Crash Bandicoot: The Wrath of Cortex Cheats

Crash Bandicoot: The Wrath of Cortex Hints

  • PS2 | Submitted by GamesRadar

    How to beat Cortex

    Beating Cortex is easy as long as you know what to do.He takes 4 hits. For the first hit Crunch will jump on to a platform and rocks will start to fall. Once the rocks have stopped,look at Crunch.You will see a glowing ring around him,take out the fruit bazooka,and shoot CRUNCH! He will then slap cortex into the platform you are on,hit Cortex or else Aku Aku will put him back were he was. Every red button looking thing Crunch jumps on a different attack will come at you.Crunch can do more than one attack when he is hitting you. Good luck!

  • PS2 | Submitted by GamesRadar

    Lo Lo boss

    He fires in wave patterns , so first dodge the power ball from his hand. Then dodge small balls from his eyes. He will fire a power beam. Start in the top left and go round the screen. Finally he will shoot a storm. look where the gap is when he fires and move there fast. You will know where to shoot because Aku Aku will circle the target area Crush is firing. Repeat this technique until crunch is dead!

  • PS2 | Submitted by GamesRadar

    Strange Cortex

    When you die, and get gameover, keep pressing x (very fast) while the screen is black.Continue pressing it when Cortex comes up, but keep watching the screen. His actions should be different to the voice.

  • PS2 | Submitted by GamesRadar

    Defeat N.Gin

    To defeat N.Gin, shoot at the flashing pads on his robot suit. Four of the pads on the first suit will fall off. The pad underneath his viewing area will not fall off: it will just stop flashing. The two easiest pads to hit are the ones that fire missiles, (the middle is also quite easy too), then his arms are the last two. When he brings up his arm, there will be a few seconds before he starts firing, so this is the best time to shoot at the end of his arms. When you have destroyed all the flashing pads, then he will get into another suit which is even harder.
    This time, the flashing pads are four missile launchers, one on the far left, and one on the far right. The last one is just under N.Gin's ugly mug. Hit and destroy all these pads, and you have and apple bazooka!!!

  • PS2 | Submitted by GamesRadar

    Get Through the Time Trial Quicker than Normal Speed

    When you are on any level/warp room of crash bandicoot: Wrath of cortex don't get the time trial mode YET. Go through the whole level make sure you collect everything, get all of the lives you can, kill every thing, collect the gems, basicly complete the level, but, DON'T GO UNDER THE TRANSPORTER!!!!!!! Go all the way back to the beginning, get the time trial mode and then quickly get to the end and go under the transporter and you should really get back about 5 minutes in front of your normal time.

  • GameCube | Submitted by Alex Stevens

    Belly flop power

    When you get the red gem in banzai bonsani.jump on to the red gem the go to the end find the gem and bellyfloop on it and the move is all yours

  • GameCube | Submitted by imawonderdog

    Secret World

    When you beat the game( you don't need all the gems) step on the platform in the middle of the warp room and you will go to a secret world. There are 5 levels here but you need relics to unlock them.

  • GameCube | Submitted by Mr.Gamecube

    Avoid Losing Lives

    When you die, quickly pause game play before the screen turns black then select warp room. You will return to the warp room without losing any lives.

  • Xbox | Submitted by Smurf

    Lo Lo boss

    He fires in wave patterns , so first dodge the power ball from his hand. Then dodge small balls from his eyes. He will fire a power beam. Start in the top left and go round the screen. Finally he will shoot a storm. look where the gap is when he fires and move there fast. You will know where to shoot because Aku Aku will circle the target area Crush is firing. Repeat this technique until crunch is dead!

  • GameCube, Xbox | Submitted by Anonymous

    How to Defeat Elemental Masks

    Earth Elemental(Rok-Ko): Hit the rocks (Not Crunch!) to turn them blue. If Crunch already hit them, you have to hit them twice or let them cool off. You have to hit all the rocks blue 3 times (Number of rocks will increase).

