Doctor Who: Highlights Of The Comic-Con Panel
Including a scene description of a Comic-Con exclusive clip
The Doctor Who panel kicked off with a clip of the final scene in series six (“Doctor… who?”) Producer Caroline Skinner, Arthur Darvill, Karen Gillan, Matt Smith and the Grand Moff arrive on stage. Series 7 clip promised.
Matt Smith received a huge cheer for suggest that if the whole world was like Comic-Con it would be a better place: “And Who fans shout the loudest!”
Smith also revealed that he had met Peter Jackson the night before, and was rather happy about that. He’s also geeked out over Bryan Cranston and Seth McFarlane.
Karen Gillan admitted she was impressed with all the Amy Pond cosplayers: “I'm loving all the red hair!”
Gillan on Amy's departure: “I was crying at anything for two weeks. Including tender stem broccoli.”
Steven Moffat on Amy and Rory’s departure: “I was relieved when I finished writing their last episode. It's more than writing...”
“There's no way to write them out completely,” challenges compere.... "You reckon?" teases Moffat.
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There's a saloon bar. Smith walks in John Wayne style, matchstick in mouth. Bar lady asks what he'd like; "Tea. The strong stuff. Leave the bag in." He introduces himself as the Doctor. Everyone stands up in the usual saloon welcoming committee style. A man comes to measure Smith... He doesn't want a suit... He's the undertaker. (We think this was a in-joke about a gag in Back to The Future III .) "Are you an alien?" asks a barfly. "Technically I think you're the alien"... And then he's bundled away by the crowd. Good scene.
Moffat refuse to answer a question, from a Dalek, about a multiple Doctors story: “I'm not going to tell you. Not even for the Daleks.”
Moffat says the question, “Doctor… who?” is very important, “And only I know why.”
Karen Gillan again mentions how she’d like to appear in Community .
Matt Smith says he’d like to do an episode set in Atlantis. Moffat points out that Atlantis has been destroyed three time in Doctor Who anyway, but, “we could do it again. To hell with continuity.”
Moffat promises: “Comedy, tragedy, westerns... Lots more. I don't think we've ever had a bigger variety of episodes than the ones we're about to show you.” Adding, “The secret of success… you put dinosaurs on a spaceship.”
There’s another longer clip which we’ll post about in a short while… Just know this. It has dinosaurs, spaceships, Nefertiti, Rory's dad, an Egyptian pyramid, an Edwardian explorer... Awesomes!