and walk 15km as Buddy to evolve into Mr. Mime)
440. Happiny (25 candy and walk 15km as Buddy to evolve into Chansey)
441. Chatot
442. Spiritomb
443. Gible (25 candy to evolve)
444. Gabite (100 candy to evolve)
445. Garchomp
446. Munchlax (50 candy to evolve into Snorlax)
447. Riolu (50 candy to evolve)
448. Lucario
449. Hippopotas (50 candy to evolve)
450. Hippowdon
451. Skorupi (50 candy to evolve)
452. Drapion
453. Croagunk (50 candy to evolve)
454. Toxicroak
455. Carnivine
456. Finneon (50 candy to evolve)
457. Lumineon
458. Mantyke (50 candy to evolve into Mantine)
459. Snover (50 candy to evolve)
460. Abomasnow
461. Weavile (evolves from Sneasel using 100 candy and a Sinnoh Stone)
462. Magnezone (evolves from Magneton using 100 candy and a Magnetic Lure)
463. Lickilicky (evolves from Lickitung using 100 candy and a Sinnoh Stone)
464. Rhyperior (evolves from Rhydon using 100 candy and a Sinnoh Stone)
465. Tangrowth (evolves from Tangela using 100 candy and a Sinnoh Stone)
466. Electivire (evolves from Electabuzz using 100 candy and a Sinnoh Stone)
467. Magmortar (evolves from Magmar using 100 candy and a Sinnoh Stone)
468. Togekiss (evolves from Togetic using 100 candy and a Sinnoh Stone)
469. Yanmega (evolves from Yanma using 100 candy and a Sinnoh Stone)
470. Leafeon (evolves from Eevee using 25 candy and a Grassy Lure)
471. Glaceon (evolves from Eevee using 25 candy and a Mossy Lure)
472. Gliscor (evolves from Gligar using 100 candy and a Sinnoh Stone)
473. Mamoswine (evolves from Piloswine using 100 candy and a Sinnoh Stone)
474. Porygon-Z (evolves from Porygon2 using 100 candy and a Sinnoh Stone)
475. Gallade (evolves from male Kirlia using 100 candy and a Sinnoh Stone)
476. Probopass (evolves from Nosepass using 100 candy and a Magnetic Lure)
477. Dusknoir (evolves from Dusclops using 100 candy and a Sinnoh Stone)
478. Froslass (evolves from female Snorunt using 100 candy and a Sinnoh Stone)
479. Rotom - (only Wash Rotom is available)
480. Uxie
481. Mesprit
482. Azelf
483. Dialga
484. Palkia
485. Heatran
486. Regigigas
487. Giratina
488. Cresselia
489. Phione - NOT AVAILABLE
490. Manaphy - NOT AVAILABLE
491. Darkrai
492. Shaymin
493. Arceus - NOT AVAILABLE
Pokemon Go Pokedex Gen 5 - Unova Pokemon
More than 100 Pokemon from the Unova region have been added to Pokemon Go so far. While there are still some Legendaries missing, a lot of the Gen 5 ‘mon are available in a myriad of ways.
With the introduction of Gen 5 to Pokemon Go was the addition of another evolutionary stone, the Pokemon Go Unova Stone. Like the Sinnoh Stone, these special stone helps certain species evolve.
As more Pokemon from this region are added, this Pokedex will be updated.
