Brooktown High Senior Year - hands-on

These dates will involve wacky minigames as well. Some of them appear to be wholesome, like joke-telling and shopping, but others, like "21 Knickers" (aka strip Blackjack) and the not-as-interesting-as-it-sounds "tongue wrestling" have us wondering what the ESRB will be saying in a few months. That, and all the suggestive footage ofopening roses and industrial pistons that publisher Konami saw fit to include in a trailer for the game.

Of course, all of this is just leading up to the one pressure-cooker of teen hormones and emptied wallets that's an integral part of every high-school experience: the senior prom. Here, it's the game's final boss fight, leading to a different ending depending on whom you finally pair up with.

Above: This really isn't so much 'tongue wrestling' as it is 'tongue bouncing an icon around to collect hearts'

Brooktown won't stop there, either, weighing your actions throughout the game to determine what your character's life is like 20 years down the road. Will you be married? Rich? A homeless dude living in a van? That depends on how you spent your time in the game. Looks like your teen yearsreally are the most important ones of your life.

Brooktown High is coming to the PSP this spring, the season when a young man's fancy turns to awkward staring and nervous sweating. Will you end up with the boy or girl of your dreams? Hey, with enough resetting, anything is possible!