Black Ops 2 vs. Ghost Recon - Comparing two visions of the future
Will we be using wrist mounted iPads or wearing holographic sunglasses in the future?

A decade or so isnt too far away, but the theories on advances in military technology between the two development studios share some similarities but quite a few differences. Gaze into the crystal ball and peer into the future, as we take a close look at Black Ops 2s and Ghost Recons visions of tomorrow.

Black Ops 2's future has lots of robots
There's even some Star Wars inspired AT-AT style walkers...

That armor's too strong for blas... bullets!
Armored ground drones are no strangers to Blops future world. They even come in two varieties (at least, of what weve seen so far), the four legged CLAW and the speedy ASD (which rolls on treads rather than legs). These guys come mounted with heavy machine guns and grenade launchers. That's all you need to clear out dug-in infantry.

Ghost Recon has its own robots too
In the Ghost's world, drones don't make an appearance in as large a scale as in Black Ops 2, but remote controlled robots do show up on these future soldiers battlefield. The small, flying, quad-rotor drone used by the Ghosts is a little more advanced than the Blops counterpart. This little guy transforms from a flyer to a remote-controlled car making stealth infiltrations all the more sneaky. Also, in GRFSs multiplayer, the quad drone can be equipped with low impact rockets, which comes in handy for taking out infantry from above. But these are only a small part of the Ghosts' arsenal.

The Warhound is a Ghost's best friend
The Ghosts have their own walking quadroped, the Warhound, which is more advanced than the CLAW. Instead of being completely controlled by remote (weapon targets are designated by a Ghost) the Warhound follows mission objectives on its own. This armored artillery also packs quite a punch, with its onboard mortar launcher and guided missiles.

Black Ops 2 sticks to traditional camouflage
Granted, we havent seen everything the COD soldiers have up their sleeves, but so far it looks like they will be relying on traditional fatigues as their camouflage. A fairly low-tech solution compared to the Ghosts

You can't see Ghosts
Now these guys have it going on when it comes to staying hidden. They are called ghosts after all. They employ an optical camouflage that bends light around them, rendering the soldier nearly invisible. This does seem like it strays more toward the sci-fi side, but whos to say the Predator-like invisibility wont be completely possible in the next few decades.

Black Ops: battle ready tablets
Undoubtedly, theyll be able to get real-time info on the battlefield, city maps, building schematics, and maybe the ability to hack drones (judging by the titles emphasis on cyber warfare). Hopefully, Mason thought to install Zork before heading out into the field.

Ghost Recon: a heads up display for real first person shooting
It's funny to think our current military already uses Xbox 360 controllers to control robots. Ubisoft just ran with that "gamers as soldiers" idea with the personal HUD. All those hours gamers spend in team deathmatch might prove to be excellent military experience in the future.

Black Ops 2: Get to the Chopp... uh, hover jet
There are still helicopters in Blops 2's future world (remember, there's police chopper crashing in the trailer), but we also saw what looked like transport jets. The engines on the ends of the wings rotate, presumably making helicopter-type maneuvers. So, perhaps the military decommissioned choppers for faster moving hover jets.

Ghost Recon: If it ain't broke...
Rather than sticking high powered jet engines to the side of a fuselage, the Ghost's future military has stuck to the tried an true helicopter. They don't look much different than the Black Hawk helicopters used today.

Black Ops: today's weapon prototypes are the future's standard
Not every weapon is as unfamiliar as the KARD though. The XMD assault rifle and SAW light machine gun have also made appearances, so if you were looking forward to ray guns, remember, it's not that far in the future.

Ghost Recon has advanced ballistics
There are some familiar guns like ACR assault rifles and even the KARD pistol available to the Ghosts, but things get real fancy when you take a closer look at their bullets. Besides armor piercing and incendiary rounds, they have homing sniper rounds. Used in conjunction with a special targeting scope, the bullets lock on to a target's head and can change trajectory mid-flight to meet it's target. It seems pretty unfair, but that's pretty much the point of creating advanced weapons.

Black Ops 2: There's no use hiding behind walls
We know the image above is just a guy walking behind what looks like the x-ray machine from Total Recall, but the spec ops soldiers will also be able to see hidden enemies with special x-ray scopes and blast them with cover-penetrating ballistics systems.

Ghost Recon: X-ray vision gives the Ghosts the advantage
The Ghosts don't play by the rules either. Their high tech sunglasses have magnetic and thermal vision modes and the soldiers are equipped with a number of sensor probes which also highlight enemy locations - meaning there aren't many places for the bad guys to hide. This is wall hacks at its best.

Which game captures the future setting better? Which do you think is more realistic? Let us know what you think about shooters set in the future in the comments below.
Many years ago, Lorenzo Veloria was a Senior Editor here at GamesRadar+ helping to shape content strategy. Since then, Lorenzo has shifted his attention to Future Plc's broader video game portfolio, working as a Senior Brand Marketing Manager to oversee the development of advertising pitches and marketing strategies for the department. He might not have all that much time to write about games anymore, but he's still focused on making sure the latest and greatest end up in front of your eyes one way or another.

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