Pokemon Sword and Shield Pokedex – every Pokemon location in the new games
Treat this guide as your Pokemon Sword and Shield Pokedex checklist

The Pokemon Sword and Shield Pokedex is massive. While it may not contain every single Pokemon that's been introduced to the series since 1996, it does 400 pocket monsters to catch, train, and send into battle. Honestly, if you treat this like a Pokemon Sword and Shield Pokedex checklist you'll find that you have plenty to keep yourself busy.
You'll need to explore all corners of the Pokemon Sword and Shield Galar Region if you want to catch 'em all. That's why we have put together this handy Pokemon Sword and Shield Pokedex to not only give you insight into the party members you should expect to find on your adventure but the locations as to where you can find them too. Remember, weather conditions can impact spawn chances, so you'll want to keep that in mind before you start wandering the Wild Areas. Anyway, keep scrolling for the full Pokemon Sword and Shield Pokedex – happy hunting.
Note: Overworld refers to Pokemon that you can see before encountering them, while Non-Overworld is just for Pokemon that appear as exclamation marks in the tall grass.
Pokemon Sword and Shield Pokedex: 1-99
Header Cell - Column 0 | Pokemon | Overworld | Non-Overworld |
1 | Grookey | Starter | Starter |
2 | Thwackey | Starter | Starter |
3 | Rillaboom | Starter | Starter |
4 | Scorbunny | Starter | Starter |
5 | Raboot | Starter | Starter |
6 | Cinderace | Starter | Starter |
7 | Sobble | Starter | Starter |
8 | Drizzile | Starter | Starter |
9 | Inteleon | Starter | Starter |
10 | Blipbug | Route 2, Giant's Cap, Slumbering Weald | Route 1, Route 2, Slumbering Weald |
11 | Dottler | Giant's Cap | Route 5, Stony Wilderness, Giant's Mirror, Giant's Cap |
12 | Orbeetle | Slumbering Weald | Lake of Outrage, Slumbering Weald |
13 | Caterpie | - | Route 1 |
14 | Metapod | Rolling Fields | Rolling Fields |
15 | Butterfree | Giant's Mirror, Rolling Fields, East Lake Axwell | Slumbering Weald |
16 | Grubbin | East Lake Axwell, Slumbering Weald | Route 1, Dappled Grove, Slumbering Weald |
17 | Charjabug | - | Dusty Bowl, Hammerlocke Hills |
18 | Vikavolt | - | Route 1, Route 2, Slumbering Weald |
19 | Hoothoot | Dappled Grove, Giant's Cap | Route 1, Route 2, Slumbering Weald |
20 | Noctowl | Motostoke Outskirts, Giant's Cap | Motostoke Riverbank |
21 | Rookidee | Route 1, Route 2, Motostoke Riverbank, Slumbering Weald | Route 2, Route 3, Slumbering Weald |
22 | Corvisquire | Giant's Mirror, Hammerlocke Hills | Motostoke Riverbank |
23 | Corviknight | Slumbering Weald | Route 7, Lake of Outrage |
24 | Skwovet | Route 1, Route 2, Slumbering Weald | Route 1, Rolling Fields, berry trees |
25 | Greedent | - | Axew's Eye, Route 6, berry trees |
26 | Pidove | Rolling Fields, East Lake Axwell | Watchtower Ruins |
27 | Tranquill | Giant's Mirror | Giant's Seat |
