Call of Duty: Black Ops 2 Zombies - What we want to see
We can't wait kill more zombies

Well, we're tired of waiting for the official reveal, so we've decided to spell out what we want Treyarch to add to the Zombie formula. Break out the Wonderwaffe and chug that Juggernog, it's time to bust some zombie brains.

Bring in player loadouts
Let us unlock new guns, gadgets, and perks just like the competitive multiplayer - except instead of unlocking Stinger launchers and claymores we get the Wunderwaffe and Monkey Bomb .

Let us play with more survivors
Treyarch has mentioned they are using the multiplayer engine to run Zombie mode, so it's entirely possible we might see more than just four player co-op. Not only will adding more players open opportunities for Survival but it will also inspire additional gameplay modes, like the ones on the following pages...

Give us co-op missions
Let us take a bigger group out into the zombie infested world and make death permanent, changing the fallen players into shambling undead. Or task half of the party to defend a home base while the others venture out to reach a distant objective and return.

Add an "infection" mode with controllable zombies
Make it so zombie players have projectile attacks and buffed stats and it will be a good time. We've already seen this type of switching sides, infection gameplay from the other shooters, so it isn't too hard to imagine it with some zombies thrown in the mix.
Co-op can get frustrating with player controlled allies, but this would be your chance to get back at your incompetent comrades. Well, other than shooting them, that is.

Add tower defense elements
The mechanics of the Zombie survival mode already have tower defense elements. Kill Zombies, get money, and spend money on upgrades. Now just let us spend our hard earned dollars on building walls and other stationary bonuses, then we could strategically funnel a horde, hunker down with our co-op buddies and fend of the tide of rotting corpses from a makeshift fort.

Co-op and versus matchmaking
It can be tough getting a group of friends together for a round of Zombies. Having the option to just jump in a public game ensures well never have to wait around to get a game in especially if we just want to earn experience for the aforementioned character progression. With all the talk of the multiplayer features being added, this is pretty much a shoe-in.

Zombie specific killstreaks
You know how they have killstreaks in multiplayer? Well, we want streaks like that only tailored to the obliteration of the undead. There are already bonuses with the random nuke and instant kill drops, but we want to see a fully fleshed out streak system of unlockable zombie streaks we could unleash after pulling off some corpse killing badassery or surviving a certain number of rounds.

Make the old Zombies maps available at launch
Obviously, we still want to have brand new maps to explore, but we also really want to hop back into the old maps we've already developed a strategy for. Even better, have the old maps integrate the newer weapons and features for a new spin on some old co-op fun.

What did we miss?
If you haven't seen our previous coverage of Black Ops 2 be sure to check out our latest Call of Duty Black Ops 2 preview from E3.
Many years ago, Lorenzo Veloria was a Senior Editor here at GamesRadar+ helping to shape content strategy. Since then, Lorenzo has shifted his attention to Future Plc's broader video game portfolio, working as a Senior Brand Marketing Manager to oversee the development of advertising pitches and marketing strategies for the department. He might not have all that much time to write about games anymore, but he's still focused on making sure the latest and greatest end up in front of your eyes one way or another.