Dead Rising walkthrough

Dead Rising


Probester/Sam C.


Xbox 360


1.  Controls

2.  Basics

3.  Opening Segment

4.  Case 1-1

5.  Case 1-2

6.  Case 1-3

7.  Case 1-4

8.  Intermission

9.  Case 2-1

10. Case 2-2

11. Case 2-3

12. Intermission

13. Case 3-1

14. Intermission

15. Case 4-1

16. Case 4-2

17. Intermission

18. Case 5-1

19. Case 5-2

20. Intermission

21. Case 6-1

22. Intermission

23. Case 7-1

24. Case 7-2

25. Intermission

26. Case 8-1

27. Case 8-2

28. Case 8-3

29. Case 8-4

30. The Facts

31. Overtime Mode

32. Infinity Mode

33. Downloadable Costumes

34. Unlockables

35. Bosses/Psychopaths

36. Closing



1. Controls


Left Bumper/Right Bumper = Scroll through inventory left or right,respectively

Left Trigger             = Hold down for camera view

Right Trigger            = Manual Aim for guns, throw aim for melee weapons

Left Analog Stick        = Move Frank around, steer vehicles,shake off zombie

Right Analog Stick       = Aim camera viewfinder,rotate camera around Frank

Right Analog Stick(Click)= Center the camera behind Frank

Left D-Pad = Check Frank's Watch

Right D-Pad = Answer transciever calls

Down D-Pad = Drop equipped item

Up D-Pad = Put away equipped item (Drop item if inventory full)

Back Button = Brings up Mall Map

Start Button = Pauses game, allows access to notebook and status

B Button = Action button, cancel button in menus, shake off zombies

A Button = Jump button

X Button = Attack Button

Y Button = call to survivors, used to mark location if RT is held down


2. Basics


In order to survive Frank West's adventures in the Willamette Parkview

Mall, there are some basic things the player should learn and know well.



The watch plays a very important role in both the 72 Hour Mode, as well as

Overtime Mode. The watch can be used to set guide arrows to tell Frank where

to go on story cases and side scoops, as well as check the time. The time

remaining and open cases and scoops are also displayed on the watch screen.

Look at Frank's watch by pressing the left button on the drectional pad.

Healing Items


Frank will constantly be attacked and damaged, and that means in order to stay

alive, Frank will need to consume healing items occasionally. It is

recommended that the player finds a spot where they know they can constantly

replenish their food supply if needed, and know the layout of the area.

Healing items can be taken from the Security Room before the end of case 2,

after which the items start disappearing. The Columbian Roastmasters on the

second floor of the Paradise Plaza is also another excellent place to find

some healing items, especially since Orange Juice(an item that restores a high

amount of health) can be found in infinite quantities there.



Frank will need to defend himself from zombies and humans throughout his

travels. Firearms should generally be saved for boss fights and psychopath

scoops. Pistols can be found on zombie cops wandering around, if they do not

drop nightsticks instead. It seems that the zombie cops tend to drop pistols

when they are attacked when it is still daylight, as opposed to night time,

when they often drop the nightsticks. Pistols can also be found in infinite

quantites in the displays of the Huntin' Shack gun store. 3 shotguns and 2

sniper rifles can also be found in the Huntin' Shack each time the player

enters the North Plaza. Submachine Guns can be found on top of a store display

in the Paradise Plaza, and inside the water fountain in the Al Fresca Plaza.

Machineguns can be found when Frank kills a Special Forces solider later in

the game, or if you kill the survivor named Brett on the third day for the

gun. The heavy machine gun mounted on top of the truck the convicts

drive around can not be put in your inventory, but Frank can rip it off

the stand and use it as long as the ammo lasts, or if he drops it. This gun

is useful for killing the stronger psychopaths and for the boss fights in the

main Case story.



Frank is a photojournalist, and carries his trusty camera everywhere. The

camera is an excellent way to gain PP points, to help Frank level up. The

better the photo, the more PP points you will gain. The camera Frank carries

has a charge of 30 batteries. When these run out, you will have to find a

camera store and recharge the batteries at a battery display. To view your

photos, press the start button to access the pause menu, and go into photo

viewer. You can choose to keep up to 29 of the pictures you take. 


3. Opening Segment


The opening segment of the game is meant to teach you

how to take photos and control the camera properly. The

main shot attractions are the zombies attacking the man on top of the car,

the zombies crowding around the school bus, the gas station exploding, and

the woman trying to escape zombies on the roof. You can take multiple shots

of each. You can get extra points if you take a photo while the woman on the

roof is shooting at a zombie, or after she has fallen off the roof. The 

counter on the bottom right corner of the camera screen is your battery 

indicator. You probably won't run out of batteries during this segment.

After the cutscene where Frank jumps out of the helicopter, talk 

to Carlito on the roof, then go through the door he is leaning beside.

You will enter the Security Room. This will be a place you will

frequently visit throughout the game. Head down the metal stairs and straight

through the red door ahead of you. Open the red door and exam the security

monitors by pressing B. After the cutscene, head through the yellow door

on your right side. Head through the metal grey door that says 

"Staff Only"on it, and run down the hall until you reach the exit. 

When you exit the door, you will get a cutscene showing the plaza 

that Frank has emerged in. Jump into the water and take a photo of the 

three survivors at the barricade in front of the main entrance.

You will probably also get some zombies in the picture.

Take a picture of Lindsay, the old lady look for her dog, Maddona.

Turn around and take a photo of Brian and Todd talking.

Do the same for the two women sitting on the ground near the 

sporting goods store. Take a picture of Mark, the man wandering around 

with his baseball bat. Finally, take a picture of Alan and Kathy,

the couple arguing near the metal gate, before walking over 

to the pile of benches and garbage cans. You should recieve

an achievement for taking photos of these 10 survivors. As soon as you

walk over to the pile, you will trigger a cutscene.

