Conflict Desert Storm Cheats
Conflict Desert Storm FAQs
Submitted by Halo 54
Conflict Desert Storm Cheats
PS2 | Submitted by LeeGet Cheat Menu
Go to the main menu and press Square, Square, Circle, Circle, L1, L1, R1, R1, L2, L2, R2, R2.
These codes require the PS2 keyboard
During gameplay press the following
K - Invincibility toggle
Y - Reverse Aim
X - Pauses Game
L - Show debug info
\ - Menu toggle
PC | Submitted by MadmanVarious Cheats
Displaying Cheats Menu
From Main menu, hold down left shift key while typing "desertwatch" (excludequotes). Look at Option menu for the cheats.
God Mode and Debug Options
This method requires hex editing and DECOMPRESSED VERSION of desertstorm.exefile. Open this file with hex editor and find "-f -d" string (without quotes)or "2d66202d6400" (linear hexadecimal notation), then do one of these:
1. Replace with "-f-d-j" (2d662d642d6a00) to activating god mode.
2. Replace with "-f-d-m" (2d662d642d6d00) to activating debug options.
You cannot set all those four switches together (-f-d-j-m) because the switchesstring length are limited to 8 bytes including null-terminated code (00 hex).However, if both god mode and debug options are needed, you may remove -fswitch (become -d-j-m) which causing the game to displaying a dialog box forchoosing game starting module (default is frontend.dll).
God Mode Enabled (supplied with -j switch)
During gameplay, press K key to toggle god mode on/off. Be sure you didn'tmapped K key with one of keyboard assignment mapper functions. A short messagewill be displayed at the top of the screen when K key is pressed. "TogglePlayer Damage OFF" means god mode activated. God mode applied to all teammembers. Probably won't works on MP (multi player) game.
Debug Options Enabled (supplied with -m switch)
During gameplay, press combined keystrokes as listed below. Note that, mostkeystrokes has no effect until you activating Debug Mappings (Shift+SLASH). Besure you didn't mapped most of these keystrokes on keyboard assignment mapperfunctions, they overrides your key assignment settings. Some debug keystrokescan be disabled by displaying pause menu (press Esc key) during gameplay. Nostatus indicator displayed when you press these keystokes, so be sure youremember the keystroke last state, especially with toggled function. Somekeystrokes probably won't works on single player game.
Functions Keystrokes
Toggle Debug Mappings Activation Left Shift+SLASH/QMARK
Toggle MP Logging Left Shift+D
Toggle Routing Debug Mode Left Shift+R
Toggle Language Left Shift+L
Toggle Joypad Controls Left Shift+X
Toggle Grunt Swithing Mode Left Ctrl+A
Toggle Client Debug Output Left Ctrl+E
Toggle Freeze on Ghost Trail Left Ctrl+F
Toggle MP Ghost Highlight Left Ctrl+G
Toggle Widescreen Left Ctrl+N
Enable New Sound Samples Left Ctrl+Q
Reset Ammo Left Ctrl+R
Toggle Server Debug Output Left Ctrl+S
Toggle MP Ghost Trail Left Ctrl+T
Disable New Sound Samples Left Ctrl+W
Zero Ammo Left Ctrl+Z
Jump to Next Local Player Left Ctrl+Z (MP)
Fire Vehicle Weapon Left Alt+F (can cause slow motion)
Toggle Bar Graph Display Right Ctrl+B
Toggle Player Collision Spheres Right Ctrl+C
Toggle Health Bar Display Right Ctrl+J
Toggle Octree Nodes Display Right Ctrl+O
Toggle Quad Tree Display Right Ctrl+Q
Mission Successfull Right Alt+M (*)
Kill Selected Grunt (Suicide mode) Right Alt+K
Toggle Interface Filter Right Alt+I
Increase Selected Grunt Experience Points Right Alt+E (*)
Set Screen Mode to Briefing Right Alt+B
Shadow Long Numpad Up
Shadow Short Numpad Down
Torso Right Numpad Right
Torso Left Numpad Left
Graphic Flag Numpad 5
Toggle Vehicle State Info Numpad PgDn
Resurrect Teams (Respawn) Numpad Home (*)
Change Skin Texture Numpad Multiply
Toggle Cheat Input On Numpad Enter (nothing happens???)
