Digimon World 4 Cheats
Digimon World 4 Hints
GameCube | Submitted by Brady RaymondBest Weapons for Starter Digimon
Dorumon- bash katana
Agumon- battle hawk
Veemon- longsword
Guilmon- stab dagger
PS2 | Submitted by GamesRadarFree Chips and Bits
In the practice level before goblin pass you can keep replaying the practice round to keep getting more hp/mp chips and/or bits!
PS2 | Submitted by GamesRadarDry Land Collesium Secret
Dry land's sub section, the Grief Wastland, has an optional route you can take which leads to a rare enemy named Arukenimon. To get there, travel down the west path passed the AncientRuins until you come to a box sitting in front of a green staircase. Walk up the staircasethen immediately go north to run into a batch of poison spitting mecha rouges.Dipose of them,then follow the ledge east until you find a red switch.Press the switch and start heading back the AncientRuins entrance.When you get there,head down the east path until you see a sharp breakable rock to the south of you.Go down the south path a bit to see a purple metal floor connecting to a bridge.Walk across the bridge and drop down the platform enter the coliseum.
PS2 | Submitted by GamesRadarBeat bosses Easily
To defeat the bosses easily, use the shot pistols and your MP technique. Stay as far away as posible and shoot the boss with the pistols. After it's health is at red, shoot your MP technique until it dies. (This works, but some of the bosses are going to take a long period of time to defeat.)
PS2 | Submitted by GamesRadarMammothmon's Attacks
(X means time for you to attack.)
1. His breath will hurt you, so watch out, because it can hit you multiple times.
2. He'll charge at you, it's easy to dodge also, (because it's a slow attack). X
3. He'll swing his trunk like a maniac, so you don't get much time to attack.
PS. You can probably hit him a maximum of two times with one shot.
PS2 | Submitted by GamesRadarAll Key Locations
For Death V alley one key is in the Cave called Humid Cave, to get the key you must reach the boss and kill him. Boss is Blossomon. Very easy to kill with guns mp or charing attacks with any weapon. The second key is in Cliff dungeon. Another cave. To get this key you must kill mammothmon. kill him with close or far range attack. DRY LAND: The first key is in another cave called Sand Labyrinth. The boss there is Skullgreymon. Use far range attacking. The other key is in a cave called Ancient Ruins. The boss there is Scorpiomon, which definitley use far range attcking or you'll get crushed.
PS2 | Submitted by GamesRadarEasy EXP Points
When you get your first mission, go to the gate. When you get to the practice stage, keep on doing it again and again. Do this as much as you want. NOTE: Once you exit practice stage you can't go back and do it again.
PS2 | Submitted by GamesRadarGetting Past the Guns at Station X
When you are in Station X, those big guns that do roughly 10,000 damage can be destroyed.(without getting yourself killed!!!) All you have to do is make sure you have enough MP for 6 petty shots. Just make sure they can't hit you, but you can hit them. Then hit them with your petty shot.
Xbox | Submitted by Brennan StauskeAll key Locations
For Death V alley one key is in the Cave called Humid Cave, to get the key you must reach the boss and kill him. Boss is Blossomon. Very easy to kill with guns mp or charing attacks with any weapon. The second key is in Cliff dungeon. Another cave. To get this key you must kill mammothmon. kill him with close or far range attack.
DRY LAND:The first key is in another cave called Sand Labyrinth. The boss there is Skullgreymon. Use far range attacking. The other key is in a cave called Ancient Ruins. The boss there is Scorpiomon, which definitley use far range attcking or you'll get crushed.
GameCube, Xbox | Submitted by Randel "RAS"Silence Mammothmon In Barbarian Cave
To do this, you need nine HP disks "B", and nine MP disks "B". Also, your digimon (Dorumon, Agumon, Veemon, or Guilmon) needs to be at level twenty-one. Now that the level and disk message is out of the way, let's get down to business. In the terminal area, go right. Then head upwards. Stand in the middle, then go down and left (just a little bit). Talk to the digi-elf and say yes. Go to the outside world gate. You should see it changed. Go to the Battle Arena. Hint:(defeat all the digimon in the arena for EXP points). See where you can jump onto the ledge, go there. Enter the Barbarian Cave. (I should've said this earlier, but you also need nine gate disks.) You should see a clock at the top left hand corner. Beware: there are powerful Numemon in there. If you're trapped, defeat all the Numemon to proceed. Hint:(If you're low on health, use a gate disk). Also get the maps (if there is any, because I can't remember).When you make it, beware he's tougher than before (if you fought him before, he was easier). I'll explain his attacks after this sentence. When you defeat him, if he dropped a key (I can't remember), pick it up, because you'll need it.
Mammothmon's attacks:(X indicates when its time for you to attack.)
