Black Ops Cold War Mauer Der Toten Easter Egg guide

mauer der toten easter egg
(Image credit: Activision)

This Cold War Mauer Der Toten Easter Egg guide will help you with all the steps needed to complete the newest COD Zombies challenge. As usual, this Easter Egg is particularly tough, not to mention is filled to the brim with bugs that could halt progress (on top of the usual difficult battles against deadly creatures).

We highly advise reading through this guide in its entirety first before attempting the Easter Egg, as there are a few points you’ll want to be aware of ahead of time. Compared to others, the Mauer Der Toten Easter Egg doesn’t take as long to complete, but that doesn’t mean it’s easy. In fact, there are certain sections that are as tough as COD Zombies can get.

In this COD Cold War Mauer Der Toten Easter Egg guide, we’ll walk you through the entire process to complete it step-by-step. 

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Step 1: Turn on the power and Pack-a-Punch machine

mauer der toten easter egg Turn on the power

(Image credit: Activision)

Before attempting the Easter Egg, we highly recommend playing through at least once, following the on-screen objectives. It will be tremendously helpful to know the layout of the map ahead of time, so you aren’t stumbling around on your first attempt.

We also suggest bringing the Gallo SA12 shotgun as your main weapon, along with an upgraded Aether Shroud Field Upgrade. It’s a good idea to have Jugger-Nog upgraded as much as possible, too.

For the first step, simply play through as normal and stay within the first area on top of the hotel for the first 7 rounds. Make sure you have around 15,000 points once the 7th round ends (but if you don’t, it’s no big deal). Exit the starting area, make your way down to the underground train section to turn on the power. Here, you’ll be notified that you need two fuses.

Kill the two tempests, grab their fuses, and place them next to the switch to be able to turn on the power. Once the power is on, make your way to the Pack-a-Punch machine to upgrade your weapon and take out the Disciple. In addition, make sure you apply the Brain Rot ammo mod onto your primary weapon (this is needed for a future step).

Step 2: Locate microwave dish

mauer der toten easter egg microwave dish

(Image credit: Activision)

After it’s safe, check the two areas on either side of the Pack-a-Punch machine to search for debris piles. These are small mounds of garbage and bones that give you gear and salvage materials. But what you’re looking for is a microwave dish that randomly spawns from one of these debris piles. It always spawns, you’ll just have to check around for it.

Step 3: Activate Klaus

mauer der toten easter egg Klaus

(Image credit: Activision)

Next up, head back into the hotel by the spawning area and go to room 305. Here, you’ll see a blocked off door that can be opened by a zombie infected with Brain Rot. We recommend not staying in this room as you take out zombies, as it’s easy to get overrun. Instead make your way around this area safely and when a zombie is inflicted with Brain Rot, lure them to the door in room 305.

Once it’s opened, head inside, and collect the robotic hands from the corpse on the bed. Take note of the safe to the right, as you’ll need to return here in the next step. By now you should be on or around the 10th round. On round 10, you’ll face off against a Krasny Soldat, a deadly enemy in a suit of armor. Kill this creature and grab the battery that drops.

Take the hands and the battery down to the underground area in the Safe House and you can place them into Klaus, who will now reanimate and assist you. To make progress towards the end goal, Klaus needs to get around 50 zombie kills, so let him take the reins as you play.

Step 4: Obtain CRBR-S Wonder Weapon

mauer der toten easter egg CRBR-S Wonder Weapon

(Image credit: Activision)

After you’ve activated Klaus, allow him to get kills and lead him to the Switch Control Room, in front of the locker next to the wall with the large hole in it. Klaus will walk up to the locker and open it for you, allowing you to obtain the blacklight needed to unlock the Wonder Weapon.

At this point, you’ll need to find three numbers that correspond to locker combinations to get the safe from room 305 to open. You need to use the blacklight to see the codes on the walls. The codes spawn in different locations on the walls, but are always in the same rooms. If your codes don’t spawn exactly where ours did, just look around on other walls within the same room to find them.

Below are their general locations.

Mauer der Toten Combination 1

mauer der toten easter egg Combination 1

(Image credit: Activision)

You can discover these in any order, but let’s cover them numerically. The first one is in the Garment Factory next to the hotel. Look around on the walls by the Upgrade Station. While you’re there, you should place the Microwave Dish into the Upgrade Station. 

