DragonBall Z: Budokai Cheats
DragonBall Z: Budokai Unlockables
PS2 | Submitted by GamesRadarGet Freizas Spaceship
Beat the Namak Saga and exit Story mode. Then go to Mr. Popos shop and in the recommended place and if it is not there exit and then return until it comes. It cost 12,000 but it is really really really useful!
PS2 | Submitted by GamesRadarTo get Teen Gohan
When selecting character, highlight kid gohan and press square, you should get a box giving you the choice of kid gohan or teen gohan.
GameCube | Submitted by DefianceGet All Characters
Complete story mode (including the extra sections after initially completing the game).
The remaining characters can be unlocked by winning world match on all difficulties.
GameCube | Submitted by SS5 Goku #24Alternate Planet Namek
Go to practice mode and pick Goku (make sure he has "spirit bomb") Then go to Planet Namek and use the spirit bomb on whoever you had chosen to be an opponent. After that you should see a water surrounding you and you will see a water tornado and lots of other stuff.
GameCube | Submitted by Anthony CrawfordGet New Characters
Android #16:
You can unlock #16 when you complete the "Aim For Perfect Form" episode.
Cell, Android #17,and Teen Gohan:
Play through "The Androids Saga" at any level.
Freiza, Ginyu, and Recoome:
Play through "The Namek Saga" at any level.
Win a World Match Tournament at the "Adept" level.
Radditz, Vegeta, and Nappa:
Play through "The Saiyan Saga" at any level
Win a World Match Tournament at the "Advanced" level.
You can unlock trunks when you complete the "Perfect Form Cell Complete" episode.
You can unlock Yamcha when you complete the "Aim For Perfect Form" episode.
You can unlock Zarbon when you complete the "Vegeta's Attack" episode.
you start with him
Kid Gohan:
You start with him
You start with him
You start with him
GameCube | Submitted by big jHow to Unlock Omega
To unlock omega friezas ultimate form really scary what you have to do is beat the game on all difficulty levels and this is gong to take a long time to do you have to unlock all characters then go to tournament mod and beat it on the hardest difficulty level with all characters after you do that go back to tournament mode put it on hard and then after you beat that omega will appear you have to beat him to get him.
GameCube | Submitted by Frank HunterGet all Characters!
To get all the characters simply play through story mode.
Radditz, Nappa, Vegeta-complete the saiyan saga.
Freiza, Captain Ginyu, Recoome- complete the namek saga.
cell, android 17 and teen gohan-complete the androids saga.
android 16,Yamcha-complete "the aim for perfect cell" episode.
Trunks- complete the "perfect form cell complete" episode.
Zarbon-complete the "vegeta's attack" episode.
Hercule(The weak man who takes glory for killing cell)-complete world tournament at adept level.
(Great)saiyaman-complete the world tournament at advanced level.
Oolong-complete the story mode on very hard WITHOUT using ANY continues.
Super saiyan(Goku)-complete the Namek saga.
super saiyan(Vegeta)- play through the androids saga.
super saiyan and super saiyan2 (Gohan)-complete the androids saga.
Super Vegeta-Complete "Vegeta's confidence"
To get all the moves for a character get all seven dragonballs and wish for the "breakthrough" capsule. (it comes up with random characters to do this on if you do not like the characters that appear. turn off your console and try again. Repeat until you get your desired character).
GameCube | Submitted by BrolySS4 Goku
Beat tournament mode with all characters on advanced then hold select + X while selecting goku he should power up to ss4 but he is only as strong as a normal ss but it is still cool.
GameCube | Submitted by GamesRadarEasy way to get all DragonBalls
You can collect all 7 DragonBalls during the game, They cost 8000 Zenie at Mr. Popo's Shop. The are listed under Recomended and you can buy them over and over. Just keep going in and out of Mr. Popo's shop until it shows a black capsule by the word recommended and it will say like '1-7 star DragonBall'. That saves you from going to recommended and buying and buying till it pops up a DragonBall capsule.
PS2 | Submitted by GamesRadarZarbon
You can unlock Zarbon when you complete the "Vegeta's Attack" episode.
PS2 | Submitted by GamesRadarRadditz, Vegeta, and Nappa
Play through "The Saiyan Saga" at any level
PS2 | Submitted by GamesRadarFreiza, Ginyu, and Recoome
Play through "The Namek Saga" at any level.
PS2 | Submitted by GamesRadarHercule
Win a World Match Tournament at the "Adept" level.