1. His breath will hurt you, so watch out, because it can hit you multiple times.
2. He'll charge at you, it's easy to dodge also, (because it's a slow attack). X
3. He'll swing his trunk like a maniac, so you don't get much time to attack.
PS. You can probably hit him a maximum of two times with one shot.
Xbox | Submitted by some oneUnlock Agumon as Digivolution ability
Achieve level 16 with Guilmon then talk to the Digi-elf at the digi-lab.
GameCube, Xbox | Submitted by Niki JohnsonHow to beat bosses easily
To defeat the bosses easily, use the shot pistols and your MP technique. Stay as far away as posible and shoot the boss with the pistols. After it's health is at red, shoot your MP technique until it dies. (This works, but some of the bosses are going to take a long period of time to defeat.)
GameCube, Xbox | Submitted by Ted B.How to Get Wargreymon
Normal Mode: Defeat all 279 enemies in Undead Yard with Agumon, or defeat Shogungekomon in Item Road (to go to Item Road beat the Mecha Rouge X) with Guilmon.
Hard Mode:Defeat all 302 enemies in Undead Yard with 10 minutes remaining as Veemon, then Escape Sealed Shire with 16 to 10 minutes left as Dorumon, or return with the Sword Cannon from Dungeon of Doom as Guilmon.
GameCube, Xbox | Submitted by DJ cheaterDigivole Veemon
To Digivole Veemon get him to level 16. Go to the digi-lab and it will say you've got a new digivole tech and go see it and you will be able to switch frow Vemon to Guilmon.
GameCube, Xbox | Submitted by GamesRadarHow to Get Doremon
Reach level 16 with Agumon and talk to digi-elf at the digimon lab to learn that digivlve tech.
GameCube | Submitted by shadysamuraiFree chips and bits
In the practice level before goblin pass you can keep replaying the practice round to keep getting more hp/mp chips and/or bits!
GameCube, Xbox | Submitted by B*hGetting past the guns at Station X
When you are in Station X, those big guns that do roughly 10,000 damage can be destroyed.(without getting yourself killed!!!) All you have to do is make sure you have enough MP for 6 petty shots. Just make sure they can't hit you, but you can hit them. Then hit them with your petty shot.
PS2 | Submitted by GamesRadarHow to Get Wargreymon
Normal Mode: Defeat all 279 enemies in Undead Yard with Agumon, or defeat Shogungekomon in Item Road (to go to Item Road beat the Mecha Rouge X) with Guilmon.
Hard Mode:Defeat all 302 enemies in Undead Yard with 10 minutes remaining as Veemon, then Escape Sealed Shire with 16 to 10 minutes left as Dorumon, or return with the Sword Cannon from Dungeon of Doom as Guilmon.
PS2 | Submitted by GamesRadarInfinite BITS & Items
This trick requires your main Digimon as player one and any Digimon as player two. Give all your BITS to player two. Then, save player two at the Save Keeper. Next, Have player two give all BITS to player one. After that, have player two quit the game at the Save Keeper, but this time without saving. Then, go to Call Keeper and have player two join in again with the same Digimon. Repeat this from the beginning until you have 9,999,999 BITS, both in the ban and pocket. Note: You can also use this trick to duplicate items. This is very useful if you want to give some rare weapons and/or armor to a buddy, aquaintance, best friend, or just plain friend.
GameCube, Xbox, PS2 | Submitted by GamesRadarRed Imperialdramon
On the docks stage (the stage with the metal boxes)get Imperialdramon then get the metal fist, then you you will have him red. He will be stronger because he is metal.
PS2 | Submitted by GamesRadarSilence Mammothmon In Barbarian Cave
To do this, you need nine HP disks "B", and nine MP disks "B". Also, your digimon (Dorumon, Agumon, Veemon, or Guilmon) needs to be at level twenty-one. Now that the level and disk message is out of the way, let's get down to business. In the terminal area, go right. Then head upwards. Stand in the middle, then go down and left (just a little bit). Talk to the digi-elf and say yes. Go to the outside world gate. You should see it changed. Go to the Battle Arena. Hint:(defeat all the digimon in the arena for EXP points). See where you can jump onto the ledge, go there. Enter the Barbarian Cave. (I should've said this earlier, but you also need nine gate disks.) You should see a clock at the top left hand corner. Beware: there are powerful Numemon in there. If you're trapped, defeat all the Numemon to proceed. Hint:(If you're low on health, use a gate disk). Also get the maps (if there is any, because I can't remember).When you make it, beware he's tougher than before (if you fought him before, he was easier). I'll explain his attacks after this sentence. When you defeat him, if he dropped a key (I can't remember), pick it up, because you'll need it.