Make sure you take a picture or write down the codes that appear because they’re different each game. 

Mauer der Toten Combination 2

mauer der toten easter egg Combination 2

(Image credit: Activision)

The next one is down the ladder at East Berlin Streets that leads to the underground area. As soon as you drop down, look around on the walls and you’ll find the next code.

Mauer der Toten Combination 3

mauer der toten easter egg Combination 3

(Image credit: Activision)

The final one is in the Grocery Store by East Berlin Streets. Look on the shelving units and the walls to find it.

mauer der toten easter egg CRBR-S Wonder Weapon

(Image credit: Activision)

Now, go back to the safe in room 305 and use the codes that correspond to each combination mentioned above. In our example, the codes are 32-38-12. Once you input the codes, the safe will open and you can grab the CRBR-S Wonder Weapon. 

Step 5: Upgrade Klaus

mauer der toten easter egg upgrade Klaus

(Image credit: Activision)

With the CRBR-S in hand, you should now look out for the Blazer Mod Kit that spawns from random enemies. You’ll need this mod for the next step, so keep your eyes peeled for it. 

Head back down to Klaus, activate him for 2,000 points and then make your way back to the Garment Factory. Summon Klaus right in front of the Upgrade Station and assuming he has obtained enough kills, a countdown timer will begin. If you look at the top right of the Upgrade Station, you can tell if he’s gotten enough kills. Green means yes, red means no.

Once it’s green, Klaus will then initiate a lockdown sequence with a minute on the timer. Survive for the entire minute and Klaus will obtain the upgrade needed for the next step. This part is very difficult, so make sure you have monkeys, a full Field Upgrade, Jugger-Nog, and your CRBR-S on hand to take out the enemies.

Step 6: Gain entrance to secret lab

mauer der toten easter egg secret lab

(Image credit: Activision)

After the upgrade section is complete, head down to the Sewer Access area and lure Klaus to the wall on the west side. Summon him right in front of the wall and he’ll break it down. Now, use the Blazer Mod to burn down the metal door behind the wall. If you don’t have this mod, you won’t be able to complete this step.

Once you burn down the wall, you’ll gain access to the Secret Lab. At this time, there isn’t much you can do in this room, so move onto the next step.

Step 7: Build headgear for Klaus

The next step is to build the headgear for Klaus, and to do so, you need two collect three parts. Luckily, they all spawn in the same locations each match.

The first one is found in the Electronic Store. Use your CRBR-S to shoot down a radio on the shelf to find the transistor.

Next, go back to the very start of the mission and head up to the giant pylon on the roof. Shoot it and it will drop an antenna.

The final piece is found in the train area at the Ghost Station. 

Mauer Der Toten Easter Egg Ghost Station

(Image credit: Activision)

Across from the Mule Kick perk machine is an area with a green box on the upper wall that contains the electronic boards. Take note of the green device on the ground known as an Essence Harvester, because you’ll need to use these in the next step.

Once you have all three, make your way back to Klaus in the Safe House and craft the headgear. 

Step 8: Grab canisters and take them to Essence Harvesters

Now that the headgear has been placed, go back to the Secret Lab and collect the empty canisters on the bottom floor. Your goal at this point is to place all three empty canisters at various Essence Harvesters around the map. 

They tend to spawn in different locations, but reference the image above to see what they look like. One almost always spawns in the Ghost Station area, one can sometimes be found in the Destroyed Penthouse, and one is often at Sewer Access. It seems there are more than three of these Essence Harvesters around the map, so you should have many options.

Step 9: Use essence traps to collect souls

At this point, go back to the Secret Lab and go down to the bottom floor. Close to the green monitors on the right side of the room is a machine that holds the Endstation Lure. Use the CRBR-S to shoot it and collect the essence trap that drops from it.

Now, go back to the three Essence Harvesters around the map, throw down the Endstation Lure and kill everything in sight. Killing zombies will fill the canister and once it’s full, take it back down to the Secret Lab and deposit it in the middle of the room on the bottom floor.

Repeat this step two more times for each of the remaining Essence Harvesters. Keep in mind, only one Endstation Lure can be acquired per round, so it will take three rounds to complete this process. 

