Call of Duty: Finest Hour Cheats

Call of Duty: Finest Hour FAQs

Call of Duty: Finest Hour Glitches

  • PS2 | Submitted by bor3113

    Fall through Wall - Online

    When playing online, find the "Oasis" level. At the very edge of the level, there is a building (not the tower, the one at the other end of the level). Go all the way upstairs until you enter that small room with the door. Go prone, crawl through the door, (don't get up) turn toward the ladder and look up (don't get on the ladder). Move around until you fall through the floor (it usually works instantaneously). You can now see everybody else but they can't see you.

  • Xbox | Submitted by jeremy

    Glitch on multiplayer map "The Square"

    On the map The Square there's a glitch in the game where u can go outside of the square. you have to go towards the building with no equipment in front of it and on the left side there's a wall, jump onto the wall and jump onto the dirt and then jump down on the other side and you are now our of the square and they can't see you but you can see them.

  • PS2 | Submitted by jeremy

    Oasis Glitch

    When you go online select the "Oasis" map. Go to the big tower and go prone in the corner and you can go into the tower.

  • PS2 | Submitted by jeremy

    Glitch on multiplayer map "The Square"

    On the map The Square there's a glitch in the game where u can go outside of the square. you have to go towards the building with no equipment in front of it and on the left side there's a wall, jump onto the wall and jump onto the dirt and then jump down on the other side and you are now our of the square and they cant see you but you can see them.

  • GameCube | Submitted by jeremy

    Glitch on multiplayer map "The Square"

    On the map The Square there's a glitch in the game where u can go outside of the square. you have to go towards the building with no equipment in front of it and on the left side there's a wall, jump onto the wall and jump onto the dirt and then jump down on the other side and you are now our of the square and they cant see you but you can see them.

Call of Duty: Finest Hour Hints

  • Xbox | Submitted by Dudeish

    Destroy Fuel Dumps Easily

    At the end of Depot Saboteurs you will have to blow up five fuel dumps. Instead of planting the charges all you have to do is throw sticky bombs if you have any left.

  • PS2 | Submitted by GamesRadar

    Unlock Big heads, Head Shot & Ricochet A

    Finish the game one time with the easy difficulty setting.

  • PS2 | Submitted by GamesRadar

    Unlock Dead Eye & Sink Shot Cheats

    Finish the game one time with the normal difficulty setting.

  • PS2 | Submitted by GamesRadar

    Killing tanks

    To take out tanks easy hide then use sticky bombs or mines.

  • PS2 | Submitted by GamesRadar

    Easy beat sniper factory level

    Stay to the window to the left and stay crouched. when he says they need you downstairs don't go outside you will die stay inside and snipe the three guys pinning your tankers down.

  • PS2 | Submitted by GamesRadar

    To get a Browing .30 Cal (machine gun)

    When you are in the second level you will have to kill all the guys in the pillboxes (machine gun room type things. So when you are doing that you will go to the second pillbox after you do that you will see another path in the side when you are coming back look to your right and there will be another room and there will be the machine gun it does not have that much ammo so use it wisely because the last pillbox will have about 25 men in there so use it then and be careful and follow the arrow this might be confusing but just keep on trying and you will get it and you will be happy when you do get it.But on the next level you might not have it so you might want to try to use it on the bad guys (british).

  • PS2 | Submitted by GamesRadar

    Kill Panzer Tank In One Shot

    Usually to defeat a panzer tank you have to shoot it twice with the cannon to get it on fire. But if you aim your gun at the corner of the tracks , it instantly goes up in flames.

  • PS2 | Submitted by GamesRadar

    Get Browing on Into the Heartland

    At the the start of Into the Heartland turn around and go behind the tank and you have a choice of a Garand or Browning mg.

  • Xbox | Submitted by Calin Reamy

    Secret Hangout

    In the second mission on the British Campaign(North Africa) there is a secret hideaway at the end of the level. In the place where you destroy the fuel dumps, look at the really tall building that looks like it is made of a bunch of loaves of bread. Throw two sticky bombs at it, walk up to it and press "ACTION" and throw two more sticky bombs on it. It should blow apart. Inside is a Bren, Sticky Bombs, and a really weird guy that is partially invisible playing a banjo.

  • Xbox, GameCube | Submitted by Grant Paek

    To get a Browing .30 Cal (machine gun)

    When you are in the second level you will have to kill all the guys in the pillboxes (machine gun room type things. So when you are doing that you will go to the second pillbox after you do that you will see another path in the side when you are coming back look to your right and there will be another room and there will be the machine gun it does not have that much ammo so use it wisely because the last pillbox will have about 25 men in there so use it then and be careful and follow the arrow this might be confusing but just keep on trying and you will get it and you will be happy when you do get it.But on the next level you might not have it so you might want to try to use it on the bad guys (british).