28 | Unfezant | Hammerlocke Hills, Bridge Field, Stony Wilderness | Axew's Eye |
29 | Nickit | Route 1, Route 2, Stony Wilderness, Dusty Bowl | - |
30 | Thievul | Route 7 | Bridge Field |
31 | Zigzagoon | Route 2, Route 3, Bridge Field, Stony Wilderness | - |
32 | Linoone | Giant's Cap | - |
33 | Obstagoon | - | Lake of Outrage |
34 | Wooloo | Route 1, Motostoke Riverbank | Route 4 |
35 | Dubwool | - | Motostoke Riverbank |
36 | Lotad (Shield) | West Lake Axwell | Route 2, Rolling Fields, Dappled Grove |
37 | Lombre (Shield) | Dappled Grove | Giant's Seat, Route 5, Giant's Cap |
38 | Ludicolo (Shield) | - | - |
39 | Seedot (Sword) | West Lake Axwell | Route 2, Dappled Grove |
40 | Nuzleaf (Sword) | Dappled Grove, South Lake Miloch | Rolling Fields, Giant's Seat |
41 | Shiftry (Sword) | - | - |
42 | Chewtle | Stony Wilderness, Giant's Cap | Motostoke, Lake of Outrage, Hulbury |
43 | Drednaw | Giant's Cap | Bridge Field, Giant's Mirror |
44 | Purrloin | Dappled Grove, West Lake Axwell, Motostoke Riverbank | Route 2, Watchtower Ruins |
45 | Liepard | Giant's Cap | Axew's Eye, Route 9 |
46 | Yamper | Route 2, Motostoke Riverbank, Dusty Bowl, Stony Wilderness | - |
47 | Boltund | - | Motostoke Riverbank, Lake of Outrage |
48 | Bunnelby | Rolling Fields, Dappled Grove, West Lake Axwell, Giant's Cap | Rolling Fields, Dappled Grove |
49 | Diggersby | Giant's Cap | Axew's Eye, Giant's Seat |
50 | Minccino | Giant's Cap | Rolling Fields, East Lake Axwell |
51 | Cinccino | - | - |
52 | Bounsweet | Stony Wilderness | Rolling Fields, Watchtower Ruins |
53 | Steenee | - | Axew's Eye |
54 | Tsareena | - | - |
55 | Oddish | Dappled Grove, East Lake Axwell | Rolling Fields, East Lake Axwell |
56 | Gloom | Giant's Cap, Hammerlocke Hills | Axew's Eye |
57 | Vileplume | - | - |
58 | Bellossom | - | - |
59 | Budew | West Lake Axwell | Rolling Fields, East Lake Axwell |
60 | Roselia | - | Axew's Eye, South Lake Miloch |
61 | Roserade | - | - |
62 | Wingull | Rolling Fields, South Lake Miloch, East Lake Axwell | Rolling Fields, West Lake Axwell |
63 | Pelipper | Route 9 | Axew's Eye, Dusty Bowl, Lake of Outrage |
64 | Joltik | South Lake Miloch, Giant's Mirror | Rolling Fields, Giant's Seat |
65 | Galvantula | Route 7, Lake of Outrage | - |
66 | Electrike | Rolling Fields, Giant's Seat | Rolling Fields, East Lake Axwell |
67 | Manetric | Hammerlocke Hills | Axew's Eye, Giant's Seat |
68 | Vulpix | Route 1, South Lake Miloch, Route 3 | Route 2, East Lake Axwell |
69 | Ninetales | Lake of Outrage | - |
70 | Growlithe | Dusty Bowl | Hammerlocke Hills |
71 | Arcanine | - | - |
72 | Vanillite | Route 2, West Lake Axwell | Rolling Fields, West Lake Axwell |
73 | Vanillish | Route 8, Dusty Bowl | Axew's Eye, Route 10 |
74 | Vanilluxe | Route 10, Lake of Outrage | - |
75 | Swinub | Dusty Bowl | Rolling Fields, Hammerlocke Hills |
76 | Piloswine | - | Dusty Bowl, Lake of Outrage |
77 | Mamoswine | - | - |
78 | Delibird | Route 1, Watchtower Ruins | Route 2, Giant's Seat |