The zombies will start attacking the survivors. There is no way to save them,

so don't bother trying. To your right, near the pillar is a bag of snacks.

Take it. To your left is the scrap pile. Grab a 2 X 4 and another bag of 

snacks, then run toward the stairs. Change weapons/items by hitting the left

and right bumper to scroll through your inventory. If you are grabbed,

press B and quickly  rotating your left analog stick to push the grabbing 

zombie off. If you get knocked onto the ground, you will see a button come 

on screen with a time bar quickly draining. You must hit this key in time to

push the zombie off of you. If zombies get in your way, press X once to 

hit them with the 2 X 4. They should go down

in one hit, but don't waste too much time standing around attacking zombies.

Move up the stairs to trigger another cutscene.


5. Case 1-1


Back in the security room, go to where Jessie is sitting and grab some food.

Use the apples first, as they feel only one block of health. Take at least one

coffee creamer with you in your inventory. Talk to Otis near the vent

where Brad left. He will give you a map of the mall and a transciever so that

you can talk to the people back at the security room. Go through the vent

after Otis is done talking. On the right side of the roof, you will

hear a survivor, Jeff yelling. Go over to him and talk to him until he

joins Frank. With Jeff now following you, move to the other side of the roof

to find his wife Natalie. When they get close enough to one another, they

will call out each other's name and run toward each other. When they hug,

take a picture of it. You will get two giant PP signs above their heads

on the camera screen. When you have finished taking the shot, go over to them

and talk. Frank will get Natalie to follow him as well, and you will have to

lead both of them back to the security room. Simply go back vent, and make

sure both are beside you before you go through the vent. After they are safely

in the security room, you will get a 20,000 PP bonus, and likely a level up.

Head back through the vent and move to where Natalie was standing earlier. Go

through the door here and enter the warehouse. Otis will call you on the

transciever here. Answer it by pressing the right button on the d-pad. Jump

down the ladder onto the top of the shelves. Jump straight down onto the

ground for an achievment. If you lose a health block, pick up one of

the cardboard boxes on the ground and throw it against a wall. One of them

will likely contain Frozen Vegetables that you can eat to restore your health.

Head down the lighted path that has a sign that says "Paradise Plaza" beside

it. Halfway down the path, you will get a cutscene.


5. Case 1-2


After the cutscene, you will have a handgun in your inventory, and Case 1-2

will start. Your objective for this case is to go help Brad. You will 

automatically have the case marker arrow set for you. Head through the door.

Ignore the zombies as best as you can run through the plaza following the

arrow. The water on the left side will be free of zombies, for the most part,

so use this to avoid zombies if needed. When you reach the water foundtain,

head through the doors on the left to enter Leisure Park. Again, ignore the

zombies here and make your way through the park following your guide arrow.

When you see the doors of the plaza you need to enter, you will see a crowd

of zombies clawing at the door. To the right of the crowd is a lawn mower. 

Move over to the lawnmower and use it. Move foward by holding the X button.

Steer with the left analog stick. Mow through the zombies until you see the

icon that tells you to press B to enter the food court. When you see the icon,

stop using the lawn mower and enter the food court.

After the cutscene here, run towards the stairs under the giant WELCOME sign.

From here, you will be behind Carlito. Use manual aim with the pistol (Right

trigger) to shoot him, When he is hit, he will run off and shoot at you from

another window. Repeat this process. He will occasionally lob a grenade at

you, so be ready to run out of the way when he does this. Only shoot

at Carlito when he is standing still. If Otis calls during

the gun fight, ignore him. If you start to run low on health, use a healing

item in your inventory, or simply look behind one of the food court counters

for food. If you run out of ammo, go back to Brad and talk to him for a new

gun. When his health bar is down to halfway, Carlito will relocate to the rear

of the food court, but he will perform the same attacks. Keep attacking him

the same way. Brad will move up and start fighting alongside you. When 

Carlito's health bar runs out, a cutscene will be triggered.


6. Case 1-3


During the cutscene, we learn that Brad and Jessie are DHS agents. When the

cutscene ends, Case 1-3 will be engaged. You will gain 20,000 PP for defeating

Carlito. Answer Otis' call now if you wish. Heal before you follow Brad 

through the doors to Paradise Plaza. Move to the Food Court store named Frozen

Dreams. Jump over the counter and take a Yogourt. While Frank has it in his 

hand, use the blender. Frank will put the container inside the blender. Take

another Yogourt and repeat the process. The blender will make a drink and pop

out a container called "Quickstep." DO NOT use this item yet. Move over to

where Brad is waiting by the door. Ignore the zombies attacking him and go

through the glass doors. 

You will emerge in the Al Fresca. Drink your Quickstep and follow the guide

arrow to the end of the plaza, during your best to avoid getting hit by the

zombies. You will notice that Quickstep allows Frank to travel at a much

higher speed then normal. When you arrive at the doors that the arrow leads

you to, be enter the glass doors. When you emerge inside, move towards the

gate control panel on the wall to trigger a short cutscene. Move towards the

gated store named "Everyone Luvs Books". This will trigger yet another



7. Case 1-4


Follow the guide arrow back to the Al Fresca plaza door. Ignore the zombies

that now crowd around the door. When you enter the Al Fresca, move past the

fountain towards the cafe on the other side. You will see a bike leaning

against the wall. Get on the back and rapidly tap X to accelerate. Use the

bike to plow through the swarm of zombies back to the doors leading to the

food court. Note that you cannot bring the bike with you, so you have to

get off the bike and go through the doors on foot. Going up the stairs on your

right will lead you to a restaurant where you can take multiple bottles

of wine, if you wish. Heal before going through the doors to the park.

Follow the arrow to find your way back to the entrance to the Paradise Plaza.