  • Xbox, GameCube | Submitted by Shawn

    Russian Front - Warehouse sniping level (with the tank crew)

    Ok...Here we go when you start this level going out of the little sewer and the guy says that mortars are incoming just run right past him and into the warehouse

    (you might get a bit of shell shock Not to Worry!)

    Once you get in the warehouse pick up the ammo and health then go strait to where the windows are go up the little stair and turn left and grab the health..and ammo if you want... then crouch or lay down in the window about 2 or 3 away that is not blocked by a minute the timer will come on saying 10 minutes now just lay or crouch there till the men start coming (

    Men start from left side)

    Now start shooting men and be careful...It takes a little bit to reload....Now when the panzer guys come out focus all your fire on them and some of the people surrounding them....Then the machine gunners will come snipe them and then shoot some more people and it will say coming from the right side now.. Now all you have to do is look to the right out of the window don't even move more men will start coming out and then the panzers....shoot them and then the maching gunners (

    but sometimes the come from the left...Watch the old blown up car...they set up there)

    Then what you do is watch for more panzers....alot of them come and the thing keeps switching from right to left....only machine gunners come from the left when its on the right side....when your done with the ten minutes you must shoot 3 soldiers to help the tank crew....

    Also watch out for panzers they shoot the doors down.

    After you kill the 3 soldiers the men will run across from the big your left and down the stairs is the of them might be wounded help him then get in the tank when they say.....There will be some men of nazi in the warehouse probably so kill them then get in....
    Mission Rating 8/10

    Next mission,

    You must make it to Hq and survive in your pimp tank...but first you must protect the one dude fixing the tank DO NOT LET HIM DIE.... then you can drive the tank around and kill men.... Mission Rating out of 10 7/10

  • Xbox, GameCube | Submitted by GamesRadar

    Get A Laser

    In the third level there is a hall way at the top of the blown-up building. Go in the room with the chair directly across from it.
    When you go in there is a closet. Open the closet and voila, a laser (kills in one shot and uses no ammo)

    Note: Must have 100% health

  • Xbox, GameCube | Submitted by clayton bledsoe

    Easy beat sniper factory level

    Stay to the window to the left and stay crouched. when he says they need you downstairs don't go outside you will die stay inside and snipe the three guys pinning your tankers down.

  • PS2 | Submitted by GamesRadar

    Russian Front - Warehouse sniping level (with the tank crew)

    Ok...Here we go when you start this level going out of the little sewer and the guy says that mortars are incoming just run right past him and into the warehouse
    (you might get a bit of shell shock Not to Worry!)
    Once you get in the warehouse pick up the ammo and health then go strait to where the windows are go up the little stair and turn left and grab the health..and ammo if you want... then crouch or lay down in the window about 2 or 3 away that is not blocked by a minute the timer will come on saying 10 minutes now just lay or crouch there till the men start coming (
    Men start from left side)
    Now start shooting men and be careful...It takes a little bit to reload....Now when the panzer guys come out focus all your fire on them and some of the people surrounding them....Then the machine gunners will come snipe them and then shoot some more people and it will say coming from the right side now.. Now all you have to do is look to the right out of the window don't even move more men will start coming out and then the panzers....shoot them and then the maching gunners (
    but sometimes the come from the left...Watch the old blown up car...they set up there)
    Then what you do is watch for more panzers....alot of them come and the thing keeps switching from right to left....only machine gunners come from the left when its on the right side....when your done with the ten minutes you must shoot 3 soldiers to help the tank crew....
    Also watch out for panzers they shoot the doors down.
    After you kill the 3 soldiers the men will run across from the big your left and down the stairs is the of them might be wounded help him then get in the tank when they say.....There will be some men of nazi in the warehouse probably so kill them then get in....
    Mission Rating 8/10
    Next mission,
    You must make it to Hq and survive in your pimp tank...but first you must protect the one dude fixing the tank DO NOT LET HIM DIE.... then you can drive the tank around and kill men.... Mission Rating out of 10 7/10

  • PS2 | Submitted by GamesRadar

    Easy way to beat "Into the Heartland"

    In the beginning, go back and cross the 'crater' in the ground, and look around the tank to find the most powerful machine-gun in the game. You can also find a health, more sniper guns, and Mark 2 grenades. Then between the first and second implated cars surrounded by the nazis the is a sniper gun, the G43, which can snipe about 1/4 the way down the bridge. The exact location varies. When you get to the end of the bridge, wait for the two gunners on each side to stop and reload, and one shot at a time, don't get greedy and try to kill them in one shot. Once you get into the tower on the left, go right up to the top of the stairs where you can find four packs of grenades, and two health packs. Best of luck, this may take you a few tries, I know it did for me, but keep trying. P.S. Try to save ammo from the gun you get at the beginning of the mission for when you have to single-handedly storm the south tower.