79 | Snorunt | East Lake Axwell, Giant's Seat | Rolling Fields, South Lake Miloch |
80 | Glalie | Route 9, Lake of Outrage | - |
81 | Froslass | - | - |
82 | Baltoy | East Lake Axwell, Stony Wilderness | Rolling Fields, South Lake Miloch |
83 | Claydol | Axew's Eye | Lake of Outrage |
84 | Mudbray | East Lake Axwell, South Lake Miloch | Rolling Fields, North Lake Miloch |
85 | Mudsdale | Axew's Eye | Giant's Seat |
86 | Dwebble | West Lake Axwell, North Lake Miloch, Stony Wilderness | Rolling Fields, Giant's Seat |
87 | Crustle | Axew's Eye | Axew's Eye |
88 | Golett | Watch Tower Ruins, Route 8, Stony Wilderness | Watchtower Ruins, Giant's Cap |
89 | Golurk | Lake of Outrage | - |
90 | Munna | East Lake Axwell, Stony Wilderness, Slumbering Weald | Rolling Fields, Giant's Cap |
91 | Musharna | - | - |
92 | Natu | Giant's Seat, Giant's Mirror | Rolling Fields, South Lake Miloch |
93 | Xatu | - | Giant's Seat |
94 | Stufful | East Lake Axwell, Bridge Field | Dappled Grove, North Lake Miloch |
95 | Bewear | Axew's Eye | Giant's Seat |
96 | Snover | Axew's Eye, Route 10 | Dappled Grove, Giant's Cap |
97 | Abomsanow | Lake of Outrage | Dusty Bowl, Route 10 |
98 | Krabby | West Lake Axwell, South Lake Miloch | West Lake Axwell |
99 | Kingler | Axew's Eye | Route 9 |
Pokemon Sword and Shield Pokedex: 100-199
Header Cell - Column 0 | Pokemon | Overworld | Non-Overworld |
100 | Wooper | West Lake Axwell, Stony Wilderness, Giant's Cap | West Lake Axwell |
101 | Quagsire | Giant's Cap | Giant's Seat |
102 | Corphish | South Lake Miloch | South Lake Miloch |
103 | Crawdaunt | Axew's Eye | Axew's Eye |
104 | Nincada | - | West Lake Axwell, South Lake Miloch |
105 | Ninjask | Stony Wilderness, Stony Wilderness | - |
106 | Shedinja | - | - |
107 | Tyrogue | Rolling Fields, Rolling Fields, South Lake Miloch | West Lake Axwell, South Lake Miloch |
108 | Hitmonlee | Dusty Bowl | - |
109 | Hitmonchan | Dusty Bowl | - |
110 | Hitmontop | Lake of Outrage | - |
111 | Pancham | East Lake Axwell, Rolling Fields | West Lake Axwell |
112 | Pangoro | - | Lake of Outrage |
113 | Klink | West Lake Axwell, North & South Lake Milloch | Hammerlocke Hills |
114 | Klang | - | Route 10, Dusty Bowl |
115 | Klinklang | Lake of Outrage | - |
116 | Combee | Rolling Fields | - |
117 | Vespiquen | - | - |
118 | Bronzor | Axew's Eye, Giant's Seat | Giant's Seat |
119 | Bronzong | Axew's Eye | Dusty Bowl |
120 | Ralts | Rolling Fields, Dappled Grove | Dappled Grove, South Lake Miloch |
121 | Kirlia | - | - |
122 | Gardevoir | - | Dusty Bowl, Lake of Outrage |
123 | Gallade | - | - |
124 | Drifloon | Watchtower Ruins, South Lake Miloch | Watchtower Ruins |
125 | Drifblim | Axew's Eye | - |
126 | Gossifleur | Route 3, Motostoke Riverbank | Route 2 |
127 | Eldegoss | - | Dusty Bowl |
128 | Cherubi | - | Rolling Fields, Watchtower Ruins |
129 | Cherrim | - | - |
130 | Stunky | North Lake Miloch, South Lake Miloch | Dappled Frove, North Lake Miloch |
