Castlevania: Lords of Shadow - Mirror of Faith 3DS trailer includes 2D gameplay

Konami pulled the lid off their first Castlevania title on the Nintendo 3DS today by releasing this new trailer which highlights the story, cinematics, and (towards the end) the gameplay of this highly anticipated 3DS title. From the looks of things so far, we're pretty excited to see how Mercury Steam is able to bring the Lords of Shadow experience down to 2D.

No release date for this title is currently known, but it's somewhat encouraging that this trailer shows as many elements as it does. Not just story, cinematics, or gameplay, but all three, so it may be fairly far along in development. We're really looking forward to seeing more of what Konami and Mercury Steam will be offering up with Mirror of Faith.

Andrew Groen

Andrew is a freelance video game journalist, writing for sites like Wired and GamesRadar. Andrew has also written a book called EMPIRES OF EVE: A History of the Great Wars of EVE Online.