If it is nighttime in your game, you will recieve a cutscene where 3 convicts

on a Hummvee try to attack Frank, and then attempt to attack a girl named

Sophie. Assuming this is your first time through the game and you are low

level, ignore both the convicts and their machine gun. If they attempt to 

attack you, run behind a tree so that their vehicle will get stuck. Enter the

Paradise Plaza when you get to the doors.

In the Paradise Plaza, follow the guide arrow back to the Warehouse entrance

door. When you enter the warehouse, you may recieve a scene if you were late.

If you do recieve the scene, capture a Queen for later use. If you don't

recieve the scene, head back to the roof by either climbing the shelves by

jumping over the TVs and onto the crates, or take the elevator. On the roof,

head back into the Security Room through the vent. Open the yellow door

and enter the monitor room to see a cutscene.


8. Intermission


When the scene ends, you will get a message that they next case will occur

at 6:00 AM. You can now save in the Security Room if you wish. Frank now has

a couple of hours to kill before the next case. It is recommended that you

spend this time gaining experience for Frank. Kill some zombies, take some

photos, or do some of the Scoop missons to rescue some survivors. The

important thing is gaining some experience and leveling up. When you think

you are ready, attack 2 zombie cops for 2 pistols, and find some healing

items in preperation for the next case. Remeber, Frank has to be in the

security room, in the monitor room by 6:00 A.M. Do not miss the time or

you will either fail the story completly, or make the rest of Case 2 much more



9.  Case 2-1


You will get a chance to save as the case starts. SAVE YOUR GAME.

At 6:00 AM in the Security Room, Jessie will see Carlito on the monitor. Time

to rush out with Brad and fight Carlito yet again. 


10.  Case 2-2


Instead of taking the

elevator down to the bottom of the warehouse, use the shelves and ladder

instead, as the elevator will start filling up with zombies for some reason.

Otis will call you. Answer it, and he'll tell you that the shutter blocking

Paradise Plaza from the Entrance Plaza has been lifted. When you exit the 

Warehouse, take the path on Frank's left to quickly head into the Entrance

Plaza. A cutscene will play. Apparently this time, Carlito brought a bigger

gun. A lot bigger. Carlito will stick to the second floor and take shots

at Frank and Brad, so your plan should be to rush up the escaltors. Head over

to the sporting goods store and take cover there. Brad will also run up to the

second floor. He will exchange fire with Carlito. Be aware that Brad CAN die,

and that you're also on a time limit, so don't let Brad do all the work. If

Carlito rushes near you, shoot him as much as you can. Grab a skateboard from

the sporting goods store before you kill Carlito. Another strategy is to

move Frank behind the pillar so that he can aim at Carlito and rapidly shoot

Carlito with your gun. He will run around, but if you shoot him enough he will

become stunned. Keep shooting at him until all your ammo runs out, or if the

battle ends. If you need to heal, use your healing items inside the sporting

goods store.

During the cutscene after the battle, Carlito and Brad will exhchange

pistol fire, and both will become injured. Frank will carry Barnaby back to

the security room. 


11.  Case 2-3


After the cutscene, we learn that Brad needs medicine. We need to get to

the supermarket in the North Plaza and get a first aid kit from the

pharmacy. On this case, we are on a strict time limit. Check Frank's

watch and set the guide arrow for the case "Medicine Run". On your way

out of the Paradise Plaza, attack two zombie cops and take their guns.

There will most likely to be two of the cops standing around near the

exit doors in the water area, if you can't find any.

Head out of the plaza and go through Leisure Park to the North Plaza.

Equip the skateboard in the park area and mash X to increase speed. Try

to avoid hitting zombies while on the skateboard, as it breaks easily.

In the North Plaza, while heading towards the supermarket, try to climb

on top of the contruction platforms to avoid the massive swarms of zombies.

Avoid using your pistols, as we have to conserve the ammo for the upcoming

psychopath battle. There will occasionally be food on these platforms. Take

and eat it instantly if you are in need of health. If you still have your

skateboard, avoid using it in this area. Enter the supermarket through the

glass doors. If you got hit while trying to enter the supermarket, grab food

off of the shelves to eat before you enter the pharmacy. Make sure you have

all the healing items you can carry, then enter the door marked

by the arrow. You will start a cutscene.

Immediately after the cutscene, jump and climb on top of the shelf to the left

of you, as Steven will charge you. Jump down on the other side of the shelf, 

as Steven will proceed to pull his shotgun on you if you are out of reach of 

his cart. Move as fast as you can towards the checkout counters, and get

behind them. Steven will have trouble hitting with his cart here. If he pulls

out his gun again, quickly shoot him in the head before he can fire. If he

hits you, he will put his gun away and cart off behind the aisle. Do not

follow him. He will try to take a shoot at you, and miss. Wait for him to

come near the checkout counters again, and repeat the process. Watch out for

the zombies that start appearing from the direction of the entrance. If

you need food at anytime during the fight and you don't have any in your

inventory, run into an aisle and take some food off of the shelf. Be careful

though, as one of the aisle contains cooking oil and other non-healing items.

If you run out of ammo, head over to the fish counter and grab the broom. You

can use this to melee him when he is trying to make a turn with the cart. When

the broom head breaks off, it turns into a quicker, deadlier weapon. While it

may be hard to hit him with either of these weapons, once you hit him, rapidly

tap the attack button, as Frank will follow up with an attack before Steven

recovers from the previous one. After the cutscene, quickly grab some items

and heal. Go to the pharmacy and take the first aid kit, then quickly

head over to the milk section and take as many as you can. Now exit the

supermarket and make your way back to the Security Room. If you still have

the skateboard, use it in Leisure Park and Paradise Plaza to save some time.