131 | Skuntank | - | Dusty Bowl, Lake of Outrage |
132 | Tympole | Dappled Grove, West Lake Axwell | Dappled Grove, South Lake Miloch |
133 | Palpitoad | Giant's Seat, Dusty Bowl | Bridge Field |
134 | Seismitoiad | Axew's Eye | Route 7 |
135 | Duskull | Watchtower Ruins, Giant's Seat | Watchtower Ruins |
136 | Dusclops | - | Route 8 |
137 | Dusknoir | - | - |
138 | Machop | South Lake Miloch, Stony Wilderness | Watchtower Ruins, South Lake Miloch |
139 | Machoke | Axew's Eye, Hammerlocke Hills | Giant's Seat, Hammerlocke Hills |
140 | Machamp | - | - |
141 | Gastly | Watchtower Ruins, Giant's Seat | Watchtower Ruins, North Lake Miloch |
142 | Haunter | - | Giant's Seat, Route 8 |
143 | Gengar | - | - |
144 | Magikarp | South Lake Miloch, West Lake Axwell | Route 2, Route 5, North Lake Miloch |
145 | Gyarados | Route 2 | Dusty Bowl, Giant's Cap |
146 | Goldeen | West Lake Axwell, East Lake Axwell | West Lake Axwell, East Lake Axwell |
147 | Seaking | - | - |
148 | Remoraid | West Lake Axwell | West Lake Axwell, South Lake Miloch |
149 | Octillery | Route 9 | Axew's Eye, Route 9 |
150 | Shellder | West Lake Axwell, East Lake Axwell | East Lake Axwell, Giant's Seat |
151 | Cloyster | - | Giant's Seat |
152 | Feebas | - | Route 2 |
153 | Milotic | - | - |
154 | Basculin (Blue Stripe - Sword, Red Stripe - Shield) | Motostoke Riverbank | Giant's Seat, Motostoke Riverbank, Hulbury |
155 | Wishiwashi | - | West Lake Axwell, East Lake Axwell, Hulbury |
156 | Pyukumuku | South Lake Miloch, Route 9 | South Lake Miloch, Giant's Seat, Route 9 |
157 | Trubbish | Route 3 | - |
158 | Garbodor | Lake of Outrage | - |
159 | Sizzlipede | - | Route 3 |
160 | Centiskorch | - | - |
161 | Rolycoly | Galar Mine, Route 3, Giant's Cap | Galar Mine |
162 | Carkol | Giant's Cap | Bridge Field, Route 10 |
163 | Coalossal | - | Dusty Bowl, Lake of Outrage |
164 | Diglett | Rolling Fields | Galar Mine, Giant's Mirror |
165 | Dugtrio | Giant's Mirror | Dusty Bowl, Hammerlocke Hills |
166 | Drilbur | Galar Mine, Dusty Bowl | Galar Mine, Stony Wilderness |
167 | Excadrill | Lake of Outrage, Giant's Mirror | - |
168 | Roggenrola | Rolling Fields, Stony Wilderness | Galar Mine, Motostoke Outskirts |
169 | Boldore | Lake of Outrage, Giant's Mirror | Stony Wilderness |
170 | Gigalith | - | - |
171 | Timburr | Galar Mine | Galar Mine |
172 | Gurdurr | Route 8 | Stony Wilderness |
173 | Conkeldurr | - | - |
174 | Woobat | Giant's Mirror, Watchtower Ruins | Galar Mine |
175 | Swoobat | - | - |
176 | Noibat | Galar Mine 2, Watchtower Ruins | Bridge Field, Galar Mine 2 |
177 | Noivern | Lake of Outrage | - |
178 | Onix | - | East Lake Axwell, Giant's Seat, Motostoke Riverbank |
179 | Steelix | - | - |
180 | Arrokuda | Motostoke Riverbank | Route 2, Motostoke Riverbank, Town of Hulbury |
181 | Barraskewda | Lake of Outrage, Route 2 | Motostoke Riverbank, Dusty Bowl |
182 | Meowth | Route 4 | Route 4 |
183 | Perrserker | Route 7 | Route 9, Lake of Outrage |
