Best Diablo 4 Rogue builds, Skills, and Aspects to use

Diablo 4 Rogues on character creation screen
(Image credit: Blizzard Entertainment)

Craft one of the best Diablo 4 Rogue builds to help you assassinate enemies with magically imbued weapons and level up into the endgame. Rogues get plenty of abilities on their Skill Tree that allow them to be experts in stealth and subterfuge, but also be a disruptive force in Diablo 4 with various crowd control status effects. There are so many ways to build a Rogue, making it a great class for experimentation, but I’ve laid out two of the best Rogue builds in Diablo 4, as well as a rundown on how the class works.

Diablo 4 Rogue guide

Diablo 4 Rogue overview on character creation screen

(Image credit: Blizzard Entertainment)

The Rogue class in Diablo 4 is highly mobile, disruptive, and versatile. Rogues can eliminate foes with ranged and melee strikes – both of single target and AoE varieties – use stealth and trickery to evade danger, and can employ numerous crowd control effects. Their unique Specializations also offer extra buffs to make them more effective at dishing out death. However, their power and mobility come at the cost of resilience, so you’ll need to pick your fights and be agile to stay alive down in the dungeons. Here’s a look at the main abilities of the Rogue class in Diablo 4:

  • Role: Assassin, melee and ranged, mobility, crowd control
  • Skill Resource: Energy – regenerates automatically
  • Class mechanic: Specializations – Unlock and choose one Specialization out of Combo Points, Inner Sight, and Preparation to gain benefits or enhance certain Skills and abilities.
  • Rogue weapons: Daggers, Swords, Bows, Crossbows
  • Damage types: Physical, Cold, Poison, Shadow

Diablo 4 Rogue Specializations

Once you’ve reached Level 15 as a Rogue and have completed the ‘Rogue: True Potential’ quest, you’ll unlock the unique Specialization mechanic. At first, the only Specialization you can choose from is Combo Points, but you’ll unlock Inner Sight when you reach Level 20 and Preparation at Level 30. You can choose only one active Specialization and each one offers unique benefits that can help your Rogue build and playstyle.

Combo Points causes your Basic Skills to generate Combo Points. Using your Core Skills consumes these points to gain extra benefits, usually higher damage and some other buff – for example, Flurry increases attack speed while Rapid Fire shoots an extra arrow per point.

Inner Sight will randomly mark enemies, and attacking these enemies fills your Inner Sight gauge. When it’s full, you have unlimited Energy for 4 seconds, allowing you to spam your Core Skills.

Finally, with Preparation active, every 100 Energy you spend reduces your Ultimate Skill’s cooldown by 4 seconds. Additionally, using an Ultimate Skills resets the cooldowns of your other Skills.

Best Diablo 4 Rogue builds

You’ll find all the best Skills and Specializations to use for a pair of great Diablo 4 Rogue builds below. One focuses on being an expert sharpshooter – great for single-target damage – and the other blends high mobility with lots of AoE melee attacks that can apply control effects. Look out for some tips on the best Attributes, Aspects, and Gems to use across your Rogue builds further down.

Diablo 4 freezing sniper Rogue build

Diablo 4 Rogue Skill Tree Rapid Fire Core Skill

(Image credit: Blizzard Entertainment)

By opting for Marksman Skills, building around upping your Critical Strike chance and damage, and using Cold Imbuement, you can create a deadly Rogue build that makes good use of ranged weapons and plenty of crowd control effects. Heartseeker should be your Basic Skill as it helps with increasing both your Critical Strike chance and damage early on. With Rapid Fire as your Core Skill, you can quickly deal lots of damage and benefit from more improvements to your Critical Strikes.

To add a bit of crowd control and agility to this build, choose the Caltrops. If enemies get too close, use this Skill to dodge back and reposition. And if things get really dicey, Concealment provides a nice get-out-of-jail-free card for you. To lean more into the cold crowd control, Cold Imbuement can be used on Heartseeker and Rapid Fire to Chill and Freeze enemies, massively impeding their movement.