494. Victini
495. Snivy (25 candy to evolve)
496. Servine (100 candy to evolve)
497. Serperior
498. Tepig (25 candy to evolve)
499. Pignite (100 candy to evolve)
500. Emboar
501. Oshawott (25 candy to evolve)
502. Dewott (100 candy to evolve)
503. Samurott
504. Patrat (50 candy to evolve)
505. Watchog
506. Lillipup (25 candy to evolve)
507. Herdier (100 candy to evolve)
508. Stoutland
509. Purrloin (50 candy to evolve)
510. Liepard
511. Pansage (50 candy + Unova Stone to evolve)
512. Simisage
513. Pansear (50 candy + Unova Stone to evolve)
514. Simisear
515. Panpour (50 candy + Unova Stone to evolve)
516. Simipour
517. Munna (50 candy + Unova Stone to evolve)
518. Musharna
519. Pidove (12 candy to evolve)
520. Tranquill (50 candy to evolve)
521. Unfezant
522. Blitzle (50 candy to evolve)
523. Zebstrika
524. Roggenrola (50 candy to evolve)
525. Boldore (200 candy or trade to evolve)
526. Gigalith
527. Woobat (50 candy + walk 1 km as Buddy to evolve)
528. Swoobat
529. Drilbur (50 candy to evolve)
530. Excadrill
531. Audino
532. Timburr (50 candy to evolve)
533. Gurdurr (200 candy or trade to evolve)
534. Conkeldurr
535. Tympole (25 candy to evolve)
536. Palpitoad (100 candy to evolve)
537. Seismitoad
538. Throh
539. Sawk
540. Sewaddle (25 candy to evolve)
541. Swadloon (100 candy to evolve)
542. Leavanny
543. Venipede (25 candy to evolve)
544. Whirlipede (100 candy to evolve)
545. Scolipede
546. Cottonee (50 candy + Sun Stone to evolve)
547. Whimsicott
548. Petilil (50 candy + Sun Stone to evolve)
549. Lilligant
550. Basculin
551. Sandile (25 candy to evolve)
552. Krokorok (100 candy to evolve)
553. Krookodile
554. Darumaka (50 candy to evolve)
555. Darmanitan
556. Maractus
557. Dwebble (50 candy to evolve)
558. Crustle
559. Scraggy (50 candy to evolve)
560. Scrafty
561. Sigilyph
562. Yamask (50 candy to evolve)
563. Cofagrigus
564. Tirtouga (50 candy to evolve)
565. Carracosta
566. Archen (50 candy to evolve)
567. Archeops
568. Trubbish (50 candy to evolve)
569. Garbodor
570. Zorua - NOT AVAILABLE
571. Zoroark - NOT AVAILABLE
572. Minccino (50 candy + Unova Stone to evolve)
573. Cinccino
574. Gothita (25 candy to evolve)
575. Gothorita (100 candy to evolve)
576. Gothitelle
577. Solosis (25 candy to evolve)
578. Duosion (100 candy to evolve)
579. Reuniclus
580. Ducklett (50 candy to evolve)
581. Swanna
582. Vanillite (25 candy to evolve)
583. Vanillish (100 candy to evolve)
584. Vanilluxe
585. Deerling (50 candy to evolve)
586. Sawsbuck
587. Emolga
588. Karrablast (200 candy or trade to evolve)
589. Escavalier
590. Foongus (50 candy to evolve)
591. Amoonguss
592. Frillish (50 candy to evolve)
593. Jellicent
594. Alomomola
595. Joltik (50 candy to evolve)
596. Galvantula
597. Ferroseed (50 candy to evolve)
598. Ferrothorn
599. Klink (25 candy to evolve)
600. Klang (100 candy to evolve)
601. Klinklang
602. Tynamo (25 candy to evolve)
603. Eelektrik (100 candy + Unova Stone to evolve)
604. Eelektross
605. Elgyem (50 candy to evolve)
606. Beheeyem
607. Litwick (25 candy to evolve)
608. Lampent (100 candy to evolve)
609. Chandelure
610. Axew (25 candy to evolve)
611. Fraxure (100 candy to evolve)
612. Haxorus
613. Cubchoo (50 candy to evolve)
614. Beartic
615. Cryogonal
616. Shelmet (200 candy or trade to evolve)
617. Accelgor
618. Stunfisk
619. Mienfoo (50 candy to evolve)
620. Mienshao
621. Druddigon
622. Golett (50 candy to evolve)
623. Golurk
624. Pawniard (50 candy to evolve)
625. Bisharp
626. Bouffalant
627. Rufflet (50 candy to evolve)
628. Braviary
629. Vullaby (50 candy to evolve)
630. Mandibuzz
631. Heatmor
632. Durant
633. Deino (25 candy to evolve)
634. Zweilous (100 candy to evolve)
635. Hydreigon
636. Larvesta - NOT AVAILABLE
637. Volcarona - NOT AVAILABLE
638. Cobalion
639. Terrakion
640. Virizion
641. Tornadus
642. Thundurus
643. Reshiram
644. Zekrom
645. Landorus
646. Kyurem
647. Keldeo - NOT AVAILABLE
648. Meloetta
649. Genesect
Pokemon Go Pokedex Gen 6 - Kalos Pokemon
The Kalos region is the sixth region introduced in the Pokemon franchise and it’s most known for two things: the addition of the Fairy-type and the introduction of Mega Evolution.