184 | Persian | - | - |
185 | Milcery | - | Route 4, Bridge Field, Giant's Mirror |
186 | Alcremie | - | - |
187 | Cutiefly | Galar Mine 2, Bridge Field | Route 4 |
188 | Ribombee | - | Stony Wilderness |
189 | Ferroseed | Stony Wilderness | Motostoke Riverbank, Route 4 |
190 | Ferrothorn | - | Dusty Bowl |
191 | Pumpkaboo | Route 4, Giant's Mirror, Hammerlocke Hills | - |
192 | Gourgeist | - | - |
193 | Pichu | - | - |
194 | Pikachu | Route 4, Stony Wilderness | Stony Wilderness |
195 | Raichu | - | - |
196 | Eevee | Route 4 | - |
197 | Vaporeon | Lake of Outrage | - |
198 | Jolteon | - | - |
199 | Flareon | - | - |
Pokemon Sword and Shield Pokedex: 200-299
Header Cell - Column 0 | Pokemon | Overworld | Non-Overworld |
200 | Espeon | - | - |
201 | Umbreon | - | - |
202 | Leafeon | - | - |
203 | Glaceon | - | - |
204 | Sylveon | - | - |
205 | Applin | - | Route 5, Stony Wilderness, Dusty Bowl, Giant's Mirror |
206 | Frapple (Sword) | - | - |
207 | Appletun (Shield) | - | - |
208 | Espurr | - | Motostoke Riverbank, Hammerlocke Hills |
209 | Meowstic | - | Route 7, Dusty Bowl |
210 | Swirlix (Sword) | Route 5, Glimwood Tangle, Giant's Mirror | Route 5, Glimwood Tangle, Stony Wilderness |
211 | Slurpuff (Sword) | - | - |
212 | Spritzee (Shield) | Route 5, Glimwood Tangle, Giant's Mirror | Route 5, Glimwood Tangle, Stony Wilderness |
213 | Aromatisse (Shield) | - | - |
214 | Dewpider | Stony Wilderness | Route 5 |
215 | Araquanid | Lake of Outrage | - |
216 | Wynaut | - | - |
217 | Wobbufffet | Route 5, Hammerlocke Hills | Bridge Field |
218 | Farfetch'd (Sword) | Route 5, Giant's Hill | - |
219 | Sirfetch'd (Sword) | - | - |
220 | Chinchou | West Lake Axwell, East Lake Axwell | Hulbury, Giant's Mirror |
221 | Lanturn | - | Bridge Field, Dusty Bowl, Lake of Outrage |
222 | Croagunk (Shield) | Galar Mine 2, Dusty Bowl | Galar Mine 2, Motostoke Outskirts |
223 | Toxicroak (Shield) | Stony Wilderness | - |
224 | Scraggy (Sword) | Galar Mine 2, Bridge Field, Giant's Cap | - |
225 | Scrafty (Sword) | - | Galar Mine 2, Motostoke Outskirts |
226 | Stunfisk | - | Galar Mine 2, Dusty Bowl |
227 | Shuckle | Watchtower Ruins, Giant's Cap | Galar Mine 2, Stony Wilderness |
228 | Barboach | North Lake Miloch, South Lake Miloch | North & South Lake Miloch, Galar Mine 2 |
229 | Whiscash | - | Slumbering Weald |
230 | Shellos | Galar Mine 2, Dusty Bowl, Giant's Mirror | Motostoke Riverbank, Bridge Field |
231 | Gastrodon | Route 9 | Route 9 |
232 | Wimpod | Galar Mine 2, Motostoke Riverbank | Motostoke Riverbank, Bridge Field, Galar Mine 2 |
233 | Golisopod | Lake of Outrage | - |
234 | Binacle | Galar Mine 2 | Motostoke Riverbank, Bridge Field, Galar Mine 2 |
235 | Barbaracle | Route 9 | Dusty Bowl, Lake of Outrage |
236 | Corsola (Shield) | Giant's Mirror | - |
237 | Cursola (Shield) | - | - |
238 | Impidimp | - | Motostoke Outskirts, Stony Wilderness, Giant's Mirror |