PS2 | Submitted by GamesRadarGetting Past Mechanical Core
Okay start off at the BATTLE ARENA and go to the space ship and go to MECHANICAL CORE. At the biggining you will start off on the first floor, later on on the top floor you will see another message it's not that important. Anyway on the first floor travel around the circle a couple times you will see sensors if you step on these stairs will appear to the next floor they will also be different colors red and blue. To get past the level correctly he have to press certain sensors. Below is a list on how to do this.
Floor one-step on a blue sensor and go up the stairs.
Floor two- step on a blue sensor and go up the stairs.
Floor three- step on a blue sensor and go up the stairs.
Floor four- first step on a red sensor DO NOT GO UP THE STAIRS look around and step on a blue sensor and then go back to the red sensor you activated and go up the stairs.
Floor five- turn right and go across the bridge onto the next level.
After you beat MECHANICAL CORE you will be in CORE AREA after you get to the end of this level(IT"S NOT HARD IF YOU ARE AT A GOOD LEVEL around level 28+) you will reach a boss portal leading to the level that contains Mecha Rogue x the leader of the Mecha Rouges and this battle IS hard (recommended level 33+)!
PS2 | Submitted by Joshua/tweenkieHow to Get Doremon
Reach level 16 with Agumon and talk to digi-elf at the digimon lab to learn that digivlve tech.
GameCube, Xbox | Submitted by Chris NortonDigivolve Agumon
Train Agumon until he is level 30. You should mainly train at Guard Hall.
Xbox | Submitted by Ted B.All Playable Digimon
There 16 playable Digimon and they are [Name (Specialty)]:
Agumon (Blunt)
Veemon (Slash)
Guilmon (Stab)
Dorumon (Bash)
Weregarurumon (Slash)
HerculesKabuterimon (Blunt)
Wargreymon (Crush)
Beelzemon BM (Shot)
Blackwargreymon (Crush)
Imperialmon PM (Slash)
Clavisangemon (Stab)
Gallantmon BM (Stab)
Alphamon (Bash)
Imperialmon FM (Shot)
Metalgarurumon (Shot)
Susanomon (Blunt)
GameCube, Xbox | Submitted by Jaroslaw TrelaGetting past Mechanical Core
Okay start off at the BATTLE ARENA and go to the space ship and go to MECHANICAL CORE. At the biggining you will start off on the first floor, later on on the top floor you will see another message it's not that important. Anyway on the first floor travel around the circle a couple times you will see sensors if you step on these stairs will appear to the next floor they will also be different colors red and blue. To get past the level correctly he have to press certain sensors. Below is a list on how to do this.
Floor one-step on a blue sensor and go up the stairs.
Floor two- step on a blue sensor and go up the stairs.
Floor three- step on a blue sensor and go up the stairs.
Floor four- first step on a red sensor DO NOT GO UP THE STAIRS look around and step on a blue sensor and then go back to the red sensor you activated and go up the stairs.
Floor five- turn right and go across the bridge onto the next level.
After you beat MECHANICAL CORE you will be in CORE AREA after you get to the end of this level(IT"S NOT HARD IF YOU ARE AT A GOOD LEVEL around level 28+) you will reach a boss portal leading to the level that contains Mecha Rogue x the leader of the Mecha Rouges and this battle IS hard (recommended level 33+)!
GameCube, Xbox | Submitted by DJ cheaterEasy EXP points
When you get your first mission, go to the gate. When you get to the practice stage, keep on doing it again and again. Do this as much as you want. NOTE: Once you exit practice stage you can't go back and do it again.
GameCube, Xbox | Submitted by Steven BHow to Get Clavisangemon
1. Get Veemon to level 16 and talk to the digilab and get Guilmon.
2. Talk to the digielves you saved from Numenume river until one asks you to defeat all enemies in undead yard.
3. Go to undead yard and defeat all the enemys in 30 minutes.
4. There are hidden rooms you need to find to defeat all the enemies.
5. After you defeat all 279 enemies find a teleport pad and return to the main lobby and go to the digielf who asked you and you will get Clavisangemon.
If this doesn't work you might not have found all the rooms that are hidden behind false walls. To destroy them you hit the walls!
GameCube, Xbox | Submitted by Blazy911Dry land coliseum secret
Dry land's sub section, the Grief Wastland, has an optional route you can take which leads to a rare enemy named Arukenimon. To get there, travel down the west path passed the AncientRuins until you come to a box sitting in front of a green staircase. Walk up the staircasethen immediately go north to run into a batch of poison spitting mecha rouges.Dipose of them,then follow the ledge east until you find a red switch.Press the switch and start heading back the AncientRuins entrance.When you get there,head down the east path until you see a sharp breakable rock to the south of you.Go down the south path a bit to see a purple metal floor connecting to a bridge.Walk across the bridge and drop down the platform enter the coliseum.