PS2 | Submitted by AlexandraSecret Characters And others Unlocked
Complete Story mode to get skills and characters, you will get these as you progress through story mode. Once u have finished you will notice that u will have all BUT one character in the character selection screen (Mr Satan, also known as Hercule in the UK.
To get hercule u must beat World Tournament mode - on Adept level.
To get The Great Saiyan Man (Adult Gohan) u must beat World Tournament mode - on Advanced Level.
to get Adept Level on Tournament mode, Beat Novice Level and goto Mr Popo's Skill shop, goto the Capsual Named "reccomended" and it should be Adept level - buy it and there u go. (Note - the first time u get recommended it will be Mr Satans Legend Mode, after u have bought that, u can buy Adept level)
to get Advanced Level on Tournament mode, Beat Adept Level and goto Mr Popo's Skill shop, goto the Capsual Named "reccomended" and it should be Adavnced level - buy it and there u go.
to get Mr Satans (Hercules)Legend mode, which is the 7th Dragonball on the menu screen. Beat World Tournamet - on Novice level. Once u have done that, goto Mr Popo's Skill shop and u will see a cupsual named "reccomeded" it will be Mr Satans Legend mode - Buy it and there u go.
You can beat Any of the Tournament modes to get money, and u can use this money to goto Mr Popo's skill shop to buy new skill for charcters and also new game modes.
PS2 | Submitted by GamesRadarGet Dusty Desert Level
Ok first pick Trunks as your character then do the Burning Attack move and your round will change (NOTE: Does not work in the World Tournament level)
PS2 | Submitted by GamesRadarGet All Characters
Complete story mode (including the extra sections after initially completing the game). The remaining characters can be unlocked by winning world match on all difficulties.
PS2 | Submitted by GamesRadarTo Get GT. Sayaman
Beat Advanced mode in tournament mode. (hint) Use Teen Gohan in normal mode (unless you can do ss:2). He may be short but he has strong leg muscles. That's how I beat it.
PS2 | Submitted by GamesRadarSaiyaman
Win a World Match Tournament at the "Advanced" level.
GameCube | Submitted by AlexandraAlternate Outfits
Highlight the name of the character you want the alternate outfit of and press square. When it goes to the fight, your character will be wearing an outfit worn once in the show.
GameCube | Submitted by DefianceTo get Teen Gohan
When selecting character, highlight kid gohan and press square, you should get a box giving you the choice of kid gohan or teen gohan.
GameCube | Submitted by AkriaX18Freize's Space Ship
To get frize's spaceship you have to go to MR. Popo's shop and keep going in and out of the edit skills shop. It is 12000 zenie but it is worth it. you get to become the machine freize but first you have to die and you get full life and energy. It is the bomb!!
GameCube | Submitted by tazHow to Get Goku's Dad Bradoc
First you change the difficulty to very hard and go trough story mode but you have to do the levels you first started out with .then after you beat them you will get bardoc. Bardoc has the best moves in the whole game.
PS2 | Submitted by GamesRadarAndroid #16
You can unlock #16 when you complete the "Aim For Perfect Form" episode.
PS2 | Submitted by GamesRadarTo Get Mecha Frieza
Ok Mecha Frieza is kind of hard to get but it's worth it! First of course u have to have Frieza (play through namek saga at any level). Second you have to have 12,000 zenie. What you do is go to Mr. Popo's skill shop and go down to the recommended capsule and check if there is a support skill called "Freiza's Spaceship" if it's not there then leave the skill shop and go back in and check again. You'll probably have to do this a lot (I did). Once you check and it is there then buy it. It can only be used by Freiza (duh). If you give your custom Freiza this skill it takes up 4 spaces on your skill sheet, but it's worth it because once Freiza reaches 0 health the spaceship will come and beam him up. He will then fly back down with full health, max Ki, and he will be Mecha Freiza. He fights as if he was freiza in his final form (he can do Death Ball) but he looks a lot cooler
PS2 | Submitted by GamesRadarYamcha
You can unlock Yamcha when you complete the "Aim For Perfect Form" episode.
PS2 | Submitted by GamesRadarTrunks
You can unlock trunks when you complete the "Perfect Form Cell Complete" episode.
PS2 | Submitted by GamesRadarCell, Android #17,and Teen Gohan
Play through "The Androids Saga" at any level.
