Castlevania: Mirror of Faith coming exclusively to 3DS says report

Castlevania: Lords of Shadow released in 2010 to a bit of a mixed reception. Some people adored the game for its incredible art direction, and others panned it as a me-too God of War clone (weadoredit.) Gamers in the former camp may have reason to be excited about the apparently impendingannouncementof Castlevanie: Mirror of Faith.

The 3DS title showed up on a Dutch website's E3 2012 appointment schedule and was noticed by posters on NeoGAF. So first of all, huzzah, because it looks like we're getting a Castlevania game on the 3DS.

It gets even more interesting when you look at the details though. The only details we currently have are that David Cox and Enric Alvarez (the producer and writer/director of Lords of Shadow, respectively) will reportedly be leading the charge this time instead of the mastermind of Castlevania's recent 2D installments, Koji Igarashi.

On its face, that's evidence of nothing. But we're extremely excited about the possibility that the upcoming 3DS game could be inspired by Lords of Shadow (if not a sequel or spiritual successor to it.) Konami may be looking to keep Castlevania in the realm of 3D now that they've finally figured out how to do it.

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Andrew Groen

Andrew is a freelance video game journalist, writing for sites like Wired and GamesRadar. Andrew has also written a book called EMPIRES OF EVE: A History of the Great Wars of EVE Online.