Dragon Ball Z Budokai Tenkaichi Cheats
Dragon Ball Z Budokai Tenkaichi FAQs
Dragon Ball Z Budokai Tenkaichi FAQ
Submitted by Mykas0
Dragon Ball Z Budokai Tenkaichi Hints
PS2 | Submitted by Gogeta S.S. 4Complete Ultimate Battle
To complete Ultimate Battle, collect all 7 Dragon Balls and wish for Great Ape/Great Ape(Vegta). Then go on to Ultimate Battle and select either of them. You'll be done in days!
PS2 | Submitted by GamesRadarQuit Ultimate Battle w/o Losing Points
If you're losing a match in Ultimate Battle, press start and select "Return to Main Menu." You won't lose any points this way.
PS2 | Submitted by Lord Zane the 1stCheap KO's
Just about anywhere except story-mode battles that tell you to survive or defeat with a specific attack
As soon as the battle starts use the Kamahama wave, but if your not Goku don't sweat it, use some other attack like it. So when they're down charge for the next one. When they start to get up blast'em again, don't forget to feel high and mighty about kick'n'em while they're down. Next step: Repeat, always repeat.
PS2 | Submitted by Alika Miguel From Waianae(96792)Infinite Dragon Balls
Sayian Saga (battle between Tien & Chiaotzu at Kami's lookout)
In the Sayian Saga there is a battle between Tien (you) & Chiaotzu (com). While you are battling him hit 'em away from you and power dash (hold L1+X) in the direction of the large tower (the pink and yellow one) and a orange dot will appear that means a Dragon Ball is near. Follow the orange dot and you'll find a Dragon Ball you can do this as many times as you want to.
PS2 | Submitted by cyber hawkEasy Dragon Balls
To get all the dragon balls, go to the battle gate and then go to Sayian Saga: Yamcha vs. Krilin and complete it over and over agian. Do this, and you could get all the wishes!
PS2 | Submitted by some guyEasy 7 Dragon Balls
First go to any stage where you can get a dragon ball i find it easier to go to the sayan saga and pick any stage where you train as krillin or tien etc on kamis lookout and just play that stage over and over again collecting the dragon balls and you will have all seven in no time and the good thing is after you collect all seven you can do it all over again
PS2 | Submitted by cyber hawkDragon Ball Wishes
Get all of the dragon balls to wish for:
1. "The True World Tournament"
2. Kid Goku
3. Master Roshi
4. General Tao
5. Great Ape
6. Great Ape (Vegeta)
7. Passwords
PS2 | Submitted by Pillsburydoughboy123Easy Way to Survive Under a Time Limit
If you cant survive in the time limit than (doesnt work on the big apes) run to your opponent and charge hit him than run to him and hit him 4 times than tap triangle and continuosly do that untill time runs out.
PS2 | Submitted by GamesRadarStages
Earth waste land
Earth rocky area
Planet Namek
World tournament stage
City (ruins)
Mountain road
Cell Games arena
Kami's Lookout
Hyperbolic Time Chamber
Supreme Kai's World
Dragon Ball Z Budokai Tenkaichi Unlockables
PS2 | Submitted by jordanUnlock Bojack
Fuse two Purple Potaras (Galactic Warriors and Seal Release) to unlock Bojack.
PS2 | Submitted by jordanUnlock Burter
Defeat Burter with Goku to unlock him.
PS2 | Submitted by jordanUnlock Base Gotenks
Defeat Super Buu with SSJ Gotenks to unlock Base Gotenks.
PS2 | Submitted by jordanUnlock Android 19
Defeat Android 19 with SSJ Vegeta to unlock him.
PS2 | Submitted by jordanUnlock Bardock
Fuse two Purple Potaras (Kakarot and Hatred of Saiyans) to unlock Bardock.
PS2 | Submitted by jordanUnlock Base Vegito
Fight Majin Buu vs. Kid Buu and let the timer expire to unlock Base Vegito.
PS2 | Submitted by jordanUnlock Broly
Fuse two Purple Potaras to unlock Broly.
PS2 | Submitted by jordanUnlock Baby Vegeta
Fuse two Purple Potaras (Tuffles and Artificial Bruits Waves) to unlock Baby Vegeta.