To cap off your Rogue Skills, choose the Rain of Arrows Ultimate Skill for some much-needed AoE damage. It can also be imbued so it doubles up as even more crowd control too! Finally, the Precision Key Passive massively helps with amping up your Critical Strike damage and even offers a guaranteed crit. Here are the Skills I recommend for this Diablo 4 Rogue build:

Swipe to scroll horizontally
Header Cell - Column 0 SkillCluster
2Enhanced HeartseekerBasic
3Fundamental HeartseekerBasic
4Rapid FireCore
5Enhanced Rapid FireCore
6Advanced Rapid FireCore
7Stutter StepCore (Passive)
8SturdyCore (Passive)
10Enhanced CaltropsAgility
11Methodical CaltropsAgility
12Weapon MasteryAgility (Passive)
14Enhanced StealthSubterfuge
15Subverting StealthSubterfuge
16AgileSubterfuge (Passive)
17Mending ObscuritySubterfuge (Passive)
18ExploitSubterfuge (Passive)
19MaliceSubterfuge (Passive)
20Cold ImbuementImbuement
21Enhanced Cold ImbuementImbuement
22Mixed Cold ImbuementImbuement
23Precision ImbuementImbuement (Passive)
24Frigid FinesseImbuement (Passive)
25Chilling WeightImbuement (Passive)
26Rain of ArrowsUltimate
27Prime Rain of ArrowsUltimate
28Supreme Rain of ArrowsUltimate
29AftermathUltimate (Passive)
30Adrenaline RushUltimate (Passive)
31HasteUltimate (Passive)
32ImpetusUltimate (Passive)
33PrecisionKey Passive

To get the most out of these Marksman Skills, you’ll definitely want to have either a Bow or a Crossbow equipped to make this one of the best Diablo 4 Rogue builds – crossbows work better with some of the Skills and passives listed above but bows are by no means bad either. For your Rogue Specialization, Combo Points is the way to go. This’ll seriously improve Rapid Fire with extra damage and another arrow per point, which means you can fire up to eight arrows in a single volley!

Diablo 4 shadow assassin Rogue build

Diablo 4 Rogue Skill Tree Flurry Core Skill

(Image credit: Blizzard Entertainment)

The Rogue class in Diablo 4 is also highly effective in close-quarters combat, so this build uses a variety of melee and AoE Skills to deal damage. Firstly, grab Puncture as your Basic Skill. With the Fundamental upgrade, you can hit enemies in a wider area with your thrown knives and have a way of making them Vulnerable. Flurry will be your Core Skill for this build, letting you attack in a wide area in front you and occasionally Stun too!

You’ll obviously need to be agile if you want to stay alive when you’re brushing past enemies, so pick Shadow Step and Dash from the Agility cluster. Shadow Step serves as a movement, damage, and crowd control Skill, while Dash is almost purely for manoeuvring in and around enemies. Like in the previous build, Concealment serves as a quick escape tool but also as emergency healing with the Mending Obscurity passive.

Your AoE damage and crowd control capabilities will be enhanced with the Shadow Imbuement Skill, causing enemies to explode when they die if they’ve been infected with shadow damage. With it two passive buffs, it’ll also help you apply more Stun and Vulnerable to enemies and can even generate more Energy for you to keep up your Flurry spam.

Because two Agility Skills are being used, you’ll be forgoing an Ultimate Skill, but it’s still one of the best Diablo 4 Rogue builds, even for in the late game. Complete the Skill Tree with Close Quarters Combat to get boosts for your attack speed and a damage buff against crowd-controlled foes. Here’s a full list of all the Skills needed for this shadowy Rogue build:

Swipe to scroll horizontally
Header Cell - Column 0 SkillCluster
2Enhanced PunctureBasic
3Fundamental PunctureBasic
5Enhanced FlurryCore
6Advanced FlurryCore
7Stutter StepCore (Passive)
8SturdyCore (Passive)
9Siphoning StrikesCore (Passive)
10Shadow StepAgility
11Enhanced Shadow StepAgility
12Methodical Shadow StepAgility
14Enhanced DashAgility
15Weapon MasteryAgility (Passive)
17Enhanced StealthSubterfuge
18Countering StealthSubterfuge
19AgileSubterfuge (Passive)
20Mending ObscuritySubterfuge (Passive)
21ExploitSubterfuge (Passive)
22MaliceSubterfuge (Passive)
23Shadow ImbuementImbuement
24Enhanced Shadow ImbuementImbuement
25Blended Shadow ImbuementImbuement
26Precision ImbuementImbuement (Passive)
27Shadow CrashImbuement (Passive)
28Consuming ShadowsImbuement (Passive)
29Adrenaline RushUltimate (Passive)
30ImpetusUltimate (Passive)
31HasteUltimate (Passive)
32Close Quarters CombatKey Passive

Since the Flurry Core Skill is integral to this build, stick with the Combo Points Specialization to buff it as much as possible with extra speed and damage. Otherwise, you’ll want to have two good daggers to for great DPS and don some armor that mainly improves your Dexterity to increase your Dodge Chance.