239 | Morgrem | Glimwood Tangle | Glimwood Tangle |
240 | Grimmsnarl | - | Lake of Outrage |
241 | Hatenna | Motostoke Outskirts, Stony Wilderness | Hammerlocke Hills |
242 | Hattrem | Glimwood Tangle | Glimwood Tangle, Dusty Bowl |
243 | Hatterene | Lake of Outrage | - |
244 | Salandit | Stony Wilderness | - |
245 | Salazzle | - | - |
246 | Pawniard | Motostoke Riverbank, Route 8, Giant's Mirror | Motostoke Riverbank, Motostoke Outskirts, Stony Wilderness |
247 | Bisharp | Lake of Outrage | - |
248 | Throh (Shield) | Motostoke Outskirts, Bridge Field, Giant's Mirror | Row 48 - Cell 3 |
249 | Sawk (Sword) | Motostoke Outskirts, Giant's Mirror | - |
250 | Koffing | Motostoke Riverbank, Dusty Bowl | Giant's Mirror |
251 | Weezing | Lake of Outrage, Slumbering Weald | Slumbering Weald |
252 | Bonsly | Bridge Field, Stony Wilderness | - |
253 | Sudowoodo | Motostoke Outskirts, Hammerlocke Hills | Bridge Field, Dusty Bowl |
254 | Cleffa | - | - |
255 | Clefairy | Motostoke Riverbank, Giant's Cap | - |
256 | Clefable | - | - |
257 | Togepi | - | Bridge Field |
258 | Togetic | - | Stony Wilderness |
259 | Togekiss | Dusty Bowl | - |
260 | Munchlax | Motostoke Riverbank | - |
261 | Snorlax | - | - |
262 | Cottonee | - | Stony Wilderness |
263 | Whimsicott | - | - |
264 | Rhyhorn | Motostoke Riverbank, Giant's Mirror | Motostoke Riverbank, Bridge Field, Stony Wilderness |
265 | Rhydon | Dusty Bowl | Dusty Bowl, Lake of Outrage |
266 | Rhyperior | - | - |
267 | Gothita (Sword) | Giant's Cap | - |
268 | Gothorita (Sword) | Giant's Cap (3), Dusty Bowl | - |
269 | Gothitelle (Sword) | Lake of Outrage | - |
270 | Solosis (Shield) | Giant's Cap (1) (2) (3) | - |
271 | Duosion (Shield) | Dusty Bowl | - |
272 | Reuniclus (Shield) | Lake of Outrage | - |
273 | Karrablast | - | Motostoke Riverbank, Bridge Field, Hammerlocke Hills |
274 | Escavalier | - | - |
275 | Shelmet | - | Motostoke Riverbank, Bridge Field, Route 7 |
276 | Accelgor | - | - |
277 | Elgyem | Bridge Field | Motostoke Riverbank, Bridge Field |
278 | Beheeyem | Lake of Outrage | - |
279 | Cubchoo | Bridge Field, Hammerlocke Hills | Bridge Field, Stony Wilderness |
280 | Beartic | - | Route 10 |
281 | Rufflet (Sword) | Route 8, Stony Wilderness | Bridge Field |
282 | Braviary (Sword) | Dusty Bowl | - |
283 | Vullaby (Shield) | Route 8, Stony Wilderness | Bridge Field |
284 | Mandibuzz (Shield) | Dusty Bowl, Lake of Outrage | - |
285 | Skorupi | Motostoke Riverbank | Motostoke Riverbank, Route 6 |
286 | Drapion | Lake of Outrage | Route 8 |
287 | Litwick | - | Motostoke Riverbank, Bridge Field |
288 | Lampent | Lake of Outrage | - |
289 | Chandelure | - | - |
290 | Inkay | Route 7, Dusty Bowl and Giant's Mirror | Bridge Field, Hammerlocke Hills |
291 | Malamar | - | - |
292 | Sneasel | Motostoke Riverbank, Hammerlocke Hills | Motostoke Riverbank, Bridge Field |
293 | Weavile | - | - |
294 | Sableye (Shield) | Dusty Bowl | - |
295 | Mawile (Sword) | Dusty Bowl | Bridge Field |