While Mega Evolution is a huge new feature in Pokemon Go, these forms won’t be included in this Pokedex. Trainers can learn all there is to know about this new way to evolve in our Pokemon Go Mega Evolutions guide.
Here’s the full Gen 6 Pokedex and how to evolve them.
650. Chespin (25 candy to evolve)
651. Quilladin (100 candy to evolve)
652. Chesnaught
653. Fennekin (25 candy to evolve)
654. Braixen (100 candy to evolve)
655. Delphox
656. Froakie (25 candy to evolve)
657. Frogadier (100 candy to evolve)
658. Greninja
659. Bunnelby (50 candy to evolve)
660. Diggersby
661. Fletchling (25 candy to evolve)
662. Fletchinder (100 candy to evolve)
663. Talonflame
664. Scatterbug - NOT AVAILABLE
665. Spewpa - NOT AVAILABLE
666. Vivillon - NOT AVAILABLE
667. Litleo (50 candy to evolve)
668. Pyroar
669. Flabebe (25 candy to evolve)
670. Floette (100 candy and earn 20 hearts as Buddy to evolve)
671. Florges
672. Skiddo - NOT AVAILABLE
673. Gogoat - NOT AVAILABLE
674. Pancham (50 candy and catch 32 Dark-type Pokemon as Buddy to evolve)
675. Pangoro
676. Furfrou
677. Espurr (50 candy to evolve)
678. Meowstic
679. Honedge - NOT AVAILABLE
680. Doublade - NOT AVAILABLE
681. Aegislash - NOT AVAILABLE
682. Spritzee (50 candy and use 1 Incense while using as Buddy to evolve)
683. Aromatisse
684. Swirlix (50 candy and feed it 25 berries as Buddy to evolve)
685. Slurpuff
686. Inkay (50 candy and position phone upside down to evolve)
687. Malamar
688. Binacle (50 candy to evolve)
689. Barbaracle
690. Skrelp (50 candy to evolve)
691. Dragalge
692. Clauncher (50 candy to evolve)
693. Clawitzer
694. Helioptile (50 candy + Sun Stone to evolve)
695. Heliolisk
696. Tyrunt
697. Tyrantrum
698. Amaura
699. Aurorus
700. Sylveon (use 25 candy on Eevee and earn 70 hearts while using it as Buddy to evolve)
701. Hawlucha - NOT AVAILABLE
702. Dedenne
703. Carbink - NOT AVAILABLE
704. Goomy (25 candy to evolve)
705. Sliggoo (100 candy and has to be rainy or use Rain Lure to evolve)
706. Goodra
707. Klefki
708. Phantump (200 candy or trade to evolve)
709. Trevenent
710. Pumpkaboo (200 candy or trade to evolve)
711. Gourgeist
712. Bergmite (50 candy to evolve)
713. Avalugg
714. Noibat (400 candy to evolve)
715. Noivern
716. Xerneas
717. Yveltal
718. Zygarde - NOT AVAILABLE
719. Diancie - NOT AVAILABLE
720. Hoopa
721. Volcanion - NOT AVAILABLE
Pokemon Go Pokedex Gen 7 - Alola Pokemon
The Alola region change the Pokemon franchise with the introduction of regional variants. These variants change older Pokemon in look and often typing. While their original species originate from other regions, we’ll include them in the generation that introduced them.