    Water Elemental (Wa-Wa): You have to hop on the platforms in front of you a number of times. Get to Crunch and spin him backwards. There are a multiple of attacks he uses including lightning and some kind of blue rolling pin.

    Fire Elemental (Py-Ro): Run and jump all the way to the Mech and Crash will automatically jump in. Crunch will roll flaming rocks at you. Jump to get closer to Crunch and fire water cannon. During the second and third times, Crunch will lay down flaming mines that you see.

    Air Elemental (Lo-Lo): You fly and have to shoot Crunch until his health disappear. He fires weapons at you in a pattern. Fly to dodge them. The first one will be a large flaming blue ball. The second one will be smaller balls from his eyes. The third one is a beam of blue light. The fourth one is a blue storm falling down. I don't know much about hitting but always keep your gun on. After Crunch doesn't have much health left, he starts to stop using some of his weapons. Finally, he only uses the first one. Shoot the large ball he prepares to throw to do damage.

  • Xbox | Submitted by Alex Stevens

    Belly flop power

    When you get the red gem in banzai bonsani, jump on to the red gem the go to the end find the gem and bellyfloop on it and the move is all yours

  • GameCube, Xbox | Submitted by Jordy

    5 Second Time Trial

    On Level 4, Wizards & Lizards, When you are able to go on the time trial you can have a time trial of only 5 SECONDS! To do this you run into the clock and then press select and you are taken straight to the end of the level to get the Platinum Relic.

  • Xbox | Submitted by Mason Shuffield

    Unlimited Lives

    On level 1 after you get the crystal, do it again. Don't get the time trial yet. Get the berries and boxes. Then go get the clock and kill yourself. Do this over and over again and you will have many lives.

  • GameCube, Xbox | Submitted by Slipknot (sic) 2k1

    Easy Lives

    To get easy lives, you must have beaten the fourth boss and have the bazooka. Then go to level 1. Around the place are those big elephants. Shoot them. There are three elephants. For each time you kill one, you gain 1 life. A better way, is to shoot the elephants, go to the beginning of the level, die, then shoot them again.

  • GameCube, Xbox | Submitted by Steve Edwards

    Defeat N.Gin

    To defeat N.Gin, shoot at the flashing pads on his robot suit. Four of the pads on the first suit will fall off. The pad underneath his viewing area will not fall off: it will just stop flashing. The two easiest pads to hit are the ones that fire missiles, (the middle is also quite easy too), then his arms are the last two. When he brings up his arm, there will be a few seconds before he starts firing, so this is the best time to shoot at the end of his arms. When you have destroyed all the flashing pads, then he will get into another suit which is even harder.

    This time, the flashing pads are four missile launchers, one on the far left, and one on the far right. The last one is just under N.Gin's ugly mug. Hit and destroy all these pads, and you have and apple bazooka!!!

  • Xbox | Submitted by Jake

    Beat the Ice in "Crunch Time" (Fifth Boss)

    In the fifth and last boss, crunch and Cortex are fighting you. He first jumps on the red pad, rocks fall down. Then, whenever he hits the ice pad, you can beat them without even moving. Just run to the back of the battle arena where the lightning blasters are crammed more close that the other ones. This allows the ice boulders to go wherever without touching you, and you don't have to move at all, until crunch launches his next elemental attack.

  • Xbox | Submitted by GamesRadar

    Get a Bonus Realm

    To get an extra realm Beat all of the main realms (Including all 5 bosses). Go to the indent at the load game save game area. The indent is in the center. Their will be a saucer there. get on the saucer to go to the bonus realm. There are 5 levels on the bonus realm. for each level you will need 5 more RELICS. The second level you will need 10 relics. and so on.

  • GameCube, Xbox | Submitted by Marc Newell

    Strange Cortex

    When you die, and get gameover, keep pressing x (very fast) while the screen is black.Continue pressing it when Cortex comes up, but keep watching the screen. His actions should be different to the voice.