296 | Maractus | Bridge Field, Stony Wilderness | - |
297 | Sigilyph | Lake of Outage, Stony Wilderness | Motostoke Riverbank |
298 | Riolu | Giant's Cap | - |
299 | Lucario | - | - |
Pokemon Sword and Shield Pokedex: 300-400
Header Cell - Column 0 | A | B | C |
300 | Torkoal | Motostoke Riverbank, Giant's Cap | Route 6, Giant's Mirror |
301 | Mimikyu | - | Giant's Mirror |
302 | Cufant | Bridge Field | - |
303 | Copperajah | Lake of Outrage | - |
304 | Qwilfish | Route 9, Bridge Field | Bridge Field, Dusty Bowl |
305 | Frillish | West Lake Axwell, North Lake Miloch | - |
306 | Jellicent | Route 9 | Lake of Outrage |
307 | Mareanie | Route 9, Motostoke Riverbank | Motostoke Riverbank, Giant's Mirror |
308 | Toxapex | Route 9 | - |
309 | Cramorant | Bridge Field, Stony Wilderness | Route 9, Lake of Outrage |
310 | Toxel | Motostoke Riverbank, Stony Wilderness | Route 7, Stony Wilderness |
311 | Toxtricity | - | - |
312 | Silicobra | - | Route 6 |
313 | Sandaconda | - | Route 8, Lake of Outrage |
314 | Hippopotas | Dusty Bowl | Route 6 |
315 | Hippowdon | - | Route 8, Giant's Mirror, Lake of Outrage |
316 | Durant | Giant's Mirror | Route 6 |
317 | Heatmor | Giant's Mirror | Route 6 |
318 | Helioptile | Route 6, Giant's Mirror | - |
319 | Heliolisk | - | - |
320 | Hawlucha | - | Route 6, Hammerlocke Hills |
321 | Trapinch | Route 6 | - |
322 | Vibrava | - | - |
323 | Flygon | Lake of Outrage | - |
324 | Axew | Axew's Eye | - |
325 | Fraxure | - | - |
326 | Haxorus | Lake of Outrage | - |
327 | Yamask | Route 6 | - |
328 | Runerigus | - | - |
329 | Cofagrigus | - | - |
330 | Honedge | Hammerlocke Hills | Hammerlocke Hills |
331 | Doublade | - | Lake of Outrage |
332 | Aegislash | - | - |
333 | Ponyta (Shield) | Glimwood Tangle | Glimwood Tangle |
334 | Rapidash (Shield) | - | - |
335 | Sinistea | Glimwood Tangle | Glimwood Tangle |
336 | Polteageist | Row 36 - Cell 2 | - |
337 | Indeedee (Male - Sword, Female - Shield) | Glimwood Tangle | Glimwood Tangle, Lake of Outrage |
338 | Phantump | Glimwood Tangle | Glimwood Tangle |
339 | Trevenant | - | - |
340 | Morelull | Giant's Mirror, Hammerlocke Hills | - |
341 | Shiinotic | Glimwood Tangle | Glimwood Tangle |
342 | Oranguru (Shield) | Glimwood Tangle | Glimwood Tangle |
343 | Passimian (Sword) | Glimwood Tangle | Glimwood Tangle |
344 | Morepeko | - | Route 9 |
345 | Falinks | - | Route 8, Lake of Outrage |
346 | Drampa (Shield) | - | Lake of Outrage |
347 | Turtonator (Sword) | - | Lake of Outrage |
348 | Togedemaru | Route 8 | Lake of Outrage |
349 | Snom | Route 8 | Route 8, Route 10, Lake of Outrage |
350 | Frosmoth | - | - |
351 | Clobbopus | Route 9 | - |
352 | Grapploct | - | - |
353 | Pincurchin | - | Route 9 |
354 | Mantyke | Motostoke Riverbank, Lake of Outrage | Route 9 |
355 | Matine | Lake of Outrage | Route 9 |
356 | Wailmer | Route 9 | Route 9 |
357 | Wailord | - | Route 9 |
358 | Bergmite | Route 9 | - |
359 | Avalugg | - | - |