Best Diablo 4 Stats and Attributes for Rogue builds

Finding gear that improves your core stats and attributes will help you optimize your build for more effective stealthy demon-killing as a Rogue. Here are the stats you should be prioritizing for your best Diablo 4 Rogue builds:

  1. Dexterity: Increases Dodge chance and Skill damage for Rogues. Both are great benefits for any Rogue build and Dexterity should be your highest stat.
  2. Strength: Increases Armor and Energy regeneration for Rogues. These will help your Rogue perform a little better, being able to take more damage and regenerate Energy for Core Skills faster.
  3. Intelligence: Increases resistances to all elements and boosts Critical Strike Chance. Not essential, but it would be good to have higher Intelligence if your build relies on dealing Critical Strikes.
  4. Willpower: Increases Overpower damage and healing received. The benefits offered by other stats are more meaningful for Rogues so it’s not worth massively increasing your Willpower.

Best Diablo 4 Rogue Aspects

Choosing the right Aspects for your gear can really enhance your build’s performance and combat capabilities. There are a lot of ways Rogues can mix and match them with their Skills to create a unique build, so here are some Diablo 4 Aspects that you should look out for when crafting one of the best Diablo 4 Rogue builds:

  • Aspect of Arrow Storms: Lucky Hit: Your Marksman Skills have up to a 10% chance to create an arrow storm at the enemy’s location, dealing high physical damage over 3 seconds. You can have up to 5 active arrow storms. Must be extracted from Legendary gear.
  • Aspect of Encircling Blades: Flurry damage enemies in a circle around you and deals 8% increased damage. For this Aspect, head through the Forsaken Quarry, Fractured Peaks.
  • Aspect of the Expectant: Attacking enemies with a Basic Skill increases the damage of your next Core Skill cast by 5%, up to 30%. Get it in Underroot, Scosglen.
  • Aspect of Might: Basic Skills grant 20% damage reduction for 2 seconds. Get this in the Dark Ravine, Dry Steppes, but you can only access this dungeon by progressing the campaign in the Dry Steppes.
  • Ravenous Aspect: Killing a Vulnerable enemy grants you 50% increase Energy regeneration for 4 seconds. Found in the Shifting City, Dry Steppes.
  • Aspect of Repeating: Rapid Fire has a 25% chance to ricochet to another target. Must be extracted from Legendary gear.
  • Aspect of Siphoned Victuals: Lucky Hit: Damaging a Vulnerable enemy with a Core Skill has up to a 10% chance to drop a Healing Potion. Unlock this Aspect in the Leviathan’s Maw, Hawezar.
  • Aspect of Surprise: When you evade or Shadow Step, you leave behind a cluster of exploding Stun Grenades that deal damage and Stun enemies for 2 seconds. Must be extracted from Legendary gear.
  • Aspect of the Umbral: Restore 1 Energy when you crowd control an enemy. Found in Champion’s Demis, Dry Steppes.
  • Aspect of Unstable Imbuements: When casting an Imbuement Skill, you trigger an Imbued explosion around yourself, applying the Imbuement effects and dealing damage of the same type. Get this in the Whispering Vault, Dry Steppes, but you can only access this dungeon by progressing the campaign in the Dry Steppes.

Best Diablo 4 Rogue Gems

As well as your all your Skills, Aspects, and gear, you can add extra power to your Rogue build with Diablo 4 gems. The extra boosts they provide will be better suited to certain builds and classes, but broadly, these are the best gems to equip for Rogue:

  • Diamonds in weapons: Increases Ultimate Skill damage.
  • Diamonds in jewelry: Increases resistance to all elements.
  • Emeralds in weapons: Increases Critical Strike Damage to Vulnerable enemies.
  • Rubies in armor: Increases maximum health.
  • Sapphires in weapons: Increased Critical Strike damage to crowd controlled enemies.
  • Skulls in weapons: Increases the amount of health you regain with each kill.
  • Skulls in jewelry: Increases Armor stat, reducing Physical and Bleed damage taken.
  • Topazes in weapons: Increases Basic Skill damage.

Once you reach Level 50, you can start taking your Rogue build to the next level via the Diablo 4 Paragon Board and Diablo 4 Glyphs. Why not test your build against other players in Diablo 4 PvP too.

© GamesRadar+. Not to be reproduced without permission

Will Sawyer
Guides Writer

Will Sawyer is a guides writer at GamesRadar+ who works with the rest of the guides team to give readers great information and advice on the best items, how to complete a particular challenge, or where to go in some of the biggest video games. Will joined the GameRadar+ team in August 2021 and has written about service titles, including Fortnite, Destiny 2, and Warzone, as well as some of the biggest releases like Halo Infinite, Elden Ring, and God of War Ragnarok.

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