Conflict Desert Storm II Cheats

Conflict Desert Storm II FAQs

  • FAQ

    Submitted by Gun runner

Conflict Desert Storm II Cheats

  • PS2 | Submitted by GamesRadar

    Cheat Option in Options Screen

    Go to the main menu and press L1, L1, R1, R1, Square, Square, Triangle, Triangle, Circle, Circle. Start a game and look for the options menu then the cheat option.

  • GameCube | Submitted by Jon

    Third Level

    Here's a tip for the 3rd level, stock up on anti- tank rockets, and anything explosive. At the end of the level you have to protect Delta Squad and its chopper from all side. Including snipers, solider, and tanks of all kinds!

  • GameCube | Submitted by Casey Keller


    As you cycle through Jones weapons you will find a wrench you can use it to fix a jeep, tank, or your Bradley fighting vehicle and keep it running instead of being destroyed. Note: once your vehicle is destroyed it wont work

  • GameCube | Submitted by Xbox Master

    Extra supplies

    When you run out of medic packs or ammo, don't pull out the knife. that will be hard to kill the enemy and it will lower your health. Try to find enemy buildings or bases that you already cleared out and look for guns and ammo. Most of the time there will be rocket launchers, ammo, guns and medic packs.

  • GameCube | Submitted by Seth Perkins

    Extreme Mode

    Beat the whole game in any difficulty to get Extreme Mode.

  • GameCube | Submitted by Tyler Goff

    Destroy Scuds with a grenade

    Have a grenade and throw it by or under the door of the scud, and should by destroyed.

  • GameCube | Submitted by RJ

    Stay In the Dark!!

    In level 2. make your team hide in the building right before the first tank.
    hide in the dark until you got that sucker painted to the gun ship, you'll live longer!

  • GameCube | Submitted by SkullHunter

    Killing Tanks

    There are two types of tanks in Conflict Desert Storm theres in the 20 mm tank and the main gun tanks your LAW or the green launcher with take the 20mm with on hit but it takes 2 for the main gun tanks so be careful when you step out to fire that the main gun doesnt get a shot off and kill the whole team I would suggest leaving one man a little behind the group now the RPG or tan launcher with kill 20 mm tanks with one hit but takes 3 on the main gun so fire with cover and retreat don't take a tank head on

  • GameCube | Submitted by GamesRadar

    Complete 5th Level Easily

    message: after you have laid your C-4 charges on the fuel dump do not detonate them because then you have to face a T-62 heavy tank and maybe a light tank. Instead wait until you are back at start and then detonate the C-4. If you detonate them early chances are you wont survive.

  • GameCube | Submitted by Drew

    Free rocket

    When shooting a rocket if you die before you are given a chance to drop the rocket launcher; then revive the team member with the launcher and he will reload it with the same rocket you just fired. Bingo, free rocket

  • GameCube | Submitted by maxxgamer

    Multiple hints

    1.go prone to roll over mines and they wont blow up
    2.if you have no rocket launchers and you come to a tank first shoot the gunner on top before you throw a smoke grenade try to get it right in front of the tank then go set a C4 with jones when your done throw a smoke grenade in front of the tank and find cover and hit the detonator for the C4.
    3.If you want a to kill somebody and make it funny shoot a barrel and it will cacth them on fire.
    4.If somebody is running shoot a couple feet in front of them.
    5.On the POW in bagdad mission,at the start turn to your left and on the table will be a silenced pistol, flare, and some other useful things.

  • GameCube | Submitted by brian donahue

    Beat Hard Levels Easy

    If it is a hard level with a car then leave the car in the beginning and then when u escape the car will be there safe without being blown up

  • GameCube | Submitted by Johnny

    Level 2 the unknown tank before the mortar team

    The unknown tank is located before the mortar team. You can get a an anti-tank rocket in side the building where u see the tank head on.
    Remember you only have 2 shots with the anti-tank rocket so AIM IT PERFECTLY OR YOU WONT HAVE ENOUGH ROCKETS!!!