Scroll In Up
Scroll Out Down
Scroll Right Right
Scroll Left Left
Quad Tree Display Zoom In PgUp
Quad Tree Display Zoom Out PgDn
Speed Up Time Ins (*)
Slow Down Time Del (*)
Toggle Terminal Message Window Tilde
Jump selected grunt to Specific Location 1-9 (*)
Change Grunt Data Display 0(Zero)
Toggle Shadows A
Toggle Enemy AI B (*)
Toggle Camera State C
Scroll Up I
Scroll Zone J
Scroll Down M
Increase Experience O (*)
Decrease Experience P (*)
Toggle Route Marker Display T
Toggle Interface Scalling U (may causing game freeze)
Toggle Unlimited Ammo V (*)
Toggle Time Freeze X
Toggle Targetting Reverse Y
Toggle Grunt State Info Z
Toggle Lighting F2
Increase FOV F3
Decrease FOV F4
Toggle Sense Display F5 (nothing happens???)
Toggle Enemy Sense Display F6 (nothing happens???)
Toggle Player Sense Display F7 (nothing happens???)
Toggle Time Steps F8 (nothing happens???)
Toggle Interface F9 (nothing happens???)
Toggle Wireframe F10
Toggle Rendering Left Ctrl+F10 (nothing happens???)
Write Player State Left Ctrl+F11 (nothing happens???)
Read Player State Left Ctrl+F12 (nothing happens???)
Note: Keystrokes marked with asterisk (*) are interested for cheating.
Xbox | Submitted by GamesRadarGet Cheat menu
Go to the Single, Multi Player Screen and press X, X, Y, Y, Click Left Analog Stick, Click Left Analog Stick, Click Right Analog Stick, Click Right Analog Stick, L Trigger, L Trigger, R Trigger, R Trigger. Now look in the options menu for the menu
GameCube | Submitted by MichielLast Level
When you have to kill aziz, infront of the frontdoor is a building go to the first floor and step up all your men for a window, then make them shoot at sight and dissignate the laser!! Aziz will not escape! Or not survive!
GameCube | Submitted by BrianEasy Tank Kills
When you see a tank with a satellite dish on top shoot the dish a couple times with the sniper rifle. They blow right up.
GameCube | Submitted by Connor CadyHow to Hide Under Your Car on No Retreat
To hide under your Tank or Jeep on no Retreat and Calvary Charge. First how to hide under your tank or car (you should let let your vehicle blow up first) you go over to your vehicle and lay down. Then you hold down Z and press A then order your men/man the go under your vehicle. you now are able to kill men and not get shot. (if somebody is in the drivers seat and drives while your man/men are under it they will be killed.
GameCube | Submitted by KrackerRunning Over Mine Fields
This works most of the time. Send your troops to a point across the mine field. They will wal over the mines and not blow up. When they clear the mine field, switch over to them and get all your troops to move together. The following troops will then walk over the mine field as well.
GameCube | Submitted by WoodyBLOW UP TANKS WITH C-4!!
When you have to blow up a tank and you dont have any rocket launchers, take your C-4 and have it out then have another team member, or you, throw a smoke bomb right next to it then the person with the C-4 runs to the tank and you have to get all the way against it then crouch down and and face it put one piece of C-4 on it then throw another smoke bomb and when it covers the tank or makes it so it cant see then get on your feet and run back to your team members then detonate the C-4.