360 | Dhelmise | Route 9 | - |
361 | Lapras | - | Route 9 |
362 | Lunatone (Shield) | Route 8, Giant's Cap | - |
363 | Solrock (Sword) | Route 8, Giant's Cap | - |
364 | Mime Jr. | - | - |
365 | Mr. Mime | Route 10 | Lake of Outrage |
366 | Mr. Rime | - | - |
367 | Darumaka (Sword) | - | Route 8, Route 10 |
368 | Darmanitan (Sword) | - | - |
369 | Stonjourner (Sword) | - | Lake of Outrage, Route 10 |
370 | Eiscue (Shield) | - | Lake of Outrage, Route 10 |
371 | Duraludon | Route 10 | Lake of Outrage |
372 | Rotom | Lake of Outrage | - |
373 | Ditto | Lake of Outrage | Lake of Outrage |
374 | Dracozolt | - | Fossilised Drake + Dino |
375 | Arctozolt | - | Fossiled Bird + Dino |
376 | Dracovish | - | Fossilised Drake + Fish |
377 | Arctovish | - | Fossilised Bird + Fish |
378 | Charmander | - | Gift |
379 | Charmeleon | - | - |
380 | Charizard | - | - |
381 | Type: Null | - | Gift |
382 | Silvally | - | - |
383 | Larvitar (Shield) | - | Lake of Outrage |
384 | Pupitar (Shield) | - | Lake of Outrage |
385 | Tyranitar (Shield) | - | - |
386 | Deino (Sword) | - | Lake of Outrage |
387 | Zweilous (Sword) | - | - |
388 | Hydreigon (Sword) | - | - |
389 | Goomy (Shield) | - | Lake of Outrage |
390 | Sliggoo (Shield) | - | Lake of Outrage |
391 | Goodra (Shield) | - | - |
392 | Jangmo-o (Sword) | - | Lake of Outrage |
393 | Hakamo-o (Sword) | - | Lake of Outrage |
394 | Kommo-o (Sword) | - | - |
395 | Dreepy | - | Lake of Outrage |
396 | Drakloak | Lake of Outrage | - |
397 | Dragapult | - | - |
398 | Zacian (Sword) | Legendary | - |
399 | Zamazenta (Shield) | Legendary | - |
400 | Eternatus | Legendary | - |
Want to know more about Pokemon Sword and Shield Poke Jobs? We've got what you need here! Pokemon Scarlet and Violet are set to launch later in 2022, although you can play Pokemon Legends Arceus right now if you just can't wait for the launch of Gen 9.
Pokemon Sword and Shield tips | Pokemon Sword and Shield differences | Pokemon Sword and Shield starters | Pokemon Sword and Shield Currydex | Pokemon Sword and Shield gym leaders | Pokemon Sword and Shield camping | Pokemon Sword and Shield fossils | Best Pokemon in Pokemon Sword and Shield | Pokemon Sword and Shield type chart | Pokemon Sword and Shield Battle Tower | Pokemon Sword and Shield glowing Pokemon | Pokemon Sword and Shield Mystery Gift codes | Gigantamax Pokemon | Pokemon Sword and Shield TM locations | Pokemon Sword and Shield legendaries | Pokemon Sword and Shield shiny hunting | Pokemon Sword and Shield evolution items | Pokemon Sword and Shield rare Pokemon
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Give me a game and I will write every "how to" I possibly can or die trying. When I'm not knee-deep in a game to write guides on, you'll find me hurtling round the track in F1, flinging balls on my phone in Pokemon Go, pretending to know what I'm doing in Football Manager, or clicking on heads in Valorant.
- Josh WestEditor-in-Chief, GamesRadar+