DragonBall Z: Budokai Cheats
GameCube | Submitted by NickGet GreatSaiyman
Hold L,R at same time and press Y, X, A, X
GameCube | Submitted by Gamecube MatserAlternate Level Backgrounds
Go into Dual or practice and select your character. When you are asked to choose the level highlight either Valley Plains or Cell Games Ring. Instead of selecting with the A button press X
DragonBall Z: Budokai Hints
PS2 | Submitted by GamesRadarGreat Strategy
This is one of my best and favorite strategies to win in duel mode against the computer or your friend. Select Captain Ginyu as your character. Once you start the match, don't fight back. Wait until you only have about half of your yellow meter left, then do Captain Ginyu's body switch (right+square,square,triangle,circle). Your opponent should gain your low health and body and you should get their high health and body. Then all you have to do is finish them off with their own special move (Press Start then go to Skills Sheet).
PS2 | Submitted by GamesRadarThe easy way to turn super saiyan
First, get the super saiyan ability, then press R1 and R2 at the same time to transform. this way can be used for anyone's type of transformation.
GameCube | Submitted by Bruce and C.J.Awsome Strategy
If you want to make a lot of money in the world tournaments, first finish story mode and get the viral heart disease, then put it on your custom character's skills list with the vaccine along with it (make sure you buy the vaccine at Mr.Popo's shop). Also make the time in world tournament 30 seconds, and just keep dodging your opponents attacks by holding down guard and tapping up or down. Use the dodge technique to help stay away from the edge of the ring and dodge punches and kicks. This is a really awesome strategy trust me it works really well.
GameCube | Submitted by Martial ArtistEasy Way to Knock Your Opponent Out Of the Ring
Ok. For this hint you can use any character that you want. Go to world tournament and chose the difficulty (novice, adept, advanced). Then chose your character( you can have him wear a different outfit if you chose him and normal or custom with the Y button and then hitting the A button after you have chosen). You will be placed with an opponent. When you start the match try to get as far away from your opponent as possible and charge up your Ki so that you can transform into a stronger and faster character (Goku-Super Saiyan). Next let your opponent knock you to the edge of the ring but don't get to close or he might knock you out of the ring. As quickly as you can hit down or up B together to spin around your opponent. This maneuver should leave him wide open for an un-blockable punch (the R button). You can hold down the R button in case he follows you and tries to block so you can really hit him hard. This maneuver should work so use it repeatedly and you should win the tournament.
GameCube | Submitted by Super Saiyan Goku #4Spirit Bomb
You can do this only with goku and cell!!!!!!!! With cell you go to perfect form and have more than 3 ki.Then if you are on the left side of the screen you press P Left& P Left& P & K & O.If your on the right side of the screen you press P Right & P Right & P & K & O!!! For Goku you have to get the skill and put it under custom mode then when you pick your player pick goku and go to custom mode then when you play you need to be either king kai fist 2,5, or 10! Then if your on the left side of the screen press P Left & P & P & K & O! If your on the right side of the screen press P Left & P & P & K & O!
Tip: You can only do spirit bomb with cell if your in Perfect form.You can not do the spirit bomb with goku as a super saiyan! You can only do it with goku as king kai fist 2,5,or 10 !!
GameCube | Submitted by DebroVegeta Moves
Super Saiyan: With 4 or More KI Guauges
Galick Cannon(A) ! Ki Gauge Used
Galick Cannon (B)1 Ki Gauge
PS2 | Submitted by GamesRadarAlternate Outfits
Highlight the name of the character you want the alternate outfit of and press square. When it goes to the fight, your character will be wearing an outfit worn once in the show.
PS2 | Submitted by GamesRadarEasy way to get all DragonBalls
You can collect all 7 DragonBalls during the game, They cost 8000 Zenie at Mr. Popo's Shop. The are listed under Recomended and you can buy them over and over. Just keep going in and out of Mr. Popo's shop until it shows a black capsule by the word recommended and it will say like '1-7 star DragonBall'. That saves you from going to recommended and buying and buying till it pops up a DragonBall capsule.
PS2 | Submitted by GamesRadarMoves for Trunks
Go S.S:With three or more ki gauges, P, K, G. Buster cannon:PPPP Ki button. Finish buster:P right+p p ki button.
PS2 | Submitted by GamesRadarVegeta's Skills
Power Up = hold x press back hold back
Super Sayian = triangle R2
Galick Gun = square x4 circle
Final Flash = square x2 Triangle x2 circle
If you are going to buy some of Vegetas skills buy Super Sayian Vegeta, Super Vegeta, Final Flash, Big Bang & Galick Gun.