GameCube | Submitted by GamesRadarStop Tanks from Shooting You
Stop Tanks from Shooting You
GameCube | Submitted by Sito CasillasWhere to get the C4
Right after you cross the bridge there's two buildings and one of them have the C4 It is the one on the left go in there and collect the C4 . The C4 is the bomb Detonator that blows up the bridge plant it on the bridge and get off the bridge as fast as you could then get out your detonator and blow up the bridge. After that your on your own from there buddy Good luck
GameCube | Submitted by PhyscoEasy way to kill tanks and special weapon abilities
To kill tanks easily all you have to do is shoot at the wheels and you can practice this on one player training which also tells you that the gun that Bradley starts with can be used as a grenade gun by holding triangle going onto his original gun and pressing R1.
GameCube | Submitted by GamesRadarCheats
Well on the main menu of the game push the following buttons.
(2 times) DPad Left
(2 times) DPad Right
(2 times) Up
(2 times) Down
(2 times) X
(2 times) Y
After that is done go to the options menu and there should be on the top a menu that says "Cheats". Go to that and there should be three options to choose from.
Conflict Desert Storm Hints
PS2 | Submitted by michaelEasy Helicopter Kills
To easily take out a helicopter, get Bradley, equip his M-16, switch it to the M-203(grenade launcher), and shoot the helicopter, it only takes one hit.
PS2 | Submitted by GamesRadarEasy Killing Infantry on Level 8 :Patriotic Defense
Before you destroy the tanks in the courtyard, throw a smoke bomb s the tank cant see you {or wait until its out of sight} and go into the hallway where the infantry comes out of. there should be a door and plant a mine with jones in front of the door and then c4 so when the men come out they will step on the mine and will chain re-act and set off the c4 killing them all. do the same with the other door about 50 meters away. {if you don't know where the other door is, just follow the wall until you see a closed wooden door} and tat will kill most of them. Don't think they are ll dead! some could survive but almost all the time they will all die. Don't forget about the tanks!!!!!
PS2 | Submitted by GamesRadarEasier Way to Save Foley
To get Foley easier all you have to do is walk to the cliff where the crash site is. three men are there. Kill them. Go across the bridge and stop! Look to the right and you will see a pass. Go through the pass, there you will find 2 buildings and a slope. WATCH OUT! there are 2 guys that come up from the slope. Kill them to, and if you want to kill the goats, go head. go down the slope where you will pass a blown up tank. Keep walking. When you get to the end of the slope, stop and aim your gun at the man on top of the building. kill him. then go straight. there will sometimes be a note on the top that says "THE ALARM HAS BEEN RAISED". DON'T PANIC! keep walking until you see men. shoot them. then get out your bazooka. THERE WILL BE A TANK. shoot the tank. get your first gun back out. shoot the rest of the guys there. turn right and go up the hill. go straight. there will be a campsite. kill the man. now go straight a few steps and you will see an opening in the rock. walk into it. this is a big opening. walk and you will see a man on a cliff shoot him. now go left and be prepared. have loaded ammo and full life. this is because when you shoot the first guy many other guys come out. shoot. shoot. shoot! when they're dead keep walking until you see the building where Foley is locked up in. walk into the building and get the keys, and the other gun. unlock the jail cell, and boto-boom-boto-bang there you go.
PS2 | Submitted by GamesRadarScud and Sam Detonation
An easy way to destroy scud missiles and sam missles. For scuds aim at the grill in front and shoot with a machine gun until the scud blows up. To destroy a sam sniper the missile.
PS2 | Submitted by GamesRadarMore Firepower While Running
While you are running, Conners, and Foley cannot fire their weapons. Many levels have extra sub-machine guns. So when you need to make a dash through an area with a lot of troops, put away the light machine gun and sniper rifle, and give them both sub-machine guns. This way you will have four people shooting instead of only two. This helps tremendously when a tank is nearby and you need to make a run for it, it will help to kill some of the guys so they do not M.I.A you and you have to go back and get your guys who are in front of a tank.
