Dragon Ball Z: Ultimate Tenkaichi Cheats

Dragon Ball Z: Ultimate Tenkaichi Unlockables

  • Xbox 360, PS3 | Submitted by Brandon A Langston

    Master body type unlocks

    Defeat the indicated character(s) in Hero mode to unlock the Master for the corresponding body type(s):

    All Body Sizes (Android #17 and Android 18): Defeat Androids #17 and #18.

    All Body Sizes (Frieza, Cui, and Trunks): Defeat Omega Shenron (first fight).

    All Body Sizes (Majin Vegeta, Ultimate Gohan, and Cell): Defeat Omega Shenron (second fight).

    All Body Sizes (Piccolo, Raditz, and Bardock): Defeat Piccolo.

    All Body Sizes (Tien and Captain Ginyu): Defeat Captain Ginyu.

    Heavy Hero (Legendary Super Saiyan Broly, Super Janemba, and Super Vegito): Defeat Ultimate Shenron (Boss battle).

    Light Hero (Goku, Vegeta, and Teen Gohan): Defeat Great Ape Baby (Boss battle).

    Light Hero (Super Gotenks, Super Gogeta, and Super Vegito): Defeat Ultimate Shenron (Boss battle).

    Standard and Heavy Hero (Goku, Vegeta, and Nappa): Defeat Great Ape Baby (Boss battle).

    Standard Hero (Super Janemba, Super Gogeta, and Super Vegito): Defeat Ultimate Shenron (Boss battle).

  • Xbox 360, PS3 | Submitted by Brandon A Langston

    Hero Unlockables

    Successfully complete the indicated task to unlock the corresponding bonus:

    Light type

    Barrage Death Beam: Successfully complete Frieza's Sparring 3.

    Big Tree Cannon: Successfully complete Trunks' Sparring 8.

    Charging Ultra Buu Buu Volleyball: Successfully complete Gotenks' Sparring 13.

    Destroy The Planet: Successfully complete Frieza's Sparring 8.

    Destructo Disc: Successfully complete Krillin's Sparring 6.

    DIE DIE Missile Barrage: Successfully complete Gotenks' Sparring 10.

    Energy Blast Barrage: Successfully complete Ultimate Gohan's Sparring 5.

    Evil Warrior Aura Pink: Successfully complete Cui's Sparring 8.

    Explosive Ki Blast: Successfully complete Gotenks' Sparring 10.

    Fiery Ki Blast: Successfully complete Super Gogeta's Sparring 13.

    Fissure Slash: Successfully complete Frieza's Sparring 6.

    Flash: Successfully complete Cell's Sparring 10.

    Frieza Final Form Aura: Successfully complete Frieza's Sparring 4.

    Galactic Donuts: Successfully complete Super Gogeta's Sparring 13.

    Gohan Type: Successfully complete Gohan's Sparring 8.

    Gotenks Type: Successfully complete Gotenks' Sparring 13.

    Great Shield: Successfully complete Gotenks' Sparring 13.

    Health+10: Successfully complete Gotenks' Sparring 3.

    Health+4: Successfully complete Piccolo's Sparring 1.

    Health+6: Successfully complete Goku's Sparring 2.

    Health+9: Successfully complete Frieza's Sparring 8.

    High Shield: Successfully complete Majin Vegeta's Sparring 10.

    Homing Energy Wave: Successfully complete Tien's Sparring 6.

    Intense Ki Blast: Successfully complete Super Vegito's Sparring 3.

    Kaioken Aura: Successfully complete Goku's Sparring 4.

    Kamehameha: Successfully complete Krillin's Sparring 3.

    Ki Blast Attack+1: Successfully complete Krillin's Sparring 1.

    Ki Blast Attack+10: Successfully complete Ultimate Gohan's Sparring 10.

    Ki Blast Attack+2: Successfully complete Ginyu's Sparring 6.

    Ki Blast Attack+3: Successfully complete #18's Sparring 1.

    Ki Blast Attack+4: Successfully complete Bardock's Sparring 1.

    Ki Blast Attack+5: Successfully complete Piccolo's Sparring 6.

    Ki Blast Attack+6: Successfully complete Gohan's Sparring 2.

    Ki Blast Attack+7: Successfully complete Trunks' Sparring 2.

    Ki Blast Attack+9: Successfully complete Cell's Sparring 5.

    Kid Buu Aura: Successfully complete Super Vegito's Sparring 8.

    Melee Attack+3: Successfully complete #17's Sparring 6.

    Melee Attack+8: Successfully complete Majin Vegeta's Sparring 2.