  • PS2 | Submitted by big papa ben

    How To EASILY Beat Tractor Factory Level

    First when you get up to the sniping area crouch down in the window and there is some ammo and health in the corner if you need it. Get that and then snipe the first wave of soldiers with normal guns then when your "comrades" say that there are panzershrecks, concentrate all of your fire there and don't worry about the regular soldiers because they cant aim too good. shoot the panzershrecks until you see a guy running up the road with a heavy machine gun. shoot him and then go to the left window and continue what I just said and you'll b fine.

  • GameCube | Submitted by by badsanta155

    Killing tanks

    To take out tanks easy hide then use sticky bombs or mines

  • Xbox, GameCube | Submitted by Sean Higgins

    How To EASILY Beat Tractor Factory Level

    First when you get up to the sniping area crouch down in the window and there is some ammo and health in the corner if you need it. Get that and then snipe the first wave of soldiers with normal guns then when your "comrades" say that there are panzershrecks, concentrate all of your fire there and don't worry about the regular soldiers because they cant aim too good. shoot the panzershrecks until you see a guy running up the road with a heavy machine gun. shoot him and then go to the left window and continue what I just said and you'll b fine

  • Xbox | Submitted by badsanta155

    Killing tanks

    To take out tanks easy hide then use sticky bombs or mines

Call of Duty: Finest Hour Easter Eggs

  • GameCube | Submitted by m thieke

    UFO in Basement

    In mission "Come out Fighting", in the 2nd part of the town of Tillet.

    When you park your tank and dismount, in the building you have to clear out, there is a secret entrance to the right of the entrance door into the building. Climb on top of the barbwire fence and try to walk into the brick wall. It looks like bricks but you pass right through the wall into a tunnel. Follow it down and enjoy! Find health packets too.

  • PS2 | Submitted by cool chris

    Evil Comrade

    1st level (when you get the rifle)

    When you get the rifle, go back through the tunnel you came from. A captain on your team will hit you with a gun.

  • PS2 | Submitted by GamesRadar

    Easter Egg: Teddy Bear

    In the stage Surrender at Aachen (Western Front), you will be in an enemy occupied house right from the start. The small room directly across from where you start from has a small teddy bear you may acquire that restores as much health as a circular health kit.

  • PS2 | Submitted by GamesRadar


    Look straight up on night missions in Africa.

Call of Duty: Finest Hour Cheats

  • PS2 | Submitted by jeremy

    Unlimited Ammo

    Pause the game, then press R1, O, L1, Square, O, R1, Right, Right, O, Right. Then go to main menu and go to extras. The unlimited ammo cheat will be turned off, just turn it on and you got it.

  • PS2 | Submitted by jeremy

    More than Maximum Ammo

    Get to the checkpoint in any stage and die there with a weapon that is not given to you in the start of the stage automatically (like mp40 in First city to fall) . now when u will start again the game will assume that u still have that weapon and u can collect its ammo without that weapon and when u want to get that weapon pick it up and u can have more than max ammo for any weapon.

  • PS2 | Submitted by jeremy

    All Levels

    (NOTE: Must Have Two PLAYSTATION controllers hooked up at the same time)
    Enter the level selection screen. Hold UP on controller two and press START,SELECT, SELECT, SQUARE on controller one.

  • Xbox | Submitted by GamesRadar

    Unlock "Big Heads," "Head Shot" & "Ricochet All" Cheats

    Finish the game one time with the easy difficulty setting

  • PS2 | Submitted by jeremy

    Big Head, Ricochet, Head Shots, Dead Eye

    Beat the game on easy mode to unlock these cheats in the cheat menu.

  • Xbox | Submitted by GamesRadar

    Big n' Small Cheat

    Finish the game one time with the difficult difficulty setting

  • Xbox | Submitted by GamesRadar

    Unlock "Dead Eye" & "Sink Shot" Cheats

    Finish the game one time with the normal difficulty setting

Call of Duty: Finest Hour Unlockables

  • GameCube | Submitted by GamesRadar

    Unlock Dead Eye & Sink Shot Cheats

    Finish the game one time with the normal difficulty setting

  • GameCube | Submitted by GamesRadar

    Unlock Big heads, Head Shot & Ricochet All cheats

    Finish the game one time with the easy difficulty setting

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