Classic games reimagined using iPhone's amazing Prisma app

Legend Of Zelda: Ocarina Of Time
If you have pals who aren't currently playing Pokemon Go, they're almost certainly clogging your Facebook feed with personal pics edited using a new app. Selfies. Mates in the pub. Kids in the garden. Last night's dinner. Nothing, it appears is off limits. Prisma is the guilty party in question, enabling you to turn any photo into a work of art using a variety of clever filters.
While every social media friend overusing it has already become a touch annoying, one fact is undeniable: it's fantastic at making iconic videogame imagery feel even more special. Check out Legend Of Zelda: Ocarina Of Time, above – the N64 classic looks a million rupees after going through the Udnie filter. It's not unique in that regard. Keep scrolling right for 14 more classics that grow even more alluring after going under the Prisma knife.

Tomb Raider
The 2013 guise of Lara Croft takes aim in Prisma's Marcus D - Lone Wolf filter.

Uncharted 2: Among Thieves
That train scene from Drake's super sequel somehow looks even more iconic in Prisma's Dreams filter.

Metal Gear Solid 5
Hands up if you now wish to replay the entirety of MGS5 using Prisma's Monotone filter. If only.

The Elder Scrolls 5: Skyrim
Bethesda's masterpiece looking masterful after a journey through the Illegal Beauty filter.

Mario Kart 7
Bowser vs Mario, stained-glass-window style. Smart work, Mosaic filter. (And something that actually exists in real life.)

Assassin's Creed 2
Ezio truly owns those Italian cobbles (okay, swirls) after receiving Prisma's Monotone treatment.

Street Fighter 5
Ryu and Ken get yet another layer of stylisation by way of the app's Wolf filter.

Bungie's enormo-blaster goes full-on comic book with the #FollowMeTo filter, and you have to love the result.

Grand Theft Auto 5
Trevor, Michael and Franklin prepare to get the party started after Electric filtration. (The murder party.)

Halo 2
Master Chief's heroism finds a whole new gear in the app's Flame Thrower filter.

2010s videogame becomes lurid-yet-enticing 1980s sweet wrapper with the help of Prisma's Paper Art filter.

Resident Evil 4
The greatest game on PS2 earns art gallery consideration using Prisma's Gothic filter.

Mirror's Edge
Prisma's Composition filter gives Faith a look that could adorn the wall of any Miami hotel.

Final Fantasy 7 Remake
Prisma's Wolf filter does the impossible by making Cloud Strife look even more dreamy.
I'm GamesRadar's sports editor, and obsessed with NFL, WWE, MLB, AEW, and occasionally things that don't have a three-letter acronym – such as Chvrches, Bill Bryson, and Streets Of Rage 4. (All the Streets Of Rage games, actually.) Even after three decades I still have a soft spot for Euro Boss on the Amstrad CPC 464+.