Comic Heroes Digital Editions: What Would You Like To See?

Comic Heroes is going digital crazy, and we need your help!

You might have seen Comic Heroe s on Apple’s Newsstand app . Hell, you might even have downloaded our digital issues to your iPad or iPhone – after all, what better way to use your piece of shiny rectangular technology than to access the finest comics content there is?

Now we're looking to make our digital editions the very best on offer – after all, what’s the use of all that whiz-bang tech if you don’t get to play with it? We want to give you an experience unlike any other, which is why we’re looking for your ideas of what you’d like to see in the digital edition of Comic Heroes .

Would scrolling galleries or bundled in digital comics be up your street? What sort of video content would flick your switches? What interactive features would you get a buzz out of using?

Aside from content, why not let us know what devices you'd like to see us on, or how often would you like to see a new digital edition of Comic Heroes?

All and any ideas are valid, and we want to hear them!

So leave a comment here, head over to the forum or email us at and help us shape the future of the galaxy’s greatest comics magazine. Onward to victory!