  • GameCube | Submitted by Spicytaco 2020

    Stealth on mission 4

    On the 4th level, after you drive up to the mines and get out, be Foley, and go up the little ledge. Command your men to stay back. Then, just take out all of the guys you can see. Foley has a silenced sniper rifle on this level so they won't notice you unless they see you. Try to make all of your shots head shots or upper torso shots. You'll know when you've killed every guy in that area because it will say "Objective Completed".

  • GameCube | Submitted by Pyper

    Beat tanks

    Tanks are a problem when they are facing you the best way to take em down is to throw a smoke grenade at the tank(if the 50 cal is shooting at you)aim your LAW or anti tank weapon at the bottom center of it so its nearly going under the tank. if done correctly the tank will be destroyed.

  • GameCube | Submitted by GamesRadar

    Master Cheat

    Go to the main menu and press L, L, R, R, B, B, Y, Y, X, X. Now start a game and pause and look for the Cheats option

Conflict Desert Storm II Hints

  • PS2 | Submitted by Otto Cash

    Easy Ways to Destroy Tanks

    Here are some ways to destroy tanks:

    1, one thing you can do is if you are doing 2 player let one person distract the tank or in 1 player throw smoke grenades.
    2 Sometimes you should hold a man back in the level so that if all your men die, you can heal them
    3 if thier is no cover, and you are forced to run at a tank, zig zag
    3 the most efective way to destroy a tank is to use an anti tank mine
    4 C4s are alright against tanks but they take a wile to set up, they have a wide blast radius, and the tank can just roll away from it
    5 if the tank is armored you have to shoot it in the back
    6 if the tank is unarmored it is best to shoot it on the side
    7 I find it most effecteve to leave most of my guys behind while fighting a tank