Here’s the Gen 7 Pokedex with how to evolve them.
Alola Regional Forms
- Alolan Rattata (25 candy to evolve)
- Alolan Raticate
- Alolan Sandshrew (25 candy to evolve)
- Alolan Sandslash
- Alolan Vulpix (50 candy to evolve)
- Alolan Ninetales
- Alolan Exeggutor (available in Raids)
- Alolan Raichu (available in Raids)
- Alolan Diglett (50 candy to evolve)
- Alolan Dugtrio
- Alolan Meowth (50 candy to evolve)
- Alolan Persian
- Alolan Geodude (25 candy to evolve)
- Alolan Graveler (100 candy or trade to evolve)
- Alolan Golem
- Alolan Grimer (50 candy to evolve)
- Alolan Muk
- Alolan Marowak (available in Raids)
722. Rowlet (25 candy to evolve)
723. Dartrix (100 candy to evolve)
724. Decidueye
725. Litten (25 candy to evolve)
726. Torracat (100 candy to evolve)
727. Incineroar
728. Popplio (25 candy to evolve)
729. Brionne (100 candy to evolve)
730. Primarina
731. Pikipek (25 candy to evolve)
732. Trumbeak (100 candy to evolve)
733. Toucannon
734. Yungoos (50 candy during the day to evolve)
735. Gumshoos
736. Grubbin - NOT AVAILABLE
737. Charjabug - NOT AVAILABLE
738. Vikavolt - NOT AVAILABLE
739. Crabrawler - NOT AVAILABLE
740. Crabominable - NOT AVAILABLE
741. Oricorio
742. Cutifefly - NOT AVAILABLE
743. Ribombee - NOT AVAILABLE
744. Rockruff (50 candy during day for Midday, 50 candy at night for Midnight)
745. Lycanroc
746. Wishiwashi - NOT AVAILABLE
747. Mareanie - NOT AVAILABLE
748. Toxapex - NOT AVAILABLE
749. Mudbray - NOT AVAILABLE
750. Mudsdale - NOT AVAILABLE
751. Dewpider (50 candy to evolve)
752. Araquanid
753. Fomantis (50 candy during the day to evolve)
754. Lurantis
755. Morelull - NOT AVAILABLE
756. Shiinotic - NOT AVAILABLE
757. Salandit (50 candy on female Salandit to evolve)
758. Salazzle
759. Stufful (400 candy to evolve)
760. Bewear
761. Bounsweet - NOT AVAILABLE
762. Steenee - NOT AVAILABLE
763. Tsareena - NOT AVAILABLE
764. Comfey
765. Oranguru
766. Passimian - NOT AVAILABLE
767. Wimpod
768. Golisopod
769. Sandygast - NOT AVAILABLE
770. Pallosand - NOT AVAILABLE
771. Pyukumuku - NOT AVAILABLE
772. Type: Null - NOT AVAILABLE
773. Silvally - NOT AVAILABLE
774. Minior - NOT AVAILABLE
775. Komala - NOT AVAILABLE
776. Turtonator - NOT AVAILABLE
777. Togedamaru - NOT AVAILABLE
778. Mimikyu - NOT AVAILABLE
779. Bruxish - NOT AVAILABLE
780. Drampa - NOT AVAILABLE
781. Dhelmise - NOT AVAILABLE
782. Jangmo-o (25 candy to evolve)
783. Hakamo-o (100 candy to evolve)
784. Kommo-o
785. Tapu Koko
786. Tapu Lele
787. Tapu Bulu
788. Tapu Fini
789. Cosmog - NOT AVAILABLE
790. Cosmoem - NOT AVAILABLE
791. Solgaleo - NOT AVAILABLE
792. Lunala - NOT AVAILABLE
793. Nihilego
794. Buzzwole - NOT AVAILABLE
795. Pheromosa - NOT AVAILABLE
796. Xurkitree - NOT AVAILABLE
797. Celesteela - NOT AVAILABLE
798. Kartana - NOT AVAILABLE
799. Guzzlord - NOT AVAILABLE
800. Necrozma - NOT AVAILABLE
801. Magearna - NOT AVAILABLE