PS2 | Submitted by jordanUnlock Base Long Haired Future Trunks
Successfully complete Z-Battle Gate to unlock Base Long Haired Future Trunks.
PS2 | Submitted by jordanUnlock Android 20
Defeat Android 20 with Piccolo to unlock him.
PS2 | Submitted by jordanUnlock Android 18
Defeat Android 18 with SSJ Vegeta to unlock him.
PS2 | Submitted by jordanUnlock Android 17
Defeat Android 17 with Piccolo to unlock him.
PS2 | Submitted by jordanUnlock Super Buu Gotenks Absorbed
Fuse two Purple Potaras (Super Saiyan 3 Gotenks and Absorption) to unlock Super Buu Gotenks absorbed.
PS2 | Submitted by jordanUnlock Super Buu
Defeat Super Buu in the fight absorbed Gohan to unlock him.
PS2 | Submitted by jordanUnlock SSJ4 Vegeta
Defeat Broly with USSJ Vegeta to unlock SSJ4 Vegeta.
PS2 | Submitted by jordanUnlock Videl
Fight Hercules vs. Kid Buu and allow the timer to expire to unlock Videl.
PS2 | Submitted by jordanUnlock USSJ Vegeta
Fight USSJ Vegeta vs. Kid Buu and allow the timer to expire to unlock USSJ Vegeta.
PS2 | Submitted by jordanUnlock Nappa
Defeat Nappa with Goku to unlock him.
PS2 | Submitted by jordanUnlock Mystic Adult Gohan
Fuse two Purple Potaras (Super Saiyan 2 Gohan and Elder Supreme Kai) to unlock Mystic Adult Gohan.
PS2 | Submitted by jordanUnlock Mecha Frieza
Fuse two Purple Potaras (Frieza Final Form Full Power and Reconstruction Surgery) to unlock Mecha Frieza.
PS2 | Submitted by jordanUnlock Kid Buu
Defeat Kid Buu with Goku to unlock him.
PS2 | Submitted by jordanUnlock Guldo
Defeat Guldo with Choutzu to unlock him.
PS2 | Submitted by jordanUnlock Hercule
Defeat Hercule with Perfect Cell to unlock him.
PS2 | Submitted by jordanUnlock Goten
Defeat Adult Gohan to unlock Goten.
PS2 | Submitted by jordanUnlock Frieza Third Form
Defeat Frieza with Vegeta to unlock Frieza third form.
PS2 | Submitted by jordanUnlock Great Saiyaman
Fuse two Purple Potara (Gohan and Transforming Hero set) to unlock Great Saiyaman.
PS2 | Submitted by jordanUnlock Frieza 100% Final Form
Fuse two Purple Potaras (Frieza Final Form and Super Transformation) to unlock Frieza 100% final form.
PS2 | Submitted by jordanUnlock Evil Buu
Fuse two Purple Potaras (Majin Buu Good and Wicked Person's Bullet) to unlock Evil Buu.
PS2 | Submitted by jordanUnlock Dodoria
Defeat Dodoria with Vegeta to unlock him.
PS2 | Submitted by jordanUnlock Super Buu Ultimate Gohan Absorbed
Fuse two Purple Potaras (Ultimate Gohan and Absorption) to unlock Super Buu Ultimate Gohan absorbed.
PS2 | Submitted by jordanUnlock SSJ4 Goku
Defeat Super Android 17 with SSJ4 Goku to unlock SSJ4 Goku.
PS2 | Submitted by jordanUnlock SSJ3 Goku
Defeat Majin Buu with SSJ3 Goku to unlock SSJ3 Goku.
PS2 | Submitted by jordanUnlock SSJ Teen Gohan
Successfully complete Z-Battle Gate to unlock SSJ Teen Gohan.
PS2 | Submitted by jordanUnlock SSJ Adult Gohan
Defeat Buu to unlock SSJ Adult Gohan.
PS2 | Submitted by jordanUnlock SSJ Goku
Defeat Frieza with SSJ Goku to unlock SSJ Goku.