When you enter the security room, talk to Jessie to give her the First Aid



12. Intermission


The next case will occur at 11:00 AM. By the time you get back from the

supermarket, this should only be an hour or two hours away. You can just go

into the mall and kill some zombies until then for some PP, or take some

photos. There is probably not enough time to rescue some survivors. There is

no need to equip yourself for the next case.


13. Case 3-1


This is a cutscene case. All we do is watch a cutscene, then we can save

our game. 


14. Intermission


We have a few hours to waste before 3:00 PM, so we can prepare for the next

case. A good idea would be to complete some more Scoop missions and other

tasks to gain some more PP. When you're almost out of time, gather 3 pistols

and healing items to fill the rest of your inventory for your next case.


15. Case 4-1


Be at the Security Room at 3:00 PM to get a cutscene showing Isabela entering

the Supermarket. Case 4-2 will start. 


16. Case 4-2


Head over to the North Plaza through Leisure Park. If you get a cutscene

showing a wierd cult, ignore the cult members. Avoid fighting the people

in the yellow raincoat at close range, as they do a lot of damage with their

knives, and they can spray gas at Frank which will knock him out.

Like last time, avoid the crowd of zombies by walking on the construction

platforms. A cutscene will play when you reach the area in front 

of Seon's, and Isabela will try to run you over. Immediately dodge, then take

a shot at her with your pistol. Move up the ramp behind you, then climb to the

highest level. She will attempt to reach you, and you will have some chances

to shoot her when she pauses. If she drives off into the distance, then jump

off the higest level onto the raised platform. This will prevent her from

taking a jump and hitting you. Occasionally, Isabela will pause, and raise her

pistol. Shoot her to prevent her from shooting back. She will then go back

to her normal pattern of trying to run you over. If you do not miss often,

she should be defeated with two pistols. You should gain 30,000 PP for

defeating Isabela. A cutscene will play after the battle.


17. Intermission


The next case will occur at 12:00 AM. There is no need to prepare

for the next case, other then to grab a few healing items and a 2 X 4.

This is yet another good opportunity to do some Scoops and gain some more

PP points. You have to be at a store in construction near the camera store

in the North Plaza at 12. Pick up the nail gun on the ground here

before the case starts.


18. Case 5-1


A cutscene will play a 12, showing Frank waiting for Isabela. When she

arrives, a zombie attempts to attack her. Use the nailgun and shoot the zombie

off of her.


19. Case 5-2


The whole point of this case is to transport Isabela back to the security

room. The zombies appear to have a hard time hitting Frank while he is

carrying someone on his back. If you were quick to shoot off the zombie

that attacked Isabela earlier, a survivor with a shotgun named Kindell

will join you after you leave the store. Talk to him until he joins to,

then he will assist in clearing the path for you. You will get bonus PP

if you manage to keep him alive with you all the way back to the security

room. At the warehouse, take the elevator up, as Frank cannot jump while he

has Isabela on his back, and Kindell would not be able to follow. Basically,

call the elevator and rush in for the button, as they have a really difficult

time hitting Frank while Isabela is on his back. When you get Isabela to the

rooftop area where you have to climb to reach the vent, you will trigger 

a cutscene. 


20. Intermission


The next case will occur at 3:00 AM. Now is a good time to save your game

and kill some zombies. Do not worry about preparing for the next



21. Case 6-1


Isabela wakes up and reveals that there was no drug trade in Santa Cabeza.

It was a cover-up done by the government, and that Dr. Barnaby was

part of the research that took place on an insect that turned living

things into zombies.


22. Intermission


After the cutscene, you will get a chance to save your game. The next case

will occur at 11:00 AM. With Barnaby's brains splattered all over the security

room, you now have a fair bit of time to pursue Scoops and gain some more PP

to level up. To prepare for the next case, it would be a good idea to get a

good weapon or two, and some large healing items. A good idea would be to get

some guns from the gun store, but survivors now occupy that area. If you would

like to get the guns, take a picture of the vent from the rooftop. When you

enter the gun store, they'll shoot at you. Dive out of the store, and they'll

talk to you and ask for proof of the vent. Show the picture, and they'll join

you. Break the glass in one of the counters for a handgun, and give it to

Brett. He'll drop his assault rifle and take the handgun. Now you can pick

up his assault rifle and the shotguns in the store. It is up to you whether

or not you want to save them, though I would suggest saving them for the PP.


23. Case 7-1


A cutscene will occur. Carlito wants to blow up the mall

with a bunch of bombs under the mall in the tunnels.


24. Case 7-2


Head for the parking garage where you will find a motorcycle and

a car. Take the motorcycle and head down into the tunnels through

the barricade. As soon as you are past the barricades, turn to the left and

follow the road until you see two milk trucks. Open the back door of the

farther truck and collect the bomb from the back. Enter and drive the other

truck. Follow the arrows to each bomb's location. The bombs are always in the

back of the trucks. Open the doors and collect them all. Carlito will appear

in an identical truck and attempt to stop you from collecting all the bombs.

When on foot, he will try his best to either throw grenades at you, or to run

you over. If you do not want Carlito hampering your efforts to collect all

the bombs, unload the guns you got from the Huntin' Shack earlier onto his

truck. While durable, the truck you are driving can be destroyed, so it is

in your best interests to avoid hitting as many zombies as you can. When your

truck eventaully breaks down, you'll have to run to the zombies. Shopping

carts can be pushed for a speed boost, but they do not last very long.

Once all the boms have been collected, follow your guide arrow to get to

the exit. Frank will toss the bombs into the shopping cart, and wheel it to 

the surface.


25. Intermission


When you arrive at the top, you will get the case screen again. The next case

will occur at 5:00 PM. You have to get back to the Security Room before then.

This is another good opportunity to finish up some Scoops. Plenty of them

should be availible. You can also go back into the tunnels and find Brad

for a cutscene. Take his picture for an achievement.