  • Xbox | Submitted by Sean F.

    How to beat Cortex

    Beating Cortex is easy as long as you know what to do.He takes 4 hits. For the first hit Crunch will jump on to a platform and rocks will start to fall. Once the rocks have stopped,look at Crunch.You will see a glowing ring around him,take out the fruit bazooka,and shoot CRUNCH! He will then slap cortex into the platform you are on,hit Cortex or else Aku Aku will put him back were he was. Every red button looking thing Crunch jumps on a different attack will come at you.Crunch can do more than one attack when he is hitting you. Good luck!

  • Xbox | Submitted by Gavin Trevino

    Evil Guy two

    When you get to round three on the second level mean guy you jump the first lazer then you press B two Lay down when the lazer is over your head then when he makes bubbles come out of the water you jump over the bubbles

  • Xbox | Submitted by Tim Chambers-Smart

    Beat Time Trail Fast on Dragon Level

    On the level that you are being chased by the dinosaur/dragon you can beat the level very fast. On time trail right when you get chased by the dragon after the ? mark platform press select and you will be telepoted to the end by the nitro boxes.

  • GameCube, Xbox | Submitted by Shannoncoot

    Extra Life

    When you are in the first level, Arctic Antics , At the end of the level, there is a mammoth up on a cliff. Jump onto the furry rascal and you will get an extra life.

  • PS2 | Submitted by GamesRadar

    Unlimited Lives

    On level 1 after you get the crystal, do it again. Don't get the time trial yet. Get the berries and boxes. Then go get the clock and kill yourself. Do this over and over again and you will have many lives.

  • PS2 | Submitted by sean F

    How to Defeat Elemental Masks

    Earth Elemental(Rok-Ko): Hit the rocks (Not Crunch!) to turn them blue. If Crunch already hit them, you have to hit them twice or let them cool off. You have to hit all the rocks blue 3 times (Number of rocks will increase).
    Water Elemental (Wa-Wa): You have to hop on the platforms in front of you a number of times. Get to Crunch and spin him backwards. There are a multiple of attacks he uses including lightning and some kind of blue rolling pin.
    Fire Elemental (Py-Ro): Run and jump all the way to the Mech and Crash will automatically jump in. Crunch will roll flaming rocks at you. Jump to get closer to Crunch and fire water cannon. During the second and third times, Crunch will lay down flaming mines that you see.
    Air Elemental (Lo-Lo): You fly and have to shoot Crunch until his health disappear. He fires weapons at you in a pattern. Fly to dodge them. The first one will be a large flaming blue ball. The second one will be smaller balls from his eyes. The third one is a beam of blue light. The fourth one is a blue storm falling down. I don't know much about hitting but always keep your gun on. After Crunch doesn't have much health left, he starts to stop using some of his weapons. Finally, he only uses the first one. Shoot the large ball he prepares to throw to do damage.

  • PS2 | Submitted by GamesRadar

    Beat Time Trail Fast on Dragon Level

    On the level that you are being chased by the dinosaur/dragon you can beat the level very fast. On time trail right when you get chased by the dragon after the ? mark platform press select and you will be telepoted to the end by the nitro boxes.

  • PS2 | Submitted by GamesRadar

    Belly flop power

    When you get the red gem in banzai bonsani.jump on to the red gem the go to the end find the gem and bellyfloop on it and the move is all yours

  • PS2 | Submitted by GamesRadar

    Extra Life

    When you are in the first level, Arctic Antics , At the end of the level, there is a mammoth up on a cliff. Jump onto the furry rascal and you will get an extra life.

  • PS2 | Submitted by GamesRadar

    Easy Lives

    To get easy lives, you must have beaten the fourth boss and have the bazooka. Then go to level 1. Around the place are those big elephants. Shoot them. There are three elephants. For each time you kill one, you gain 1 life. A better way, is to shoot the elephants, go to the beginning of the level, die, then shoot them again.