802. Marshadow - NOT AVAILABLE
803. Poipole - NOT AVAILABLE
804. Naganadel - NOT AVAILABLE
805. Stakataka - NOT AVAILABLE
806. Blacephalon - NOT AVAILABLE
807. Zeraora - NOT AVAILABLE
808. Meltan (400 candy to evolve)
809. Melmetal
Pokemon Go Pokedex Gen 8 - Galar Pokemon
Gen 8 is the most recent region to have Pokemon included in Pokemon Go, and it’s not much. There is a handful of Pokemon from Galar that are currently in the mobile game including some regional variants.
Like with Gen 7, we’ll include the regional forms in a separate section of this part of the Pokedex, but Galar also introduced regional evolutions. These Pokemon will be included in the numbered list of Galar-region Pokemon.
We’ll also only include the Pokemon already introduced and will update this portion of the Pokedex as more Pokemon are introduced into Pokemon Go.
Galar Regional Forms
- Galarian Meowth (50 candy to evolve into Perrserker)
- Galarian Zigzagoon (25 candy to evolve)
- Galarian Linoone (100 candy to evolve into Obstagoon)
- Galarian Farfetch’d (50 candy + make 10 excellent throws while Buddy to evolve into Sirfetch’d)
- Galarian Mr. Mime (50 candy to evolve into Mr. Rime)
- Galarian Yamask (50 candy + win 10 win raids while Buddy to evolve into Runerigus)
- Galarian Stunfisk
- Galarian Weezing (available in Raids)
- Galarian Ponyta (50 candy to evolve)
- Galarian Rapidash
- Galarian Darumaka (50 candy to evolve)
- Galarian Darmanitan
- Galarian Slowpoke
- Galarian Slowbro (50 candy + catch 30 Poison-type Pokemon while Galarian Slowpoke is Buddy)
- Galarian Slowking (50 candy + catch 30 Psychic-type Pokemon while Galarian Slowpoke is Buddy)
819. Skwovet (50 candy to evolve)
820. Greedent
831. Wooloo (50 candy to evolve)
832. Dubwool
862. Obstagoon
863. Perrserker
865. Sirfetch’d
866. Mr. Rime
867. Runerigus
870. Falinks
888. Zacian
889. Zamazenta
893. Zarude
Pokemon Go tips | Pokemon Go Eevee evolutions | Pokemon Go Great League best team | Pokemon Go Master League best team | Pokemon Go Ultra League best team | Pokemon Go Giovanni counters | Pokemon Go Cliff counters | Pokemon Go Sierra counters | Pokemon Go Arlo counters | Pokemon Go Ditto | Pokemon Go evolution items | Pokemon Go 41-50 level guide | Pokemon Go A Thousand-Year Slumber | Pokemon Go shiny list | Pokemon Go XL Candy | Pokemon Go Mega Energy
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I'm currently a GamesRadar guide contributor with a specialty in everything Pokemon GO. If you've wanted to know the best way to take down a Rayquaza, there's a good chance you read one of my guides. I previously have written for IBT Media, Newsweek and Screen Rant. I'm a huge fighting game fan and everything Pokemon, but I've grown to love RPGs.
- Ford James
- Sam LoveridgeBrand Director, GamesRadar+
- Iain WilsonGuides Editor

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