26. Case 8-1


A cutscene will occur. We find out from Isabela that Carlito had a secret

hideout and that he had a computer full of information. Frank wants Isabela

to take him there.


27. Case 8-2


Frank has to follow Isabela to Carlito's North Plaza hideout. She doesn't

count as a survivor, so you can't give her any healing items or weapons.

Just stay close to her and make sure she doesn't get mobbed, or that you don't

accidently kill her. All you have to do is follow her as she makes a beeline

through Paradise Plaza, then through the park. She will stop at the base of

a stack of cardboard boxes near the Huntin' Shack in the North Plaza. Note

that you can save your game at Carlito's hideout after this point.


28. Case 8-3


A cutscene will occur once you talk to Isabela inside Carlito's hideout.

Jessie will call Frank on the transceiver, and ask him to come back to check

out something she found on the security monitors inside a store. After leaving

Carlito's hideout, go into the hunting shack and grab some shotguns to make

the upcoming psychopath battle much, much easier. Head back through the North

Plaza, and into Leisure Park. Head into the Paradise Plaza, and into the

warehouse. In the Security Room, head into the Security Monitor room, and a

cutscene will start. It appears that someone has captured Carlito in the

basement of the North Plaza, right beneath the butcher shop. Frank sets off

to find out what has happened with Carlito.


29. Case 8-4


Since we already equipped ourselves with shotguns, grab some healing items,

then head out of the Paradise Plaza and into Leisure Park. Follow the guide

arrow to the parking garage again, and take either vehicle of your choice.

Drive down the ramp and back into the tunnels. After you emerge in the tunnels

after the loading screen, drive to the left side and follow the road to where

the two trucks we saw earlier were. Get out of your car and head over to the

double doors beside the single door. A cutscene will occur as soon as

you enter the meat processing plant. A crazy butcher named Larry has Carlito

strung up like meat. He is about to turn Carlito into ground beef. After the

cutscene ends, pull out your shotgun and blast Larry in the head. He will try

to slash you. Shoot him again. If he goes over to one of the pieces of meat

strung up on hooks, get ready to jump or dive out of the way when he throws

it at you. He may try to charge at you head on, then slash you. Jump out of

the way when he does this, and shoot him. His most devastating attack is when

he leans all his weight on his cleaver and performs a downward slash. Try not

to be hit by this attack. Heal when you need to, but do not start eating when

he is about to throw a piece of meat, as you will not be able to heal in time,

and the meat will cause damage to you while you are standing still. It is best

to remain a fair distance away and blast at him with your shotguns. There are

two cartons of milk on a counter in the corner if you run out of healing items

during this battle. If he is sharpening his knife, shoot him if you would like

to get in a free hit, or use a healing item yourself if you are low on health.

When he is low on health, he will run over to the corner of the room and drink

from a bucket. Shoot him before he drinks from the bucket, or he will regain

some of his health. When he finally dies, a cutscene will occur. Carlito

ponders why meat was more important then human life while life slowly

seeps away from him. Frank attempts to press the computer's password out of

the dying terrorist, but instead, Carlito hands Frank a locket he kept around

his neck. He asks Frank to give the locket to Isabela, then dies. When you

exit the meat processing plant, get into the truck on Frank's left, and

drive out of the tunnels the way you came. The next "case" will occur

at 10:00 PM. You should get 50,000 PP for defeating Larry. His giant meat

cleaver should also be on the ground beside him, availible for use if you

wish to take it with you. The milk on the counter should also have respawned,

if you want to heal before exiting the meat processing plant.


30. The Facts


All there is left to do is go back to Carlito's hideout and talk to Isabela.

Frank will give her the locket that Carlito handed over before he died.

Wait until the timer on "Memories" expires to give her the locket.

NOTE: You must wait beside Isabela to properly give her the locket. Thanks

to Jason Trzewieczynski for reminding me to be specific about this. Jessie

would like you to come back to the Security Room for a chat. Before leaving

the North Plaza, grab some feeling items and some guns. You will recieve a

number of ctuscenes as you make your way back to the security room. When you

finally reach there, you will find 2 special forces soliders dead on the floor

with blood everywhere. Open the door that leads to the save game couch, and

Frank will encounter a zombified Jessie. Take a picture of her for an

achievement, then dispatch her if you wish to do so. Save here, and head

back to the hideout. Along the way, you may encounter a cutscene that shows

special forces soliders entering the mall. If you do not, make your way back

to Carlito's hideout as fast as you can. Talk to Isabela there, and save your

game. The safest way to pass the time is to simply let Frank stand around for

the time remaining. At 10 AM, the miltary will leave the mall. Talk to Isabela

again, and leave the hideout. She will tell Frank that is is almost time for

him to leave. You will now have nothing to do for the rest of

the time until the helicopter arrives, as the zombies and the special forces

are all gone from the mall. Grab shotguns if you need it, and large health

restoring items. Move to the helipad and stand on it until the time runs

out. If you talked to Isabela properly, you should recieve Ending A.


Yes, Ed is supposed to be killed, and Frank just kneels down like that.

After the credits, you will recieve yet another cutscene. This leads

into Overtime Mode, the 4th day. This is the "best" ending.


31. Overtime Mode


The objective of Overtime Mode is to stop Frank from turning into a zombie,

then escaping the Willamette Mall. While zombies are no longer much of a

problem, the special forces return, as well as their helicopter. The only

area in the mall that zombies still roam is Leisure Park. 

Move over to the Paradise Plaza and up the stairs, after disposing of

the Special Forces in your way. You will find the COLD SPRAY on the shelf

in the Sporting Goods store next to the skateboards. Run over to Columbian

Roastmasters and grab the BLENDER, and orange juice if you need it. Move down

the opposite set of stairs and go to Cam's Camera. Go behind the counter

and get the DEVELOPING SOLUTION. Charge your camera if you want to. Head into

the Entrance Plaza. When you arrive, head up the escalator and kill the

Special Forces solider in the cosmetic shop. Grab the PERFUME BOTTLE from the

back of the store. Head over to the sporting goods store and grab a skateboard.

