Get in a few headshots with these mobile shooters
Looking for some mobile shooters to play? Check out our list and don't forget to reload.

Tap to kill
Call of Duty, Battlefield, Kill Zone--the list of console shooters out there is pretty huge, but what happens when youre not home to play them and your Vita/3DS needs recharging? Fortunately, theres an ever-increasing list of first-person and over-the-shoulder shooters out there for mobile that give you all the zombies, soldiers, and [insert random creatures] you can kill wherever you are.
There are so many out there, in fact, that weve put together a list of the 10 best mobile shooters currently available for iOS and Android so you can spend less time looking and more time shooting. So, slide open your lock screen and load up, here are the games you want to play when you have a hankering for a headshot. Just forget to reload every now and then.

10. Resident Evil Mercenaries VS. ($4.99)
Mercenaries brings all the action and addictive scoring system from Resident Evil 4 to your mobile device without skimping on the zombies. Matches can be played solo or in teams of two and consist of running around the different maps and shooting as many Ganados as possible. Your main objective is to beat your opponents score, but if you decide to play Vs. mode, shooting down other players also adds to your winnings. Its quick sessions and arcade-like action makes it perfect for when you have some time--or zombies--to kill.

9. Blitz Brigade (Free)
Blitz Brigade is sort of like a mobile version of Team Fortress and puts teams of six players up against one another in various modes to see who comes out on top. What the game lacks in originality, it more than makes up for in fast, action-packed combat that keeps you coming back for more. Playing matches and completing secondary objectives rewards you with currency that can be used to upgrade weapons, purchase new ones, or equip buffs during battle. With lots of cool guns to unlock, vehicles to operate, and different ways to sneak up on your foes, Blitz Brigade is more than just a copycat--its a blast.

8. Rage HD ($1.99)
Rage HD takes all the gritty dystopian ambiance from its console counterpart and translates it to a mobile experience thats easy to get into. This on-rails shooter takes you through a Running Man-like show where you are forced to survive as long as you can while hordes of mutants come at you. There are only three worlds to play through, but crank up the difficulty and youll need to aim your shots carefully to ensure you have enough ammo for the more gruesome creatures that await you. After all, this is one reality show youre not supposed to live through.

7. Neon Shadow ($1.99)
Neon Shadow is a love letter to classic FPS games such as Doom and Hexen, and youll get a sense of nostalgia as you make your way through its futuristic corridors shooting down enemies from all sides. Playing as a ships commander, you need to fend off against malfunctioning security drones and make your way to the deck to regain control. The action starts as soon as you begin playing, and you never know what to expect around each corner. Its neon visuals and futuristic setting add to its charm, keeping you hooked until the very last robot goes down.

6. The Conduit HD (Free)
If youre looking for a solid single-player FPS experience on Android, look no further than The Conduit HD. And if it feels a lot like playing a console shooter, thats because it is. The original Wii-exclusive title has gotten a face-lift and boasts improved visuals and lighting effects that make it look even better on mobile. This futuristic shooter follows the story of a government agent given the heavy burden of stopping aliens from invading the planet. The first two chapters are free to try, but for $5 you get a shooter thats well worth checking out, especially if you never played the Wii version.

5. Shadowgun ($4.99)
Borrowing the look and feel of Gears of War, this cover-based shooter has you playing as a bounty hunter on a mission to take down a mad scientist and his army of mutants. The game features over a dozen levels where youll need to run, hide, and flank your enemies with an assortment of weapons, and it even includes a few boss battles that add some dynamism to the run-and-gun experience. Its single-player campaign is definitely worth checking out by itself, but if you want more, do yourself a favor and download the free Shadowgun: DeadZone, its multiplayer-only counterpart that takes place in the same universe. Why settle for one shooter, when you can get two?

4. Doom Classic ($4.99)
The granddaddy of all first-person shooters, Doom Classic lets players revisit 1993 and walk down those gruesome corridors one more time. This game comes with everything from the original and features 36 missions across different worlds filled with aliens that just want to rip you apart. Its everything you remember from the original, only playable wherever you want. And if you havent played Doom yet, go find a floppy disc version of the game somewhere or play this faithful port and see what youve been missing.

3. World War Z ($4.99)
You dont have to be a fan of the novel (or even Brad Pitt for that matter) to enjoy everything World War Z has to offer. This standalone game features a unique story set in the same universe as the books and film and follows the story of a few people who are just trying to survive. Part exploration game, this dystopian shooter also features puzzles and RPG elements that add depth to its combat sequences during zombie ambushes. In addition to a robust Story mode, the game also includes a score-attack mode that challenges you to survive as long as you can. With the entire world turning zombies, theres no end to how many you can kill.

2. Dead Trigger 2 (Free)
Dead Trigger 2 brings players back to the same world of zombies from the first game, but improves on what made it so much fun to begin with. Besides simply surviving the clock or killing a set amount of enemies before time runs out, this FPS also features a diverse range of missions that add depth to its otherwise impressive campaign. There is also a crafting system that lets you build weapons and other tools to help you last longer and make it through all of the games missions. A completely free experience, theres no reason why you shouldn't check this one out.

1. N.O.V.A. 3 ($6.99)
N.O.V.A. 3 offers what most gamers want from any FPS titlea solid campaign and equally impressive online multiplayer. The game itself borrows a lot from Halo and Crysis and takes place in a future where humans are trying to recolonize Earth. Not only does the game look amazing and come with cutscenes and a solid cast of characters, but it also boasts some cool mission objectives that keep the action going hours after your first shot. Once youre done with that, you can hop online and experience one of the best multiplayer modes any mobile shooter has to offer.

Lock and load
So there you have it. Playing any shooters on your phone? Let us know what you're shooting at and suggest ones we should try out too!
Shooters not your thing? Then check out our list of best endless runners or games to play with friends.