    Navy Flame Aura: Successfully complete Trunks' Sparring 4.

    Perpetual Motion Machine: Successfully complete Super Gogeta's Sparring 10.

    Pink Flame Aura: Successfully complete Ginyu's Sparring 3.

    Quiet Rage: Successfully complete Goku's Sparring 8.

    Red Flame Aura: Successfully complete #17's Sparring 3.

    Revenge Cannon: Successfully complete Super Vegito's Sparring 13.

    Shiden: Successfully complete Super Vegito's Sparring 10.

    Shield: Successfully complete Raditz's Sparring 6.

    Spread Energy Blast: Successfully complete #18's Sparring 6.

    Super Assault Combo: Successfully complete Gohan's Sparring 3.

    Super Attack+6: Successfully complete Gohan's Sparring 8.

    Super Gogeta Aura: Successfully complete Super Gogeta's Sparring 8.

    Super Kamehameha: Successfully complete Gohan's Sparring 6.

    Super Masenko: Successfully complete Piccolo's Sparring 3.

    Super Saiyan 4 Aura: Successfully complete Gotenks' Sparring 8.

    Super Saiyan Aura B: Successfully complete Vegeta's Sparring 4.

    Whirlwind: Successfully complete Vegeta's Sparring 8.

    You Might Die This Time: Successfully complete Frieza's Sparring 4.

    Heavy type

    Abyss Impact: Successfully complete #18's Sparring 3.

    Android Charge 14: Successfully complete #17's Sparring 6.

    Arm Break: Successfully complete Nappa's Sparring 6.

    Broly Type: Successfully complete Broly's Sparring 13.

    Brutal Destruction: Successfully complete Super Janemba's Sparring 8.

    Burning Shoot: Successfully complete Ultimate Gohan's Sparring 5.

    Cell Type: Successfully complete Cell's Sparring 10.

    Darkness Sword Attack: Successfully complete Majin Vegeta's Sparring 7.

    Dimension Sword Attack: Successfully complete Super Janemba's Sparring 13.

    Dore Terrible Flash: Successfully complete Cui's Sparring 8.

    Double Eraser Cannon: Successfully complete Broly's Sparring 5.

    Eraser Cannon: Successfully complete Raditz's Sparring 3.

    Eraser Shot Volley: Successfully complete Bardock's Sparring 6.

    Evil Warrior Aura Green: Successfully complete Cui's Sparring 8.

    Eye Beam: Successfully complete #16's Sparring 2.

    Full Power Frieza Aura: Successfully complete Frieza's Sparring 4.

    Full Power SS Deadly Bomber: Successfully complete #18's Sparring 6.

    Galactic Blow: Successfully complete Goku's Sparring 8.

    Galactic Tyrant: Successfully complete Vegeta's Sparring 8.

    Gold Flame Aura: Successfully complete Trunks' Sparring 4.

    Grand Smasher: Successfully complete Broly's Sparring 13.

    Grease Lightning: Successfully complete Broly's Sparring 3.

    Green Flame Aura: Successfully complete Tien's Sparring 6.

    Health +2: Successfully complete Ginyu's Sparring 6.

    Health +3: Successfully complete #16's Sparring 6.

    Health +7: Successfully complete Trunks' Sparring 2.

    Hyper Tornado: Successfully complete Ultimate Gohan's Sparring 3.

    Iron Wall: Successfully complete Majin Vegeta's Sparring 10.

    Legendary Super Saiyan Broly Aura: Successfully complete Broly's Sparring 8.

    Lightning Shower Rain: Successfully complete Super Janemba's Sparring 5.

    Lightning Speed: Successfully complete Super Janemba's Sparring 10.

    Machine Impact: Successfully complete #16's Sparring 4.

    Majin Buu Aura: Successfully complete Super Vegito's Sparring 8.

    Majin Vegeta Aura: Successfully complete Majin Vegeta's Sparring 5.

    Melee Attack +1: Successfully complete #16's Sparring 1.

    Melee Attack +10: Successfully complete Ultimate Gohan's Sparring 10.

    Melee Attack +2: Successfully complete #17's Sparring 1.

    Melee Attack +5: Successfully complete Piccolo's Sparring 1.

    Melee Attack +6: Successfully complete Goku's Sparring 2.

    Melee Attack +7: Successfully complete Frieza's Sparring 2.

    Melee Attack +9: Successfully complete Cell's Sparring 10.

    Mystic Crasher: Successfully complete Piccolo's Sparring 6.

    Nappa Cannon: Successfully complete Nappa's Sparring 8.