Skate over to the Security Room entrance on the second floor, and enter. Go

over to the security monitors and grab the COFFEE FILTERS. Leave the way you

came. Head down the stairs and into the sporting goods store for the CAMP

STOVE. Drop your skateboard and take the bike here. Bike all the way to the

Al Fresca doors, and go through. Again, take the bike here, and ride all the

way over to the Food Court entrance before getting off of the bike. Run up

and grab some wine if you need the health or some healing items, then run

for the Wonderland Plaza entrance. Head past the ride to the jewlery store,

and kill the Special Force solider waiting in here for you. Take the

MAGNIFYING GLASS here. Make sure to take his gun if you have less then 2

machineguns. Run up the steps and into the North Plaza. Head past the

peoplemovers and into Seon's. Shoot the Special Forces as they swarm you.

When they stop appearing, replace your guns with theirs, and heal with

food off of the fruit shelf. Grab some for your inventory if you need some

healing items. Head into the Pharmacy and take the FIRST AID SPRAY. If you

missed any Special Forces, they will attack you on the way out. Run out of the

store, and jump onto Isabela's motorcycle. Ride past anything that

tries to attack you, and stop at Carlito's hideout. Talk to Isabela to give

her your items. She will now need a generator. Go into the park and take it

from the back of the clocktower after the cutscene. 

Now head back to Isabela and give her the generator. She will now need 10

Queens. There are numerous ways to complete this segment, but the safest

way is to simply run around the area near Carlito's hideout. If you do not

find any Queen Zombies after a while, simply enter and exit Carlito's

hideout to spawn a new batch of zomibes. You can gradually give them to

Isabela, so you do not have to carry all of them at once. When you finish

giving her all the Queens, a cutscene will occur.

After the scene, save your game at the steps. Hold Isabela's hand and move

to the first gate. There are numerous gates in this segment which require

you to send Isabela through a trapdoor on the side of the wall to the other

side of the gate to open it. While she does this,your best method of avoiding

the zombies is to simply climb on top of them with the Zombie Ride ablility.

Eventually, you will get to a point where you will get a cutscene. You can

save your game, then carry Isabela on your back. open up the gate, and rush

towards the truck. When both you and Isabela are near, you will be able to

get in the truck. When you do so, a cutscene will occur. 

You will have to fight a laser sighted tank. Keep holding down the fire

button, and try your best to hit the lights on the left and right sides

of the tank. Keep shooting those points until a small turret pops up out of

the top of the tank and shoots a laser beam towards you. Shoot the laser sight

before it can allow the tank to fire on you. Halfway through the fight, the

tank will start launching small missles at you. These will often hit some

obstruction in the way, but shoot them down if it looks like the missle will

hit you. Keep repeating this strategy, and the tank will eventually be

defeated, triggering a cutscene. 

The fight Brock on top of the tanl, simply keep spamming Double Lariats at

him. If he knocks you off the top of the tank, simply climb back onto it

and repeat the Double Lariat attacks. He will be defeated quickly this way.

Note that the zombies around the tank are worth bonus PP.

After the fight, the game will truly be over, with the best ending.


32. Infinity Mode


Infinity Mode is the mode unlocked after the Overtime mode is beaten. Infinity

Mode puts Frank back in the mall at 0 days, 0 hours, 0 minutes. The only goal

of this mode is to survive as long as possible. There are no scoops or cases

in this mode. You cannot even check your watch. Sounds easy, right? Frank's

PP bar will now be replaced with a "food bar". This bar will constantly

deplete regardless of what Frank is doing. When the bar completly runs out,

Frank loses one of his life bars. That means that Frank will need a constant

supply of food and drinks to stay alive. In this mood, all survivors

are immediately enemies. Some of the psychopaths from the main story as well

as the side scoops appear in infinity mood, but instead of being in a set

location with a cutscene, these characters will appear purely to fight zombies

and Frank. When Frank kills a survivor or psychopath, they will drop rotating

cardboard box beside their body. Walk into these boxes to make the contents

spill out nearby. What makes it worthwhile to attack and kill these characters

is that they might drop food items. The more food Frank can gather, the longer

he can survive. Places in the mall with "infinite" supplies of food are

disabled, such as Columbian Roastmaster's orange juice shelf. Instead, small

quantites of food are placed next to these areas instead. It is ideal to kill

characters and take their food to use before having to resort the the mall

food. Two achievements that can be obtained through Infinity Mode are the

5 Day and 7 Day Survivor awards. These achievements come with rewards such

as a new costume for Frank, and a laser sword.

To survive 7 days, the player must survive for 14 hours. This means that the

player cannot save the game or turn off the Xbox for 14 hours. Frank needs to

eat a regular intervals too, so many players hoarde all the food in one area,

then find a safespot in the plaza they are in and let the game sit until Frank

needs to eat again, at which point the player will feed Frank and walk away

again. This is the easiest way to do 7 day survivor. Many people use the books

that boost the healing power of some foods, such as the book found in the

Sports High store, or the empty store with doors beside Crislips in the

North Plaza. 

"Safe" locations are any store with doors that zombies cannot get through,

any store with counters behind which zombies cannot attack Frank, or any high

places where Frank cannot be attacked or grabbed by zombies. 

There are no real requirements for Infinity Mode other then finishing the

Overtime mode, but it is highly recommended that Frank is level 50 (top),

and that the player has achieved the Zombie Genocider achievement so that the

player has access to the Real Mega Blaster weapon, which would severly aid

Frank in battling the more difficult survivors and psychopaths. 