PS2 | Submitted by GamesRadarRunning Over Mine Fields
This works most of the time. Send your troops to a point across the mine field. They will wal over the mines and not blow up. When they clear the mine field, switch over to them and get all your troops to move together. The following troops will then walk over the mine field as well.
PS2 | Submitted by GamesRadarEasy way to kill tanks and special weapon abilities
To kill tanks easily all you have to do is shoot at the wheels and you can practice this on one player training which also tells you that the gun that Bradley starts with can be used as a grenade gun by holding triangle going onto his original gun and pressing R1.
PS2 | Submitted by GamesRadarWhere to get the C4
Right after you cross the bridge there's two buildings and one of them have the C4 It is the one on the left go in there and collect the C4 . The C4 is the bomb Detonator that blows up the bridge plant it on the bridge and get off the bridge as fast as you could then get out your detonator and blow up the bridge. After that your on your own from there buddy Good luck
PS2 | Submitted by GamesRadarEasy Tank Kills
When you see a tank with a satellite dish on top shoot the dish a couple times with the sniper rifle. They blow right up.
Xbox | Submitted by SimonBlow Up Scud Launchers Without C4
If you run out of C4 explosives in scud alley don't worry about it. As you can just use a heave machine gun to destroy them. you need to shot about 50 bullets at it to destroy it so if it doesn't blow up straight away don't worry.
PS2 | Submitted by GamesRadarLast Level
When you have to kill aziz, infront of the frontdoor is a building go to the first floor and step up all your men for a window, then make them shoot at sight and dissignate the laser!! Aziz will not escape! Or not survive!
PS2 | Submitted by GamesRadarUse C-4 on Tanks
When you have to blow up a tank and you dont have any rocket launchers, take your C-4 and have it out then have another team member, or you, throw a smoke bomb right next to it then the person with the C-4 runs to the tank and you have to get all the way against it then crouch down and and face it put one piece of C-4 on it then throw another smoke bomb and when it covers the tank or makes it so it cant see then get on your feet and run back to your team members then detonate the C-4.
Xbox | Submitted by BrandonBeating the last level
Ok when you get to the very last level put some mines in front of the building so when the guy runs out he will die and you wont have to run after him and kill him. Do all that before you use your laser.
Xbox | Submitted by KalanHeal Dead People
When one of your people die, right when they fall get your medikit. go over to him and it will say, "heal" press the A button it will heal them almost all the way.
Xbox | Submitted by BrandonBeating The Tank Level (You get to use)
First you have to get all the rockets in the first part of the level. Then take the tank and blow up the tank shooting at you, just after the first barricade. If you look just off to the right there is a pass that will bring you to the closest tank. Look to the right and blow up that tank too. First tank, throw a smoke grenade then run up plant the C-4 and run! Do the same thing for the second one parallel to the first. If you look directly after the second non-blocked tank there is a pass that ends at the cliff. Destroy the tank and the guy. Turn around and go left down the road. BE CAREFUL!!! A tank is waiting for you around the corner. Destroy that tank with yours then move on. The rest of the level shouldn't give you much trouble. Good Luck!!!!
Xbox | Submitted by WoodyBlow Up Tanks With C4
When you have to blow up a tank and you dont have any rocket launchers, take your C-4 and have it out then have another team member, or you, throw a smoke bomb right next to it then the person with the C-4 runs to the tank and you have to get all the way against it then crouch down and and face it put one piece of C-4 on it then throw another smoke bomb and when it covers the tank or makes it so it cant see then get on your feet and run back to your team members then detonate the C-4.
Conflict Desert Storm Glitches
Xbox | Submitted by Chirs&IanPatriotic Defense
Ok when you start in Patriotic Defense if you turn around (probably after you kill the tank and they guys that come after it) you will see a shut wooden door. when you come up to them lie down on one of the sides. You will then go forward a little and aim upwards and start moving backwards. If you do this correctly you will be able to move backwards and run around and kill all the people. You might have to try a couple times before you get it.
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