    Nappa Type: Successfully complete Nappa's Sparring 8.

    New Android Aura: Successfully complete #18's Sparring 3.

    Omega Shenron Aura: Successfully complete Super Janemba's Sparring 13.

    Perfect Combination: Successfully complete Cell's Sparring 5.

    Please Leave: Successfully complete Piccolo's Sparring 3.

    Protection: Successfully complete Broly's Sparring 13.

    Pure Blood Saiyan Aura: Successfully complete Bardock's Sparring 3.

    Purple Flame Aura: Successfully complete Ginyu's Sparring 3.

    Resilient Body: Successfully complete Super Janemba's Sparring 8.

    Revenger Cannon: Successfully complete Super Vegito's Sparring 13.

    Robo-type Android Aura: Successfully complete #16's Sparring 3.

    Self Destruct Device: Successfully complete #16's Sparring 6.

    Solar Kamehameha: Successfully complete Cell's Sparring 7.

    Sturm Und Drang: Successfully complete Super Vegito's Sparring 3.

    Super Attack +4: Successfully complete Bardock's Sparring 1.

    Super Attack +8: Successfully complete Majin Vegeta's Sparring 2.

    Super Saiyan 2 Aura: Successfully complete Vegeta's Sparring 4.

    Super Saiyan 3 Aura: Successfully complete Goku's Sparring 4.

    Thruster Kick: Successfully complete Cui's Sparring 6.

    Thunder Flash: Successfully complete Ultimate Gohan's Sparring 7.

    Tough: Successfully complete Raditz's Sparring 6.

    Trap Shooter: Successfully complete Trunks' Sparring 8.

    Ultimate Blow: Successfully complete Super Vegito's Sparring 5.

    Volcano Eruption: Successfully complete Nappa's Sparring 4.

    Yellow Flame Aura: Successfully complete #17's Sparring 3.

    You Are Stronger Than I Expected: Successfully complete Frieza's Sparring 8.

  • Xbox 360, PS3 | Submitted by Brandon A Langston

    Unlockable Super and Ultimate attacks

    Successfully complete the indicated task to unlock the corresponding attack for created characters in Hero mode:

    Abyss Impact: Successfully complete 50% of training with Android #18 with a heavy character.

    Android Charge 14: Successfully complete 100% of training with Android #17 with a heavy character.

    Brutal Destruction: Successfully complete 61% of training with Janemba with a heavy character.

    Dimension Sword Attack: Successfully complete 100% of training with Janemba with a heavy character.

    Dore Terrible Flash: Successfully complete 100% of training with Cui with a heavy character.

    Eraser Shot Volley: Successfully complete 100% of training with Bardock with a heavy character.

    Full Power S.S. Bomber: Successfully complete 100% of training with Android #18 with a heavy character.

    Galactic Blow: Successfully complete 100% of training with Goku with a heavy character.

    Galactic Tyrant: Successfully complete 100% of training with Vegeta with a heavy character.

    Lightning Shower Rain: Successfully complete 38% of training with Janemba with a heavy character.

    Mystic Crasher: Successfully complete 100% of training with Piccolo with a heavy character.

    Perfect Combination: Successfully complete 50% of training with Cell with a heavy character.

    Please Leave...: Successfully complete 50% of training with Piccolo with a heavy character.

    Silent Assasin 13: Successfully complete 38% of training with Vegito with a standard character.

    Solar Kamehameha: Successfully complete 70% of training with Cell with a heavy character.

    Trap Shooter: Successfully complete 100% of training with Trunks with a heavy character.

    True Kamehameha: Successfully complete 100% of training with Janemba with a standard character.

    You Are Stronger Than I Expected!: Successfully complete 100% of training with Frieza with a heavy character.

  • Xbox 360 | Submitted by GamesRadar

    Dragon Ball Z: Ultimate Tenkaichi achievements

    Achievement list

    The Actors are All in Play! (35 points)
    Excluding custom Heroes, unlock all characters and forms.

    World Domination! (10 points)
    Fight on all maps.

    Training All Over Again (5 points)
    Do Training for the first time.

    Don't Forget the Basics (20 points)
    Complete Tutorial until the end.

    Beginning of a Fantastic Tale (5 points)
    Win 1 Event Battle in Story Mode

    Monster on a Full Moon (10 points)
    Clear a Giant Boss Battle in Story Mode for the first time.