  • PS2 | Submitted by Spicytaco

    Cool Hint

    IN the chemical warfare level when there's a tank bring all your guys in the building just across from the door (THe rocket launchers wont kill this tank!!!) and take out all the soldiers with frag. or phosphorus grenades. After you kill the soldiers throw a couple of smoke grenades so the tank cant see you (warning don't use the person with the C4s to throw the smokes) and use the person with the C4s and hide behind the underground thingy closest to the tank. then throw 2 of the guys smokes right at the tank and run until your right up against the tank and plant 2 C4s then throw the rest of your smokes and hide behind the underground thingy again. Detonate the bomb. (Make sure your other guys have medic packs cuz the explosion might kill you) and TADA the tank is destroyed. and you can keep the rocket launchers for later).
    Hint on Victor Two
    On the mission "Victor Two", when you begin the mission, instead of going up the hill and sniping everyone, first over where your jeep is, there are two big rocks. use any one of your people to do this. I prefer Foley, because you can use him for both the sniping and this. Go between the rocks, you will see three sheep. Its up to you to kill them or not, whatever floats your boat. beyond the sheep, there is an enemy soldier. Get out your knife, creep up on him, and kill him. Keep going straight until you see another big rock. Go prone and wait a while. another soldier comes around the rock. Try to kill him with a silenced pistol, because going at him with the knife is suicide. If you keep going, you will see the truck near the checkpoint gate. Now if you call on your teammates, they won't act like idiots and come running through the minefield. Including that you will get some extra "Stealth Kill Bonus Points".
    Secret 'Passage'
    On the 4th level 'victor two' at the start, become Bradly and select the 'combat knife', walk forward slowly (you should see 3 goats) keep going and there is an Iraqi an standing there asleep, sneak up and when your directly behind him press 'R1' and you'll get a stealth kill, if you keep going on a dried river bed, you turn up under the bridge at the 'checkpoint'.
    If you load a mission from the cheat menu (get this by pressing L1,L1,R1,R1,sq,sq,tri,tri,circ,circ at the main menu and go to options) it is automatically on the 'medium' difficulty setting, so don't get caught out.
    For street battle, for the after the bridge there is a door on your left when you look at the tank send the 'laser designator' up and if you stand a little back on the top floor you can see the tank and destroy it without it seeing you.
    Multiple hints
    1.go prone to roll over mines and they wont blow up
    2.if you have no rocket launchers and you come to a tank first shoot the gunner on top before you throw a smoke grenade try to get it right in front of the tank then go set a C4 with jones when your done throw a smoke grenade in front of the tank and find cover and hit the detonator for the C4.
    3.If you want a to kill somebody and make it funny shoot a barrel and it will cacth them on fire.
    4.If somebody is running shoot a couple feet in front of them.
    5.On the POW in bagdad mission,at the start turn to your left and on the table will be a silenced pistol, flare, and some other useful things.
    Free rocket
    When shooting a rocket if you die before you are given a chance to drop the rocket launcher; then revive the team member with the launcher and he will reload it with the same rocket you just fired. Bingo, free rocket
    Killing Tanks
    There are two types of tanks in Conflict Desert Storm theres in the 20 mm tank and the main gun tanks your LAW or the green launcher with take the 20mm with on hit but it takes 2 for the main gun tanks so be careful when you step out to fire that the main gun doesnt get a shot off and kill the whole team I would suggest leaving one man a little behind the group now the RPG or tan launcher with kill 20 mm tanks with one hit but takes 3 on the main gun so fire with cover and retreat don't take a tank head on
    Complete 5th Level Easily
    message: after you have laid your C-4 charges on the fuel dump do not detonate them because then you have to face a T-62 heavy tank and maybe a light tank. Instead wait until you are back at start and then detonate the C-4. If you detonate them early chances are you wont survive.
    Extreme Mode
    Beat the whole game in any difficulty to get Extreme Mode.
    Beat tanks
    Tanks are a problem when they are facing you the best way to take em down is to throw a smoke grenade at the tank(if the 50 cal is shooting at you)aim your LAW or anti tank weapon at the bottom center of it so its nearly going under the tank. if done correctly the tank will be destroyed.
    Extra supplies
    When you run out of medic packs or ammo, don't pull out the knife. that will be hard to kill the enemy and it will lower your health. Try to find enemy buildings or bases that you already cleared out and look for guns and ammo. Most of the time there will be rocket launchers, ammo, guns and medic packs.
    Destroy Scuds with a grenade
    Have a grenade and throw it by or under the door of the scud, and should by destroyed.
    As you cycle through Jones weapons you will find a wrench you can use it to fix a jeep, tank, or your Bradley fighting vehicle and keep it running instead of being destroyed. Note: once your vehicle is destroyed it wont work
    Level 2 the unknown tank before the mortar team
    The unknown tank is located before the mortar team. You can get a an anti-tank rocket in side the building where u see the tank head on.
    Remember you only have 2 shots with the anti-tank rocket so AIM IT PERFECTLY OR YOU WONT HAVE ENOUGH ROCKETS!!!
    Third Level
    Here's a tip for the 3rd level, stock up on anti- tank rockets, and anything explosive. At the end of the level you have to protect Delta Squad and its chopper from all side. Including snipers, solider, and tanks of all kinds!
    Stealth on mission 4
    On the 4th level, after you drive up to the mines and get out, be Foley, and go up the little ledge. Command your men to stay back. Then, just take out all of the guys you can see. Foley has a silenced sniper rifle on this level so they won't notice you unless they see you. Try to make all of your shots head shots or upper torso shots. You'll know when you've killed every guy in that area because it will say "Objective Completed".

  • Xbox | Submitted by Spicytaco 2020

    Stealth on mission 4

    On the 4th level, after you drive up to the mines and get out, be Foley, and go up the little ledge. Command your men to stay back. Then, just take out all of the guys you can see. Foley has a silenced sniper rifle on this level so they won't notice you unless they see you. Try to make all of your shots head shots or upper torso shots. You'll know when you've killed every guy in that area because it will say "Objective Completed".

  • Xbox | Submitted by jon

    Third Level

    Here's a tip for the 3rd level, stock up on anti- tank rockets, and anything explosive. At the end of the level you have to protect Delta Squad and its chopper from all side. Including snipers, solider, and tanks of all kinds!