33. Downloadable Costumes


Capcom has released a few downloadable costumes on the Xbox Live

marketplace for use in Dead Rising. Below is a list of them:


Casual Key            

Coldhearted Snake Key   

Grandpa Key            

Pink Paparazzi Key      

Round Shades Key        

Miami Nights Key        

Weekender Key          


34. Unlockables


Real Mega Blaster


You get the Real Mega Blaster for completing the Zombie Genocider

achievement. The quickest way to complete this achievement is to drive up and

down the underground tunnels in a car, occasionally going back up to the

above ground parking garage for a new car. This would take the average person


TO SPAWN inside the Security Room. 

Laser Sword


To unlock the laser sword, you have to get the 5 day survivor achievement.

Note that after you pass 5 days on Infinity mode, you can immediately go to

the Security Room and use the Laser Sword.

Ammo Belt


The easiest way to get this is to get the machinegun from Brett, then drive

down into the tunnels and into the meat processing plant. Clear out the room

with melee weapons, then aim the machinegun at a piece of meat hanging on the

hooks and fire all 150 bullets into it. When the gun is empty, you will get

the achievement. 

Arthur's Boxers


To get this costume, survive for 7 days in Infinity Mode.

Cop Hat


To get this hat for Frank, you must get the Saint achievement. Frank must

rescue all the survivors in the mall, as well as Brad and Jessie to get this

achievement and costume.

Hockey Mask


To get this mask, you must collect all the PP stickers in the game. This does

not have to be done in one playthrough. Simply photograph all of the PP

stickers in total to get the achievement, and the hockey mask will be


Mall Employee Uniform


To get this costume, Frank must answer every single call from Otis to

recieve the Transmissionary achievement.

Mega Man Boots


To get these boots, beat the game without getting captured by the cult

or the special forces. UPDATE: Apparently if you die in the first section

of the game, Otis will rescue you and carry you into the security room. If

this happens to you, you will not get the achievement on that game.

Thanks to Link DuGanon for the Otis knockout information.

Mega Man Tights


You get these tights for achieving the Punisher achievement. You will have

to kill some of the side scoop psychopaths, as well as some of the story ones

to finish this achievement. Note that Carlito and Isabela do not count as

psychopaths towards the count. The convicts and the raincoat cultists do

not count toward this number, either.

Prisoner Garb


To get this costume, simply defeat the convicts, then get into their truck

for a moment. You will get the achievement as soon as you enter the vehicle,

but the costume will not spawn in the Security Room until you get an ending

in that same playthrough.

Pro Wrestling Boots


To get this achievement, all you have to do is break lot of objects. Note that

this apparently does not have to be done in one playthrough, so you will get

this eventually, even if you do not try.

Pro Wrestling Briefs


To get these briefs, you must kill 1000 zombies with Frank's hands. Note that

jumping kicking and throwing zombies do not count toward this number. Kills

literally using Frank's fist count only. Spamming Double Lariat attacks

in the maintanance tunnels are the fastest way to finish this achievement.

Special Forces Boots


You must kill 10 Special Forces soliders and get an ending to get this

achievement. This is easiest to do in Overtime mode, as you do not have to

play through all of the main story in 72 hour mode to wait for the Special

Forces to invade the mall. 

Special Forces Uniform


To get this costume for Frank, you must shoot down the helicopter that roams

Leisure Park at the end of 72 Hour mode, or Overtime mode. The only way to

stop the helicopter is to shoot the pilot in the cockpit, or to shoot out

the helicopter's rear rotor. This is easiest standing on top of the picnic

bench covering roof, and aiming at the helicopter with a machinegun or

a sniper rifle. 

Overtime Mode


Overtime mode is unlocked by finish 72 Hour mode with the "best" ending.

Infinity Mode


Infinity Mode is unlocked by completing Overtime mode. 


35. Bosses/Psychopaths




Carlito is the mastermind behind the entire Willamette incident. You will see

him many times throughout the game. The first time Frank encounters Carlito

is on the helipad where Frank first arrives. He would later appear in the food

court with an FN P90, attempting to gun down Brad and Frank. A later attempt

had Carlito tie up Dr. Barnaby and suspended above a crowd of zombies as bait,

while he took potshots at Frank and Brad with a .50 sniper rifle. The battle

would end in both Brad and Carlito being shot. Carlito then attempts to blow

up the mall by planting bombs in the tunnels underneath the mall. Failing that

and trapping Brad with a crowd of zombies, Carlito gets captured by an insane

butcher named Larry, hell bent on serving Carlito as meat. After Frank defeats

Larry and rescues Carlito, Carlito hands Frank his locket to give to Isabela

before finally dying.



Isabela is Carlito's little sister, and only appears as an enemy once in the

entire game. She attemtps to run over Frank with her motorcycle, and Frank

avoids her, taking shots at Isabela until she crashes. Frank then pins her

to the ground and forces her to converse with him. Frank promises to meet

Isabela later that night. When she arrives, Frank finds that Carlito has

shot Isabela, and Frank carries her back to the Security room. From then on,

Isabela aids Frank in the attempt to stop Carlito.



A supermarket manager gone insane after the zombie outbreak, Frank encounters

Steven in Seon's Supermarket, with Isabela ridiing in the front of his deadly

shopping cart equipped with many different types of blades. Steven also makes

deadly use of a shotgun whenever Frank is not within reach of the deadly

shopping cart. After Frank defeats Steven, a cutscene occurs where Steven

probably recalls that all of his customers have turned into zombies. He then

drops a pharmacy key, allowing Frank access to a first aid kit that he

requires to aid Brad.