PS2 | Submitted by jordanUnlock Super Android 17
Fuse two Purple Potaras (Android 17 and Android 17) to unlock Super Android 17.
PS2 | Submitted by jordanUnlock SSJ3 Gotenks
Fuse two Purple Potaras (Super Saiyan and Super Saiyan Gotenks) to unlock SSJ3 Gotenks.
PS2 | Submitted by jordanUnlock SSJ4 Gogeta
Fuse two Purple Potaras (SS4 Goku's fusion and SS4 Goku's fusion) to unlock SSJ4 Gogeta.
PS2 | Submitted by jordanUnlock SSJ2 Gogeta
Fuse two Purple Potaras (Goku's Fusion and Vegeta's Fusion) to unlock SSJ2 Gogeta.
PS2 | Submitted by jordanUnlock SSJ2 Vegeta
Successfully complete Z-Battle Gate to unlock SSJ2 Vegeta.
PS2 | Submitted by jordanUnlock SSJ2 Teen Gohan
Successfully complete Z-Battle Gate to unlock SSJ2 Teen Gohan.
PS2 | Submitted by jordanUnlock SSJ Vegito (Super Vegito)
Fuse two Purple Potaras (Super Saiyan and Vegito) to unlock SSJ Vegito (Super Vegito).
PS2 | Submitted by jordanUnlock SSJ2 Adult Gohan
Defeat Buu to unlock SSJ2 Adult Gohan.
PS2 | Submitted by jordanUnlock SSJ Vegeta
Defeat Android 18 to unlock SSJ Vegeta.
PS2 | Submitted by jordanUnlock SSJ Gotenks
Defeat Super Buu with SSJ3 Gotenks to unlock SSJ Gotenks.
PS2 | Submitted by jordanUnlock SSJ Long Haired Future Trunks
Successfully complete Z-Battle Gate to unlock SSJ Long Haired Future Trunks.
PS2 | Submitted by jordanUnlock SSJ Kid Trunks
Defeat Hercule to unlock SSJ Kid Trunks.
PS2 | Submitted by jordanUnlock Future Trunks
Defeat Cyber Frieza to unlock SSJ Future Trunks.
PS2 | Submitted by jordanUnlock SS2 Goku
Defeat Perfect Cell to unlock SS2 Goku.
PS2 | Submitted by jordanUnlock Semi Perfect Cell
Defeat Semi Perfect Cell with SSJ2 Gohan to unlock him.
PS2 | Submitted by jordanUnlock Radditz
Defeat Radditz with Piccolo to unlock him.
PS2 | Submitted by jordanUnlock Saibamen
Successfully complete Radditz Saga 100% to unlock Saibamen.
PS2 | Submitted by jordanUnlock Recoome
Defeat Recoome with Goku to unlock him.
PS2 | Submitted by jordanUnlock Perfect Cell Perfect Form
Fuse two Purple Potaras (Super Saiyan Goku and Cell Perfect Form) to unlock Perfect Cell Perfect Form.
PS2 | Submitted by jordanSAYIAN SAGA: Krilin VS Yamcha
Blow Kami's house (the central one) and there's the dragonball!
PS2 | Submitted by jordanSAYIAN SAGA: Tien VS Chiaotzu
Blow Kami's house (the central one) and there's the dragonball!
PS2 | Submitted by jordanSAYIAN SAGA: Yamcha VS Krilin
Blow Kami's house (the central one) and there's the dragonball!
PS2 | Submitted by jordanUnlock Zarbon
Defeat Zarbon with Vegeta to unlock him.
PS2 | Submitted by jordanUnlock USSJ2 Long Haired Future Trunks
Fuse two Purple Potaras (Super Saiyan and Super Saiyan Trunks) to unlock USSJ2 Long Haired Future Trunks.
PS2 | Submitted by jordanUnlock Tao Pai Pan
Collect seven Dragonballs in Z-Battle Gate to unlock Tao Pai Pan.
PS2 | Submitted by jordanUnlock Master Roshi
Collect seven Dragonballs in Z-Battle Gate to unlock Master Roshi.
PS2 | Submitted by jordanUnlock Monster Zarbon
Defeat Monster Zarbon with Vegeta to unlock him.
