Brick time event: the coolest custom-made video game Lego sets

Bricking it
If the last 10 years have taught us anything it's that Lego and video games go together like two inseparable square tiles. There's been Star Wars, Marvel, Indiana Jones - you name it, they've probably done it. Sadly that relationship only tends to extend the one way, with the toy line becoming a video game, and not the other way around. Thankfully, that situation may be about to change. Following on from a spirited fan campaign to see Portal made plastic, Chell and company were recently included as part of TT's Lego Dimensions.
Could this signal the start of a fresh wave of physical kits, all taking their inspiration from popular video games? Perhaps, though some titles' violent content will almost certainly preclude them from play (realistic violence is a big Lego no-no, though quite what those crazy Danes imagine pirates and medieval knights got up to is way beyond me). Until then, we'll just have to content ourselves with the following - brilliant - custom-made Lego kits. Remember, if you want to see more - and you will want to see more - check out the creator links provided.
Spotted some uncredited work? Let us know in the comments below.

Metal Gear Solid
Solid Snake, Liquid Snake, Revolver Ocelot, Cyborg Ninja (Metal Gear Solid), Naked Snake (MGS3), Meryl & Raiden (MGS4), Punished Snake & Quiet (MGSV) by Saber Scorpion
Metal Gear Rex (Metal Gear Solid/ MGS4) by Rags naRock

Alpha-Nine (ODST), Master Chief, Sgt. Johnson & The Arbiter by MGF
Noble Team (Halo: Reach) by Kal Scirata
Cortana by Saber Scorpion
Covenant Grunt by TRLegosfan
BR85 Service Rifle & Warthog by Nick Brick
Pelican Dropship by Ben Caulkins

Minifigures by Saber Scorpion
Fat Man & Pip-Boy by ZaziNombies
Vertibird dropship by Nightmaresquid

Mass Effect
SSV Normandy & Mako by Ben Caulkins
Minifigures by Saber Scorpion
Carnifex Handgun by Nick Brick

Street Fighter/ Mortal Kombat
Street Fighter Minifigures by Julian Fong
Mortal Kombat Minifigures by Sean Cantrell

Valve Games
Minifigures by Saber Scorpion
Special Infected Tank (Left 4 Dead) by Scruffy Steve
Sentry Gun & Tomislav (Team Fortress 2), Crowbar & Gravity Gun (Half-Life 2) by ZaziNombies
Combine Dropship (Half-Life 2) by ORRANGE

Naughty Dog Games
Nathan Drake by Pecovam
Chloe, Sully, Elena, Charley, Lazarevic (Uncharted), Ellie & Joel (The Last of Us) by Saber Scorpion
Clicker by Logan Fulford
Crash Bandicoot by TheLegoBuilds
Krimzon Guard Zoomer (Jak & Daxter) by Oky

Assassin's Creed
Altair by Aupuma
Ezio by Tomcat RIO
Connor by Adam Sansale & Will Chapman
Aveline by SAnder
Edward & Adewale by Saber Scorpion
Shay (AC: Rogue), Evie & Jacob Frye (AC:Syndicate) by Logan Fulford
Arno by MGF
Phantom Wristblade by ZaziNombies
Da Vinci's Flying Machine by Mahjqa