Adam is a performance clown that supposedly went crazy after he witnessed

his audience being eaten alive by zombies during the outbreak. He turns on a

ride in Wonderland Plaza in an attempt to "keep the zombies away". He

threatens Frank with a chainsaw when Frank attempts to turn the ride off. A

battle then insues between Frank and Adam, who dual wields chainsaws equipped

with handles behind them. After Frank defeats Adam, the clown falls

on top of his own chainsaws and dies a violent death. Frank then turns

off the ride to find that a mall employee was stuck on the ride.



Cletus is the owner of the Huntin' Shack gun store in the North Plaza.

When Frank first enters the Huntin' Shack, he finds that another survivor

named James is trying to reason with Cletus, who is standing behind the

counter of his store with wine and a shotgun. When Cletus refuses to let James

enter the store for guns, James persists, and Cletus opens fire with his gun.

Frank then battles Cletus inside the gun store. When Cletus is defeated, he

accuses Frank of being crazy, that Frank would kill for some guns. Frank

expresses guilt, and Cletus is attacked by a zombie right outside the store.



Larry is the crazy butcher Frank encounters in case 8-4 of the main story.

Larry has kidnapped Carlito, and has dragged him back to the meat processing

plant in the underground tunnels. When Frank tries to reason with Larry about

Carlito, Larry declares that zombies are not good as meat, and that Carlito

would be the finest ground meat Frank has ever tasted. When Frank protests

this, Larry screams that his reputation as a butcher is on the line. A

battle insues where Frank kills Larry, then rescues Carlito, only

to have Carlito die moments after giving Frank a locket to give to Isabela.



Brock is the commander of the special forces that invade the mall near the end

of the 72 hour mode, assuming the main story cases are completed. Frank

encounters Brock at the end of Overtime mode, on the 4th day. Frank and

Isabela defeat Brock's laser sighted tank, and Brock emerges to kill

Frank and Isabela, only to have Frank attack him instead. The final 

confrontation of the game occurs between Frank and Brock on top of the

destroyed tank;Frank ulitmately winning the battle.



Paul is a young man who thinks that people are always laughing at him and

mocking him. He appears in the Scoop "Long Haired Punk", where Frank

encounters Paul threatening two women hiding in a women's clothing store

with a molotov cocktail. Frank tries to reason with Paul, but Paul believe

that Frank is mocking him. Paul and Frank fight, and Frank wins. Paul lights

himself on fire, and Frank can choose whether or not to use a fire

extinguisher to save Paul's life. If Frank does so, he can escort the two

women and Paul back to the security room. Otis will later call Frank and

inform him that Paul would like to speak to him. If Frank goes back to the

security room and talks to Paul, Frank can recieve an infinite number of

molotv cocktails from Paul. 



Kent is a cocky young photographer Otis Washington spots on a security

monitor. Otis informs Frank of this, and Frank goes to Columbian Roastmasters

in Paradise Plaza to investigate. He encounters Frank,and challenges him to a

variety of photographer challegnes. If Frank wins all of these challenges,

Kent will appear for a third time, with a captured survivor. Frank fights

Kent at this point, and saves the survivor Kent had captured. 



Jo is a large, overweight and ugly police officer that Otis spots on

the security monitor entering a women's clothing store in Wonderland

Plaza along with another woman. Frank can find a total of 4 women

in the store tied up and held prisoner by Jo, presumedly torturing

them with her nightstick. Frank challenges Jo, and Jo attempts to kill

Frank. When Frank finally defeats Jo, he recieves the handcuff keys, and

can release all the women held prisioner and escort them to the 

security room. 



Cliff is a Vietnam veteran hiding out in the Crislips hardware store. When

Frank goes to investigate a man hiding from the security monitors, he

finds bloody bodies with severed heads hanging from the ceiling. Frank

is then startled by Cliff, holding a blood soaked machete, asking him for

his name and rank. Cliff believes that Frank is a member of the Vietcong, and

attempts to kill him. Frank defeats Cliff, and Cliff tells Frank that he saw

his granddaughter being eaten alive by zombies, and that he had a flashback

to the Vietnam War. Frank closes Cliff's eyes after he dies, and heads next

door to a vacant store, to free 3 survivors that Cliff had held captive. 



Sean is the leader of the "eye" cult that Frank encounters on the afternoon

of the second day. Sean is seen about to sacrifice a girl in a box

with a ceremonial sword when he spots Frank taking pictures of the cult

meeting. Sean then orders his cult to kill Frank. Frank can then later

recieve a call from Otis telling him about the cult hiding out in the movie

theather in Paradise Plaza. If Frank goes to kill Sean, he can free 5

survivors that Sean had held prisioner.



3 convits that probably escaped prison during the chaos of the zombie

outbreak, and stole a military Hummvee with machine gun mounted on top.

Frank first encounters these convicts on the first night, when they

attempt to attack Frank with a baseball bat, before attacking two survivors

they see in the distance. Frank can save one of these survivors, named

Sophie, if he defeats the convicsts. The Convict vehicle can then be driven,

and the machine gun can be dismounted from the truck for hand held usage.


36. Closing


Dead Rising


Probester/Sam C.


Xbox 360

This may be not be reproduced under any circumstances except for

personal, private use.It may not be placed on any web site or otherwise

distributed publicly without advance written permission. Use of this

guide on any other web site or as a part of any public display is

 strictly prohibited, and a violation of copyright. All trademarks and names

belong to their respective owners. Copyright 2007, Probester.

Iain Wilson
Guides Editor

Iain originally joined Future in 2012 to write guides for CVG, PSM3, and Xbox World, before moving on to join GamesRadar in 2013 as Guides Editor. His words have also appeared in OPM, OXM, PC Gamer, GamesMaster, and SFX. He is better known to many as ‘Mr Trophy’, due to his slightly unhealthy obsession with amassing intangible PlayStation silverware, and he now has over 750 Platinum pots weighing down the shelves of his virtual award cabinet. He does not care for Xbox Achievements.

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