    Great Air Battle! (5 points)
    Do a Chase Battle in Story Mode for the first time

    Goodbye, Dragon World (30 points)
    Clear Story Mode for the first time

    I'm Going to Change the World! (5 points)
    Win 1 Event Battle in Hero Mode

    Your Real Training Starts Here (10 points)
    Clear Hero Mode training for the first time

    All 7 Are Here! (20 points)
    Obtain 7 Dragon Balls in Story Mode

    I Changed the World! (40 points)
    Clear Hero Mode for the first time

    How Do I Look? (10 points)
    Obtain a Hero hairstyle for the first time

    Becoming Fashion Aware (10 points)
    Obtain a Hero costume for the first time

    The Martial Artist's Path (10 points)
    Obtain a Hero Fight Style for the first time

    Master! Please Teach Me! (10 points)
    Obtain a Hero Master for the first time

    Limit Breaker (30 points)
    Obtain 20000 Hero AP

    Growing in Power (10 points)
    Obtain 500 Hero AP

    Point Getter (20 points)
    Obtain 1000 Hero AP

    Tapping into Latent Power (20 points)
    Collect 10 Skills

    Skill Master (30 points)
    Collect 20 Skills

    Which One Shall I Choose? (20 points)
    Collect 10 Super Attacks

    Super Attack Collector (30 points)
    Collect 30 Super Attacks

    I Still Want To Fight (15 points)
    Win 5 times in 1P vs. CPU battle.

    I Want to Fight Someone Strong! (20 points)
    Win 30 times in 1P vs. CPU battle.

    Fight Seeker (30 points)
    Win 50 times in a 1P vs. "Very Strong" CPU battle.

    Defense Learner (10 points)
    Perform Defense Reaction-Guard 10 times total in real battle.

    Defense Professional (30 points)
    Perform Defense Reaction-Guard 100 times total in real battle.

    Evasion Learner (10 points)
    Perform Defense Reaction-Evade 10 times total in real battle.

    Evasion Fiend (30 points)
    Perform Defense Reaction-Evade 100 times total in real battle.

    Interception Learner (10 points)
    Perform Defense Reaction-Intercept 10 times total in real battle.

    Counter Hero (30 points)
    Perform Defense Reaction-Intercept 100 times total in real battle.

    Expert (10 points)
    Successfully perform Clashes 20 times total in real battle.

    I See Right Through You! (30 points)
    Successfully perform Clashes 100 times total in real battle.

    Moves On Parade (20 points)
    Perform 50 Super Attacks total in real battle.

    Master of Moves (20 points)
    Perform 50 Ultimate Attacks total in real battle.

    World Tournament Champion (30 points)
    Win the World Tournament.

    Cell Games Champion (30 points)
    Win the Cell Games.

    W.Tournament True Champion (40 points)
    Champion of World Tournament on Hard Difficulty.

    Cell Games True Champion (40 points)
    Champion of Cell Games on Hard Difficulty.

    Battle Rookie (5 points)
    Battle 1 time on Xbox LIVE

    Regular Battle Customer (20 points)
    Battle 10 times on Xbox LIVE

    Battle Veteran (20 points)
    Battle 30 times on Xbox LIVE

    Title Holder (20 points)
    Collect 5 or more titles.

    Title King (40 points)
    Collect 30 or more titles.

    Secret Achievements

    Secret Achievement (15 points)
    Continue playing to unlock this secret achievement.

    Secret Achievement (20 points)
    Continue playing to unlock this secret achievement.

    Secret Achievement (40 points)
    Continue playing to unlock this secret achievement.

    Secret Achievement (20 points)
    Continue playing to unlock this secret achievement.

Dragon Ball Z: Ultimate Tenkaichi Hints

  • Xbox 360 | Submitted by Bigumz93

    Easy win against any CPU

    Any fight against CPU (Excluding Big Boss Battles)

    During any fight against a normal computer, all you have to do is go into Blast Range, fly above your opponent (keep a good vertical distance between you or you will enter Melee Range), stay RIGHT on top of him/her and just use strong ki (Y) attacks the entire fight. You can hit them, but they cannot hit you.

    They may circle around you or move away a couple steps, just follow them and hammer away with strong ki blasts (weak ki shots won't hit). It doesn't matter if they are charged (Hold Y) or not (Click Y), i prefer non though.

    This also builds up the charge to use Special and Ultimate attacks while draining their Ki to defend/evade/intercept. So when they're in the red and you have enough charge, finish them with an Ultimate for fun.

    You'll also have to re-do the entire process during mid-fight cut-scenes in Hero Mode and Story Mode.

    This won't work on giant boss battles (Great Ape, Baby Ape, Ultimate Shenron)

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