  • Xbox | Submitted by Casey Keller


    As you cycle through Jones weapons you will find a wrench you can use it to fix a jeep, tank, or your Bradley fighting vehicle and keep it running instead of being destroyed. Note: once your vehicle is destroyed it wont work

  • Xbox | Submitted by Pyper

    Beat tanks

    Tanks are a problem when they are facing you the best way to take em down is to throw a smoke grenade at the tank(if the 50 cal is shooting at you)aim your LAW or anti tank weapon at the bottom center of it so its nearly going under the tank. if done correctly the tank will be destroyed.

  • Xbox | Submitted by Xbox Master

    Extra supplies

    When you run out of medic packs or ammo, don't pull out the knife. that will be hard to kill the enemy and it will lower your health. Try to find enemy buildings or bases that you already cleared out and look for guns and ammo. Most of the time there will be rocket launchers, ammo, guns and medic packs.

  • Xbox | Submitted by Tyler Goff

    Destroy Scuds with a grenade

    Have a grenade and throw it by or under the door of the scud, and should by destroyed.

  • Xbox | Submitted by drew

    Free rocket

    When shooting a rocket if you die before you are given a chance to drop the rocket launcher; then revive the team member with the launcher and he will reload it with the same rocket you just fired. Bingo, free rocket

  • Xbox | Submitted by SkullHunter

    Killing Tanks

    There are two types of tanks in Conflict Desert Storm theres in the 20 mm tank and the main gun tanks your LAW or the green launcher with take the 20mm with on hit but it takes 2 for the main gun tanks so be careful when you step out to fire that the main gun doesnt get a shot off and kill the whole team I would suggest leaving one man a little behind the group now the RPG or tan launcher with kill 20 mm tanks with one hit but takes 3 on the main gun so fire with cover and retreat don't take a tank head on

  • Xbox | Submitted by GamesRadar

    Complete 5th Level Easily

    message: after you have laid your C-4 charges on the fuel dump do not detonate them because then you have to face a T-62 heavy tank and maybe a light tank. Instead wait until you are back at start and then detonate the C-4. If you detonate them early chances are you wont survive.

  • Xbox | Submitted by Dude183

    A Good Trick

    On the first level at the end just before you kill the sniper get a knife, smoke grenade or prone grenade and get ready to throw it as it goes it to the cut seen he will be throwing his grenade or waving his knife about while he's talking (it also work on the level besieged)

  • Xbox | Submitted by GamesRadar

    Cheat Mode

    Go to the main menu and press L, L, R, R, X, X, Y, Y, B, B. Now start a game and go to the options screen and look for the Cheats option

  • Xbox | Submitted by maxxgamer

    Multiple hints

    1.go prone to roll over mines and they wont blow up
    2.if you have no rocket launchers and you come to a tank first shoot the gunner on top before you throw a smoke grenade try to get it right in front of the tank then go set a C4 with jones when your done throw a smoke grenade in front of the tank and find cover and hit the detonator for the C4.
    3.If you want a to kill somebody and make it funny shoot a barrel and it will cacth them on fire.
    4.If somebody is running shoot a couple feet in front of them.
    5.On the POW in bagdad mission,at the start turn to your left and on the table will be a silenced pistol, flare, and some other useful things.

  • Xbox | Submitted by The Best Man Alive

    Stealth Bonus

    First, take your knife and then instead of just plain slashing' a guy, walk up behind him and your guy should put him in a sleeper hold and then put the knife to his throat and then silt his throat and the guy dies and you get a stealth bonus! (P.S the guy can't see you or else you'll just plain slash him)

  • Xbox | Submitted by Johnny

    Level 2 the unknown tank before the mortar team

    The unknown tank is located before the mortar team. You can get a an anti-tank rocket in side the building where u see the tank head on.
    Remember you only have 2 shots with the anti-tank rocket so AIM IT PERFECTLY OR YOU WONT HAVE ENOUGH ROCKETS!!!

Conflict Desert Storm II Unlockables

  • Xbox | Submitted by Seth Perkins

    Extreme Mode

    Beat the whole game in any difficulty to get Extreme Mode.

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