DinoHunters trailer revealed

Today is a very special dayat GamesRadar because we havethe trailer for DinoHunters the Game from KumaGames.com- a site for free games made possible by on-site advertising.Finally, a company thatsteps up to the challenge and addressthe glaring lack of gamesthat allow you to hunt woolly mammoths with a rocket launcher.

The trailer is straight to the point. The Australian safari guideputs it well: "Welcome back to dinosaur hunters, mate. We're huntin' pterodactyls, a real mother f@*# of a..."and itdoesn't stop. In addition to the usual, expected bunch of dinos, we saw several Amazonian warriors, a pair of what looked like large beaversand an alien space craft. Everything in the entire trailer seemed to be in need of the kind of blasting that only Hemmingway or a dinosaur hunter could dish out.

Just to seal the deal, momentsafter announcing the pterodactyls, the same guide says, "Beer! What about beer?" And our hearts were stolen.

As with all Kuma games, DinoHunters is powered by the Half-Life 2 source engine, which means that engine is once again bringing us happinessto our computers - this time in the form of itty-bitty dinosaur pieces disappearing into puffs of prehistoric blood. Happy hunting to all you dino blasters out there and enjoy the trailer below.

May 4, 2007

The trailer is straight to the point. The Australian safari guideputs it well: "Welcome back to dinosaur hunters, mate. We're huntin' pterodactyls, a real mother f@*# of a..."and itdoesn't stop. In addition to the usual, expected bunch of dinos, we saw several Amazonian warriors, a pair of what looked like large beaversand an alien space craft. Everything in the entire trailer seemed to be in need of the kind of blasting that only Hemmingway or a dinosaur hunter could dish out.

Just to seal the deal, momentsafter announcing the pterodactyls, the same guide says, "Beer! What about beer?" And our hearts were stolen.

As with all Kuma games, DinoHunters is powered by the Half-Life 2 source engine, which means that engine is once again bringing us happinessto our computers - this time in the form of itty-bitty dinosaur pieces disappearing into puffs of prehistoric blood. Happy hunting to all you dino blasters out there and enjoy the trailer below.

May 4, 2007