GameCube, Xbox | Submitted by Joshua/tweenkieQuick Level Up
In Mummy Desert go to the scorpion place and defeat all of the scorpions except the last (when there is only one coming at you) then use a gate disk and go back to your starting place. They should come back and fight just do over and over again!
PS2 | Submitted by GamesRadarUnlock Agumon as Digivolution ability
Achieve level 16 with Guilmon then talk to the Digi-elf at the digi-lab.
PS2 | Submitted by GamesRadarQuick Level Up
In Mummy Desert go to the scorpion place and defeat all of the scorpions except the last (when there is only one coming at you) then use a gate disk and go back to your starting place. They should come back and fight just do over and over again!
PS2 | Submitted by GamesRadarHow to Get Clavisangemon
1. Get Veemon to level 16 and talk to the digilab and get Guilmon.
2. Talk to the digielves you saved from Numenume river until one asks you to defeat all enemies in undead yard.
3. Go to undead yard and defeat all the enemys in 30 minutes.
4. There are hidden rooms you need to find to defeat all the enemies.
5. After you defeat all 279 enemies find a teleport pad and return to the main lobby and go to the digielf who asked you and you will get Clavisangemon.
If this doesn't work you might not have found all the rooms that are hidden behind false walls. To destroy them you hit the walls!
Digimon World 4 Glitches
GameCube | Submitted by Melee x 321Walk on Mist
Goblin pass, Death Valley, outside of humid cave.
Go to one of the indents near the wall above mist. Then jump or charge attack on the indent. You will fall through the wall and be able to walk on mist. Keep walking near the wall to go back up.
Digimon World 4 Cheats
GameCube | Submitted by Brennan StauskeAll key Locations
For Death V alley one key is in the Cave called Humid Cave, to get the key you must reach the boss and kill him. Boss is Blossomon. Very easy to kill with guns mp or charing attacks with any weapon. The second key is in Cliff dungeon. Another cave. To get this key you must kill mammothmon. kill him with close or far range attack.
DRY LAND:The first key is in another cave called Sand Labyrinth. The boss there is Skullgreymon. Use far range attacking. The other key is in a cave called Ancient Ruins. The boss there is Scorpiomon, which definitley use far range attcking or you'll get crushed.
PS2 | Submitted by DJ CheaterAll Playable Digimon
There 16 playable Digimon and they are [Name (Specialty)]:
Agumon (Blunt)
Veemon (Slash)
Guilmon (Stab)
Dorumon (Bash)
Weregarurumon (Slash)
HerculesKabuterimon (Blunt)
Wargreymon (Crush)
Beelzemon BM (Shot)
Blackwargreymon (Crush)
Imperialmon PM (Slash)
Clavisangemon (Stab)
Gallantmon BM (Stab)
Alphamon (Bash)
Imperialmon FM (Shot)
Metalgarurumon (Shot)
Susanomon (Blunt)
Digivolve Agumon
Train Agumon until he is level 30. You should mainly train at Guard Hall.
Digivole Veemon
To Digivole Veemon get him to level 16. Go to the digi-lab and it will say you've got a new digivole tech and go see it and you will be able to switch frow Vemon to Guilmon.
GameCube, Xbox | Submitted by ::The Videogamer::Infinite BITS & Items
This trick requires your main Digimon as player one and any Digimon as player two. Give all your BITS to player two. Then, save player two at the Save Keeper. Next, Have player two give all BITS to player one. After that, have player two quit the game at the Save Keeper, but this time without saving. Then, go to Call Keeper and have player two join in again with the same Digimon. Repeat this from the beginning until you have 9,999,999 BITS, both in the ban and pocket. Note: You can also use this trick to duplicate items. This is very useful if you want to give some rare weapons and/or armor to a buddy, aquaintance, best friend, or just plain friend.
Digimon World 4 Unlockables
GameCube | Submitted by Ted B.All Playable Digimon
There 16 playable Digimon and they are [Name (Specialty)]:
Agumon (Blunt)
Veemon (Slash)
Guilmon (Stab)
Dorumon (Bash)
Weregarurumon (Slash)
HerculesKabuterimon (Blunt)
Wargreymon (Crush)
Beelzemon BM (Shot)
Blackwargreymon (Crush)
Imperialmon PM (Slash)
Clavisangemon (Stab)
Gallantmon BM (Stab)
Alphamon (Bash)
Imperialmon FM (Shot)
Metalgarurumon (Shot)
Susanomon (Blunt)
GameCube | Submitted by some oneUnlock Agumon as Digivolution ability
Achieve level 16 with Guilmon then talk to the Digi-elf at the digi-lab.
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