  • PS2 | Submitted by Mason Shuffield

    How to Beat the Wind Mask

    One person who's inputted his cheat said that he doesn't know how to hit the wind master. Well, its quite simple. While he's powering up for his attack you will see your mask go flying past you and circle a part of the creature. You must simply shoot that part of which he's circle. Do it a number of times a and that part will explode. This will mean you've blown that body part up successfully. Keep firing at the spot your mask circles and you defeat this beast.

  • GameCube | Submitted by Sean F

    How to beat Cortex

    Beating Cortex is easy as long as you know what to do.He takes 4 hits. For the first hit Crunch will jump on to a platform and rocks will start to fall. Once the rocks have stopped,look at Crunch.You will see a glowing ring around him,take out the fruit bazooka,and shoot CRUNCH! He will then slap cortex into the platform you are on,hit Cortex or else Aku Aku will put him back were he was. Every red button looking thing Crunch jumps on a different attack will come at you.Crunch can do more than one attack when he is hitting you. Good luck!

  • GameCube | Submitted by Tim Chambers-Smart Man

    Beat Time Trail Fast on Dragon Level

    On the level that you are being chased by the dinosaur/dragon you can beat the level very fast. On time trail right when you get chased by the dragon after the ? mark platform press select and you will be telepoted to the end by the nitro boxes.

  • GameCube | Submitted by baddere

    9th Level

    Having trouble? If you go up high in the middle go in circles and aim for the ships you should be able to hit them but don't stop moving because you will get shot or blown up try to hit the guys on the small cannons you may have to go down to do that this may seem hard but keep trying this level might seem harder than the next one (h2 oh no) I think it is good luck

  • GameCube | Submitted by 123 Fruit!!!

    Higher Jump

    On any level slide by pressing over and x and while sliding press the A button it will make you jump higher than your regular jump but not as high as the double jump power you will get after the 2nd element boss with crush.

  • GameCube | Submitted by GamesRadar

    Different Game Ending

    Find all 46 gems through the whole game and you get a new end sequence

  • GameCube | Submitted by Glenn Falding

    Unlimited Lives

    On level 1 after you get the crystal, do it again. Don't get the time trial yet. Get the berries and boxes. Then go get the clock and kill yourself. Do this over and over again and you will have many lives.

  • GameCube | Submitted by Smurf

    Lo Lo boss

    message: He fires in wave patterns , so first dodge the power ball from his hand. Then dodge small balls from his eyes. He will fire a power beam. Start in the top left and go round the screen. Finally he will shoot a storm. look where the gap is when he fires and move there fast. You will know where to shoot because Aku Aku will circle the target area Crush is firing. Repeat this technique until crunch is dead!

Crash Bandicoot: The Wrath of Cortex Cheats

  • Xbox | Submitted by Erin Boyd

    All Levels

    When you start a new game type in WOMBAT as your name and then all the levels will be unlocked. (There is another little platform at the top that gets unlocked too.)

  • Xbox | Submitted by dan

    Get New Ending

    Collect all 46 gems during the game to see a new ending

  • PS2 | Submitted by Mayster Yuri

    Easy Way to Beat Coral Canyon

    Stay has high as possible to dodge the bombs and water creators.

  • PS2 | Submitted by Mayster Yuri

    Getting Red Gem

    To get the Red Gem in Crash and Burn here's what you have to do. Get to the place where the boulders fall down the 3 ramps. If you can do this without dieing there will be a platform at the top of the middle ramp. step on the platform and you will be taken to a new part of that level, near the end of that section there is a huge pit. Do 'Not' try to jump over it instead pull out your bazooka and shot the gem. Then try and make it back, or you can die and still keep the gem.

  • GameCube | Submitted by Mason Shuffield

    Unlimited Lives

    On level 1 after you get the crystal, do it again. Don't get the time trial yet. Get the berries and boxes. Then go get the clock and kill yourself. Do this over and over again and you will have many lives.

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