PS2 | Submitted by GamesRadarGoku Killer Strategy
This is probably the best strategy for Goku I have found, and its my favorite. Okay, This is what you do, go to Mr. Popo's shop and buy 2 warp kamehamehas or 1 if you already have one, then buy another kamehameha (Goku) and then you buy the green capsule labeled Geros perpetual energy machine or something with the name Geros pepetual..., note: this is a rare skill and can only be found once you have, from my point of view, all characters and you have beaten all of story mode. Once you have that, go to customize characters, select Goku, remove everything from him, then put in the 2 kamehamehas and the 2 warp kamahamehas ad finally Geros perpetual energy machine. This will enable Goku to have unlimited energy and the doubles of the kamehamehas and warp kamehamehas make them twice as strong.
PS2 | Submitted by GamesRadarBetter ''Blaze Zone'' Controls
If you've played D.B.Z.budokai1 there is something called ''Blaze Zone'' .When you fight really fast like in the show. In the begging of ''Story Mode' it tells you to press guard, punch, and kick really fast. And that's kind of hard. So instead of that move both analog sticks or just the right one to fight faster and win
PS2 | Submitted by GamesRadarEnergy Drain
If you have trouble beating opponents in any of the World Tournaments I stumbled onto some help for you. If you have already played thru the regular game with Goku and have faced Android 19 and the Virual Heart Saga this should work for you. Here how its works if you have the Virula Heart Disease Capsule and the Vaccine Capsule equipped them in the edit skills box and any other moves you have or want. Then when you select your character make sure you select custom. As the match begins you will notice the enemy you are fighting will lose energy. As you continue to fight and hit him with attacks the enemy will lose energy very rapidly. Easier kills for those hard to beat folks in the game. The only person I had to watch out for was Captain Ginyu and his body switch. This works because the computer doesn't have the vaccine equipped so it just drains the energy from the character as you fight.
PS2 | Submitted by GamesRadarPower Up
Want to know how to power up? Well I can tell you. Hold X down and press the back arrow twice ( note the second time you have to hold the back arrow as well as X )and you should see your guy's kai gauge going up ( it only goes up to 6 or 7 )you also should see a glowing ring thing around your guy.
PS2 | Submitted by GamesRadarBreakthrough Tip
When all 7 dragonballs are collected you summon shenron(as you should know already)and you get to choose between 3 characters to give breakthrough too.If you dont want any of those characters to have it,reset your PS2 and go back into it.To get all 7 dragonballs,go in and out of "edit skills" until a dragonball comes up at recommended,and you should have no problom getting all 7. Note:It does take a while for the dragonballs to show up so you have to have patience for this.
PS2 | Submitted by GamesRadarSpirit Bomb
You can do this only with goku and cell!!!!!!!! With cell you go to perfect form and have more than 3 ki.Then if you are on the left side of the screen you press P Left& P Left& P & K & O.If your on the right side of the screen you press P Right & P Right & P & K & O!!! For Goku you have to get the skill and put it under custom mode then when you pick your player pick goku and go to custom mode then when you play you need to be either king kai fist 2,5, or 10! Then if your on the left side of the screen press P Left & P & P & K & O! If your on the right side of the screen press P Left & P & P & K & O! You can only do spirit bomb with cell if your in Perfect form.You can not do the spirit bomb with goku as a super saiyan! You can only do it with goku as king kai fist 2,5,or 10 !!
PS2 | Submitted by GamesRadarBetter Breakthrough Tip
When you call Shenron and are at the point of the three choices don t wish yet. Remove the memory card and wish (it doesn t matter who because it will say that there is no memory card). When asked to retry say no. You will be taken back to call Shenron again. Repeat until the fighter of choice appears in the list then re-insert the memory card and it will be saved.
PS2 | Submitted by GamesRadarSS4 Goku
Beat tournament mode with all characters on advanced then hold select + X while selecting goku he should power up to ss4 but he is only as strong as a normal ss but it is still cool.
PS2 | Submitted by GamesRadarEasy Way To Win Tournament Mode
All you have to do is pick Captain Ginyu in tournament mode. Don't do anything and when you are in the red life bar use his body switch technique. You will have your opponents high life and ki and your opponent will have your low one. I have won all of tournament mode with this move. I got 50,000 zenie and got a red capsule which had Super Trunks 2. So do this trick always.
PS2 | Submitted by GamesRadarVegeta Moves
Super Saiyan: With 4 or More KI Guauges
Galick Cannon(A) ! Ki Gauge Used
Galick Cannon (B)1 Ki Gauge
PS2 | Submitted by GamesRadarNeat Thing About Kami's Lookout.