Step 10: Use Klaus to stop a train

mauer der toten easter egg Klaus train

(Image credit: Activision)

After all three canisters have been deposited, make your way back to Klaus, activate him, and lure him to the Ghost Station area where the trains are. Make sure he’s standing on the tracks, then go into the Switch Control Room to interact with the Railway Switch. Doing so will trigger a train, which will crash directly into Klaus, as he stops it in its tracks.

Enter the train and grab the Bomb and Rico’s Keycard, keeping in mind, you don’t have a lot of time to complete this step. Basically, run in and quickly grab the two items and then jump out.

Step 11: Craft uranium device

mauer der toten easter egg uranium device

(Image credit: Activision)

Now, go back to the Safe House room where Klaus is normally located and interact with the computer in the center until the prompts go away. The screen will turn red, so once it does, make your way to West Berlin Street and interact with the computer in the tent to the right of the Trial device to activate the disruptor satellite.

Continue playing until a Megaton spawns. After you’ve killed it, uranium will come out of them, which will trigger a countdown timer of 5 minutes. Now, head back into the tent with the computer screen and craft the uranium device on the workbench.

mauer der toten easter egg zipline

(Image credit: Activision)

What you need to do is head up to the Destroyed Penthouse (you can get there via rappel from the Grocery Store in East Berlin Streets). Once at the top, place the uranium device on the zipline that leads out across the street (as pictured above).

Now, go back downstairs and craft another uranium device in the tent from before. Take it to the building across from the zipline where you placed the first uranium device (it’s the rooftop above the Garment Factory). Go to the zipline by the large sign and place the next uranium device here. 

This will send both devices at one another, causing a giant explosion that combines the two into a cleansed rock. 

Step 12: Place cleansed rock in Secret Lab

After that, pick up the cleansed rock that drops beneath the zipline and deliver it to the Secret Lab and keep in mind, this is the last step before the boss. Once you place the cleansed rock in the device within the lab, the fight will commence.

Step 13: Valentina boss fight

mauer der toten easter egg Valentina

(Image credit: Activision)

As soon as the fight starts, we recommend taking cover behind a wall. From here, pop out and get shots on the boss if it’s safe to do so. Keep in mind, a few zombies will spawn throughout this phase. Your goal is to damage Valentina’s shield enough to break it down. Once it’s broken, you’ll be able to damage her enough to whittle down to three-quarters health. 

She’ll then teleport to the West Berlin Street area where the process is mostly the same. Shoot her shields enough to break them down and then you’ll be able to actually damage her main health bar. We highly suggest using the CRBR-S Wonder Weapon throughout this fight, as it does high damage. If you keep your distance and don’t get greedy, you’ll do well against this boss.

Next, Valentina will spawn on top of the Destroyed Penthouse. During this segment, make laps between the top floor and the one beneath it as you damage her each time. During this phase, there are two moves you’ll want to look out for.

One is her healing move, which consists of her summoning zombies around her that will replenish her health. If you kill them all, she’ll stop healing so make it a priority to take them out. 

Valentina’s wipe attack is also deadly, but is telegraphed by a series of blue orbs that appear around her. Once that happens, you need to break your line of sight with the boss by immediately taking cover. Once this attack is over, it’ll be safe to come out and shoot her again.

After this phase, she’ll warp back down to East Berlin, so continue wailing on her with everything you have at this point. We highly suggest using a Death Machine killstreak if possible here because they’re quite devastating.

The final phase sends you back down to the Secret Lab, so continue running laps, shooting when it’s safe to do so while being cautious of your surroundings. After you’ve depleted her health to zero, a cutscene will commence, but be aware, the Easter Egg is not over.

You’ll then face a final wave of enemies that will come at you from the front so power through it one last time and then the Easter Egg will be finished. Extract and it’s mission complete.

Joseph Yaden

Joseph loves Nintendo and horror games. With the Nintendo Switch, he's ready to get spooky anytime, anywhere. He specializes in covering Call of Duty: Warzone and action RPGs like Dark Souls, so you can bet he's looking forward to Elden Ring, the brainchild of George RR Martin and Hidetaka Miyazaki. You can find Joseph's work at GamesRadar, Digital Trends, Inverse, and PLAY Magazine. When he's not writing about video games he can usually be found petting his cats and listening to some Progressive Metal. He thinks Meshuggah is tight.

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