PS2 | Submitted by jordanUnlock Majin Vegeta
Fuse two Purple Potaras (Super Saiyan 2 Vegeta and Babidi) to unlock Majin Vegeta.
PS2 | Submitted by jordanUnlock Kid Goku
Collect seven Dragonballs in Z-Battle Gate to unlock Kid Goku.
PS2 | Submitted by jordanUnlock Majin Buu
Defeat Super Buu Gohan with SSJ Vegito to unlock Majin Buu.
PS2 | Submitted by jordanUnlock Kid Trunks
Defeat Vegeta to unlock Kid Trunks.
PS2 | Submitted by jordanUnlock Janemba
Fuse two Purple Potaras (Psyche Orge and Peoples Maliciousness) to unlock Janemba.
PS2 | Submitted by jordanUnlock Jeice
Defeat Jeice with Goku to unlock him.
PS2 | Submitted by jordanUnlock Frieza Final Form
Defeat Frieza final form with Goku to unlock him.
PS2 | Submitted by jordanUnlock Frieza Second Form
Defeat Frieza with Kid Gohan to unlock Frieza second form.
PS2 | Submitted by jordanUnlock Android 16
Defeat Android 16 with Cell to unlock him.
PS2 | Submitted by jordanUnlock Dabura
Defeat Dabura with Gohan to unlock him.
PS2 | Submitted by jordanUnlock Cooler
Fuse two Purple Potaras (Frieza's Older Brother and Super Transformation) to unlock Cooler.
PS2 | Submitted by Alex GuerraCell Games
World Tournament
Complete all tournaments to unlock Cell Games.
PS2 | Submitted by jordanFRIEZA SAGA: Goku VS Recoome
Fly to your back, at your right there will be two blowable rocks, it is one of them. Note: it is under water.
PS2 | Submitted by jordanSAYIAN SAGA: Chiaotzu Vs Tien
Blow Kami's house (the central one) and there's the dragonball![/b].
PS2 | Submitted by jordanSAYIANS VS FRIEZA SAGA: Saibamen VS Frieza
Fly straight forward, pass through Frieza's location and you'll see two blowable rocks, the dragon ball is in one of them. Note: it is under water.
PS2 | Submitted by jordan7 Dragon Ball Locations
There are dragon balls on all the scenarios on the z gate mode. Here are seven of them:
PS2 | Submitted by jordanCaptain Ginyu
Defeat Captain Ginyu with Goku to unlock him.
PS2 | Submitted by jordanEvil Vegeta
Fuse two Purple Potaras (Vegeta and Scouter) to unlock Evil Vegeta.
PS2 | Submitted by jordanSAYIAN SAGA: Piccolo VS Raditz
This is a the hardest one to find cause the scenario is very confusing, you just fly to your back and smash Raditz against the nearer rocks, but remember, it is always in your back.
PS2 | Submitted by jordanSSJ Goten
Defeat Goten with Kid Trunks to unlock SSJ Goten.
Dragon Ball Z Budokai Tenkaichi Glitches
PS2 | Submitted by Shhh.SS4 Goku Glitch
When you unlock Super saiyan 4 Goku, Don't use him too much or he will speak Japanese (without going to options to change language) after he wins in dueling.
Dragon Ball Z Budokai Tenkaichi Cheats
PS2 | Submitted by GamesRadarDefeating the Oozaru
In the first Oozaru mission (Saiyan Saga), you are supposed to survive. However, if desired you can actually win. Rush toward it, then press Attack(3), X to stun it momentarily. Repeat this as needed. You will not only survive, but will defeat the Oozaru.
PS2 | Submitted by GamesRadarMaster Skills
Unlock all characters, then start Ultimate Battle mode on the Normal difficulty setting. Select "Practice", then defeat ten consecutive characters. This will unlock the Dragon Power Purple Potara. Defeat twenty consecutive characters to unlock the Miracle Purple Potara. Fuse the Miracle and Dragon Power Purple Potaras to get Master Skills.
PS2 | Submitted by GamesRadarWishes
Get all seven Dragonballs in Battle Gate mode to make a wish. You will be able to wish for Password mode and Story "True World Tournament".
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