When ever you go to Kami's lookout go with either Goku or Gohan. Than with Goku transform into King Kai Fist x2,5,10. Use Spirit Bomb and the whole lookout will be destroyed and you will be in a huge crater. Same with Gohan except transform into ss2 then use Super Kamehameha.
GameCube | Submitted by Matt BloomerBreakthrough Tip
When all 7 dragonballs are collected you summon shenron(as you should know already)and you get to choose between 3 characters to give breakthrough too.If you dont want any of those characters to have it,reset your PS2 and go back into it.To get all 7 dragonballs,go in and out of "edit skills" until a dragonball comes up at recommended,and you should have no problom getting all 7. Note:It does take a while for the dragonballs to show up so you have to have patience for this.
GameCube | Submitted by Unknown HackerBetter Breakthrough Tip
When you call Shenron and are at the point of the three choices don t wish yet. Remove the memory card and wish (it doesn t matter who because it will say that there is no memory card). When asked to retry say no. You will be taken back to call Shenron again. Repeat until the fighter of choice appears in the list then re-insert the memory card and it will be saved.
GameCube | Submitted by AndyVegeta's Skills
Power Up = hold x press back hold back
Super Sayian = triangle R2
Galick Gun = square x4 circle
Final Flash = square x2 Triangle x2 circle
If you are going to buy some of Vegetas skills buy Super Sayian Vegeta, Super Vegeta, Final Flash, Big Bang & Galick Gun.
GameCube | Submitted by GamesRadarEasy Way To Win Tournament Mode
message: All you have to do is pick Captain Ginyu in tournament mode. Don't do anything and when you are in the red life bar use his body switch technique. You will have your opponents high life and ki and your opponent will have your low one. I have won all of tournament mode with this move. I got 50,000 zenie and got a red capsule which had Super Trunks 2. So do this trick always.
GameCube | Submitted by GokuMoves for Trunks
Go S.S:With three or more ki gauges, P, K, G.
buster cannon:PPPP Ki buton
finish buster:P right+p p ki button
GameCube | Submitted by Supa Saiyan GokuGreat Strategy
This is one of my best and favorite strategies to win in duel mode against the computer or your friend. Select Captain Ginyu as your character. Once you start the match, don't fight back. Wait until you only have about half of your yellow meter left, then do Captain Ginyu's body switch (right+square,square,triangle,circle). Your opponent should gain your low health and body and you should get their high health and body. Then all you have to do is finish them off with their own special move (Press Start then go to Skills Sheet).
GameCube | Submitted by GamesRadarThe easy way to turn super saiyan
First, get the super saiyan ability, then press R1 and R2 at the same time to transform. this way can be used for anyone's type of transformation.
GameCube | Submitted by Da' DarksideTransformation Trick
If your at a transformation (Gokus King Kai Fist times 10) and you get knocked down and you are below the ki level you transform back to normal but if your a character with multiple transformations (Cell, Frieza, Goku)
you go back to the previous one, take Cell perfect Form and you get knocked down below the Ki level you'll be at 2nd stage. this works on all characters with multiple transformations
PS2 | Submitted by GamesRadarKey Blast
Charge up for keyblast/kick for Hercule this. Press these x(hold) right(2)Left(Hold)Let go of x. This is for key blast for everyone. When you play any character use except Hercule. Hercule kicks he dose not do key blast. And to do key blast/kick Press circle.
PS2 | Submitted by GamesRadarCheat about The tower
When you are up on the tower with some powerful use their special attack. Like super Kameha or spirit bomb or something like that. When you use it he tower will be blasted out the sky. You will also be standing in a huge crater in the ground.
PS2 | Submitted by GamesRadarUltimate Tactic
This is the way to be unbeatable in dbz go to edit skills and go to goku put on potential (boosts power level) kamehameha 2 king kai fist 2,5 and 1 third senzu bean plus super dragon fist you r now unbeatable my friend so play on
PS2 | Submitted by GamesRadarShenron Confusion
When you go to get a wish from shenron. Right when you make the wish as soon as it says save compleat (asactly on time) then you hit the reset button then you will have your wish and the dragon balls will still be there!!!
PS2 | Submitted by GamesRadarStronger Attacks
If you want stronger attacks buy two of the same capsules if you buy meteor break trunks} super dragon fist {goku} two times put them together it will do the normal move plus a special series of attacks try it kill them in style.
PS2 | Submitted by GamesRadarFoggy Valley Plains
When choosing what place you want to fight at, choose Valley Plains, but instead of pressing X to choose it, press square. Then you will fight at a foggy Valley Plains.
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